For God so loved the world....'ve never heard of Constantine? In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which accepted Christianity in the Roman 323 AD, christianity became the OFFICIAL Religion of the Roman Empire.
You speak of things you don't understand. You'll find your answer when you understand Simon Magus
Why should I have to care about your religion?
Only because you keep inserting yourself in threads like this and you talk about things you don't understand. Its the difference between trolling and having a discussion.
And why am I not allowed to insert myself into these threads?
Who said you're "not allowed."? I said you're an ignorant troll.
And I just consider the source for that comment. :04:
I want to correct one thing I said in this thread in too much haste: the ONLY way to God is through Jesus Christ, but everyone will have the opportunity to know about Him, even those who came before, in the Second Coming. Living a "moral life" is not enough even before Jesus was born, but everyone will have the chance to make their choice--again, which is fair.

God is fair and just. Those of us who are alive NOW, however, of course, do not have this excuse.
My excuse is I don’t believe Christians or their books
It worked...once the Roman Empire became christian, it fell to pagans.
The Roman Empire never converted to Christianity.'ve never heard of Constantine? In 313 AD, Emperor Constantine issued the Edict of Milan which accepted Christianity in the Roman 323 AD, christianity became the OFFICIAL Religion of the Roman Empire.
Sounds to me like you know what you are talking about.
If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
Sure peace through the sword, sounds more like Islam than Christianity
You're not making any sense. Which is why I usually avoid the religion forum. It is the hangout for the God Haters and not the Believers who actually READ the Bible. You "debate" what you don't understand and continually pull scriptures OUT OF CONTEXT. I don't have time to argue with fools who dont have an open mind.
We read it. You read it. Only you understand it the way your church told you to understand it.

Catholics Protestants lutherines presbytarians, etc all understand it differently.
If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
Remember what it was like 13.6 billion years before you were born? That is what it will be like when you’re dead.

Only two things that suck. You only get one life and getting old blows.
Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.

If you really want to know just throw everything you already know to be true about reality into the trash and just believe that a three in one God diddled a virgin to become an edible human being and you too can die and descend into the netherworld and go gibbering happily ever after about satan and the end of the world in the flames of hell for the rest of your life...

I think I'll pass.
Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.

If you really want to know just throw everything you already know to be true about reality into the trash and just believe that a three for one God diddled a virgin to become an edible human being and you too can die and descend into the netherworld and go gibbering happily ever after in the flames of hell for the rest of your life...

I think I'll pass.
Honestly, I am just not impressed with the story. He loved us so much that he sent his only begotten son to die for us and bla bla bla

Bfd. Give us wings so we can fly. If you love me that’s what I really want for Christmas, dad
Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.

If you really want to know just throw everything you already know to be true about reality into the trash and just believe that a three in one God diddled a virgin to become an edible human being and you too can die and descend into the netherworld and go gibbering happily ever after about satan and the end of the world in the flames of hell for the rest of your life...

I think I'll pass.

God came 7000 years ago says one credible religion. Do you believe the Jews?

One religion 2000 years ago said god visited. Do you believe?

500 or 1500 years ago he visited Mohammad

200 years ago he visited Joseph Smith.

I want to sing a song to my father. Oh the cats and the cradle and the silver spoon. Little boy blew the man on the moon. When you coming home dad I don’t know when but we’ll get together then dad. You know we’ll have a good time dad
Sure peace through the sword, sounds more like Islam than Christianity
You're not making any sense. Which is why I usually avoid the religion forum. It is the hangout for the God Haters and not the Believers who actually READ the Bible. You "debate" what you don't understand and continually pull scriptures OUT OF CONTEXT. I don't have time to argue with fools who dont have an open mind.
We read it. You read it. Only you understand it the way your church told you to understand it.

Catholics Protestants lutherines presbytarians, etc all understand it differently.
I judge by the Word, not the teaching of men
If you can’t determine whether or not
Trump is a “Christian”, according to Christ’s own standards
then you are in no position to determine
anyone’s standing with God
she can, I can about Toro or anyone else who REJECTS Christ as the only way. Christ said He is. You reject that. Therefore you are NOt Christian. That is an ABSOLUTE.
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe. I will quote every Christian I have ever talked to.

“If you have heard about Jesus and you don’t accept him as your lord and savior then you aren’t going to heaven and/or are going to hell”

Muslims Jews Buddhists atheists and Hindu are all going to hell.
Even tho there is no hell...if there were, it would be the interesting, hopping place to go.
Remember what it was like 13.6 billion years before you were born? That is what it will be like when you’re dead.

Only two things that suck. You only get one life and getting old blows.
I agree that getting old isn't fun...but once we are dead....we don't exist....we don't miss anything.
Sure peace through the sword, sounds more like Islam than Christianity
You're not making any sense. Which is why I usually avoid the religion forum. It is the hangout for the God Haters and not the Believers who actually READ the Bible. You "debate" what you don't understand and continually pull scriptures OUT OF CONTEXT. I don't have time to argue with fools who dont have an open mind.
We read it. You read it. Only you understand it the way your church told you to understand it.

