Food for thought: fascism

Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Fascism is Left Wing government uber alles. For example, spying on a Presidential campaign is FASCISM. Spying on reporters is FASCISM.

The last Administration was FASCIST

LOL Does this mean that Frank believes Trump is a fascist for seeking the Russian Government to spy on HRC's e-mails?
[Frank, do ever think or read your posts before posting?]
Obama just spied on his own, he never had to ask a Third Party; this makes Obama a real Fascist
Really, gee thanks for sharing that historical record.

You're outright denial that the Germans and Soviets weren't ''allies'' wasn't entirely accurate. While I would agree with you that they weren't ''allies'', they were clearly partners in aggression against Poland, among others.

Once again, "I suggest you look up the four nation conference at Munich (Sept. 1938) where Hitler excluded the Soviet Union, and the consquences of that meeting which included the collapse of the Little Entente".

There was no love lost between Germany and Soviet Russia, you must know the Central Powers v. the Allies (WW I), If not look it up.
Once again, "I suggest you look up the four nation conference at Munich (Sept. 1938) where Hitler excluded the Soviet Union, and the consquences of that meeting which included the collapse of the Little Entente".

There was no love lost between Germany and Soviet Russia, you must know the Central Powers v. the Allies (WW I), If not look it up.

What's relevant is that Hitler and Stalin agreed to a ''non-aggression'' pact and a part of the pact included the division of Poland and elsewhere. That made them ''partners'' in that endeavor. Are you denying that this occurred?
Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale like a little baby.

I've taken it as a threat. Being retired LE I'm familiar with criminal threats, and what you posted does not meet the elements necessary for prosecution, but as for decorum and being civil, you've crossed the line. If you want to continue to be an asshole, be my guest. And BTW, I've been threatened by punks before, they too used fighting words when safely incarcerated in a cage, or in your case hiding behind a keyboard.
you mean kicked off LE

Idiot-gram, variety Classic

So you may insult people and when someone gives you a warning that you will get it back if you don’t cut the shit you tattle? WTF kind of man are you?

I don't make threats. Punks do.

You just insult people and tattle tale when you get it back. Again. What sort off man are you? I am embarrassed for you.
Once again, "I suggest you look up the four nation conference at Munich (Sept. 1938) where Hitler excluded the Soviet Union, and the consquences of that meeting which included the collapse of the Little Entente".

There was no love lost between Germany and Soviet Russia, you must know the Central Powers v. the Allies (WW I), If not look it up.

What's relevant is that Hitler and Stalin agreed to a ''non-aggression'' pact and a part of the pact included the division of Poland and elsewhere. That made them ''partners'' in that endeavor. Are you denying that this occurred?

Of course not. It did not make them allies. In World War I Russia fought with the Allies, and Germany fought against the allies. Hitler's hate for the allies, especially Russia.

Mein Kampf | Quotes, Summary, & Analysis

"The first volume, entitled Die Abrechnung (“The Settlement [of Accounts],” or “Revenge”), was written in 1924 in the Bavarian fortress of Landsberg am Lech, where Hitler was imprisoned after the abortive Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. It treats the world of Hitler’s youth, the First World War, and the “betrayal” of Germany’s collapse in 1918; it also expresses Hitler’s racist ideology, identifying the Aryan as the “genius” race and the Jew as the “parasite,” and declares the need for Germans to seek living space (Lebensraum) in the East at the expense of the Slavsand the hated Marxists of Russia. It also calls for revenge against France.
For those who still believe PoliticalChic and others who claim fascism and Communism are one and the same, I hope the reader realizes how untrue this meme is.
Once again, "I suggest you look up the four nation conference at Munich (Sept. 1938) where Hitler excluded the Soviet Union, and the consquences of that meeting which included the collapse of the Little Entente".

There was no love lost between Germany and Soviet Russia, you must know the Central Powers v. the Allies (WW I), If not look it up.

What's relevant is that Hitler and Stalin agreed to a ''non-aggression'' pact and a part of the pact included the division of Poland and elsewhere. That made them ''partners'' in that endeavor. Are you denying that this occurred?

Of course not. It did not make them allies. In World War I Russia fought with the Allies, and Germany fought against the allies. Hitler's hate for the allies, especially Russia.

Mein Kampf | Quotes, Summary, & Analysis

"The first volume, entitled Die Abrechnung (“The Settlement [of Accounts],” or “Revenge”), was written in 1924 in the Bavarian fortress of Landsberg am Lech, where Hitler was imprisoned after the abortive Beer Hall Putsch of 1923. It treats the world of Hitler’s youth, the First World War, and the “betrayal” of Germany’s collapse in 1918; it also expresses Hitler’s racist ideology, identifying the Aryan as the “genius” race and the Jew as the “parasite,” and declares the need for Germans to seek living space (Lebensraum) in the East at the expense of the Slavsand the hated Marxists of Russia. It also calls for revenge against France.

Yea, Hitler had a lot of ''chips'' (so to speak) on his shoulder.
For those who still believe PoliticalChic and others who claim fascism and Communism are one and the same, I hope the reader realizes how untrue this meme is.

