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For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you)

Just for your edification...I DID post about Gramm-Leach-Bliley, etc. You simply ignored it.

"In regards to Glass Steagel? Once again...if I'm not mistaken that was something that was signed into law by Bill Clinton because international banks were killing US banks since they could invest in areas that US banks couldn't. I personally agree with Newt on this issue. In the pursuit of short term profits, US commercial banks put themselves in a vulnerable position they wouldn't have been in otherwise."

Okay again, I don't live here. I miss posts from time to time. So now that I see your post, I'm happy to reply.
First a minor correction - Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Blilely, not the 1933 Glass-Steagal but it's understandable that you wrote the latter when you meant the former as they are so related. Yup Clinton signed it. Three Republicans had a super-majority, veto-proof senate so what was he going to do, veto it? Besides, several Dems were behind it as well. And it was a huge mistake. By the DEMS and Repubs who let it go through (see how that works? Not afraid of saying the Dems f*cked up at all! Hell, I think Obama SUCKS!).
So I agree with you and Newt and OWS on this issue.

Not to bust your chops but I had to tell you that I'd replied to your position three times before you acknowledged it and then only when you demanded that I show where I had responded to it. Miss posts from time to time? More like ignore them. And when you couple that with insulting posts like the following... "Ahh the sheeple move in herds. Yet all of you are too stupid or too afraid to respond to any of the points. Here, let me dumb it down for ya"...do you understand what a tool you come off as?

Speaking of ignoring? You STILL haven't responded to my question about the other demands that the OWS protesters have made. Once again, you seem to be "selective" on what you want to discuss here.

OWS protesters have also demanded that minimum wage be raised to $20 an hour...that a "living wage" be given to all, regardless of whether they are working or not...that all debt be forgiven...that credit rating agencies should be done away with...and my favorite...that our borders should be open to any that want to come here. Why is it that you don't want to discuss "those" OWS demands?
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The song, “We Stand as One,” created by Grammy nominee Joseph Arthur, seems to fall short of the mythical claim that the Occupy movement is a non-violent, thoughtful “movement.” Filled with deep lyrics such as calling Occupy enemies “pigs,” warnings that their homes will burn and that the blood of Occupy enemies will be the Occupiers’ “paint,” this song sounds more like a call to violence than an appeal to the better angels of our nature.

Stop The ACLU

Joseph Arthur - We Stand As One (#occupywallstreet) - YouTube!
Again.. asswarp.. the banks have repaid their bailout money.. why aren't you going after fannie and freddie? 187 billion is a lot of money. innit?

So let's see. I directly answered your question regarding an issue (We would end F&F). That's called strength.
You dodged the question again and basically did as is predictible per my signature below.
That's called weakness.

I'll be impressed when a Conservative actually discusses issues instead of all the tactics from the Handbook listed in my signature below. Not holding my breath though...

Actually, you didn't answer her question.

Why aren't the OWS crowd going after the $187B that F&F got? Banks have repaid the money loaned to them, has F&F?
Why aren't they going after Franklin Raines, James Johnson and Jamie Gorelick, who cooked the books and lined their pockets with tens of millions?...I mean besides the (D) next to all of their names.
I guess a lot of people here just believe what the MSM and Right Wing E-media
tell them. This would be the only explanation for some of the posts I've seen.
So I thought I'd help! Here is a C&P from a great OWS site. It will give you
guys a better idea of why you should support us! Here ya go:

"1. We don't want to End Capitalism, We Want to End Corporatacracy.

First, let's make it clear, This is a political movement, not an economic
revolt. We want to end the control of our government by Multi-National
Corporations. This is Issue Number One for everyone I've spoken to in Occupy
Wall Street.

Not one Occupier I know of, wants to turn us into the former Soviet Union (although just like the TP, every movement has it's fringe and the MSM loves to find them). We
don't want to end the economic system which allows people to buy the goods of
their choice. But we do want to end a corrupt political system which allows
Multi-National Corporations to buy the politicians of their choice. So the
single most important theme is Taking control of our government away from
Corporations and putting it back into the hands of We the People.

2. We won't tolerate a government that rewards corporate incompetence, greed and
fraud. No More Bank Bailouts.

The banks bought our government and then, after they lined their pockets with
the wealth of our nation, they blackmailed the government into giving them even
MORE money "In order to keep the economy from collapsing". Right. Then, instead
of making or refinancing home loans, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and
others spent our money on business mergers & acquisitions to benefit the 1%. Oh,
and of course, they paid themselves million dollar bonuses with our money.

We want to set a deadline for payback of existing bailouts. Any company that has
not fully repaid all monies by the deadline, should be broken up so that they
are no longer "too big to fail".

