Food for thought: fascism

Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Here, I will save you the trouble...

Fascism: Socialism with a Capitalist Veneer | Sheldon Richman

The word derives from fasces, the Roman symbol of collectivism and power: a tied bundle of rods with a protruding ax. In its day (the 1920s and 1930s), fascism was seen as the happy medium between boom-and-bust-prone liberal capitalism, with its alleged class conflict, wasteful competition, and profit-oriented egoism, and revolutionary Marxism, with its violent and socially divisive persecution of the bourgeoisie. Fascism substituted the particularity of nationalism and racialism—“blood and soil”—for the internationalism of both classical liberalism and Marxism.

Where socialism sought totalitarian control of a society’s economic processes through direct state operation of the means of production, fascism sought that control indirectly, through domination of nominally private owners. Where socialism nationalized property explicitly, fascism did so implicitly by requiring owners to use their property in the “national interest”—that is, as the autocratic authority conceived it. (Nevertheless, a few industries were operated by the state.)

Where socialism abolished all market relations outright, fascism left the appearance of market relations while planning all economic activities. Where socialism abolished money and prices, fascism controlled the monetary system and set all prices and wages politically. In doing all this, fascism denatured the marketplace. Entrepreneurship was abolished. State ministries, rather than consumers, determined what was produced and under what conditions.

Fascist Economics
Fascism is to be distinguished from interventionism, or the mixed economy. Interventionism seeks to guide the market process, not eliminate it, as fascism did. Minimum wage and antitrust laws, though they regulate the free market, are a far cry from multiyear plans from the Ministry of Economics.

Under fascism, the state, through official cartels, controlled all aspects of manufacturing, commerce, finance, and agriculture. Planning boards set product lines, production levels, prices, wages, working conditions, and the size of firms. Licensing was ubiquitous; no economic activity could be undertaken without government permission.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

the board bots claim anti fascists are terrorists -

so that implys they are pro fascists - dictator lovers, anti democracy lovers

pretty much fits the cult huh ?
Considerable disagreement? Yeah we know, every hippie in the 60's screamed "fascist" when he was arrested and today's radical left isn't much different. The definition of fascism is government control over the production and distribution of goods and services. In that regard the Trump administration is the opposite of fascism and a reasonable person would consider that the socialist side of the democrat party advocates some form of fascism.
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Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

Q. Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

A. If you had read the link you would notice The Huge part of fascism is anti Marxism. Not necessarily anti semitism as explained in the link. However, fascism in Italy and Germany were not the same, something else you might learn if you only were curious.

'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Why the Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

And, fascism in the United States brings with it a culture of bigotry for race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, liberalism and democracy.

You didn't answer me. Which party is more anti semitic? I'll give you a hint. ZERO Democrats attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. I can post links too but I'd rather discuss it man to man.

Why would I answer such a stupid question? Liberal Democrats include liberal Jews (BTW, my DNA came back as 26% Ashkenazi (my dad's mother was born in Romania); conservative Jews were once Republicans, but it seems the moral compass of all Jews would lead one to believe they do not support Trump -- the exception being the neoconservative Jew.
Considerable disagreement? Yeah we know, every hippie in the 60's screamed "fascist" when he was arrested. The definition of fascism is government control over the production and distribution of goods and services. In that regard the Trump administration is the opposite of fascism and a reasonable person would consider that the socialist side of the democrat party advocates some form of fascism.

bullshit -

suck trump - overthrow the government - isolate the country = the trump collective
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

Q. Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

A. If you had read the link you would notice The Huge part of fascism is anti Marxism. Not necessarily anti semitism as explained in the link. However, fascism in Italy and Germany were not the same, something else you might learn if you only were curious.

'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Why the Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

And, fascism in the United States brings with it a culture of bigotry for race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, liberalism and democracy.

Anti-semitism is a huge part of socialism.....


