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For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you)

OWS=Hitler Youth=Obama Youth=Anarchy=Bullshit
Yeah, look up the history of the Nazi party how it went from many socialist causes to Krystalnacht to the "Night of the Long Knives" purges that organized it under the most radical and violent power of Adolf Hitler. The Occupados are mirroring the brown shirts in many many ways. Useful idiots one and all.
For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you

Here is the Occupy Philadelphia Livestream. Very entertaining. And for those supporters who argue that the media is misrepresenting them, I suggest people take a look/see at these livestream reports. Yesterday, they all smoked dope in celebration of 4:20 a.m. This morning they chanted in unison about "global revolution" just like good little Hitler youth. Fascinating shit. Of course, the hundreds parroting in "mic check" don't "really" speak for the group, right? :cuckoo:

OccupyPhiladelphia - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Occupy L.A.

Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Occupy NYC

Occupy Wall St NYC - live streaming video powered by Livestream

That's swell. Here's the difference between you and me:
I acknowledge there are some real useless whackjobs in the group.
You are unable to acknowledge that there are those of us in the group who are different.
We acknowledge you are different, different from hardworking human beings trying to find a solution, not making it worse like the OWS crap heads.
Would I say ALL Tea Partiers share every single view of Michele Bachman.... Nah. I'm not that stupid or weak.
You aren't that stupid? You certainly sound like it.
I've met and interacted with Tea Partiers who were obviously different. Right here, as a matter of fact. Would I be too afraid to acknowledge they exist? Of course not.
You may now continue trying to prove I don't exist....
Oh we acknowledge you exist, in some kind of a dream world making more trouble for the economy you SAY you want to improve for the "99%" You won't improve anything making like an idiot camping in crap midst the rest of the crap heads.
For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you

Here is the Occupy Philadelphia Livestream. Very entertaining. And for those supporters who argue that the media is misrepresenting them, I suggest people take a look/see at these livestream reports. Yesterday, they all smoked dope in celebration of 4:20 a.m. This morning they chanted in unison about "global revolution" just like good little Hitler youth. Fascinating shit. Of course, the hundreds parroting in "mic check" don't "really" speak for the group, right? :cuckoo:

OccupyPhiladelphia - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Occupy L.A.

Occupy Wall Street Los Angeles - live streaming video powered by Livestream

Occupy NYC

Occupy Wall St NYC - live streaming video powered by Livestream

That's swell. Here's the difference between you and me:
I acknowledge there are some real useless whackjobs in the group.
You are unable to acknowledge that there are those of us in the group who are different.
We acknowledge you are different, different from hardworking human beings trying to find a solution, not making it worse like the OWS crap heads.
Would I say ALL Tea Partiers share every single view of Michele Bachman.... Nah. I'm not that stupid or weak.
You aren't that stupid? You certainly sound like it.
I've met and interacted with Tea Partiers who were obviously different. Right here, as a matter of fact. Would I be too afraid to acknowledge they exist? Of course not.
You may now continue trying to prove I don't exist....
Oh we acknowledge you exist, in some kind of a dream world making more trouble for the economy you SAY you want to improve for the "99%" You won't improve anything making like an idiot camping in crap midst the rest of the crap heads.

Hmm. Petty insults and ignoring the points. I'll resist the temptation to return in kind. Maybe you came into the thread late or something.
I don't camp. I have a business to run and a wife & daughter to take care of. I support the side of OWS you and those like you seem to go into willful denial exist.
Watching livestream in Philly right now. Also checked out their facebook. Mounted police raided the camp and took down tents. They reported that one person was injured when a horse stepped on her foot. The hyperbole on fb is extreme. "Mounted police charge on non violent protesters #occupyphilly" "Police on horses trample peaceful protesters on the sidewalk. At least one injured. #ows"

ABC is reporting one "minor" injury. They are not happy with ABC. :lol:

Those arrested were released on their own recognizance.

