For Conservatives Only - Is Trump a Real Conservative?

Is Trump a Real Conservative

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He is an opportunist, and will support whichever side benefits his current/chosen agenda...he could be a conservative at times on certain issues, and he could be a liberal at times on certain issues. I don't think he's necessarily disingenuous when he states his views, but his blunt style could be considered by some as a schtick and wear thin eventually. While many of us may be turned off by just another polished candidate who will give us more of the same, most of us want a leader who will carry themselves with class and represent our country with dignity. In my opinion, he needs to develop more of a filter and not consider being thoughtful as a weakness.
He's not a true conservative. Not by any means.............For all I know he is a plant to get Hillary Elected........................but he is rattling the establishment cage and I'm LOVING IT...................

We shall see how this goes down. Plenty of time. As time goes on his true intentions will play out. For now, trash the establishments ass...............It's long overdue.
He is a charlatan and a fraud. And a thief. and an adulterer. He is everything a conservative is not
No conservative EVER was a charlatan, fraud, thief or adulterer? I'm not a liberal, but please be real. Conservatives are human.
He is then too human? Of course, conservatives fail to live up to standards. Gringrich is a case in point. But no conservative kicks all moral standards in the gutter like this. A bankruptcy happens to the best of us, but three of them?
He lies, he cheats, he scams, he defrauds. As a human being he is a shame.
I could bring up Anthony Weiner, Barney Frank...but I won't.
He might be conservative in some areas.... like in his business

and he could be liberal in other areas. I really haven't paid that much attention to him yet. But he's a big hit with the liberal/democrats on this board. all it's been is Trump.
QUOTE="Jackson, post: 12044082, member: 27360"]
He is a charlatan and a fraud. And a thief. and an adulterer. He is everything a conservative is not
No conservative EVER was a charlatan, fraud, thief or adulterer? I'm not a liberal, but please be real. Conservatives are human.
He is then too human? Of course, conservatives fail to live up to standards. Gringrich is a case in point. But no conservative kicks all moral standards in the gutter like this. A bankruptcy happens to the best of us, but three of them?
He lies, he cheats, he scams, he defrauds. As a human being he is a shame.
I could bring up Anthony Weiner, Barney Frank...but I won't.[/QUOTE]
By all means do bring them up. These are perfect examples of the kind of jerk and a55hole trump is. Trump is a friend of Bill clinton because they are two birds of a feather. The reason Trump gave Clinton so much money over the years

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