Food for thought: fascism

Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.
Why should anyone consider communist propaganda?

referring to is as "communist propaganda" is fascist right wing propaganda.

according to deranged right wing lunatics anyone who isn't hitler is a liberal progressive communist.
Hitler must have been a liberal progressive. He had syphilis. Viva Trump. Keeping things real.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.
Progs had a chance to remove incentives towards fascism. Obama let the violence go without one police jurisdiction removing anything from the criminal code. You want freedom. It may also mean less resources for the programs.
Wrong. Religious Jews vote overwhelmingly red. I am not religious, I am 100% Jewish and I am an Independent. No party has my allegiance. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I would never vote for Sanders, Biden or Warren. Want me to vote Blue? Run a reasonable candidate and reasonable by my subjective standards. Keep it civil. Last warning.

"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?

Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale like a little baby.

I've taken it as a threat. Being retired LE I'm familiar with criminal threats, and what you posted does not meet the elements necessary for prosecution, but as for decorum and being civil, you've crossed the line. If you want to continue to be an asshole, be my guest. And BTW, I've been threatened by punks before, they too used fighting words when safely incarcerated in a cage, or in your case hiding behind a keyboard.
you mean kicked off LE

Idiot-gram, variety Classic
the only thing idiotic is the OP
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Fascism is Left Wing government uber alles. For example, spying on a Presidential campaign is FASCISM. Spying on reporters is FASCISM.

The last Administration was FASCIST

LOL Does this mean that Frank believes Trump is a fascist for seeking the Russian Government to spy on HRC's e-mails?
[Frank, do ever think or read your posts before posting?]
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Fascist use race as a political weapon, Democrats also use race as a political weapon.

Fascist banned guns, the Democrats also want to ban guns.

Fascist euthanized people, Democrats also want to euthanize people

Fascist are brainwashed fanatical cretins; Democrats are also brainwashed fanatical cretins.

Fascist allied with the Jihadist; the Democrats have also allied with the Jihadist.

Fascist want a totalitarian authoritarian government, so do the Democrats.
Does this mean that Frank believes Trump is a fascist for seeking the Russian Government to spy on HRC's e-mails?

That's just rhetoric. Trump never seriously pursued such a thing.

But since you bring it up, you obviously had NO PROBLEM with the fact that Hillary deleted 33,000 emails that were UNDER SUBPOENA. You being ''ex-law enforcement'' should have been outraged over her actions and even more outraged that she wasn't charged with obstruction. You obviously had NO PROBLEM with any of that.
Socialists and fascists feed out of the same stinking trough. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were allies.

Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.
Does this mean that Frank believes Trump is a fascist for seeking the Russian Government to spy on HRC's e-mails?

That's just rhetoric. Trump never seriously pursued such a thing.

But since you bring it up, you obviously had NO PROBLEM with the fact that Hillary deleted 33,000 emails that were UNDER SUBPOENA. You being ''ex-law enforcement'' should have been outraged over her actions and even more outraged that she wasn't charged with obstruction. You obviously had NO PROBLEM with any of that.

No harm, no foul in the case of HRC's e-mails. But I digress, and need to point out your hypocrisy. Trump directing his staff and former staff to not respond to subpoenas is clearly obstruction of justice.
No harm, no foul in the case of HRC's e-mails.

Well, we'll never know because she destroyed them. She obviously didn't want the public to know what was in them, and you supported her corruption as evidenced by your vote for her. Had Trump done that Mueller would have charged him, and I would have agreed with Mueller. You don't have a problem with corruption; you have a problem with REPUBLICAN corruption.
No harm, no foul in the case of HRC's e-mails.

Well, we'll never know because she destroyed them. She obviously didn't want the public to know what was in them, and you supported her corruption as evidenced by your vote for her. Had Trump done that Mueller would have charged him, and I would have agreed with Mueller. You don't have a problem with corruption; you have a problem with REPUBLICAN corruption.

The GOP's opening over Hillary Clinton's email

The Republicans spent years investigating Hillary Clinton - so why not Michael Flynn?

‘Too inconvenient’: Trump goes rogue on phone security

I have a problem with the Republicans, they are absolute hypocrites and have made no credible efforts in defending our democracy. Moscow Mitch is a classic example of a morally corrupt Republican.
Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.

They entered into a ''non-aggression'' pact where they divided Poland between them. They very well could have been ''allies'' had Hitler not attacked.
Socialists and fascists feed out of the same stinking trough. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were allies.

Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.

I love when liberals pretend to not understand the concept of linear time.

IMO, it is the most extreme manifestation of liberalism as a mental disorder.


(joint conquest of Poland, 1939
Wrong. Religious Jews vote overwhelmingly red. I am not religious, I am 100% Jewish and I am an Independent. No party has my allegiance. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I would never vote for Sanders, Biden or Warren. Want me to vote Blue? Run a reasonable candidate and reasonable by my subjective standards. Keep it civil. Last warning.

"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?

Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale like a little baby.

I've taken it as a threat. Being retired LE I'm familiar with criminal threats, and what you posted does not meet the elements necessary for prosecution, but as for decorum and being civil, you've crossed the line. If you want to continue to be an asshole, be my guest. And BTW, I've been threatened by punks before, they too used fighting words when safely incarcerated in a cage, or in your case hiding behind a keyboard.
you mean kicked off LE

Idiot-gram, variety Classic

So you may insult people and when someone gives you a warning that you will get it back if you don’t cut the shit you tattle? WTF kind of man are you?
"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?

Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale like a little baby.

I've taken it as a threat. Being retired LE I'm familiar with criminal threats, and what you posted does not meet the elements necessary for prosecution, but as for decorum and being civil, you've crossed the line. If you want to continue to be an asshole, be my guest. And BTW, I've been threatened by punks before, they too used fighting words when safely incarcerated in a cage, or in your case hiding behind a keyboard.
you mean kicked off LE

Idiot-gram, variety Classic

So you may insult people and when someone gives you a warning that you will get it back if you don’t cut the shit you tattle? WTF kind of man are you?

Liberal "man".
I have a problem with the Republicans...

That is evident. What you don't have a problem with is corruption by anyone with a ''D" by their name.

That's not true.
Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.

They entered into a ''non-aggression'' pact where they divided Poland between them. They very well could have been ''allies'' had Hitler not attacked.

Really, gee thanks for sharing that historical record. I suggest you look up the four nation conference at Munich (Sept. 1938) where Hitler excluded the Soviet Union, and the consquences of that meeting which included the collapse of the Little Entente.
"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?

Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale like a little baby.

I've taken it as a threat. Being retired LE I'm familiar with criminal threats, and what you posted does not meet the elements necessary for prosecution, but as for decorum and being civil, you've crossed the line. If you want to continue to be an asshole, be my guest. And BTW, I've been threatened by punks before, they too used fighting words when safely incarcerated in a cage, or in your case hiding behind a keyboard.
you mean kicked off LE

Idiot-gram, variety Classic

So you may insult people and when someone gives you a warning that you will get it back if you don’t cut the shit you tattle? WTF kind of man are you?

I don't make threats. Punks do.
Really, gee thanks for sharing that historical record.

You're outright denial that the Germans and Soviets weren't ''allies'' wasn't entirely accurate. While I would agree with you that they weren't ''allies'', they were clearly partners in aggression against Poland, among others.

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