But the most spectacular aspect of Nazism was surely its antisemitism. And that had a grounding in Marx himself. The following passage is from Marx but it could just as well have been from Hitler:

"Let us consider the actual, worldly Jew -- not the Sabbath Jew, as Bauer does, but the everyday Jew. Let us not look for the secret of the Jew in his religion, but let us look for the secret of his religion in the real Jew. What is the secular basis of Judaism? Practical need, self-interest. What is the worldly religion of the Jew? Huckstering. What is his worldly God? Money. Very well then! Emancipation from huckstering and money, consequently from practical, real Jewry, would be the self-emancipation of our time.... We recognize in Jewry, therefore, a general present-time-oriented anti-social element, an element which through historical development -- to which in this harmful respect the Jews have zealously contributed -- has been brought to its present high level, at which it must necessarily dissolve itself. In the final analysis, the emancipation of the Jews is the emancipation of mankind from Jewry".

Note that Marx wanted to "emancipate" (free) mankind from Jewry ("Judentum" in Marx's original German), just as Hitler did and that the title of Marx's essay in German was "Zur Judenfrage", which -- while not necessarily derogatory in itself -- is nonetheless exactly the same expression ("Jewish question") that Hitler used in his famous phrase "Endloesung der Judenfrage" ("Final solution of the Jewish question").

And when Marx speaks of the end of Jewry by saying that Jewish identity must necessarily "dissolve" itself, the word he uses in German is "aufloesen", which is a close relative of Hitler's word "Endloesung" ("final solution"). So all the most condemned features of Nazism can be traced back to Marx and Engels, right down to the language used. The thinking of Hitler, Marx and Engels differed mainly in emphasis rather than in content. All three were second-rate German intellectuals of their times. Anybody who doubts that practically all Hitler's ideas were also to be found in Marx & Engels should spend a little time reading the quotations from Marx & Engels archived here.
Many of those same bullet points of fascism could be applied to the left as well. In today’s culture anyone who doesn’t agree with us on everything is labeled fascist, communist, Hitler or a Nazi people throw the words around so much they have little to meaning anymore.

I've given meaning in the OP. Read the OP, then compare Trumpism with fascism, honestly.
I did read it I have read many things on the subject over the years that is how I know it is possible to make such comparisons to any politician or party we don’t like or agree with. Crying fascism, communism, Hitler or Nazi about those we don’t agree with is the work of a lazy and immature mind it’s practice used by both sides that has become far to common today.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

the board bots claim anti fascists are terrorists -

so that implys they are pro fascists - dictator lovers, anti democracy lovers

pretty much fits the cult huh ?

Sorry, but we did not have Madonna and Antifa threatening to blow up The White House, and it was Clinton that hired thugs to commit Criminal Assaults on voters attending Trump Rallies.

It was Not Conservatives who refused to accept the Results of The Election, Tried to Launch a COUP, and launched 29 Fake Investigations in to a HOAX Financed by Hillary Clinton and Obama Bin Spying.
Considerable disagreement? Yeah we know, every hippie in the 60's screamed "fascist" when he was arrested and today's radical left isn't much different. The definition of fascism is government control over the production and distribution of goods and services. In that regard the Trump administration is the opposite of fascism and a reasonable person would consider that the socialist side of the democrat party advocates some form of fascism.

Q. It this a lie ^^^ or is it something you really believe?

The 14 points of fascism:

This list of 14 early warning signs of fascism is going viral for good reason
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

Q. Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

A. If you had read the link you would notice The Huge part of fascism is anti Marxism. Not necessarily anti semitism as explained in the link. However, fascism in Italy and Germany were not the same, something else you might learn if you only were curious.

'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Why the Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

And, fascism in the United States brings with it a culture of bigotry for race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, liberalism and democracy.

You didn't answer me. Which party is more anti semitic? I'll give you a hint. ZERO Democrats attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. I can post links too but I'd rather discuss it man to man.

Why would I answer such a stupid question? Liberal Democrats include liberal Jews (BTW, my DNA came back as 26% Ashkenazi (my dad's mother was born in Romania); conservative Jews were once Republicans, but it seems the moral compass of all Jews would lead one to believe they do not support Trump -- the exception being the neoconservative Jew.

