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For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you)

Now it's "some"? Moving the goal posts, eh?

Here's what "some" are about as well.

With Ruckus's decentralized network of highly experienced activists spread across the U.S. and Canada we have the unique capability and flexibility to plug in to many Occupations simultaneously. Many of our trainers have been on the ground at Occupy Wall Street or their hometown Occupations since Day 1; and many more are plugging in every day, or are ready to be deployed to where the needs are greatest.

Ruckus is taking a multi-pronged approach to supporting the Occupy movements, working as a cohesive network of skilled direct action trainers and practitioners, and with our allies in other training networks and base-building community organizing groups to support local occupations and coordinate nationwide collaborative efforts to create a strong and unified movement.

The Ruckus Society*:*Nationwide Capacity-Building for Occupy Together

The Ruckus Society has been described by many reliable sources as an anarchist organization that played a major role in inciting property damage and vandalism during the Seattle WTO protests in 1999.[1][2][3][4] According to a 2005 article by Randy Borum and Chuck Tilby, in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism: "Some organizations such as Ruckus Society and Anarchist Black Cross Federation even specialize in providing training in activism and varying forms of civil disobedience. There are many resources freely available to teach interested anarchists how to conduct surveillance, prepare for protests, climb and descend, build shields, and craft weapons. The legality of the proposed actions is secondary to their perceived effectiveness

Ruckus Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
"Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience."

C.S. Lewis

Oh fuck off... CS Lewis???

You're lucky you have the freedom to post those words......

True freedom of speech is only defended by guys like me these days....

You support the tyranny...
For a man who wrote the insightful "Screwtape Letters" as a treatise on how spiritual evil works in the mendacious nature of man to be derided as a know-nothing by you proves only that you don't know what the hell you're talking about and are proud to expose that fact.
Oh fuck off... CS Lewis???

You're lucky you have the freedom to post those words......

True freedom of speech is only defended by guys like me these days....

You support the tyranny...

Um Nick, You may want to read the Lewis quote again. It is one of the most insightful and concise indictments of leftism ever penned. Think of the evil of Obamacare as you read it.
Bah humbug.More bah humbug.

So besides all that my point has remained consistent. The Occupy Movement is not JUST the people that you are shown by the MSM. I mean, if you are just so infinitely trusting in them to give you the complete and accurate picture, well that's your choice. It wasn't mine, when it came to the Tea Party. I learned there was more to them than was being shown on tv.
You have made a few general statements about what you like, but no guts, no explanation as to how they would work, or why they were politically expedient, or how to approach getting them done. The same bah humbug without any real details or probabilities it would work, or reasons why it would be good for the country.
That is my point albeit a simple one. I don't trust the MSM to give me the whole picture and I've learned there are a lot of people in OWS who have very serious and legitimate points, identified problems and come up with viable, practical solutions to at least a few of them.
I have read OWS propaganda all over the web. I see some fringe people, not the people on the square, trying to tells us what the OWS is and why we should support them. But again, general goals without information it would take to accomplish them.

As to the guys on the block doing the occupying, do you have any idea what they are talking about? I seriously doubt it and you have not echoed what first hand witnesses are telling me, people I trust and know.

OWS is a flash in the pan movement telling us they are unhappy with corporations and the government without a nickels worth of understanding why things are the way they are. They don't want to hear how Obama stabbed them in the back by giving the very people who are being protested nearly a trillion dollars without any strings attached.

I'll give you a simple point, GET RID OF OBAMA, PELOSI, REID AND MOST OF THE REST OF THE CORRUPT DEMOCRATIC MACHINE. As a life long democrat I hate the way my party has been stolen by left wing maniacs.

BTW, if you believe that Political Platform was put together by the OWS you are crazier than I thought you were. People hoping to take advantage of the unrest is hijacking what was a grassroots, "I'm mad as hell and I'm not going to take it anymore," and trying to use it for their own political purposes. From reading your posts, and the links you have posted, I suspect you are a Johnny come lately trying to horn in on their fun and games too.

