Food for thought: fascism

You've been taught to view history in a binary manner, that is what they told you was good and what they told wasn't.
Fascism, Socialism, totalitarianism are all just tools. Tools can be used for a variety of jobs. You'll fight to your last breath to say Hitler wasn't, nor did he use Socialism when that's EXCATLY what he did, why? Because the German people were ripe for a sweeping change, the treaty of Versailles basically raped Germany and they were tired of doing without. Hitler grabbed the right tool bend the people to accept what he wanted them to accept.

This ^^^ is not a rebuttal nor is it on topic. Hitler's policy put millions of people in graves, there is nothing progressive about that.

My history minor was primarily not taught, per se, since the syllabus reading list was mostly primary sources, letters, speeches, photographs, news papers and magazines, discussed in small groups by the students, moderated by TA's.

In your vast library, the books of substance will include source notes, i.e. primary sources from the past. They tell the real story of their place and time in the past - good, bad and sometimes mundane.

The bodies in photographs of Nazi death camps are not tools, they are depictions of reality, life and death under a totalitarian machine.

You can't deflect with me Wry, you can try but I'll hold your feet to the fire. The FACT is Hitler used "Socialism" as a tool and "fascism" is used the same way. You don't think it's odd that you have to talk about your education in nearly every post?

You don't know what Socialism is, maybe you believe you do, but socialism in Nazi Germany would have been used to manipulate the masses, yes a tool; however, a Jew, a Gypsy, a Homosexual would get a different form of treatment from a Nazi. And, Socialism is derived from Marx and Engles, and is one stage in the dialectic.

Only an absolute fool would believe Hitler's goal was to hand over the power of production to the proletariat.

I already warned you, your obfuscation won't work with me. All I said is that Socialism was a tool he used to bend the German people to his will, that's it, that's all I said. Everything else is you trying look smart. Fascism is a tool also that can be used by anyone. They are TOOLS that are not relegated to any one side of a given political system. I won't let you project your silliness to me, understand?

I get one sure thing from you, you're a jerk. (f)ascism has these characteristics:

The 14 Characteristics of Fascism, by Lawrence Britt, Spring 2003

Pooh was being far more respectful to you than i ever would be. He asked you a question and you can't refute the question with your own thoughts, instead you have to dredge up generalizations to try and bury his very cogent question. You must have gotten your degree from a cereal box, 'cause your critical thinking skills are lacking.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

What a great way to troll, you are getting good at it.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.
Fascism for me but not thee?


Your partisan slip is showing.


Notice how he avoids responding to my request like the plague? He's a piss poor example of a thoughtful person.
Ahhh yes, the realm of zinn and chomsky. Got anything that isn't filtered through their warped view of history?

In chomsky land the Cambodian mass murders under pol pot were a good thing.

Sure you want to hook your wagon to a supporter of mass murder like him?

You really are a bird brain.

Chomsky, born 1928; Zinn Bornb 1922; have nothing to do with the Progressive era which any educated person must know.

I don't support pol pot or any mass murderer of any ethnic group.

Maybe you ought to find someone as ignorant as you, you're way out of your league in any discussion with me.
The only retard is you. The progressive era has never ended. Progressive ideology never goes away, it merely changes its name.

Funny you mention ignorance. I will happily discuss ANY subject with you. If you feel you are up to it that is.

Just beware, my personal library is extensive, and I have actually read them all.

Your call.

Provide the evidence to sustain your claim that progressives are fascists. I'll prepare a rebuttal once I stop laughing.

You've been taught to view history in a binary manner, that is what they told you was good and what they told wasn't.
Fascism, Socialism, totalitarianism are all just tools. Tools can be used for a variety of jobs. You'll fight to your last breath to say Hitler wasn't, nor did he use Socialism when that's EXCATLY what he did, why? Because the German people were ripe for a sweeping change, the treaty of Versailles basically raped Germany and they were tired of doing without. Hitler grabbed the right tool bend the people to accept what he wanted them to accept.

This ^^^ is not a rebuttal nor is it on topic. Hitler's policy put millions of people in graves, there is nothing progressive about that.

My history minor was primarily not taught, per se, since the syllabus reading list was mostly primary sources, letters, speeches, photographs, news papers and magazines, discussed in small groups by the students, moderated by TA's.

In your vast library, the books of substance will include source notes, i.e. primary sources from the past. They tell the real story of their place and time in the past - good, bad and sometimes mundane.

The bodies in photographs of Nazi death camps are not tools, they are depictions of reality, life and death under a totalitarian machine.

Wasn’t eugenics a progressive cause? Many progressives in the United States were pro-eugenics until progressives saw that it was becoming unpopular because of Hitler. Woodrow Wilson was very pro-eugenics and his racism was well documented.
Ok the author of the article is not a fraud in my understanding. Since he never claimed to be a Dr of political science I lay the blame on the publishers. They probably portrayed him as such in order to legitimize the article.

I find that he is a man who had a deep interest in the subject and has studied it extensively. His findings may be legit based upon his study. That being said, I'm going to read the article with a skeptical eye as we all should. Especially when people are using it to try and point to Trump pushing a facist agenda.

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