3. We want the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed immediately.
For those of you unfamiliar with it: After the Great Depression, congress passed
the Glass-Steagal act to make sure that banks would never take stupid risks or
use corrupt practices to send the country into another Depression. Then 60 years
later, the banks and companies that bought and paid for Republican Senators Bill
Gramm, Jim Leach and Tom Bliley told them that Glass-Steagal was interfering
with their ability to swindle the American Public. Their masters told these
senators to pass a bill that would NOT ONLY allow them to gamble foolishly again
with American Tax-Payer money - they wanted complete control of our Financial
System by being able OWN both stock brokerages and Insurance Companies too.
Then, once their cohorts completed the creation of what's called a "FIRE
Economy" (an economy based on Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) in America, they
would control everything.

Of course the Senators bowed to their masters and Gramm-Leach-Bliley was passed
with a super-majority that was veto-proof. If it had not been passed, NOT ONE
BANK would have needed bailout money because they would have been prohibited
from investing in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Market.

Some people say we should let "The Market" regulate itself. Are the Banksters
worthy of the trust that was given to them under this law? Here's an example:
Citibank is on trial right now.
While they were selling over $500 MILLION dollars worth of those
toxic mortgage securities to the 99% as a good investment, they were betting the
securities would fail by "Short-Selling" at the same time. In other words, while
they sold your parents these securities for their retirement, they made a bet
the securities would fail - and earned over $140M dollars by doing so. Citibank
is currently offering to pay back about half the money they defrauded out of
regular people as long as no one from the bank goes to jail or even loses their
job. Guess what? The government is going for it. Why? Because the 1% doesn't
have to pay for their crimes. We do. In this case, WE'RE paying their $285M fee
with the bailout money they were given. And people wonder why we're mad."

That's just a small part of the REAL message of OWS. it's a little bit different
than what the SpinDoctors of the MSM and Right Wing media talk about or allow
you to see, isn't it?

The Whole World is watching and listening to our message. Foreign stations give more accurate coverage than FOX - who still spews BS about wanting Socialism and anarchy.

Here is an example of the more accurate foreign coverage of our message:

Occupy Wall Street Exposes Enormous Corruption Between Government and Corporations - YouTube

As a libertarian I'm all for those things. But there's still problems with the OWSers if that really is their goal (which I'm not sure it is). Namely they have to about the worst practical problem solvers....EVER (unfortunately this is a trait found all too commonly among liberals). They are basically blaming the dog (corporate america) for getting fat rather than their master (government) for overfeeding them. If you're gonna protest, which is a rather ineffectual way of getting things done in the first place, at least give yourself a chance by protesting to the people that are in the best position to change things. That would be government. Stop occupying wall street and start occupying government buildings. The politians are the only ones that create the laws to stop this.

You have to understand how confused the general public is by the OWS crowd. Hardly anyone knows what they want and figuring it out is rendered even more confusing because they way they are going about solving this problem makes no logical sense.

I understand how confused the GP is by OWS and acknowledge your point in that regard completely. That's why I posted this. Everything posted is congruent with over 20 OWS site (as the movement is still leaderless, that's the only way to figure out what has overall agreement and no DISagreement.)
So okay, the rag tag group that started it IS pretty out there. I acknowledge that as being valid as well. The whole thing is weird but we're a young movement. That's why a lot of us are trying to educate the public on what the MSM ISN'T showing them (although CNN ran a clip with a guy who stated a lot fo these things the other day. Finally! A little balanced coverage).

The one thing I would disagree with you on, is who has the power. You claim it's the politicians. We believe it's those who get them elected. Money buys elections in this country. it's that simple.
"1. We don't want to End Capitalism, We Want to End Corporatacracy.

First, let's make it clear, This is a political movement, not an economic
revolt. We want to end the control of our government by Multi-National
Corporations. This is Issue Number One for everyone I've spoken to in Occupy
Wall Street.

You're not going to end corporate control of government until you get honest politicians in DC. You're blaming those who offer bribes, and giving a free pass to those who take them. It's the rich who are paying the taxes, thus the rich who are funding all the social programs which are so cherished by those who scream for equality and fairness.

Oh no - we want those who take the bribes out too! Actually, we want to end the bribing process by getting rid of Citizens United and Public financing of elections.

2. We won't tolerate a government that rewards corporate incompetence, greed and
fraud. No More Bank Bailouts.

We want to set a deadline for payback of existing bailouts. Any company that has
not fully repaid all monies by the deadline, should be broken up so that they
are no longer "too big to fail".

I agree. No bailouts. No corporate bailouts, and no individual personal bailouts. I want all the people living on the taxpayer dole to pay it back and start helping pull the cart instead of riding in it.