Bah humbug? You're such an F-ing coward! I brought up a dozen very specific points about campaign reform, repealing GLB, overcoming CU, Foreign handouts, bailouts and more from OWS sites. What kind of ignorant cowardly dumbsh!t do you respond with? You're so weak.
Yeah. Keep dodging and Cut & Running. But DON'T address the specific issues brought up. You ain't got the balls. Conservative, right?
You brought up a bunch of general hodgepodge, no specifics, no means to act, nothing of consequence. Now, it you want to talk about cowardice, go look in the mirror. You are not only a coward, you are a know nothing bullshit artist trying to associate some of your personal general ideas to a movement of bah humbug. Why not say what you believe instead of projecting something on a group of people who have not the slightest idea about which you speak
These OWS protesters need to get to the point or just go away. The endless whining stuff just bothers most Americans. It gets real old real fast here in America. This is not Western Europe where laziness and endless whining are encouraged & praised. Americans just get pissed off and tune out. So what is it all about? What do these people want? If it's only about the whining and the Entitlement attitude,most Americans will call Bullshit on it and move on. So they need to get to the point or just go home.
Now it's "some"? Moving the goal posts, eh?

Here's what "some" are about as well.

With Ruckus's decentralized network of highly experienced activists spread across the U.S. and Canada we have the unique capability and flexibility to plug in to many Occupations simultaneously. Many of our trainers have been on the ground at Occupy Wall Street or their hometown Occupations since Day 1; and many more are plugging in every day, or are ready to be deployed to where the needs are greatest.

Ruckus is taking a multi-pronged approach to supporting the Occupy movements, working as a cohesive network of skilled direct action trainers and practitioners, and with our allies in other training networks and base-building community organizing groups to support local occupations and coordinate nationwide collaborative efforts to create a strong and unified movement.

The Ruckus Society*:*Nationwide Capacity-Building for Occupy Together

The Ruckus Society has been described by many reliable sources as an anarchist organization that played a major role in inciting property damage and vandalism during the Seattle WTO protests in 1999.[1][2][3][4] According to a 2005 article by Randy Borum and Chuck Tilby, in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism: "Some organizations such as Ruckus Society and Anarchist Black Cross Federation even specialize in providing training in activism and varying forms of civil disobedience. There are many resources freely available to teach interested anarchists how to conduct surveillance, prepare for protests, climb and descend, build shields, and craft weapons. The legality of the proposed actions is secondary to their perceived effectiveness

Ruckus Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No. Not moving the goal post. You are though.
The difference between us is that I've maintainted in this and other posts that there are whackjobs, weirdos etc... and always have been, among the tent occupiers.
So I am not afraid to acknowledge the obvious that you and the ConservaRepubs drone on and parrot over and over again.
Whereas you and the drone-set, are unable to acknowledge that this does not apply to everyone in Occupy.
Doesn't matter how sites, links whatever is provided, you guys run away and stick your head in the sand screaming "They don't exist!".
Okay fine. So it's not like logic or reason are going to apply in WhackjobLand.

These OWS protesters need to get to the point or just go away. The endless whining stuff just bothers most Americans. It gets real old real fast here in America. This is not Western Europe where laziness and endless whining are encouraged & praised. Americans just get pissed off and tune out. So what is it all about? What do these people want? If it's only about the whining and the Entitlement attitude,most Americans will call Bullshit on it and move on. So they need to get to the point or just go home.

So basically, your goal is intentional stupidity? I've already posted a couple links that give very specific messages and you reply we need to get to the point? You realize that your unelectable candidate agrees with us on several issues, don't you?

NM. Ron Apaulcolyte. Should have known that things like facts, evidence, logic and issues would be something you would avoid. You guys are EXACTLY like Republicans that way...
These OWS protesters need to get to the point or just go away. The endless whining stuff just bothers most Americans. It gets real old real fast here in America. This is not Western Europe where laziness and endless whining are encouraged & praised. Americans just get pissed off and tune out. So what is it all about? What do these people want? If it's only about the whining and the Entitlement attitude,most Americans will call Bullshit on it and move on. So they need to get to the point or just go home.

So basically, your goal is intentional stupidity? I've already posted a couple links that give very specific messages and you reply we need to get to the point? You realize that your unelectable candidate agrees with us on several issues, don't you?

NM. Ron Apaulcolyte. Should have known that things like facts, evidence, logic and issues would be something you would avoid. You guys are EXACTLY like Republicans that way...

I didn't say i disagree with everything they're protesting about. I just said their message hasn't been clear. And now they're just coming off as Entitlement whiners. Very few Americans know what they want. They only see the Entitlement whining. And this isn't Western Europe.

Ok,we know they hate Wall Street. So now what? Vote for candidates who don't take money from Wall Street i guess. But is it only about that? Or is it about stealing from fellow Citizens because they feel they're entitled to someone elses income? I don't know but it sure looks like many of these protesters do feel that way. And that just wont fly with common sense thinking Americans. I think they're losing steam fast. They better get a more clear message.
Now it's "some"? Moving the goal posts, eh?

