For Democrats: What Has Obama Done Wrong?

Funny how whenever someone asks about Obama's record, the only thing libs can talk about is Bush. I wonder why. :lol:
The main thing he did wrong was spending too much time trying to work with the right. They told him from the first that their main goal was to stop anything he did, but he believed there was still integrity somewhere in the GOP, and he wasted a lot of time looking for it. They even started opposing their own bills after he showed any support for them. I will not nit pick a man who has put with so much childish opposition.

The so called Republican congress has stopped almost nothing BO wanted. The Dems got their way by the GOP folding, executive orders and court decisions. Anyone who says otherwise is a stone cold gutless liar.

They delayed a lot of stuff. He could have accomplished more without the childish opposition.

Not all that much. Gotta love the left wingers and their hypocritical view of things.
He continued our meddling in the middle east and was a fool to believe republicans would work with him for 6 years. Other than that he did an excellent job with the cards that were dealt to him.

As I recall, Barrypuppet told the repubs where they stood in the way of the fakery that is the WWF of know...that it was their turn to ride in the back...they could come along for the ride on the Barrpypuupet "Hope and change" train but that they were inconsequential and that their votes and opinions did not matter.....remember that? I a casual observer of this fraudulent system I had to laugh. Idiots like you just simply have no fucking clue at all.
^ Psychopath
Obama is the worst foreign policy President in my lifetime. Terrible. The Obama "recovery" is the worst since WWII. Real income dropped for Americans every year of the Obama Presidency.

Other than that....he's been great. :D
So by your admittance,Bush 1 and 2 have had Good Foreign Policy!!!!!!!!!!!O yeah,invading Iraq on a lie,the substancial DEATHS of Americans in Afghahistan,Iraq etc., and leaving these counties as basket cases,leaving schisms that allowed ISIS to breed and expand worldwide,What Planet have you just arrived from........Your Post is Wrong,Wrong,Wrong.


Your post has a truth rating of 50 percent.....ISIS is a CIA,mossad and Saudi intel venture and Barrypuppet knows it...yeah, the Bush crime family are pieces of shit and so are the Clintons and the Barrypuppet....

Reagan's big mistake was Bush 41 for VP.
Obama is the worst foreign policy President in my lifetime. Terrible. The Obama "recovery" is the worst since WWII. Real income dropped for Americans every year of the Obama Presidency.

Other than that....he's been great. :D
So by your admittance,Bush 1 and 2 have had Good Foreign Policy!!!!!!!!!!!O yeah,invading Iraq on a lie,the substancial DEATHS of Americans in Afghahistan,Iraq etc., and leaving these counties as basket cases,leaving schisms that allowed ISIS to breed and expand worldwide,What Planet have you just arrived from........Your Post is Wrong,Wrong,Wrong.


Your post has a truth rating of 50 percent.....ISIS is a CIA,mossad and Saudi intel venture and Barrypuppet knows it...yeah, the Bush crime family are pieces of shit and so are the Clintons and the Barrypuppet....

Reagan's big mistake was Bush 41 for VP.
Obama screwed up by being beholden to the financial industry that caused the great recession and not doing enough to reverse the deregulation that lead to it. He is a "new democrat" through and through and did everything to help big business and big banks and little to help regular Americans that need more jobs and money to survive.
Obama is the worst foreign policy President in my lifetime. Terrible. The Obama "recovery" is the worst since WWII. Real income dropped for Americans every year of the Obama Presidency.

Other than that....he's been great. :D
So by your admittance,Bush 1 and 2 have had Good Foreign Policy!!!!!!!!!!!O yeah,invading Iraq on a lie,the substancial DEATHS of Americans in Afghahistan,Iraq etc., and leaving these counties as basket cases,leaving schisms that allowed ISIS to breed and expand worldwide,What Planet have you just arrived from........Your Post is Wrong,Wrong,Wrong.


Your post has a truth rating of 50 percent.....ISIS is a CIA,mossad and Saudi intel venture and Barrypuppet knows it...yeah, the Bush crime family are pieces of shit and so are the Clintons and the Barrypuppet....
Dale, thought the rating of 99% when you analyse all the evidence..........What I found most insulting to the Dead Military and their families was the way these hero's were brought home on the quiet,IT WAS AND IS A DISGRACE..........steve
Obama is the worst foreign policy President in my lifetime. Terrible. The Obama "recovery" is the worst since WWII. Real income dropped for Americans every year of the Obama Presidency.