Catholics Protestants lutherines presbytarians, etc all understand it differently.
I judge by the Word, not the teaching of men
What word? Pick something you believe the Bible says that I would not also believe.

And then the Bible contradicts itself. I might be able to find another verse that would contradict your verse. Then you will interpret my word differently.

And then my version of the Bible might not say what yours says. It’s insane really.

Any book that rambles on that long and says just about everything a man back then could possibly pontificate, of course is going to have a verse you like to quote.

Please give me some examples of verses you believe us liberal atheists would disagree with.
You realize the term "CHRISTIAN" was not typically used in NT days. Right? That doesn't mean they weren't talking about Christians though.

Wait maybe you didn't know this....yeesh
Maybe you didn’t know the word Christian
is only used 3 times throughout the Bible,

Can’t wait to read your spin,
given your righteous authority

Yes, as I said. The NT talks at length about the life of Christians but only uses the word three times. Therefore, as I said, in most cases they referred to early believers by other names.
To the extent that the Christian perfectly obeys the Spirit, he or she never sins. That does not happen in real life--but what does almost always happen is that it's nearly impossible for a regenerate Christian to continue in sin
For as many people that claim to believe in Jesus
in the U.S. alone, does your last statement reflect as much?

Check your reading comprehension--please. This is the second time in as many posts I have had to correct your reading.
Please give me some examples of verses you believe us liberal atheists would disagree with.

As an ATHEIST why do you say you would not disagree? You people make no sense!
I can’t believe any Christian would try and move the goalpost on this issue. We all know what Christians believe
"Christians" believe many things. Some of these things are true and some are not.


That is crystal clear and NOT open for discussion to the true Christian.

The fate/state of the dead is another topic. Catholics/Protestants believe the pagan concepts of heaven and hell as reward/punishment. Not all Christians share that particular belief.
I agree that getting old isn't fun...but once we are dead....we don't exist....we don't miss anything
The Scriptures do tell us, "The wicked shall be ASHES under your feet"

Sometimes we create our own self fulfilling prophecy.
Please provide Scripture

Matthew 7:15-17 “Beware of false prophets who come disguised as harmless sheep but are really vicious wolves.

1 John 2:22 And who is a liar? Anyone who says that Jesus is not the Christ. Anyone who denies the Father and the Son is an antichrist.

1 Timothy 1:3-4 When I left for Macedonia, I urged you to stay there in Ephesus and stop those whose teaching is contrary to the truth.

Ephesians 5:11 Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

Galatians 1:7-8 not that there really is another gospel, but there aresome who are disturbing you and wanting to distort the gospel of Christ. But even if we (or an angel from heaven) should preach a gospel contrary to the one we preached to you, let him be condemned to hell!

2 John 1:10-11 If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not receive him into your house and do not give him any greeting, because the person who gives him a greeting shares in his evil deeds.

I mean how many more do you want? Like I said, the Epistles are full of these warnings.
I mean how many more do you want? Like I said, the Epistles are full of these warnings.
Darling, I want Scripture that states who isn’t a Christian
1 John 3:4-10

To commit sin is to break Gods law; sin, in fact, is lawlessness. Christ appeared, as you know, to do away with sins, and there is no sin in him. No man who therefore dwells in him is a sinner; the sinner has not seen him and does not know him.

My children, do not be misled. It is the man who does what is right who is righteous, as God is righteous; the man who sins is a child of the devil, for the devil has been a sinner from the first; and the Son of God appeared for the very purpose of undoing the devils work.

A child of God does not commit sin, because the divine seed remains in him; he cannot be a sinner because he is Gods child. That is the distinction between the children of God and the children of the devil.

No one who does not do what is right is Gods child.
No one who does not do what is right is Gods child
Are you confident, you are a child of God?

What Bible are you quoting Scripture from?

Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness
and sin is lawlessness

And you know that He was
manifested to take away our sins,
and in Him there is no sin.

Whoever abides in Him does not sin.
Whoever sins has neither seen Him nor known Him.

Little children, let no one deceive you.
He who practices righteousness is righteous,
just as He is righteous

He who sins is of the devil,
for the devil has sinned from the beginning.
For this purpose the Son of God was manifested,
that He might destroy the works of the devil.

Whoever has been born of God does not sin,
for His seed remains in him; and he cannot sin,
because he has been born of God.

In this the children of God
and the children of the devil are manifest:
Whoever does not practice righteousness is not of God,
nor is he who does not love his brother

For this is the message that you heard from the beginning,
that we should love one another.

1 John 3:4-11
I always do exactly as God commands. You will never see me worshipping a trinity or a human being, eating Jesus, or celebrating his death.
“Then God said, “Let us make mankind in our image”

So was God psychotic or is that a sign of the Trinity?

It’s your Torah, you tell us which it is.

Hebrew says the same thing, so don’t bother with that spin.

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