Here's what "some" are about as well.

With Ruckus's decentralized network of highly experienced activists spread across the U.S. and Canada we have the unique capability and flexibility to plug in to many Occupations simultaneously. Many of our trainers have been on the ground at Occupy Wall Street or their hometown Occupations since Day 1; and many more are plugging in every day, or are ready to be deployed to where the needs are greatest.

Ruckus is taking a multi-pronged approach to supporting the Occupy movements, working as a cohesive network of skilled direct action trainers and practitioners, and with our allies in other training networks and base-building community organizing groups to support local occupations and coordinate nationwide collaborative efforts to create a strong and unified movement.

The Ruckus Society*:*Nationwide Capacity-Building for Occupy Together

The Ruckus Society has been described by many reliable sources as an anarchist organization that played a major role in inciting property damage and vandalism during the Seattle WTO protests in 1999.[1][2][3][4] According to a 2005 article by Randy Borum and Chuck Tilby, in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism: "Some organizations such as Ruckus Society and Anarchist Black Cross Federation even specialize in providing training in activism and varying forms of civil disobedience. There are many resources freely available to teach interested anarchists how to conduct surveillance, prepare for protests, climb and descend, build shields, and craft weapons. The legality of the proposed actions is secondary to their perceived effectiveness

Ruckus Society - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

No. Not moving the goal post. You are though.
The difference between us is that I've maintainted in this and other posts that there are whackjobs, weirdos etc... and always have been, among the tent occupiers.
So I am not afraid to acknowledge the obvious that you and the ConservaRepubs drone on and parrot over and over again.
Whereas you and the drone-set, are unable to acknowledge that this does not apply to everyone in Occupy.
Doesn't matter how sites, links whatever is provided, you guys run away and stick your head in the sand screaming "They don't exist!".
Okay fine. So it's not like logic or reason are going to apply in WhackjobLand.


Oh whatever.. the Odoriferous Wasteoid Slacker movement is for all intents and purposes done... nobody's paying any attention other than when they are sent packing yet again.
The sad irony is that OWS and Wall Street have the same Entitlement mentality. It's all about stealing from fellow Citizens. They're actually on the same side.
These OWS protesters need to get to the point or just go away. The endless whining stuff just bothers most Americans. It gets real old real fast here in America. This is not Western Europe where laziness and endless whining are encouraged & praised. Americans just get pissed off and tune out. So what is it all about? What do these people want? If it's only about the whining and the Entitlement attitude,most Americans will call Bullshit on it and move on. So they need to get to the point or just go home.

So basically, your goal is intentional stupidity?
Not his, your goal appears to be stupidity. paulitician was right.
I've already posted a couple links that give very specific messages and you reply we need to get to the point?
So you are suggesting the links you have posted actually reflect the opinions of the OWS? They don't. They only reflect the opinions of some people like you who are trying to project their own opinions onto the OWS.
you realize that your unelectable candidate agrees with us on several issues, don't you?
Of course Paul is unelectable, part of which are the idiotic ideas of his which correspond to the people trying to project their opinions onto the OWS.
NM. Ron Apaulcolyte. Should have known that things like facts, evidence, logic and issues would be something you would avoid. You guys are EXACTLY like Republicans that way...
Where are your facts? I see a lot of unsupported assertions from you and others like you. I see you throw around the Republican comment like you know something. You don't. You are nothing but a useful idiot. You have no idea what real republicans want, nor do you know what we moderate democrats want. I don't mean as an ultimate goal (most of we moderates want the same things), but rather how to achieve that goal. Rattling off a list of "wants" like you have copied from your left wing talking points site is nothing but a repeat of your typical rhetoric. Where is the meat of the issues? The why, the how, the specific kinds of legislation to accomplish what you say you want. Cut your bullshit and try to post some specific ways to accomplish what you have said, but you must recognize those lists do not come from the OWS people because they haven't the brains to understand the issues; something they have proved over and over.
These OWS protesters need to get to the point or just go away. The endless whining stuff just bothers most Americans. It gets real old real fast here in America. This is not Western Europe where laziness and endless whining are encouraged & praised. Americans just get pissed off and tune out. So what is it all about? What do these people want? If it's only about the whining and the Entitlement attitude,most Americans will call Bullshit on it and move on. So they need to get to the point or just go home.