They will be re-grouping at another location today. I guess they need some bloody faces to advance the cause. :evil:
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"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

C.S. Lewis
That's swell. Here's the difference between you and me:
I acknowledge there are some real useless whackjobs in the group.
You are unable to acknowledge that there are those of us in the group who are different.
We acknowledge you are different, different from hardworking human beings trying to find a solution, not making it worse like the OWS crap heads. You aren't that stupid? You certainly sound like it.
I've met and interacted with Tea Partiers who were obviously different. Right here, as a matter of fact. Would I be too afraid to acknowledge they exist? Of course not.
You may now continue trying to prove I don't exist....
Oh we acknowledge you exist, in some kind of a dream world making more trouble for the economy you SAY you want to improve for the "99%" You won't improve anything making like an idiot camping in crap midst the rest of the crap heads.

Hmm. Petty insults and ignoring the points. I'll resist the temptation to return in kind. Maybe you came into the thread late or something.
I don't camp. I have a business to run and a wife & daughter to take care of. I support the side of OWS you and those like you seem to go into willful denial exist.
You keep putting your foot in your mouth and your head up your excremental orifice.
So far you have posted no points, only suggest you support anarchy. Some of the points made by the OWS supporters make sense. Exorbitant wage disparity is not good. But I don't see government making policy decisions forbidding it in the US. Russia maybe, but not here. I categorically deny that OWS is serving some useful purpose. Most of those interviewed haven't the slightest idea what they are doing, what they want, and how to accomplish any change. Whatever, they are going about it wrong.

My suggestion to all who want to regulate business and corporations to the point of dictating worker pay and CEO pay, move to a country where it is allowed. You won't like it there either.

Or, you can join the military. Everyone makes the same thing within each rank structure. It is well regimented and the CEOs (General Officers) are not paid exorbitant amounts of money.

Fact is, most companies pay their executives in accordance with what they perceive the executives contribute to the company in earnings.

The day we start to regulated to that degree will be the last day of a successful market economy and the first day of a spiraling degeneration of our economy.
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Yeah, look up the history of the Nazi party how it went from many socialist causes to Krystalnacht to the "Night of the Long Knives" purges that organized it under the most radical and violent power of Adolf Hitler. The Occupados are mirroring the brown shirts in many many ways. Useful idiots one and all.

I agree that the Shitters and the unions will be manipulated to violence if the need arises to ensure the continued rule of the elite.

For the moment, the Shitters have done their job, they have discredited and neutered any real resistance as seen from the Tea Party movement. The OWS Shitters are ensuring that the liberty and assets of the middle are destroyed on behalf of the Oligarchy. As long as this can be accomplished without violence, the Shitters and the union thugs controlling them will remain clowns. If the people rise up in Tea Parties and resist the rule of Obama and those behind him, the Shitters will become violent.
Hmm. Petty insults and ignoring the points. I'll resist the temptation to return in kind. Maybe you came into the thread late or something.
I don't camp. I have a business to run and a wife & daughter to take care of. I support the side of OWS you and those like you seem to go into willful denial exist.

If you support the side of the OWS Shitters, then you support the Oligarchy and the continued assault on individual liberty, seeking greater servitude and dependance on the benevolence of rulers. You want your rulers to give you more. The goal and purpose of the Shitters is to stamp out and neutralize legitimate protest as was seen in the Tea Parties.

I want the liberty to make my own fortune.
We acknowledge you are different, different from hardworking human beings trying to find a solution, not making it worse like the OWS crap heads. You aren't that stupid? You certainly sound like it.
Oh we acknowledge you exist, in some kind of a dream world making more trouble for the economy you SAY you want to improve for the "99%" You won't improve anything making like an idiot camping in crap midst the rest of the crap heads.

Hmm. Petty insults and ignoring the points. I'll resist the temptation to return in kind. Maybe you came into the thread late or something.
I don't camp. I have a business to run and a wife & daughter to take care of. I support the side of OWS you and those like you seem to go into willful denial exist.
You keep putting your foot in your mouth and your head up your excremental orifice.
Ah. So you remain an azzhole. I guess that's just who you are. Okay your choice.