3. We want the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed immediately.

I do too. I also want the CRA repealed. No more government social engineering and giving away my tax money to pay for people buying homes that they can't afford, leading to a credit crisis, and ruining basically the global economy.

I disagree with you on the CRA but understand your reasoning. I agree with you on the loans that banks were forced to give by Clinton. I disagree that, that alone caused the ruin of the economy. Solid post though. Intelligently expressed ideas and not even any insults!
Okay again, I don't live here. I miss posts from time to time. So now that I see your post, I'm happy to reply.
First a minor correction - Clinton signed Gramm-Leach-Blilely, not the 1933 Glass-Steagal but it's understandable that you wrote the latter when you meant the former as they are so related. Yup Clinton signed it. Three Republicans had a super-majority, veto-proof senate so what was he going to do, veto it? Besides, several Dems were behind it as well. And it was a huge mistake. By the DEMS and Repubs who let it go through (see how that works? Not afraid of saying the Dems f*cked up at all! Hell, I think Obama SUCKS!).
So I agree with you and Newt and OWS on this issue.

Not to bust your chops but I had to tell you that I'd replied to your position three times before you acknowledged it and then only when you demanded that I show where I had responded to it. Miss posts from time to time? More like ignore them. And when you couple that with insulting posts like the following... "Ahh the sheeple move in herds. Yet all of you are too stupid or too afraid to respond to any of the points. Here, let me dumb it down for ya"...do you understand what a tool you come off as?

Speaking of ignoring? You STILL haven't responded to my question about the other demands that the OWS protesters have made. Once again, you seem to be "selective" on what you want to discuss here.

OWS protesters have also demanded that minimum wage be raised to $20 an hour
I know that somewhere, someone has come up with some real doozies like this one. I also know there was a fake e-mail sent out with a bunch of bogus demands. Your source for this demand? I don't know and haven't met anyone who wants the $20 an hour thing. Personally, I'd hate to have to pay $14 for a Big Mac!

...that a "living wage" be given to all, regardless of whether they are working or not...

Another one that I've heard of but no one seems to want or be aware of its' origin. So there may be some whackjob out there demanding that but they do not speak for the majority or even a significant minority of OWS.

that all debt be forgiven...
There were some college students who said they wanted their student loans forgiven and that got popular for a little while (especially with FOX!). Then that idiot Obama decided to see if he could buy a few votes by dangling it out there. So who knows what the hell will happen with the college debt thing now that the WH sees a political opportunity. But not a majority thing and ALL debt - not a minority thing.

that credit rating agencies should be done away with...
Yeah I heard that one too. Did you by any chance get this in an e-mail? I got an e-mail with all this crap in it and deleted it before I went to visit with OWS and see formyself what they were about. Then started chatting with people etc...

and my favorite...that our borders should be open to any that want to come here. Why is it that you don't want to discuss "those" OWS demands?

The border thing is one I haven't even heard of but okay I suppose someone said it somewhere. Hey, did you know the Tea Party wants public funding to pray homosexuality out of people?!?!? Oh wait. Not everyone in the Tea Party wants that? Yeah I know. been to meetings and rallies. Quite the diverse bunch.

So if you still feel I haven't adequately addressed your post let me know. The last one I responded to was just before our tennis match and my wife was buggin me to hurry up. (we beat the youngsters 2 sets to 1 :eek:)
The one thing I would disagree with you on, is who has the power. You claim it's the politicians. We believe it's those who get them elected. Money buys elections in this country. it's that simple.
Then you're a damned fool....No surprise there.

Were the politicians not selling anything (i.e. power influence, loans and grants -think Solindra), there would be nobody seeking to buy it.
For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you)

Actually I think most know but to admit that they understand would mean they would have to also come clean that they are among the self serving a'holes.
Not to bust your chops but I had to tell you that I'd replied to your position three times before you acknowledged it and then only when you demanded that I show where I had responded to it. Miss posts from time to time? More like ignore them. And when you couple that with insulting posts like the following... "Ahh the sheeple move in herds. Yet all of you are too stupid or too afraid to respond to any of the points. Here, let me dumb it down for ya"...do you understand what a tool you come off as?

Speaking of ignoring? You STILL haven't responded to my question about the other demands that the OWS protesters have made. Once again, you seem to be "selective" on what you want to discuss here.

OWS protesters have also demanded that minimum wage be raised to $20 an hour
I know that somewhere, someone has come up with some real doozies like this one. I also know there was a fake e-mail sent out with a bunch of bogus demands. Your source for this demand? I don't know and haven't met anyone who wants the $20 an hour thing. Personally, I'd hate to have to pay $14 for a Big Mac!