Wrong. Religious Jews vote overwhelmingly red. I am not religious, I am 100% Jewish and I am an Independent. No party has my allegiance. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I would never vote for Sanders, Biden or Warren. Want me to vote Blue? Run a reasonable candidate and reasonable by my subjective standards. Keep it civil. Last warning.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.

Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

Q. Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

A. If you had read the link you would notice The Huge part of fascism is anti Marxism. Not necessarily anti semitism as explained in the link. However, fascism in Italy and Germany were not the same, something else you might learn if you only were curious.

'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Why the Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

And, fascism in the United States brings with it a culture of bigotry for race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, liberalism and democracy.

You didn't answer me. Which party is more anti semitic? I'll give you a hint. ZERO Democrats attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. I can post links too but I'd rather discuss it man to man.

Why would I answer such a stupid question? Liberal Democrats include liberal Jews (BTW, my DNA came back as 26% Ashkenazi (my dad's mother was born in Romania); conservative Jews were once Republicans, but it seems the moral compass of all Jews would lead one to believe they do not support Trump -- the exception being the neoconservative Jew.

Wrong. Religious Jews vote overwhelmingly red. I am not religious, I am 100% Jewish and I am an Independent. No party has my allegiance. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I would never vote for Sanders, Biden or Warren. Want me to vote Blue? Run a reasonable candidate and reasonable by my subjective standards. Keep it civil. Last warning.

"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?
Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

Q. Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

A. If you had read the link you would notice The Huge part of fascism is anti Marxism. Not necessarily anti semitism as explained in the link. However, fascism in Italy and Germany were not the same, something else you might learn if you only were curious.

'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Why the Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

And, fascism in the United States brings with it a culture of bigotry for race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, liberalism and democracy.

You didn't answer me. Which party is more anti semitic? I'll give you a hint. ZERO Democrats attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. I can post links too but I'd rather discuss it man to man.

Why would I answer such a stupid question? Liberal Democrats include liberal Jews (BTW, my DNA came back as 26% Ashkenazi (my dad's mother was born in Romania); conservative Jews were once Republicans, but it seems the moral compass of all Jews would lead one to believe they do not support Trump -- the exception being the neoconservative Jew.

Wrong. Religious Jews vote overwhelmingly red. I am not religious, I am 100% Jewish and I am an Independent. No party has my allegiance. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I would never vote for Sanders, Biden or Warren. Want me to vote Blue? Run a reasonable candidate and reasonable by my subjective standards. Keep it civil. Last warning.

"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?

Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale.
Q. Per your link Anti Semitism is a huge part of Fascism. Which party is anti semitic?

A. If you had read the link you would notice The Huge part of fascism is anti Marxism. Not necessarily anti semitism as explained in the link. However, fascism in Italy and Germany were not the same, something else you might learn if you only were curious.

'Blood and soil': Protesters chant Nazi slogan in Charlottesville - CNN

Trump’s new defense of his Charlottesville comments is incredibly false

Why the Charlottesville Marchers Were Obsessed With Jews

And, fascism in the United States brings with it a culture of bigotry for race, ethnicity, religion, sex, sexual orientation, liberalism and democracy.

You didn't answer me. Which party is more anti semitic? I'll give you a hint. ZERO Democrats attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. I can post links too but I'd rather discuss it man to man.

Why would I answer such a stupid question? Liberal Democrats include liberal Jews (BTW, my DNA came back as 26% Ashkenazi (my dad's mother was born in Romania); conservative Jews were once Republicans, but it seems the moral compass of all Jews would lead one to believe they do not support Trump -- the exception being the neoconservative Jew.

Wrong. Religious Jews vote overwhelmingly red. I am not religious, I am 100% Jewish and I am an Independent. No party has my allegiance. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I would never vote for Sanders, Biden or Warren. Want me to vote Blue? Run a reasonable candidate and reasonable by my subjective standards. Keep it civil. Last warning.

"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?

Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale like a little baby.