So far you have posted no points, only suggest you support anarchy.
Really? You've read the entire thread and confirmed that I didn't post points specifically about the change in what OWS is becoming? The political movement evolving? Those who want something different than what the original OWS wants? Um yeah. So why are you so angry?
Oh and please, show where I support anarchy. Wait. You can't? We know that.

Some of the points made by the OWS supporters make sense. Exorbitant wage disparity is not good. But I don't see government making policy decisions forbidding it in the US.
Me either. Nor would I support anything that had to do with income capping or any restriction in that regard.

Russia maybe, but not here. I categorically deny that OWS is serving some useful purpose. Most of those interviewed haven't the slightest idea what they are doing, what they want, and how to accomplish any change. Whatever, they are going about it wrong.


My suggestion to all who want to regulated business and corporations to the point of dictating worker pay and CEO pay, move to a country where it is allowed. You won't like it there either.

Or, you can join the military. Everyone makes the same thing within each rank structure. It is well regimented and the CEOs (General Officers) are not paid exorbitant amounts of money.

Fact is, most companies pay their executives in accordance with what they perceive the executives contribute to the company in earnings.

The day we start to regulated to that degree will be the last day of a successful market economy and the first day of a spiraling degeneration of our economy.

Again, I don't disagree. So when you're done stomping your feet, throwing a tantrum and projecting things on me that I've never said or believed, I'd be happy to discuss any issues you like.
Hmm. Petty insults and ignoring the points. I'll resist the temptation to return in kind. Maybe you came into the thread late or something.
I don't camp. I have a business to run and a wife & daughter to take care of. I support the side of OWS you and those like you seem to go into willful denial exist.
You keep putting your foot in your mouth and your head up your excremental orifice.
Ah. So you remain an azzhole. I guess that's just who you are. Okay your choice.
The only azzhole around here is you, and your head if firmly implanted within. So far you have posted no points, only suggest you support anarchy.
Really? You've read the entire thread and confirmed that I didn't post points specifically about the change in what OWS is becoming?
Right, before I ever posted a word.You made a few minor claims, but posted no points as to how those assertions would help, the mechanics about which you think they will help, or the manner in which you plan to carry them out.
The political movement evolving?
What political movement evolving? All the OWS was and is is anarchy, trying to change to something (they don't know what), certainly don't know how, so they mill around, smoke pot, have sex and crap on the ground.
Those who want something different than what the original OWS wants? Um yeah. So why are you so angry?
Oh and please, show where I support anarchy. Wait. You can't? We know that.
You support the OWS. The OWS is anarchy. It is not evolving. It has had a very few someone big names visit, claim support, then leave because of the stench. I am not angry, at least not at OWS. I am angry at Obama, and the left wing politicians who are destroying our economy and our cultural institutions. Some of the points made by the OWS supporters make sense. Exorbitant wage disparity is not good. But I don't see government making policy decisions forbidding it in the US.
Me either. Nor would I support anything that had to do with income capping or any restriction in that regard.
Then why do you claim to support OWS as that has been the major assertion by the few who can speak in a literate manner. The changes they say they want may could occur in Russia maybe, but not here. I categorically deny that OWS is serving some useful purpose. Most of those interviewed haven't the slightest idea what they are doing, what they want, and how to accomplish any change. Whatever, they are going about it wrong.
Right. There were one or two who could speak understandable good English. And they could not express a valid goal either. My suggestion to all who want to regulated business and corporations to the point of dictating worker pay and CEO pay, move to a country where it is allowed. You won't like it there either. Or, you can join the military. Everyone makes the same thing within each rank structure. It is well regimented and the CEOs (General Officers) are not paid exorbitant amounts of money. Fact is, most companies pay their executives in accordance with what they perceive the executives contribute to the company in earnings. The day we start to regulated to that degree will be the last day of a successful market economy and the first day of a spiraling degeneration of our economy.
Again, I don't disagree. So when you're done stomping your feet, throwing a tantrum and projecting things on me that I've never said or believed, I'd be happy to discuss any issues you like.
I haven't thrown a tantrum for about 70 years. I note you have made no points at all. I have also noted that the OWS anarchists don't even know what they are doing and the master they are serving. I put no words in your mouth. You do a good job of making an ass of yourself all by your lonely. The only projection going on here is the suggestion that you have made several times that the OWS has or will do anything but crap in the street, pass on STDs and block decent people who want to go to work and are blocked by some of the demonstrations.