They're not the same, but they have many similarities. Both reject free-market capitalism. Both espouse government control of everything under the sun. Both espouse unlimited government. But they do differ in that, under communism, there is no private ownership of businesses. Under fascism, ownership is permitted but the government can and does dictate to business what they can do, how they can do it, etc. Take China, for instance. They gave up communism long ago. I think it's fair to describe them as being fascist.
Socialists and fascists feed out of the same stinking trough. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were allies.

Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.
Second World War | Russia and Germany Divides Poland
Really, gee thanks for sharing that historical record.

You're outright denial that the Germans and Soviets weren't ''allies'' wasn't entirely accurate. While I would agree with you that they weren't ''allies'', they were clearly partners in aggression against Poland, among others.

Once again, "I suggest you look up the four nation conference at Munich (Sept. 1938) where Hitler excluded the Soviet Union, and the consquences of that meeting which included the collapse of the Little Entente".

There was no love lost between Germany and Soviet Russia, you must know the Central Powers v. the Allies (WW I), If not look it up.
Germany and Russia were allies who carved up Poland between them. That fact is indisputable.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

the board bots claim anti fascists are terrorists -

so that implys they are pro fascists - dictator lovers, anti democracy lovers

pretty much fits the cult huh ?
You're assuming the name antifa is accurate. It isn't. For them to call themselves antifa is like a draft dodger claiming to be a war hero. Viva Trump, the man with the plan.
Socialists and fascists feed out of the same stinking trough. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were allies.

Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.
Second World War | Russia and Germany Divides Poland

Not shit Sherlock. .
Socialists and fascists feed out of the same stinking trough. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were allies.

Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.
Second World War | Russia and Germany Divides Poland

Not shit Sherlock. .

Kind of makes your "not allies" claim look stupid. Especially the way you were insulting about it.
Socialists and fascists feed out of the same stinking trough. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were allies.

Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.
Second World War | Russia and Germany Divides Poland

Not shit Sherlock. .

Kind of makes your "not allies" claim look stupid. Especially the way you were insulting about it.

Gee, my insult is not half the shit I take from the jerks on your side of the aisle. I don't like bullies, the cowards who take shots hiding being their keyboard. They get what they give, in spades.
Socialists and fascists feed out of the same stinking trough. Hitler, Mussolini and Stalin were allies.

Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.
Second World War | Russia and Germany Divides Poland

Not shit Sherlock. .

Kind of makes your "not allies" claim look stupid. Especially the way you were insulting about it.

Gee, my insult is not half the shit I take from the jerks on your side of the aisle. I don't like bullies, the cowards who take shots hiding being their keyboard. They get what they give, in spades.

Meanwhile, you are anonymously taking shots from behind your keyboard.
Wry Catcher is a hyper-partisan idiot. I suppose that was redundant, wasn't it?

To understand the most salient aspect of Fascism, people need to understand the imagery the Fascist symbol evokes. It is derived from a fasces, which is an implement consisting of a bundle of sticks bound together tightly and from which extrudes a cutting blade. To anybody too dull to figure it out, the bundle of sticks represents a people absolutely alike in their beliefs and the blade represents the power such commitment to belief can wield. It is anti-intellectual, as it demands people do not question, but simply march in lock step

Ideological purity runs at the very heart of fascism. Ideological purity DEFINES fascism. What kind of utter idiot (besides Wry Catcher) could possibly think Trump is all about ideological purity? He is almost the very antithesis, as he is a seat of the pants, gut instinct kind of fellow, not an ideologue.

In looking around this country, who are the people who DO demand purity of shared belief, who DO demand absolute conformity and who DO demand that people not think for themselves? I sure know where I would point my finger.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.
Socialism is fascism

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management.

Fascism is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.
Socialism is fascism

Socialism is a range of economic and social systems characterised by social ownership of the means of production and workers' self-management.

Fascism is a form of radical right-wing, authoritarian ultranationalism characterized by dictatorial power, forcible suppression of opposition, and strong regimentation of society and of the economy.

The forum idiot chimes in.
Wow, this is the stupidest post in history. Did you ever pass a history course, watch WW II documentaries or have you spent your entire life with your head up your ass?

The Battle of Stalingrad (23 August 1942 – 2 February 1943)[18][19][20][21] was the largest confrontation of World War II, in which Germany and its allies fought the Soviet Union for control of the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) in Southern Russia.

Marked by fierce close quarters combat and direct assaults on civilians in air raids, it was the largest (nearly 2.2 million personnel) and bloodiest (1.8–2 million killed, wounded or captured) battle in the history of warfare.[22] After their defeat at Stalingrad, the German High Command had to withdraw vast military forces from the Western Front to replace their losses.[1]

Battle of Stalingrad - Wikipedia

Your claim Hitler and Stalin were allies is absurd.
Second World War | Russia and Germany Divides Poland

Not shit Sherlock. .

Kind of makes your "not allies" claim look stupid. Especially the way you were insulting about it.

Gee, my insult is not half the shit I take from the jerks on your side of the aisle. I don't like bullies, the cowards who take shots hiding being their keyboard. They get what they give, in spades.

Meanwhile, you are anonymously taking shots from behind your keyboard.

As I've made clear I don't like bullies and punks. They get what they give. Post something substantive and you won't get your feelings hurt.

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