For God so loved the world.... is typical...the christians start arguing with each other over who has the more correct version of their religion. It always ends up that way
So far, the only ones debating the OP are people such as yourself. These discussions always end up this way.

The OP was from a believer to other believers. Then the deniers INSERTED THEMSELVES.
To the extent that the Christian perfectly obeys the Spirit, he or she never sins. That does not happen in real life--but what does almost always happen is that it's nearly impossible for a regenerate Christian to continue in sin
For as many people that claim to believe in Jesus
in the U.S. alone, does your last statement reflect as much? is typical...the christians start arguing with each other over who has the more correct version of their religion. It always ends up that way
So far, the only ones debating the OP are people such as yourself. These discussions always end up this way.

The OP was from a believer to other believers. Then the deniers INSERTED THEMSELVES.
You should have expected as much...
satan does not want Jesus preached
There ARE multiple gods...even the 10 Commandments make that claim.
It also makes it clear these are gods created in their own minds. There is on God (note the capital G)
So a book designed for one faith says one thing.

How presumptuous to think anyone who has a different religion is any less correct than you.

Arrogant pretend Christians is typical...the christians start arguing with each other over who has the more correct version of their religion. It always ends up that way
So far, the only ones debating the OP are people such as yourself. These discussions always end up this way.

The OP was from a believer to other believers. Then the deniers INSERTED THEMSELVES.
You should have expected as much...
satan does not want Jesus preached
And the Bible says beware of false Pharisees

Jesus was a Jew. Christianity was made up after his death
If the so called christian did follow the bible this nation would sure be a lot nicer.
How so, when there are so many among us who reject the Bible.

IF Christians actually followed the Bible, the world would be nicer...
I don't know...not the OT part....they'd be killing everyone not christian....oops.

Are you implying that Christians started every OT conflict? is typical...the christians start arguing with each other over who has the more correct version of their religion. It always ends up that way
So far, the only ones debating the OP are people such as yourself. These discussions always end up this way.

The OP was from a believer to other believers. Then the deniers INSERTED THEMSELVES.
You should have expected as much...
satan does not want Jesus preached
And the Bible says beware of false Pharisees

Jesus was a Jew. Christianity was made up after his death
And the Bible says beware of false Pharisees

Jesus was a Jew. Christianity was made up after his death
And, this has what to do with, what you quoted?
It worked...once the Roman Empire became christian, it fell to pagans.
The Roman Empire never converted to Christianity.'ve never heard of Constantine? In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which accepted Christianity in the Roman 323 AD, christianity became the OFFICIAL Religion of the Roman Empire.
You speak of things you don't understand. You'll find your answer when you understand Simon Magus
Why should I have to care about your religion?
Only because you keep inserting yourself in threads like this and you talk about things you don't understand. Its the difference between trolling and having a discussion.
And why am I not allowed to insert myself into these threads? is typical...the christians start arguing with each other over who has the more correct version of their religion. It always ends up that way
So far, the only ones debating the OP are people such as yourself. These discussions always end up this way.

The OP was from a believer to other believers. Then the deniers INSERTED THEMSELVES.
And why not? Are so-called christians the only ones allowed to express themselves here?
If the so called christian did follow the bible this nation would sure be a lot nicer.
How so, when there are so many among us who reject the Bible.

IF Christians actually followed the Bible, the world would be nicer...
I don't know...not the OT part....they'd be killing everyone not christian....oops.

Are you implying that Christians started every OT conflict?
The Roman Empire never converted to Christianity.'ve never heard of Constantine? In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which accepted Christianity in the Roman 323 AD, christianity became the OFFICIAL Religion of the Roman Empire.
You speak of things you don't understand. You'll find your answer when you understand Simon Magus
Why should I have to care about your religion?
Only because you keep inserting yourself in threads like this and you talk about things you don't understand. Its the difference between trolling and having a discussion.
And why am I not allowed to insert myself into these threads?
Who said you're "not allowed."? I said you're an ignorant troll.
If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.

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