In almost 300 posts I have read on this forum I have learned one thing. Those who say they support OWS have yet to explain what the really want from their protests. How do they expect to get it. From whom do they believe support for the non ideas expressed so far will come. Have many of them taken the time to register to vote and voted for politicians who believe as they do. Eh, wait, there are no politicians who give more than lip service to the nasty little illiterate protesters.

Two of my grown grandchildren thought it would be a great adventure to join in the fun after visiting New York. They left in disgust because there were so few people who could carry on a cogent conversation.

So if you want to garner a little support, tell me what YOU expect of the movement, how do YOU expect to change things, and what do you believe the end goals are. That earlier list of left wing talking points someone posted was a waste of time.
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Well Occupy Philly has been evicted and already the crybabies are screaming "lawsuit" because a few of them provoked some really big horses.

Anywho. Their work is not done and they are regrouping right now in at Rittenhouse Square (where several 1%ers live).

And for those of who "don't understand what occupy is all about" :lol: guess who's coming to dinner tonight?

DAVID HARVEY: At 7:15 p.m., David will join us outside the Roundhouse for a talk! A professor of geography and anthropology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, he has been teaching classes on Marx’s Capital for more than 40 years, and is the author of numerous books, including Spaces and Global Capitalism: Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development (2006) and The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis of Capitalism (2010). His work has contributed to broad social and political debate, and he is credited with helping to resurrect social class and Marxist methods as serious methodological tools in the critique of global capitalism, particularly its neoliberal form.

Occupy Philly Media
Well Occupy Philly has been evicted and already the crybabies are screaming "lawsuit" because a few of them provoked some really big horses.

Anywho. Their work is not done and they are regrouping right now in at Rittenhouse Square (where several 1%ers live).

And for those of who "don't understand what occupy is all about" :lol: guess who's coming to dinner tonight?

DAVID HARVEY: At 7:15 p.m., David will join us outside the Roundhouse for a talk! A professor of geography and anthropology at the Graduate Center, City University of New York, he has been teaching classes on Marx’s Capital for more than 40 years, and is the author of numerous books, including Spaces and Global Capitalism: Towards a Theory of Uneven Geographical Development (2006) and The Enigma of Capital and the Crisis of Capitalism (2010). His work has contributed to broad social and political debate, and he is credited with helping to resurrect social class and Marxist methods as serious methodological tools in the critique of global capitalism, particularly its neoliberal form.

Occupy Philly Media
If you want the US economy to completely recover, people to go back to work with living wages, and the ability of people with motivation to work hard and smart and succeed, throw all the Marxist trash in an incinerator.
You keep putting your foot in your mouth and your head up your excremental orifice.
Ah. So you remain an azzhole. I guess that's just who you are. Okay your choice.
The only azzhole around here is you, and your head if firmly implanted within. So far you have posted no points, only suggest you support anarchy. Right, before I ever posted a word.You made a few minor claims, but posted no points as to how those assertions would help, the mechanics about which you think they will help, or the manner in which you plan to carry them out. What political movement evolving? All the OWS was and is is anarchy, trying to change to something (they don't know what), certainly don't know how, so they mill around, smoke pot, have sex and crap on the ground. You support the OWS. The OWS is anarchy. It is not evolving. It has had a very few someone big names visit, claim support, then leave because of the stench. I am not angry, at least not at OWS. I am angry at Obama, and the left wing politicians who are destroying our economy and our cultural institutions. Some of the points made by the OWS supporters make sense. Exorbitant wage disparity is not good. But I don't see government making policy decisions forbidding it in the US. Then why do you claim to support OWS as that has been the major assertion by the few who can speak in a literate manner. The changes they say they want may could occur in Russia maybe, but not here. I categorically deny that OWS is serving some useful purpose. Most of those interviewed haven't the slightest idea what they are doing, what they want, and how to accomplish any change. Whatever, they are going about it wrong. Right. There were one or two who could speak understandable good English. And they could not express a valid goal either. My suggestion to all who want to regulated business and corporations to the point of dictating worker pay and CEO pay, move to a country where it is allowed. You won't like it there either. Or, you can join the military. Everyone makes the same thing within each rank structure. It is well regimented and the CEOs (General Officers) are not paid exorbitant amounts of money. Fact is, most companies pay their executives in accordance with what they perceive the executives contribute to the company in earnings. The day we start to regulated to that degree will be the last day of a successful market economy and the first day of a spiraling degeneration of our economy.
Again, I don't disagree. So when you're done stomping your feet, throwing a tantrum and projecting things on me that I've never said or believed, I'd be happy to discuss any issues you like.
I haven't thrown a tantrum for about 70 years. I note you have made no points at all. I have also noted that the OWS anarchists don't even know what they are doing and the master they are serving. I put no words in your mouth. You do a good job of making an ass of yourself all by your lonely. The only projection going on here is the suggestion that you have made several times that the OWS has or will do anything but crap in the street, pass on STDs and block decent people who want to go to work and are blocked by some of the demonstrations.