So basically, your goal is intentional stupidity?
Not his, your goal appears to be stupidity. paulitician was right.So you are suggesting the links you have posted actually reflect the opinions of the OWS? They don't. They only reflect the opinions of some people like you who are trying to project their own opinions onto the OWS.
you realize that your unelectable candidate agrees with us on several issues, don't you?
Of course Paul is unelectable, part of which are the idiotic ideas of his which correspond to the people trying to project their opinions onto the OWS.
NM. Ron Apaulcolyte. Should have known that things like facts, evidence, logic and issues would be something you would avoid. You guys are EXACTLY like Republicans that way...
Where are your facts? I see a lot of unsupported assertions from you and others like you. I see you throw around the Republican comment like you know something. You don't. You are nothing but a useful idiot. You have no idea what real republicans want, nor do you know what we moderate democrats want. I don't mean as an ultimate goal (most of we moderates want the same things), but rather how to achieve that goal. Rattling off a list of "wants" like you have copied from your left wing talking points site is nothing but a repeat of your typical rhetoric. Where is the meat of the issues? The why, the how, the specific kinds of legislation to accomplish what you say you want. Cut your bullshit and try to post some specific ways to accomplish what you have said, but you must recognize those lists do not come from the OWS people because they haven't the brains to understand the issues; something they have proved over and over.

Well don't look at the OWS sites posted and don't discuss the specific issues and ways to accomplish what we seek in the OP.

I am a member of OWS. I speak at General Assemblies often. I'm quoted on a lot of their sites and the blogs of other members all over the country.
Apparently you don't think I exist. The hundreds of people I've talked to and interacted with don't exist. Move along. Nothing to see here. Believe what you are told to believe. Those people are ALL exactly as the MS tells you because the MSM and internet are always 100% accurate. Okay. That is of course, your choice. And there are a LOT of people just like you.

It's perfectly understandable.
Well don't look at the OWS sites posted and don't discuss the specific issues and ways to accomplish what we seek in the OP.

I am a member of OWS. I speak at General Assemblies often. I'm quoted on a lot of their sites and the blogs of other members all over the country.
Apparently you don't think I exist. The hundreds of people I've talked to and interacted with don't exist. Move along. Nothing to see here. Believe what you are told to believe. Those people are ALL exactly as the MS tells you because the MSM and internet are always 100% accurate. Okay. That is of course, your choice. And there are a LOT of people just like you.

It's perfectly understandable.

I already did that, then you ran and hid.
So basically, your goal is intentional stupidity?
Not his, your goal appears to be stupidity. paulitician was right.So you are suggesting the links you have posted actually reflect the opinions of the OWS? They don't. They only reflect the opinions of some people like you who are trying to project their own opinions onto the OWS. Of course Paul is unelectable, part of which are the idiotic ideas of his which correspond to the people trying to project their opinions onto the OWS.
NM. Ron Apaulcolyte. Should have known that things like facts, evidence, logic and issues would be something you would avoid. You guys are EXACTLY like Republicans that way...
Where are your facts? I see a lot of unsupported assertions from you and others like you. I see you throw around the Republican comment like you know something. You don't. You are nothing but a useful idiot. You have no idea what real republicans want, nor do you know what we moderate democrats want. I don't mean as an ultimate goal (most of we moderates want the same things), but rather how to achieve that goal. Rattling off a list of "wants" like you have copied from your left wing talking points site is nothing but a repeat of your typical rhetoric. Where is the meat of the issues? The why, the how, the specific kinds of legislation to accomplish what you say you want. Cut your bullshit and try to post some specific ways to accomplish what you have said, but you must recognize those lists do not come from the OWS people because they haven't the brains to understand the issues; something they have proved over and over.

Well don't look at the OWS sites posted and don't discuss the specific issues and ways to accomplish what we seek in the OP.

I am a member of OWS. I speak at General Assemblies often. I'm quoted on a lot of their sites and the blogs of other members all over the country.
Apparently you don't think I exist. The hundreds of people I've talked to and interacted with don't exist. Move along. Nothing to see here. Believe what you are told to believe. Those people are ALL exactly as the MS tells you because the MSM and internet are always 100% accurate. Okay. That is of course, your choice. And there are a LOT of people just like you.

It's perfectly understandable.
I think you exist. I just think that if you are part of the OWS you sound just like the ones interviewed on TV. Know little, answer questions like you have your head stuffed up your rear, and you never post anything of substance here on the forum. I hope you say more when you speak than you say on the forum or you are wasting peoples time.