...that a "living wage" be given to all, regardless of whether they are working or not...

Another one that I've heard of but no one seems to want or be aware of its' origin. So there may be some whackjob out there demanding that but they do not speak for the majority or even a significant minority of OWS.

that all debt be forgiven...
There were some college students who said they wanted their student loans forgiven and that got popular for a little while (especially with FOX!). Then that idiot Obama decided to see if he could buy a few votes by dangling it out there. So who knows what the hell will happen with the college debt thing now that the WH sees a political opportunity. But not a majority thing and ALL debt - not a minority thing.

that credit rating agencies should be done away with...
Yeah I heard that one too. Did you by any chance get this in an e-mail? I got an e-mail with all this crap in it and deleted it before I went to visit with OWS and see formyself what they were about. Then started chatting with people etc...

and my favorite...that our borders should be open to any that want to come here. Why is it that you don't want to discuss "those" OWS demands?

The border thing is one I haven't even heard of but okay I suppose someone said it somewhere. Hey, did you know the Tea Party wants public funding to pray homosexuality out of people?!?!? Oh wait. Not everyone in the Tea Party wants that? Yeah I know. been to meetings and rallies. Quite the diverse bunch.

So if you still feel I haven't adequately addressed your post let me know. The last one I responded to was just before our tennis match and my wife was buggin me to hurry up. (we beat the youngsters 2 sets to 1 :eek:)

It wasn't a fake e-mail. It was a list of demands that were issued by someone in the NYC OWS group on their web site and then hurriedly deleted after it was widely ridiculed. Since then the OWS have stuck to being vague about what it is they want.

As for what the Tea Party "wants"? The basic goal remains pretty consistent. They want smaller government and for that government to get it's spending under control. That "pray homosexuality" thing is a bunch of crap and you know it. It's been the kind of thing that the Left has tried to use to marginalize the Tea Party since it began.

Bottom line, Independent is that the OWS people are in favor of more government intervention in our daily lives, an extension of the so called "nanny state", whereas the Tea Party wants less government intervention and personal responsibility returned to individual Americans.
OK, here's a question....

Various personal attacks and disagreements about the nature of the OWS movement itself aside.

Does anyone disagree with the 3 points the OP believes that OWS is fighting for?

Because, if we're all in agreement that these points are valid, well, that's a starting point right there.
Does anyone disagree with the 3 points the OP believes that OWS is fighting for?

Because, if we're all in agreement that these points are valid, well, that's a starting point right there.

Who says that the OWS douchebaggers are really in agreement with those three points?

Who says that many-cum-most of them have even heard of the three points?

I'll still stand by the challenge that the percentage of them who don't even know what the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act is doesn't crack double digits.
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The Feculant Flea Baggers are done.... Normal people do not respect drug addicts, homeless, drunks, rapists, public defecators, and the other disgusting trolls that make up this confused group of confused losers.

Fuck off Flea Baggers.
I guess a lot of people here just believe what the MSM and Right Wing E-media
tell them. This would be the only explanation for some of the posts I've seen.
So I thought I'd help! Here is a C&P from a great OWS site. It will give you
guys a better idea of why you should support us! Here ya go:

"1. We don't want to End Capitalism, We Want to End Corporatacracy.

First, let's make it clear, This is a political movement, not an economic
revolt. We want to end the control of our government by Multi-National
Corporations. This is Issue Number One for everyone I've spoken to in Occupy
Wall Street.

Not one Occupier I know of, wants to turn us into the former Soviet Union (although just like the TP, every movement has it's fringe and the MSM loves to find them). We
don't want to end the economic system which allows people to buy the goods of
their choice. But we do want to end a corrupt political system which allows
Multi-National Corporations to buy the politicians of their choice. So the
single most important theme is Taking control of our government away from
Corporations and putting it back into the hands of We the People.

2. We won't tolerate a government that rewards corporate incompetence, greed and
fraud. No More Bank Bailouts.

The banks bought our government and then, after they lined their pockets with
the wealth of our nation, they blackmailed the government into giving them even
MORE money "In order to keep the economy from collapsing". Right. Then, instead
of making or refinancing home loans, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and
others spent our money on business mergers & acquisitions to benefit the 1%. Oh,
and of course, they paid themselves million dollar bonuses with our money.

We want to set a deadline for payback of existing bailouts. Any company that has
not fully repaid all monies by the deadline, should be broken up so that they
are no longer "too big to fail".