In almost 300 posts I have read on this forum I have learned one thing. Those who say they support OWS have yet to explain what the really want from their protests. How do they expect to get it. From whom do they believe support for the non ideas expressed so far will come. Have many of them taken the time to register to vote and voted for politicians who believe as they do. Eh, wait, there are no politicians who give more than lip service to the nasty little illiterate protesters.

Two of my grown grandchildren thought it would be a great adventure to join in the fun after visiting New York. They left in disgust because there were so few people who could carry on a cogent conversation.

So if you want to garner a little support, tell me what YOU expect of the movement, how do YOU expect to change things, and what do you believe the end goals are. That earlier list of left wing talking points someone posted was a waste of time.

Sure. Go here:

Political Platform

You'll find two points that in the last couple of weeks, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich have come out and said they would do - I'm assuming those two aren't too "Liberal" for you? Of course this was up before Newt talked about passing GLB being a huge mistake.

If the points and specific actions aren't sufficiently clear, I'm happy to provide an excellent article from another OWS that is both educational and make valid arguments for ending the Federal Reserve. Or an article that explains the loopholes that Obama's buddies at GE used to pay zero taxes on $5 Billion in profits.

So besides all that my point has remained consistent. The Occupy Movement is not JUST the people that you are shown by the MSM. I mean, if you are just so infinitely trusting in them to give you the complete and accurate picture, well that's your choice. It wasn't mine, when it came to the Tea Party. I learned there was more to them than was being shown on tv.
It wasn't mine when it came to OWS. Same result.
That is my point albeit a simple one. I don't trust the MSM to give me the whole picture and I've learned there are a lot of people in OWS who have very serious and legitimate points, identified problems and come up with viable, practical solutions to at least a few of them.
The only azzhole around here is you, and your head if firmly implanted within. So far you have posted no points, only suggest you support anarchy. Right, before I ever posted a word.You made a few minor claims, but posted no points as to how those assertions would help, the mechanics about which you think they will help, or the manner in which you plan to carry them out. What political movement evolving? All the OWS was and is is anarchy, trying to change to something (they don't know what), certainly don't know how, so they mill around, smoke pot, have sex and crap on the ground. You support the OWS. The OWS is anarchy. It is not evolving. It has had a very few someone big names visit, claim support, then leave because of the stench. I am not angry, at least not at OWS. I am angry at Obama, and the left wing politicians who are destroying our economy and our cultural institutions. Some of the points made by the OWS supporters make sense. Exorbitant wage disparity is not good. But I don't see government making policy decisions forbidding it in the US. Then why do you claim to support OWS as that has been the major assertion by the few who can speak in a literate manner. The changes they say they want may could occur in Russia maybe, but not here. I categorically deny that OWS is serving some useful purpose. Most of those interviewed haven't the slightest idea what they are doing, what they want, and how to accomplish any change. Whatever, they are going about it wrong. Right. There were one or two who could speak understandable good English. And they could not express a valid goal either. My suggestion to all who want to regulated business and corporations to the point of dictating worker pay and CEO pay, move to a country where it is allowed. You won't like it there either. Or, you can join the military. Everyone makes the same thing within each rank structure. It is well regimented and the CEOs (General Officers) are not paid exorbitant amounts of money. Fact is, most companies pay their executives in accordance with what they perceive the executives contribute to the company in earnings. The day we start to regulated to that degree will be the last day of a successful market economy and the first day of a spiraling degeneration of our economy.I haven't thrown a tantrum for about 70 years. I note you have made no points at all. I have also noted that the OWS anarchists don't even know what they are doing and the master they are serving. I put no words in your mouth. You do a good job of making an ass of yourself all by your lonely. The only projection going on here is the suggestion that you have made several times that the OWS has or will do anything but crap in the street, pass on STDs and block decent people who want to go to work and are blocked by some of the demonstrations.