I've taken it as a threat. Being retired LE I'm familiar with criminal threats, and what you posted does not meet the elements necessary for prosecution, but as for decorum and being civil, you've crossed the line. If you want to continue to be an asshole, be my guest. And BTW, I've been threatened by punks before, they too used fighting words when safely incarcerated in a cage, or in your case hiding behind a keyboard.
You didn't answer me. Which party is more anti semitic? I'll give you a hint. ZERO Democrats attended the embassy opening in Jerusalem. I can post links too but I'd rather discuss it man to man.

Why would I answer such a stupid question? Liberal Democrats include liberal Jews (BTW, my DNA came back as 26% Ashkenazi (my dad's mother was born in Romania); conservative Jews were once Republicans, but it seems the moral compass of all Jews would lead one to believe they do not support Trump -- the exception being the neoconservative Jew.

Wrong. Religious Jews vote overwhelmingly red. I am not religious, I am 100% Jewish and I am an Independent. No party has my allegiance. I would vote for Tulsi Gabbard. I would never vote for Sanders, Biden or Warren. Want me to vote Blue? Run a reasonable candidate and reasonable by my subjective standards. Keep it civil. Last warning.

"Keep it civil. Last warning" Is this a threat?

Nope. It means I ll start using insults too and the conversation will go nowhere. I am sorry if I made you feel helpless and threatened it was not the intent and certainly no reason to tattle tale like a little baby.

I've taken it as a threat. Being retired LE I'm familiar with criminal threats, and what you posted does not meet the elements necessary for prosecution, but as for decorum and being civil, you've crossed the line. If you want to continue to be an asshole, be my quest. And BTW, I've been threatened by punks before, they too used fighting words when safely incarcerated in a cage, or in your case hiding behind a keyboard.

No court of law would find that to be a threat. Last warning could mean I would block you or start using insults too. As I said, I apologize that you felt helpless and threatened. That was not the intent. We also agreed before to be civil. You broke that code of honor quickly with your “stupid” comment. Happy to debate this offline with a MOD.
Antifa, the terrorist wing of the Democrat party, sounds like the perfect fascists to me. They serve no good purpose and if they were exterminated this country would be far better off. Viva Trump, KAG

Of course you didn't read the link, and thus remain ignorant of history and to want to know what might cause you to reevaluate your opinions.

I read half of that rambling article and decided I wasted enough time. According to that mush brained article, you could make a case that your preacher, dog groomer or landscaper are fascists. Just read the definition of fascism and you'll be better off son. Don't go into that deep, muddy water. Viva Trump, calling Antifa fascists out for the terrorists they are.

Well, you've proved to be willfully ignorant, lazy and brainwashed, all in one paragraph. Adding to that, calling me "son" is a childish pejorative, even for a "mush brained" person like yourself.

See you’re just sensitive. You get offended at being called “son” but then call me “stupid” for posting an opinion that differs from yours. I ask you to keep it civil and you report me when you’re the one not being civil? How is that remotely logical?
What leftists leave out of their ''definition'' of fascism is the rejection of free-market capitalism as well as the near-religious worship of government as well as government control over every facet of society.

It isn't Trump or the Republicans that continually attack free-market capitalism. It isn't Trump or the Republicans that think that government is the end-all for everything. It isn't Trump or the Republicans that want to annihilate private health insurance in favor of a government takeover of the health industry.

Fascism, like socialism and communism, is a statist system of governance and is squarely in line with leftist ideology.
Fascism - Common characteristics of fascist movements

I know so many on trump's side of the aisle will not read and consider this long article on fascism, and it's history and common characteristics of fascist movements. In fact some have already posted support for much of what trump has done and is doing which mirrors many bullet points of fascism.
Blaming Trump for the quasi Fascist State we live in, is absurd. Sure Donnie has some fascistic traits, but we have been going down the road of fascism for a long time.
Antifa, the terrorist wing of the Democrat party, sounds like the perfect fascists to me. They serve no good purpose and if they were exterminated this country would be far better off. Viva Trump, KAG

You know they are anit-faictsts.. It is in there name...

You turn a blind eye to crimes by white supremacy groups... Democrats have condemned all violence and specifically said it about ANTIFA...

Trump and GOP see good people on both sides when one side is white supremacy groups.

That is to say GOP and Trump see white supremacy as good people...

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