3. We want the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed immediately.
For those of you unfamiliar with it: After the Great Depression, congress passed
the Glass-Steagal act to make sure that banks would never take stupid risks or
use corrupt practices to send the country into another Depression. Then 60 years
later, the banks and companies that bought and paid for Republican Senators Bill
Gramm, Jim Leach and Tom Bliley told them that Glass-Steagal was interfering
with their ability to swindle the American Public. Their masters told these
senators to pass a bill that would NOT ONLY allow them to gamble foolishly again
with American Tax-Payer money - they wanted complete control of our Financial
System by being able OWN both stock brokerages and Insurance Companies too.
Then, once their cohorts completed the creation of what's called a "FIRE
Economy" (an economy based on Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) in America, they
would control everything.

Of course the Senators bowed to their masters and Gramm-Leach-Bliley was passed
with a super-majority that was veto-proof. If it had not been passed, NOT ONE
BANK would have needed bailout money because they would have been prohibited
from investing in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Market.

Some people say we should let "The Market" regulate itself. Are the Banksters
worthy of the trust that was given to them under this law? Here's an example:
Citibank is on trial right now.
While they were selling over $500 MILLION dollars worth of those
toxic mortgage securities to the 99% as a good investment, they were betting the
securities would fail by "Short-Selling" at the same time. In other words, while
they sold your parents these securities for their retirement, they made a bet
the securities would fail - and earned over $140M dollars by doing so. Citibank
is currently offering to pay back about half the money they defrauded out of
regular people as long as no one from the bank goes to jail or even loses their
job. Guess what? The government is going for it. Why? Because the 1% doesn't
have to pay for their crimes. We do. In this case, WE'RE paying their $285M fee
with the bailout money they were given. And people wonder why we're mad."

That's just a small part of the REAL message of OWS. it's a little bit different
than what the SpinDoctors of the MSM and Right Wing media talk about or allow
you to see, isn't it?

The Whole World is watching and listening to our message. Foreign stations give more accurate coverage than FOX - who still spews BS about wanting Socialism and anarchy.

Here is an example of the more accurate foreign coverage of our message:

Occupy Wall Street Exposes Enormous Corruption Between Government and Corporations - YouTube

Ok so let me get this Straight.

With the Tea Party, we are suppose to believe what Liberals tell us about them. That they are Racists, and Haters. Despite what we see with our eyes. Which is just a Bunch of Normal People upset about How Government spends money, and ignores what the People want.

With OWS, Liberals wants us to Ignore the Actions of OWS. The Violence, The Anti-Capitalism Signs, the Communist Party signs, the Nazis, and anarchists, and believe what Liberals tell us the Movement stands for?

Sorry, Actions speak louder than words. I am sure there are more level Headed people involved, But the Forces Behind it, and the Core group of the Protesters are indeed Capitalist hating, Communists, and Anarchists, and Nazis.

Obama made this Happen. With the Help of the Lefts Money Bags Soros. Obama as been Crying on the road for Weeks now that people should get mad, get involved. He want's this Distraction. This Move of the Blame from Government to Wall Street, Because he can not win if Americans are Honest and hold him to the Fire along with everyone else.

You can bitch about Wall street all you want, but wall street is not part of our Government. Their Job is to make money, not look out for us. It's the Governments job to over see them. It was government that Encouraged the Practices that Lead to the Housing Crisis. It's always Been Government. Cooperation's have always been Greedy fucks, It's Government that has allowed the Income Gap to Grow. With poor Policies, Corruption, and Ineptitude.
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I guess a lot of people here just believe what the MSM and Right Wing E-media
tell them. This would be the only explanation for some of the posts I've seen.
So I thought I'd help! Here is a C&P from a great OWS site. It will give you
guys a better idea of why you should support us! Here ya go:

"1. We don't want to End Capitalism, We Want to End Corporatacracy.

First, let's make it clear, This is a political movement, not an economic
revolt. We want to end the control of our government by Multi-National
Corporations. This is Issue Number One for everyone I've spoken to in Occupy
Wall Street.

Not one Occupier I know of, wants to turn us into the former Soviet Union (although just like the TP, every movement has it's fringe and the MSM loves to find them). We
don't want to end the economic system which allows people to buy the goods of
their choice. But we do want to end a corrupt political system which allows
Multi-National Corporations to buy the politicians of their choice. So the
single most important theme is Taking control of our government away from
Corporations and putting it back into the hands of We the People.

2. We won't tolerate a government that rewards corporate incompetence, greed and
fraud. No More Bank Bailouts.

The banks bought our government and then, after they lined their pockets with
the wealth of our nation, they blackmailed the government into giving them even
MORE money "In order to keep the economy from collapsing". Right. Then, instead
of making or refinancing home loans, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and
others spent our money on business mergers & acquisitions to benefit the 1%. Oh,
and of course, they paid themselves million dollar bonuses with our money.