In almost 300 posts I have read on this forum I have learned one thing. Those who say they support OWS have yet to explain what the really want from their protests. How do they expect to get it. From whom do they believe support for the non ideas expressed so far will come. Have many of them taken the time to register to vote and voted for politicians who believe as they do. Eh, wait, there are no politicians who give more than lip service to the nasty little illiterate protesters.

Two of my grown grandchildren thought it would be a great adventure to join in the fun after visiting New York. They left in disgust because there were so few people who could carry on a cogent conversation.

So if you want to garner a little support, tell me what YOU expect of the movement, how do YOU expect to change things, and what do you believe the end goals are. That earlier list of left wing talking points someone posted was a waste of time.

Sure. Go here:

Political Platform

You'll find two points that in the last couple of weeks, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich have come out and said they would do - I'm assuming those two aren't too "Liberal" for you? Of course this was up before Newt talked about passing GLB being a huge mistake.
Bah humbug.
If the points and specific actions aren't sufficiently clear, I'm happy to provide an excellent article from another OWS that is both educational and make valid arguments for ending the Federal Reserve. Or an article that explains the loopholes that Obama's buddies at GE used to pay zero taxes on $5 Billion in profits.
More bah humbug.

So besides all that my point has remained consistent. The Occupy Movement is not JUST the people that you are shown by the MSM. I mean, if you are just so infinitely trusting in them to give you the complete and accurate picture, well that's your choice. It wasn't mine, when it came to the Tea Party. I learned there was more to them than was being shown on tv.
You have made a few general statements about what you like, but no guts, no explanation as to how they would work, or why they were politically expedient, or how to approach getting them done.
It wasn't mine when it came to OWS. Same result.
The same bah humbug without any real details or probabilities it would work, or reasons why it would be good for the country.
That is my point albeit a simple one. I don't trust the MSM to give me the whole picture and I've learned there are a lot of people in OWS who have very serious and legitimate points, identified problems and come up with viable, practical solutions to at least a few of them.
I have read OWS propaganda all over the web. I see some fringe people, not the people on the square, trying to tells us what the OWS is and why we should support them. But again, general goals without information it would take to accomplish them.

As to the guys on the block doing the occupying, do you have any idea what they are talking about? I seriously doubt it and you have not echoed what first hand witnesses are telling me, people I trust and know.

OWS is a flash in the pan movement telling us they are unhappy with corporations and the government without a nickels worth of understanding why things are the way they are. They don't want to hear how Obama stabbed them in the back by giving the very people who are being protested nearly a trillion dollars without any strings attached.

I'll give you a simple point, GET RID OF OBAMA, PELOSI, REID AND MOST OF THE REST OF THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC MACHINE. As a life long democrat I hate the way my party has been stolen by left wing maniacs.

BTW, if you believe that Political Platform was put together by the OWS you are crazier than I thought you were. People hoping to take advantage of the unrest is hijacking what was a grassroots, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore," and trying to use it for their own political purposes. From reading your posts, and the links you have posted, I suspect you are a Johnny come lately trying to horn in on their fun and games too.
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"I guess" my questions won't be answered. "I guess."