I'll make this easy for you, tell us just how you would accomplish one of your goals, in detail with specific means while explaining just what your one goal is. Do that and let's see if you are up to discussing politics without spouting a lot of meaningless rhetoric as you have so far.
Well don't look at the OWS sites posted and don't discuss the specific issues and ways to accomplish what we seek in the OP.

I am a member of OWS. I speak at General Assemblies often. I'm quoted on a lot of their sites and the blogs of other members all over the country.
Apparently you don't think I exist. The hundreds of people I've talked to and interacted with don't exist. Move along. Nothing to see here. Believe what you are told to believe. Those people are ALL exactly as the MS tells you because the MSM and internet are always 100% accurate. Okay. That is of course, your choice. And there are a LOT of people just like you.

It's perfectly understandable.

I already did that, then you ran and hid.
So far is acts like a ghost the way he flits from one subject to another without ever saying anything.
Not his, your goal appears to be stupidity. paulitician was right.So you are suggesting the links you have posted actually reflect the opinions of the OWS? They don't. They only reflect the opinions of some people like you who are trying to project their own opinions onto the OWS. Of course Paul is unelectable, part of which are the idiotic ideas of his which correspond to the people trying to project their opinions onto the OWS.Where are your facts? I see a lot of unsupported assertions from you and others like you. I see you throw around the Republican comment like you know something. You don't. You are nothing but a useful idiot. You have no idea what real republicans want, nor do you know what we moderate democrats want. I don't mean as an ultimate goal (most of we moderates want the same things), but rather how to achieve that goal. Rattling off a list of "wants" like you have copied from your left wing talking points site is nothing but a repeat of your typical rhetoric. Where is the meat of the issues? The why, the how, the specific kinds of legislation to accomplish what you say you want. Cut your bullshit and try to post some specific ways to accomplish what you have said, but you must recognize those lists do not come from the OWS people because they haven't the brains to understand the issues; something they have proved over and over.

Well don't look at the OWS sites posted and don't discuss the specific issues and ways to accomplish what we seek in the OP.

I am a member of OWS. I speak at General Assemblies often. I'm quoted on a lot of their sites and the blogs of other members all over the country.
Apparently you don't think I exist. The hundreds of people I've talked to and interacted with don't exist. Move along. Nothing to see here. Believe what you are told to believe. Those people are ALL exactly as the MS tells you because the MSM and internet are always 100% accurate. Okay. That is of course, your choice. And there are a LOT of people just like you.

It's perfectly understandable.
I think you exist. I just think that if you are part of the OWS you sound just like the ones interviewed on TV. Know little, answer questions like you have your head stuffed up your rear, and you never post anything of substance here on the forum. I hope you say more when you speak than you say on the forum or you are wasting peoples time.

I'll make this easy for you, tell us just how you would accomplish one of your goals, in detail with specific means while explaining just what your one goal is. Do that and let's see if you are up to discussing politics without spouting a lot of meaningless rhetoric as you have so far.

Happy to - and since you have actually brought up issues, I won't return your insults.

Here's one goal: Reduce the Level of Influence that Corporations, PACs and Unions have on elections.
How to accomplish this:
1. Public Financing.
2. Pass legislation that neutralizes the effect of the Citizens United decision
3. Term Limits.
Right now politicians spend 2/3 of their time on the phone with current campaign contributors and looking for new ones. That's why they only work about a hndred days a year. Any surprise that not much gets done? Then when they get big donors, they are beholden to them. Texas Repubs to Big Oil. Michigan Dems to UAW. Obama to SEIU and so on. Do you really like that?
Same with the CU decision. Are you really comfortable with Michael Moore being able to spend unlimited funds on campaign ads? How about Saudi Arabian terrorist-supporting oil shieks spending millions to buy a border politician in New Mexico? Wouldn't it be better to eliminate that kind of influence altogether?
As far as term limits go, it's the weakest of the three ideas but I still think it has merit. If a senator or congressman can't be bought by a company no matter how much they spend, is it likely he might start doing the right things for his country? I got that idea from a Tea Partier friend of mine, not an Occupier btw.

So if these things would greatly reduce the power of corps, unions etc... in elections, the power of citizen's vote would be strengthened tremedously. The ability for Special Interests to influence our politicians and through them, dictate policy, would be reduced.
We think this would be great for America.
Well don't look at the OWS sites posted and don't discuss the specific issues and ways to accomplish what we seek in the OP.