We want to set a deadline for payback of existing bailouts. Any company that has
not fully repaid all monies by the deadline, should be broken up so that they
are no longer "too big to fail".

3. We want the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed immediately.
For those of you unfamiliar with it: After the Great Depression, congress passed
the Glass-Steagal act to make sure that banks would never take stupid risks or
use corrupt practices to send the country into another Depression. Then 60 years
later, the banks and companies that bought and paid for Republican Senators Bill
Gramm, Jim Leach and Tom Bliley told them that Glass-Steagal was interfering
with their ability to swindle the American Public. Their masters told these
senators to pass a bill that would NOT ONLY allow them to gamble foolishly again
with American Tax-Payer money - they wanted complete control of our Financial
System by being able OWN both stock brokerages and Insurance Companies too.
Then, once their cohorts completed the creation of what's called a "FIRE
Economy" (an economy based on Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) in America, they
would control everything.

Of course the Senators bowed to their masters and Gramm-Leach-Bliley was passed
with a super-majority that was veto-proof. If it had not been passed, NOT ONE
BANK would have needed bailout money because they would have been prohibited
from investing in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Market.

Some people say we should let "The Market" regulate itself. Are the Banksters
worthy of the trust that was given to them under this law? Here's an example:
Citibank is on trial right now.
While they were selling over $500 MILLION dollars worth of those
toxic mortgage securities to the 99% as a good investment, they were betting the
securities would fail by "Short-Selling" at the same time. In other words, while
they sold your parents these securities for their retirement, they made a bet
the securities would fail - and earned over $140M dollars by doing so. Citibank
is currently offering to pay back about half the money they defrauded out of
regular people as long as no one from the bank goes to jail or even loses their
job. Guess what? The government is going for it. Why? Because the 1% doesn't
have to pay for their crimes. We do. In this case, WE'RE paying their $285M fee
with the bailout money they were given. And people wonder why we're mad."

That's just a small part of the REAL message of OWS. it's a little bit different
than what the SpinDoctors of the MSM and Right Wing media talk about or allow
you to see, isn't it?

The Whole World is watching and listening to our message. Foreign stations give more accurate coverage than FOX - who still spews BS about wanting Socialism and anarchy.

Here is an example of the more accurate foreign coverage of our message:

Occupy Wall Street Exposes Enormous Corruption Between Government and Corporations - YouTube

Protest against your fucking Keynesian government....

I'm Austrian School ...

Maybe Pennsylvania Ave would be a more logical place to protest???
For Those Who Don't Understand What Occupy is REALLY About (Obviously LOTS of you)

Sorry to burst your bubble of self-importance and imaginary superior knowledge, but I believe most DO understand exactly what these wasters are about. But hey! Since you're such an avid fan of the anarchy renta-mob, when are you going to pack your tent and join them? Don't bother answering. We already know the answer to that one!
I guess a lot of people here just believe what the MSM and Right Wing E-media
tell them. This would be the only explanation for some of the posts I've seen.
So I thought I'd help! Here is a C&P from a great OWS site. It will give you
guys a better idea of why you should support us! Here ya go:

"1. We don't want to End Capitalism, We Want to End Corporatacracy.

First, let's make it clear, This is a political movement, not an economic
revolt. We want to end the control of our government by Multi-National
Corporations. This is Issue Number One for everyone I've spoken to in Occupy
Wall Street.

Not one Occupier I know of, wants to turn us into the former Soviet Union (although just like the TP, every movement has it's fringe and the MSM loves to find them). We
don't want to end the economic system which allows people to buy the goods of
their choice. But we do want to end a corrupt political system which allows
Multi-National Corporations to buy the politicians of their choice. So the
single most important theme is Taking control of our government away from
Corporations and putting it back into the hands of We the People.

2. We won't tolerate a government that rewards corporate incompetence, greed and
fraud. No More Bank Bailouts.

The banks bought our government and then, after they lined their pockets with
the wealth of our nation, they blackmailed the government into giving them even
MORE money "In order to keep the economy from collapsing". Right. Then, instead
of making or refinancing home loans, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and
others spent our money on business mergers & acquisitions to benefit the 1%. Oh,
and of course, they paid themselves million dollar bonuses with our money.

We want to set a deadline for payback of existing bailouts. Any company that has
not fully repaid all monies by the deadline, should be broken up so that they
are no longer "too big to fail".

