For God so loved the world....

If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
There is a hell and it will be a very sad place. At the very least, it will be a spot where one will be forever separated from GOD after seeing him face to face once at the Judgement. And then for all eternity live in one's own past of "if only, coulda, woulda, shoulda" --- playing one's mistakes over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...
If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
There is a hell and it will be a very sad place. At the very least, it will be a spot where one will be forever separated from GOD after seeing him face to face once at the Judgement. And then for all eternity live in one's own past of "if only, coulda, woulda, shoulda" --- playing one's mistakes over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...
No one will reject god when they see him. And if we get that choice then why be a Christian now? I could use that 10% of my income.
If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
There is a hell and it will be a very sad place. At the very least, it will be a spot where one will be forever separated from GOD after seeing him face to face once at the Judgement. And then for all eternity live in one's own past of "if only, coulda, woulda, shoulda" --- playing one's mistakes over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...
And you know
To the extent that the Christian perfectly obeys the Spirit, he or she never sins. That does not happen in real life--but what does almost always happen is that it's nearly impossible for a regenerate Christian to continue in sin
For as many people that claim to believe in Jesus
in the U.S. alone, does your last statement reflect as much?

Check your reading comprehension--please. This is the second time in as many posts I have had to correct your reading.
Check your reading comprehension--please. This is the second time in as many posts I have had to correct your reading.
By the Word of God, which commands you
and through the mighty name of Jesus, compels you
As it is Written...


You are an offense to Me,
for you are not mindful of the things that are of God,
but those that are of men

For it is written
that man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word of God.


He is the good shepherd
and we are His sheep

I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep,
and am known by My own

As the Father knows Me,
even so I know the Father;
and I lay down My life for the sheep.

And other sheep I have which are not of this fold;
them also I must bring and they will hear My voice;
and there will be one flock and one shepherd

John 10:14-16

We are His children, children of God

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
that we should be called children of God!
Therefore the world does not know us,
because it did not know Him

1 John 3:1

When we stand before God,
He will not determine who is truly a Christian
He will already know who is truly His child

Now, take your blasphemy and repent
If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
There is a hell and it will be a very sad place. At the very least, it will be a spot where one will be forever separated from GOD after seeing him face to face once at the Judgement. And then for all eternity live in one's own past of "if only, coulda, woulda, shoulda" --- playing one's mistakes over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...
No one will reject god when they see him. And if we get that choice then why be a Christian now? I could use that 10% of my income.
Once dead an individual gets no second chance.
Sorry, but Jesus was rejected though seen and heard by many. HE was GOD in the flesh--- healed the crippled, cured the sick, healed leapers, caused the blind to see, brought the dead back to life, ended several storms, changed water into wine, fed the multitude with a few loaves and 2 small fish, and returned from the dead. PLUS HE fulfilled LOADS of Old Testament Prophecy...

And after all that many still rejected HIM back then...
Last edited:
...that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him shall not perish, but have everlasting life. John 3: 16 (KJV).

This passage, called the "Gospel in a nutshell" is the most quoted verse in the Bible, and with good reason.

How can any Christian ever lose hope, knowing that God is on our side, and that He made the ultimate sacrifice to save us from our own sinful nature?

I know, that despite all the hardships I've faced, all the failures and disappointments, that God loves me, and loves me so much that he let his only Son die on a cross to allow me to obtain eternal life with him in heaven.

I ask all Christians to ponder on this, because it means that all we do in this world is a side-show. This is not our home, never was, our true home is with God.

Of course, we must pray, obey the Commandments, and do good works, but ultimately we can't earn our way to heaven, Jesus Christ has already done everything necessary for us to get into heaven.
The Purifying power of Gethsemane
To the extent that the Christian perfectly obeys the Spirit, he or she never sins. That does not happen in real life--but what does almost always happen is that it's nearly impossible for a regenerate Christian to continue in sin
For as many people that claim to believe in Jesus
in the U.S. alone, does your last statement reflect as much?

Check your reading comprehension--please. This is the second time in as many posts I have had to correct your reading.
Check your reading comprehension--please. This is the second time in as many posts I have had to correct your reading.
By the Word of God, which commands you
and through the mighty name of Jesus, compels you
As it is Written...


You are an offense to Me,
for you are not mindful of the things that are of God,
but those that are of men

For it is written
that man shall not live by bread alone,
but by every word of God.


He is the good shepherd
and we are His sheep

I am the good shepherd; and I know My sheep,
and am known by My own

As the Father knows Me,
even so I know the Father;
and I lay down My life for the sheep.