I am a member of OWS. I speak at General Assemblies often. I'm quoted on a lot of their sites and the blogs of other members all over the country.
Apparently you don't think I exist. The hundreds of people I've talked to and interacted with don't exist. Move along. Nothing to see here. Believe what you are told to believe. Those people are ALL exactly as the MS tells you because the MSM and internet are always 100% accurate. Okay. That is of course, your choice. And there are a LOT of people just like you.

It's perfectly understandable.
I think you exist. I just think that if you are part of the OWS you sound just like the ones interviewed on TV. Know little, answer questions like you have your head stuffed up your rear, and you never post anything of substance here on the forum. I hope you say more when you speak than you say on the forum or you are wasting peoples time.

I'll make this easy for you, tell us just how you would accomplish one of your goals, in detail with specific means while explaining just what your one goal is. Do that and let's see if you are up to discussing politics without spouting a lot of meaningless rhetoric as you have so far.

Happy to - and since you have actually brought up issues, I won't return your insults.

Here's one goal: Reduce the Level of Influence that Corporations, PACs and Unions have on elections.
How to accomplish this:
1. Public Financing.
Not in a million years would this work. No matter how hard you try to keep citizens money out of an election you can't. The USSC has already found that trying to limit political campaign money donations is unconstitutional in many ways.
2. Pass legislation that neutralizes the effect of the Citizens United decision
You can't legislate to reverse a supreme court decision. You would have to get a constitutional amendment.
3. Term Limits.
Talk about a non-sequitur, this takes the cake. No discussion deserved. It simply won't/can't happen in a free society.
Right now politicians spend 2/3 of their time on the phone with current campaign contributors and looking for new ones. That's why they only work about a hndred days a year. Any surprise that not much gets done? Then when they get big donors, they are beholden to them. Texas Repubs to Big Oil. Michigan Dems to UAW. Obama to SEIU and so on. Do you really like that?
Like it? Of course not, no more than I like Soros and his money buying the best government it can afford. But again, a non-sequitur.
Same with the CU decision. Are you really comfortable with Michael Moore being able to spend unlimited funds on campaign ads? How about Saudi Arabian terrorist-supporting oil shieks spending millions to buy a border politician in New Mexico? Wouldn't it be better to eliminate that kind of influence altogether?
You like to talk about goals. HOW DO YOU PROPOSE TO GET ANY OF THAT DONE? Big talk, no action.
As far as term limits go, it's the weakest of the three ideas but I still think it has merit. If a senator or congressman can't be bought by a company no matter how much they spend, is it likely he might start doing the right things for his country? I got that idea from a Tea Partier friend of mine, not an Occupier btw.
Do you want to eliminate money influencing politicians? Prohibit lobbying of any kind. Do you want to reduce Corporate buying influence and favors? Eliminate Corporate taxes, then the favors would be cut in half overnight. Now that's workable, and the taxes can be made up by taxing individual income taxes on the dividends.
But you still haven't brought up OWS as it played out in the streets. OWS is nothing but a bunch of anarchists blowing of steam, and each other.
So if these things would greatly reduce the power of corps, unions etc... in elections, the power of citizen's vote would be strengthened tremedously.
The fact is, your goal, to end corp and union influence in elections is good, but you haven't the faintest idea how to do it. At least you haven't explained anything yet.
The ability for Special Interests to influence our politicians and through them, dictate policy, would be reduced.
We think this would be great for America.
You are talking fantasy world. If you want to eliminate corporate or union influence on politicians you have to be willing to think outside of the box.

Union money is big, even if unions themselves are small potatoes now, less than 12% of our work force. The way to eliminate big union money is to pass legislation at the federal level outlawing closed shops; to outlaw union influence on big business, such as trying to stop Boeing from building Air Craft in South Carolina. No big union influence on corporations, not big union influence on politicians.

Corporate money will never be banned from campaign funding. But their influence can be reduced by eliminating the means by which congress can grant favoritism with special tax exemptions.

If you really want to create an atmosphere in which big campaign spending is an issue, go back to the original means by which our president was selected. The state legislatures selected the presidential electors in a quantity based on the state population. The state legislatures also selected the Senators from that state. By going back to the original way elections remain as they should be, local. All elections should be local as that is the only way voters can know the candidates.

Then take the 10th amendment seriously, and make it work the way it is stated. The federal government should have on authority or means to do anything not specifically delineated in the constitution, giving back to the states the right to run their affairs according to the wishes of their citizens. This alone will go a long way to limit corporate influence on the government if that federal government does not have the power to exercise the favoritism.

That is what I mean about telling us HOW to reach your goals; just spouting the same list of things over and over serves no purpose.

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