3. We want the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed immediately.
For those of you unfamiliar with it: After the Great Depression, congress passed
the Glass-Steagal act to make sure that banks would never take stupid risks or
use corrupt practices to send the country into another Depression. Then 60 years
later, the banks and companies that bought and paid for Republican Senators Bill
Gramm, Jim Leach and Tom Bliley told them that Glass-Steagal was interfering
with their ability to swindle the American Public. Their masters told these
senators to pass a bill that would NOT ONLY allow them to gamble foolishly again
with American Tax-Payer money - they wanted complete control of our Financial
System by being able OWN both stock brokerages and Insurance Companies too.
Then, once their cohorts completed the creation of what's called a "FIRE
Economy" (an economy based on Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) in America, they
would control everything.

Of course the Senators bowed to their masters and Gramm-Leach-Bliley was passed
with a super-majority that was veto-proof. If it had not been passed, NOT ONE
BANK would have needed bailout money because they would have been prohibited
from investing in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Market.

Some people say we should let "The Market" regulate itself. Are the Banksters
worthy of the trust that was given to them under this law? Here's an example:
Citibank is on trial right now.
While they were selling over $500 MILLION dollars worth of those
toxic mortgage securities to the 99% as a good investment, they were betting the
securities would fail by "Short-Selling" at the same time. In other words, while
they sold your parents these securities for their retirement, they made a bet
the securities would fail - and earned over $140M dollars by doing so. Citibank
is currently offering to pay back about half the money they defrauded out of
regular people as long as no one from the bank goes to jail or even loses their
job. Guess what? The government is going for it. Why? Because the 1% doesn't
have to pay for their crimes. We do. In this case, WE'RE paying their $285M fee
with the bailout money they were given. And people wonder why we're mad."

That's just a small part of the REAL message of OWS. it's a little bit different
than what the SpinDoctors of the MSM and Right Wing media talk about or allow
you to see, isn't it?

The Whole World is watching and listening to our message. Foreign stations give more accurate coverage than FOX - who still spews BS about wanting Socialism and anarchy.

Here is an example of the more accurate foreign coverage of our message:

Occupy Wall Street Exposes Enormous Corruption Between Government and Corporations - YouTube

Ok so let me get this Straight.

With the Tea Party, we are suppose to believe what Liberals tell us about them. That they are Racists, and Haters. Despite what we see with our eyes. Which is just a Bunch of Normal People upset about How Government spends money, and ignores what the People want.

With OWS, Liberals wants us to Ignore the Actions of OWS. The Violence, The Anti-Capitalism Signs, the Communist Party signs, the Nazis, and anarchists, and believe what Liberals tell us the Movement stands for?

Sorry, Actions speak louder than words. I am sure there are more level Headed people involved, But the Forces Behind it, and the Core group of the Protesters are indeed Capitalist hating, Communists, and Anarchists, and Nazis.

Obama made this Happen. With the Help of the Lefts Money Bags Soros. Obama as been Crying on the road for Weeks now that people should get mad, get involved. He want's this Distraction. This Move of the Blame from Government to Wall Street, Because he can not win if Americans are Honest and hold him to the Fire along with everyone else.

You can bitch about Wall street all you want, but wall street is not part of our Government. Their Job is to make money, not look out for us. It's the Governments job to over see them. It was government that Encouraged the Practices that Lead to the Housing Crisis. It's always Been Government. Cooperation's have always been Greedy fucks, It's Government that has allowed the Income Gap to Grow. With poor Policies, Corruption, and Ineptitude.

See here's where you, Oddball and those like you are well, basically full of sh1t. What have I, a full fledged Occupier, posted about the Tea Party in this very thread? Instead of being a coward like you or Oddball - instead of projecting what you claim I project and doing the "No, No! Although I'm not a member, I speak for the members of the group I'm obviously clueless about! And that's not what they want!"
Nah. I'm not weak or afraid of the issues, or even afriad to acknowledge valid points like you and Oddball are. I have said this about the Tea Party: They have a lot of valid points. Although there are whackjobs who give the organization a bad name, that doesn't mean all of them are like that. I agree with many of their views.
Whereas weak little pusses avoid the issues brought up by me, an Occupier in the flesh. Instead they simply parrot the bullsh1t their Mind Masters have told them to believe. It's okay. Weakness of character is everywhere. Obviously this weakness is more evident in posters like oddball and yourself, who are simply scared to death to even address issues brought up. So be it.
Another poster said "So what about the three points that were actually made in the OP?" Cowards will never address those.
So Avoid the issues. Run away. It's all you have. Because if you ever had the balls to even try to address the actual issues discussed, you might find you agree with many of them. See signature for your easily predible next steps...
I guess a lot of people here just believe what the MSM and Right Wing E-media
tell them. This would be the only explanation for some of the posts I've seen.
So I thought I'd help! Here is a C&P from a great OWS site. It will give you
guys a better idea of why you should support us! Here ya go:

"1. We don't want to End Capitalism, We Want to End Corporatacracy.