And other sheep I have which are not of this fold;
them also I must bring and they will hear My voice;
and there will be one flock and one shepherd

John 10:14-16

We are His children, children of God

Behold what manner of love the Father has bestowed on us,
that we should be called children of God!
Therefore the world does not know us,
because it did not know Him

1 John 3:1

When we stand before God,
He will not determine who is truly a Christian
He will already know who is truly His child

Now, take your blasphemy and repent

This is exactly what I'm talking about
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
There is a hell and it will be a very sad place. At the very least, it will be a spot where one will be forever separated from GOD after seeing him face to face once at the Judgement. And then for all eternity live in one's own past of "if only, coulda, woulda, shoulda" --- playing one's mistakes over, and over, and over, and over, and over, and over...
No one will reject god when they see him. And if we get that choice then why be a Christian now? I could use that 10% of my income.
Once dead an individual gets no second chance.
Sorry, but Jesus was rejected though seen and heard by many. HE was GOD in the flesh--- healed the crippled, cured the sick, healed leapers, caused the blind to see, brought the dead back to life, ended several storms, changed water into wine, fed the multitude with a few loaves and 2 small fish, and returned from the dead. PLUS HE fulfilled LOADS of Old Testament Prophecy...

And after all that many still rejected HIM back then...
That’s what the story says.

And why not give me the same opportunity? Prove it to me!

And are you saying all Jews go to hell? They are the ones who supposedly saw it.

Apparently the people who saw it don’t buy into the story so why should I?
Matthew 7:15-17 “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.

1 John 2:22 And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist.

1 Timothy 1:3-4 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth.

Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

Galatians 1:7-8 not that there really is another gospel, but there aresome who are disturbing you and wanting to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell!

2 John 1:10-11 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not give him any greeting, because the person who gives him a greeting shares in his evil deeds.

I mean how many more do you want? Like I said, the Epistles are full of these warnings.
I mean how many more do you want? Like I said, the Epistles are full of these warnings.
Darling, I want Scripture that states who isn’t a Christian
1 John 3:4-10

To commit sin is to break Gods law; sin, in fact, is lawlessness. Christ appeared, as you know, to do away with sins, and there is no sin in him. No man who therefore dwells in him is a sinner; the sinner has not seen him and does not know him.

My children, do not be misled. It is the man who does what is right who is righteous, as God is righteous; the man who sins is a child of the devil, for the devil has been a sinner from the first; and the Son of God appeared for the very purpose of undoing the devils work.

A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner because he is Gods child. That is the distinction between the children of God and the children of the devil.

No one who does not do what is right is Gods child.
No one who does not do what is right is Gods child
Are you confident, you are a child of God?

What Bible are you quoting Scripture from?

Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness
and sin is lawlessness

And you know that He was
manifested to take away our sins,
and in Him there is no sin.

Whoever abides in Him does not sin.
Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

Little children, let no one deceive you.
He who practices righteousness is righteous,
just as He is righteous

He who sins is of the devil,
for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
that He might destroy the works of the devil.

Whoever has been born of God does not sin,
for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin,
because he has been born of God.

In this the children of God
and the children of the devil are manifest:
Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God,
nor is he who does not love his brother

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning,
that we should love one another.

1 John 3:4-11
I always do exactly as God commands. You will never see me worshipping a trinity or a human being, eating Jesus, or celebrating his death.
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image”

So was God psychotic or is that a sign of the Trinity?

It’s your Torah, you tell us which it is.

Hebrew says the same thing, so don’t bother with that spin.

Man was created in the image and likeness of God, male and female he created them.

God has no visible shape, material form, gender, or equal, so the image and likeness of God is not about physical appearance, material form, gender, or quantity...

Let us make man in our image is not a reference to any trinity. It is a reference to the host of heaven, living beings and creatures from another sphere of intelligent life that have been cultivating intelligence on this planet for millions of years..
So was God psychotic or is that a sign of the Trinity?
Or just duality. The Logos was the One born as Jesus (Yeshua). He was speaking to someone (the Father). And yes, I know the Jewish explanations. They don't work.

The word of God became flesh is just the author of that Gospel establishing that the preexisting metaphor for teaching from God, manna from heaven, became flesh, the flesh of Jesus, a new metaphor for teaching from God.
If there is a God, why do you presume it's the Christian God?

Maybe it's the Muslim God.

Or a God you've never conceptualized.

Human beings create constructs that satisfy their deepest emotional needs. Religion is a perfect example of this.

Personally at least once a week I worship a plate of spaghetti. For tomato so loved my dinner plate that it gave me oregano on the side.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
Go to Heaven for the climate, Hell for the company.
- Mark Twain

I think you have it backwards.

Jesus hung around with sinners and prostitutes and all sorts of really bad characters and said they were entering the kingdom of heaven before the pharisees who were sexually repressed hypocrites mutilating infant penises and obsessing over whats for dinner, in other words, already in hell.

Now do you really want to go to hell for the company?

pick a religion, any religion. You will descend onto the netherworld instantly. Then you will find yourself in a tomb, eating Jesus, wearing magic underwear, meditating on nothingness, or curling your peyos till kingdom come.

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