Florida to teach the positive aspects of slavery in Black history

It literally does just that, Clown.
You are spectacularly in the weeds.

You are so lost it's scary.

Didn't you used to moderate here?

That's even scarier. :eek:

Anyhoo, yeah - the curriculum isn't saying Blacks benefitted from slavery.

That's just the voices in your head. :)
So you disagree with my statement?

Newly approved academic standards from Florida’s Board of Education will require middle schools to teach that enslaved people "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" — a line that has ignited significant controversy among teachers' groups.

The standards, which were approved Wednesday, come in response to the state's 2022 "Stop WOKE Act," which stated that race must be taught in "an objective manner" that does not "indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view." The measure pushed far-right lawmakers' rhetoric that teaching Black history makes White people feel ashamed, instructing that no student should be made to feel "guilt" or "responsibility" for actions previously committed by members of the same race.

In a state where the citizens describe mask mandates as "slavery" they take a very charitable view of actual slavery. It seems that chains and whips and rapings were misunderstood. They were actually programmes that helped black people become more useful slaves.

Its a novel approach to history but I suspect that the usual suspects will sieze on this and interpret it as Gov DeSantis being some sort of fascist.

People can be unkind in that regard.

Actually it's not untrue that a lot of black slaves ended up learning things they otherwise did not know and once they were freed they were better off for it.

Let's be honest. Before they came here they were sitting in a bit with dirty balls, captured, and enslaved by others blacks and sold into slavery because that is all they were worth. If they had any intelligence or were valuable in some way they wouldn't had been slaves.

It's also not untrue that the descendants of slaves have a better life here than they would if they were born in Africa. They should be thanking their slave ancestors because now they have air conditioning, chance to go to college, have jobs with health insurance and so on.

But of course blacks learning to better themselves hasn't always turned out the best. Like all the ones who became slave owners themselves because let's face, the majority of blacks are savages.


The 4 posts above are of a kind, i.e., whitewash.
That slaves after the Civil War could take their learned skilled and market them freely, openly, and competitively to the dominant white society is fantasy.
Perhaps a tiny number could. I have no data to rely upon on how tiny.
However, those fortunate few who could go to the white market and sell their seamstress or saddlery skills were a mere drop in the bucket.
A drop in the bucket to the millions prior to them who lived and died in slavery....with no opportunity to up and leave and go to a better paying job or a better boss or more career opportunity. Without a free market there is no such thing as 'marketable skills'.

But those tiny few ain't the story. It is the millions before the Civil War who lived and died enslaved.

The first black slaves arrived at Jamestown in 1619. 12 generations later the last generation was freed in 1865. And from that final generation some now want to celebrate a tiny few and say ' See, slavery wasn't so bad. Look Tom can make a saddle and be paid for it. Sally can make a dress for cash money.'

But let's not talk about the generations of Toms and Sallys who lived and died slaves with similar skills but no free market for selling them....for at least 11 generations.
No 'marketable skills'....because there was no market. Duh!

The whitewashers are gaslighting. IMHO

TT said it more succinctly than my poor avatar.


I've never heard, or read, or seen a black person who said such a thing. But, admittedly. I am just a single rural farmer so don't see much of a wider world anymore; however, I am curious on how anyone, say the poster Mirrorthief for example, or even a group of Democrats would know how a black man or woman voted.

I kinda think that is why voting is private and confidential.

I also think that most people already know that.
I think that same thing about most of what you allege are impacts of slavery.
For some weird reason, Democrats like the View got angry that blacks can actually learn skills in slavery that provide them an income when freed.

WOW, how damned strange.

The schools of Florida are not teaching to students how wonderful slavery is. In fact it devotes most of the time to the problems of slavery and of course problems for blacks.
Democrats persist in tearing down statues showing the struggle the South had living with the North but putting up new statutes to some black who was killed. Emmett Till for instance.

Newly approved academic standards from Florida’s Board of Education will require middle schools to teach that enslaved people "developed skills which, in some instances, could be applied for their personal benefit" — a line that has ignited significant controversy among teachers' groups.

The standards, which were approved Wednesday, come in response to the state's 2022 "Stop WOKE Act," which stated that race must be taught in "an objective manner" that does not "indoctrinate or persuade students to a particular point of view." The measure pushed far-right lawmakers' rhetoric that teaching Black history makes White people feel ashamed, instructing that no student should be made to feel "guilt" or "responsibility" for actions previously committed by members of the same race.

In a state where the citizens describe mask mandates as "slavery" they take a very charitable view of actual slavery. It seems that chains and whips and rapings were misunderstood. They were actually programmes that helped black people become more useful slaves.

Its a novel approach to history but I suspect that the usual suspects will sieze on this and interpret it as Gov DeSantis being some sort of fascist.

People can be unkind in that regard.

This has already been debunked. Not that we don't all know you're still dumb enough to fall for it the next time it gets posted.

Yeah ? Where did you hear that ? On CNN/MSNBC ? l've seen documentaries about the "Dark Continent" of the 18th & 19th century, and they describe the African populations as hunters & gatherers, similar to the people shown in Tarzan movies, and those in the 1965 movie, The Naked Prey"
Even right now, black children wallow in the mud in Africa hunting for rare minerals to satisfy the urging of the Biden administration, cars are powered by electricity.
Skills they didn’t need had the white man forced them into slavery

Get the fuck outta here with that bullshit
Abraham Lincoln had a brilliant plan that had he lived, could have solved the entire mess. His plan was to purchase slaves using US Bonds and exporting them to Africa, to Central America and some islands. We would not have these problems now had this plan been implemented.
So you believe the blacks were too god damned stupid to learn worthwhile skills?

Blacks in Africa are who captured blacks and marketed them to slave ships. Slaves had to be paid for by the ships masters and one more item. Slaves primarily destination was not America, but the islands in the Caribbean. Blacks also owned slaves in the US due to the need for the skills learned by blacks brought here.
Abraham Lincoln had a brilliant plan that had he lived, could have solved the entire mess. His plan was to purchase slaves using US Bonds and exporting them to Africa, to Central America and some islands. We would not have these problems now had this plan been implemented.
So you believe the blacks were too god damned stupid to learn worthwhile skills?

Blacks in Africa are who captured blacks and marketed them to slave ships. Slaves had to be paid for by the ships masters and one more item. Slaves primarily destination was not America, but the islands in the Caribbean. Blacks also owned slaves in the US due to the need for the skills learned by blacks brought here.
Was that before or after he had 38 natives hung?

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