Florist Sued for Refusing Service to Gay Couple Pens Defiant Letter Rejecting Gov’t Settlement Offer

The bigots want STRAIGHTS ONLY bakeries and florists and lunch counters.

They will need a sign like this one:


What is wrong with that?

Don't you believe in freedom?

Why right does the filthy ass government have to tell me who I must to do business with? Why does the filthy ass government tell me who I have to serve or sell my house to or employ or not fire?

If I don't want to have anything to do with queers or Negroes or whoever that is my business and the government needs to stay out of it.

Thank you. I was just trying to make the point that this STRAIGHTS ONLY florist and bakery business is the same bullshit, different decade.

Thank you for having the honesty to confirm it. The topic starter denies it.
She sounds like an old crank.

I'd be cranky also if the homos and state attacked my business
No one has attacked her business.

Ugh...yeah right. The homos couldn't find a homo florist? Yeaaahh right
She should also put a big sign outside stating that she doesn't serve gays.
The big sign will be this one apparently...

Can't say that I mind.
So, your religious convictions don't help you in the workplace. Does that mean we can sue if a Muslim refuses to put bacon on our sandwich? Or can a company fire a Muslim who refuses to handle pork? Can people sue if Muslim cab drivers refuse rides to those with seeing eye dogs, drunks or Jews?
Good luck in getting a halal restaurant to cater a bar mitzvah.
If local law says the must, they cannot turn the client down because they are Jewish.
Where in her religion is it written that she cannot arrange flowers for a wedding?
Where does it say she can't do it for a pornographers convention? Use your fucking brain.
Pornographers aren't covered as a group that can't be discriminated against in that state.
You missed the point. Really badly too. You asked where it was in the Bible, RETARD.
No, you missed the point. You said she couldn't be forced to do something against her religion. There is nothing in the bible that prohibits her from arranging flowers for a gay wedding. Not to mention that she volunteered to follow local laws when she decided to be a florist.

Though thanks for this little back and forth. It is against her religion to lie, and that is exactly what she's done by agreeing to abide by local laws and then playing the religion card.

That's stupid. She was supposed to close shop the second she heard gay marriage passed? Laws are challenged all the time, sometimes successfully. And she would have won, should have won. Like I said, use your brain, the Bible doesn't say not to set up a pornographer convention, it would bother most Christians, especially conservatives.

I don't agree with ANY forced association laws but the irony is the same assholes that challenged the laws to force homosexual marriage on us are the same assholes that are saying it's the law, deal with it. No finer example of hypocrisy exists.

LOL- see from my point of view- the assholes are the ones who object to laws only when it protects homosexuals from discrimination.

You want to end public accomodation laws- go for it. You want to tell the State of Washington to change its PA law to exclude homosexuals, but still protect Christians go for that too.
This is the exact same debate our country had 60 years ago about WHITE ONLY lunch counters.
what special privilege would that be - the ability to buy flowers?

what civil rights have been violated?

Legitimate business involves a willing seller and a willing buyer. You introduce coercion into the equation on behalf of a favored voting block.

The woman in question views the behavior of homosexuality as a sin. Whether you agree with her or not is not relevant. Whether homosexuals are a reliable voting block for the party or not is irrelevant. Under the 1st Amendment of the old republic, the fact that contributing to the promotion of homosexuality violates her religion meant that the government could not force her to violate her religion.

Look, civil rights are a thing of the past, we live under the rule of the party and privilege doled out to those favored by the party. This woman will do as the party tells her to do or pay the consequence.

The homosexuals targeted her business to harass her - to rub her nose in the contempt they have for her faith and the fact that she has no civil rights.
Beliefs without actions are meaningless. The problem is that Christians have not formed activist groups and put pressure on the religion bigots.

Some, but not all actions are protected. Especially the ones that discriminate against, well, in the State of Washington, sexual orientation.
So, a guy paints a picture, puts it up for sale, and then a fag tries to buy it and the guy says no, I don't sell to fags? Yeah, ain't gonna happen. In business the only criteria that matters is whether the check clears.

A guy take a picture of a young boy at the swimming pool and puts the picture up for sale. A good democrat in a NAMBLA shirt comes in and wants to buy it. The guy says "No, I won't allow this to be used for sexual exploitation." Does the party have the right to force him to serve the interests of child molesters? NAMBLA is a loyal voting block for the party.
Pedophiles aren't protected by anti-discrimination laws.

What a sick mind you have to even come up with that scenario. Think about it a lot, eh?
I can see liberals sputtering when a Christian goes into a Muslim restaurant and wants a pancake made in the shape of a cross. Or do Muslim restaurants not serve pancakes at all?
The homophobes would like their government to force homos to stay out of STRAIGHTS ONLY places of business.

You know. Like the good old days.

She has freedom of religion.
Apparently not.
No one is stopping her from practicing her religion. She just doesnt get to extend that practice to discriminating against the public sector while doing business.
It's a privately owned business, not a public sector business. People discriminate all the time, often it's the right thing to do. I turned down work for Planned Parenthood on principle. She might not want to serve pornographers either, all members of the "public sector".
If they sell to the public it doesnt matter. They will obey the laws or be penalized.
Duh. So sodomy laws were OK. Got it.

Actually- you accidentally made a good point.

All of us have recourse to the courts to sue to try to overturn laws that we feel are unconstitutional.

That is what gay couples have done to attempt to overturn laws that they felt are unconstitutional.
That is what the men arrested for sodomy did when they fought to overturn sodomy laws as being unconstitutional.

And this woman could sue on the same basis- and I support her right to sue- even if I disagree with her position.

The State of Washington put this law in place. If she believes it is unconstitutional, she can sue to fight it.
what special privilege would that be - the ability to buy flowers?

what civil rights have been violated?

Legitimate business involves a willing seller and a willing buyer. You introduce coercion into the equation on behalf of a favored voting block.

The woman in question views the behavior of homosexuality as a sin. Whether you agree with her or not is not relevant. Whether homosexuals are a reliable voting block for the party or not is irrelevant. Under the 1st Amendment of the old republic, the fact that contributing to the promotion of homosexuality violates her religion meant that the government could not force her to violate her religion.

Look, civil rights are a thing of the past, we live under the rule of the party and privilege doled out to those favored by the party. This woman will do as the party tells her to do or pay the consequence.

The homosexuals targeted her business to harass her - to rub her nose in the contempt they have for her faith and the fact that she has no civil rights.
She considers their behavior a sin but has been selling to them for several years.
I can see liberals sputtering when a Christian goes into a Muslim restaurant and wants a pancake made in the shape of a cross. Or do Muslim restaurants not serve pancakes at all?
Unless they serve pancakes in the shape of a cross but not for Christians there is no issue here. It's simple kiddos, serve one serve all.
She sounds like an old crank.

I'd be cranky also if the homos and state attacked my business
No one has attacked her business.

Ugh...yeah right. The homos couldn't find a homo florist? Yeaaahh right
Once again, this was a case of a couple who spent money for years at a business only for the business to suddenly pull the religion card on them.

The business owner is a bigot and she is welcome to be a bigot but that doesn't excuse her from following local business laws. If anyone was attacked, it was the gay couple.
Wrong. The state is ignoring her Constitutional right to follow her religion. You're the bigot.
Oh, so they kept her from praying? from tithing? from going to church? Which part of her religion did they keep her from following?
Beliefs without actions are meaningless. The problem is that Christians have not formed activist groups and put pressure on the religion bigots.
Some, but not all actions are protected. Especially the ones that discriminate against, well, in the State of Washington, sexual orientation.
Wow really? So there is no issue at all. You guys are sharp.

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