Unions buying Democratic politicians wasn't mentioned because Democrats, like Republicans, are bought by corporations, not unions.

Fannie and Freddy are trivial compared to the corruption of our elected and supposedly democratic government by corporate money.

There. Happy now?

says ewe no I'm not happy..

Denver taxpayers got stuck for an 800K tab for the Occupy Whatever protest group.
Tab to taxpayers for Occupy Denver security now close to $800,000 - The Denver Post

You know what? Very few people even care anymore. They have lives to live. What do these protesters want? They just haven't made themselves clear enough on that. Is it now only about the whining? Is it only about stealing from fellow Citizens to get something for free. What do they want? Because America is the kind of place where people really do get sick of whiners. That whiny stuff does real well in Western Europe but it wont do so well here. So they need to quit their whining and get to the point. Make the demands and then go home. It's just getting old now.
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

C.S. Lewis

Oh fuck off... CS Lewis???

You're lucky you have the freedom to post those words......

True freedom of speech is only defended by guys like me these days....

You support the tyranny...
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Sure. Go here:

Political Platform

You'll find two points that in the last couple of weeks, Ron Paul and Newt Gingrich have come out and said they would do - I'm assuming those two aren't too "Liberal" for you? Of course this was up before Newt talked about passing GLB being a huge mistake.
Bah humbug.More bah humbug.

So besides all that my point has remained consistent. The Occupy Movement is not JUST the people that you are shown by the MSM. I mean, if you are just so infinitely trusting in them to give you the complete and accurate picture, well that's your choice. It wasn't mine, when it came to the Tea Party. I learned there was more to them than was being shown on tv.
You have made a few general statements about what you like, but no guts, no explanation as to how they would work, or why they were politically expedient, or how to approach getting them done.
It wasn't mine when it came to OWS. Same result.
The same bah humbug without any real details or probabilities it would work, or reasons why it would be good for the country.
That is my point albeit a simple one. I don't trust the MSM to give me the whole picture and I've learned there are a lot of people in OWS who have very serious and legitimate points, identified problems and come up with viable, practical solutions to at least a few of them.
I have read OWS propaganda all over the web. I see some fringe people, not the people on the square, trying to tells us what the OWS is and why we should support them. But again, general goals without information it would take to accomplish them.

As to the guys on the block doing the occupying, do you have any idea what they are talking about? I seriously doubt it and you have not echoed what first hand witnesses are telling me, people I trust and know.

OWS is a flash in the pan movement telling us they are unhappy with corporations and the government without a nickels worth of understanding why things are the way they are. They don't want to hear how Obama stabbed them in the back by giving the very people who are being protested nearly a trillion dollars without any strings attached.

I'll give you a simple point, GET RID OF OBAMA, PELOSI, REID AND MOST OF THE REST OF THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC MACHINE. As a life long democrat I hate the way my party has been stolen by left wing maniacs.

BTW, if you believe that Political Platform was put together by the OWS you are crazier than I thought you were. People hoping to take advantage of the unrest is hijacking what was a grassroots, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore," and trying to use it for their own political purposes. From reading your posts, and the links you have posted, I suspect you are a Johnny come lately trying to horn in on their fun and games too.

Bah humbug? You're such an F-ing coward! I brought up a dozen very specific points about campaign reform, repealing GLB, overcoming CU, Foreign handouts, bailouts and more from OWS sites. What kind of ignorant cowardly dumbsh!t do you respond with? You're so weak.
Yeah. Keep dodging and Cut & Running. But DON'T address the specific issues brought up. You ain't got the balls. Conservative, right?
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You know what? Very few people even care anymore. They have lives to live. What do these protesters want? They just haven't made themselves clear enough on that. Is it now only about the whining? Is it only about stealing from fellow Citizens to get something for free. What do they want? Because America is the kind of place where people really do get sick of whiners. That whiny stuff does real well in Western Europe but it wont do so well here. So they need to quit their whining and get to the point. Make the demands and then go home. It's just getting old now.

Want to know what SOME of them are about?

Political Platform

Time to dodge...

Forum List