Other than that....he's been great. :D
So by your admittance,Bush 1 and 2 have had Good Foreign Policy!!!!!!!!!!!O yeah,invading Iraq on a lie,the substancial DEATHS of Americans in Afghahistan,Iraq etc., and leaving these counties as basket cases,leaving schisms that allowed ISIS to breed and expand worldwide,What Planet have you just arrived from........Your Post is Wrong,Wrong,Wrong.


Your post has a truth rating of 50 percent.....ISIS is a CIA,mossad and Saudi intel venture and Barrypuppet knows it...yeah, the Bush crime family are pieces of shit and so are the Clintons and the Barrypuppet....

Reagan's big mistake was Bush 41 for VP.
He should have picked Jack Kemp. If he had, we would have been spared 12 years of Bushes. Probably Clinton as well.
He continued our meddling in the middle east and was a fool to believe republicans would work with him for 6 years. Other than that he did an excellent job with the cards that were dealt to him.
Actually, that's pretty good. I think from the press dinner even Obama realizes that Republicans are traitors. That they are in it not for the country but for the party. Just like the Confederates. You can't work with them because they don't know anything and don't want to know anything. And worse, they don't have human feelings. No one who believes in let him die and has no problem threatening small children fleeing danger and wanting to cut school lunches and other things that help children has real human feelings. Republicans have been brainwashed into being monsters and feeling that it's the right way to be.
I can cite two mistakes made by the Onama administration.

First, their failure to closeGuantanamo.

The other was their failure to indict, prosecute and inprison the CEOs and CFOs of the financial institutions that used Wall Street as a casino and ran the economy aground.
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Funny how whenever someone asks about Obama's record, the only thing libs can talk about is Bush. I wonder why. :lol:
SJ,why wouldn't they as the Bush 1 and 2 were a disaster,the lives lost,the $ cost,the mayhem that resulted...steve
They do it because they don't want to talk about Obama's record. They have to change the subject.
I can cite two mistakes made by the Onama administration.

First, their failure to closeGuantanamo.

The other was their failure to indict, prosecute and inprison the CEOs and COOs of the financial institutions that used Wall Street as a casino and ran the economy aground.
I hate to say this for fear of being demonized by the Zionist Lobby...But the Jewish Bankers were the first to be paid out,for the situation they created,at the American tax-payers expense,I may add
Funny how whenever someone asks about Obama's record, the only thing libs can talk about is Bush. I wonder why. :lol:
SJ,why wouldn't they as the Bush 1 and 2 were a disaster,the lives lost,the $ cost,the mayhem that resulted...steve
They do it because they don't want to talk about Obama's record. They have to change the subject.
But that is all History now,steve
I can cite two mistakes made by the Onama administration.

First, their failure to closeGuantanamo.

The other was their failure to indict, prosecute and inprison the CEOs and CFOs of the financial institutions that used Wall Street as a casino and ran the economy aground.
He gave them all a free pass, courtesy of campaign contributions and likely more than that.
This is a serious question for Liberals.

According to obamapologists / Liberals, Obama has not done one thing wrong, has not made a single mistake. Only 1 man has ever walked this earth who was perfect, and Barak Obama is not him.

We have constantly heard from Democrats what Obama has done right and what he has NOT done wrong. What I havent heard from a single Democrat, however, is what has he ever done wrong.

So here is the oppirtunity for them to prove they can be objective, that they don't think Barry walks on water.

What are some of Barry's mistakes, errors, 'mis-steps' as President? (And try to be honest while avoiding the urge to bring Republicans into the discussion, please.)

Firstly, your OP is hardly put in a sincere tone and I expect that you're not genuinely interested in what liberals think President Obama could've done differently or better.

But, for what it's worth, let me answer the OP anyway. These are not in any order:

- He started off being too reticent to spend his political capital and attempting to work across the aisle.

- He handed out jobs to donors i.e. ambassadorships and what not.

- His policy of transparency is bullshit and his expansion of programs and agencies that monitor citizens' communication and information is some serious fucking bullshit! This may be my biggest problem with his presidency.

- His public image, as far as being connected with the American public, is woefully lacking - better than the Bushes, Nixon and Gerald Ford but way worse than Reagan and especially FDR, who Obama supposedly idolizes. Talk shows do not connect with Americans the way FDR's fireside chats did.

- Speaking of his public image: he never really builds on his successes: Lilly Ledbetter, Bin Laden, the ACA, the CFPB

- He should've been more openly irreligious instead of pretending to be a Christian

- He's a shit politician when it comes to the schmoozing required of POTUSes - unlike Lincoln, Teddy, FDR, LBJ, and Reagan. Not that he had much chance with the GOP anyway...

- Getting involved or not in Libya may have been choosing between shitty and shittier, but going around Congress was unconstitutional and...

- He, like Cheney, has expanded the power of the office in unprecedented ways

- He's not a great executive as the rollout of the ACA demonstrates.

- As with all POTUSes before him, many of his campaign promises have been broken either because he just broke or forgot them (transparency, ending the wars in the ME, enforcing the new regulations on Wallstreet, prosecuting or investigating the people responsible for the 2008 crash, etc) or because he failed to implement them (Guantanamo).

- Failing to be the transformative leader many on the left expected him to be (we're to blame but he did false advertise a bit). He's no JFK, that's for sure.

- He has done little to protect wildlands

- He hasn't done enough (until recently) to reign in federal agencies in regards to marijuana.

-He's allowed politics to influence his administration and his policies too much (I think he took The West Wing too seriously)

-Biden as VP pick

Overall, I still think he was a better choice than war-mongering McCain (who I used to respect until he picked Palin as VP and for his behaviour following Obama's election) and much better than rubbery Romney (who I respect more since his misguided attempt to stop Trump).

No POTUS has been perfect. Reagan did some totally fucking awful and illegal things (Iran Contras to name just one), Clinton got his dick sucked, JFK and Marilyn Monroe (can you blame him?), FDR and the SCOTUS, Teddy was a crazy war monger, Lincoln was backhanded, Bush Jr. had brain damage, Nixon.

Bernie 2020!:boobies:
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Colorado, I actually was sincere. Thanks for the in-depth post.
This is a serious question for Liberals.

According to obamapologists / Liberals, Obama has not done one thing wrong, has not made a single mistake. Only 1 man has ever walked this earth who was perfect, and Barak Obama is not him.

We have constantly heard from Democrats what Obama has done right and what he has NOT done wrong. What I havent heard from a single Democrat, however, is what has he ever done wrong.

So here is the oppirtunity for them to prove they can be objective, that they don't think Barry walks on water.

What are some of Barry's mistakes, errors, 'mis-steps' as President? (And try to be honest while avoiding the urge to bring Republicans into the discussion, please.)
I'm a moderate liberal and let me tell you, if somebody tries to say that Obama has done nothing wrong...automatically discredit their opinion. That is about as absurd as saying that Trump is perfect presidential candidate.

I think that Obama's worst mistake is actually that he is not a politician. Obama was not in the Senate very long and ran his campaign as an idealist rather than a politician. What this led to was ostracizing an entire political party and idea set which really bit him in the ass over the course of his presidency. He wasn't able to reach across the isle and try to lead the nation's politicians, instead he was on the front lines of an "us vs. them" partisan divide. Now, for sure this wasn't his fault alone, but from the very start of his presidency (with his appointments) he made it clear that he had little room for a conservative voice in his cabinet and circle of advisors.

Other than that, I would say that Obama made a grave mistake in his Secretary of State appointments (Clinton and Kerry). I believe that both of these were done for political reasons from pressure from his own party. This again loops back to the point where he had very little political ties in Washington and couldn't really garner enough support, from his own party at times, in order to further his agenda or even get some real solid appointments in place.

There are a ton of other mistakes that he has made but, in comparison to the two I mentioned, I feel like the rest of his mistakes either stem from the two major ones I mentioned here or are relatively minor. I feel like a lot of the reason we have had further decline in our foreign influence is to the Sec of State appointments and that other things (like the shitshow of pushing Obamacare through in the state that it was) was more the fault of political infighting rather than any sort of misguided policy attempts.

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