First, let's make it clear, This is a political movement, not an economic
revolt. We want to end the control of our government by Multi-National
Corporations. This is Issue Number One for everyone I've spoken to in Occupy
Wall Street.

Not one Occupier I know of, wants to turn us into the former Soviet Union (although just like the TP, every movement has it's fringe and the MSM loves to find them). We
don't want to end the economic system which allows people to buy the goods of
their choice. But we do want to end a corrupt political system which allows
Multi-National Corporations to buy the politicians of their choice. So the
single most important theme is Taking control of our government away from
Corporations and putting it back into the hands of We the People.

2. We won't tolerate a government that rewards corporate incompetence, greed and
fraud. No More Bank Bailouts.

The banks bought our government and then, after they lined their pockets with
the wealth of our nation, they blackmailed the government into giving them even
MORE money "In order to keep the economy from collapsing". Right. Then, instead
of making or refinancing home loans, Bank of America, Chase, Wells Fargo and
others spent our money on business mergers & acquisitions to benefit the 1%. Oh,
and of course, they paid themselves million dollar bonuses with our money.

We want to set a deadline for payback of existing bailouts. Any company that has
not fully repaid all monies by the deadline, should be broken up so that they
are no longer "too big to fail".

3. We want the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act repealed immediately.
For those of you unfamiliar with it: After the Great Depression, congress passed
the Glass-Steagal act to make sure that banks would never take stupid risks or
use corrupt practices to send the country into another Depression. Then 60 years
later, the banks and companies that bought and paid for Republican Senators Bill
Gramm, Jim Leach and Tom Bliley told them that Glass-Steagal was interfering
with their ability to swindle the American Public. Their masters told these
senators to pass a bill that would NOT ONLY allow them to gamble foolishly again
with American Tax-Payer money - they wanted complete control of our Financial
System by being able OWN both stock brokerages and Insurance Companies too.
Then, once their cohorts completed the creation of what's called a "FIRE
Economy" (an economy based on Finance, Insurance & Real Estate) in America, they
would control everything.

Of course the Senators bowed to their masters and Gramm-Leach-Bliley was passed
with a super-majority that was veto-proof. If it had not been passed, NOT ONE
BANK would have needed bailout money because they would have been prohibited
from investing in the Commercial Mortgage Backed Securities Market.

Some people say we should let "The Market" regulate itself. Are the Banksters
worthy of the trust that was given to them under this law? Here's an example:
Citibank is on trial right now.
While they were selling over $500 MILLION dollars worth of those
toxic mortgage securities to the 99% as a good investment, they were betting the
securities would fail by "Short-Selling" at the same time. In other words, while
they sold your parents these securities for their retirement, they made a bet
the securities would fail - and earned over $140M dollars by doing so. Citibank
is currently offering to pay back about half the money they defrauded out of
regular people as long as no one from the bank goes to jail or even loses their
job. Guess what? The government is going for it. Why? Because the 1% doesn't
have to pay for their crimes. We do. In this case, WE'RE paying their $285M fee
with the bailout money they were given. And people wonder why we're mad."

That's just a small part of the REAL message of OWS. it's a little bit different
than what the SpinDoctors of the MSM and Right Wing media talk about or allow
you to see, isn't it?

The Whole World is watching and listening to our message. Foreign stations give more accurate coverage than FOX - who still spews BS about wanting Socialism and anarchy.

Here is an example of the more accurate foreign coverage of our message:

Occupy Wall Street Exposes Enormous Corruption Between Government and Corporations - YouTube

Ok so let me get this Straight.

With the Tea Party, we are suppose to believe what Liberals tell us about them. That they are Racists, and Haters. Despite what we see with our eyes. Which is just a Bunch of Normal People upset about How Government spends money, and ignores what the People want.

With OWS, Liberals wants us to Ignore the Actions of OWS. The Violence, The Anti-Capitalism Signs, the Communist Party signs, the Nazis, and anarchists, and believe what Liberals tell us the Movement stands for?

Sorry, Actions speak louder than words. I am sure there are more level Headed people involved, But the Forces Behind it, and the Core group of the Protesters are indeed Capitalist hating, Communists, and Anarchists, and Nazis.

Obama made this Happen. With the Help of the Lefts Money Bags Soros. Obama as been Crying on the road for Weeks now that people should get mad, get involved. He want's this Distraction. This Move of the Blame from Government to Wall Street, Because he can not win if Americans are Honest and hold him to the Fire along with everyone else.

You can bitch about Wall street all you want, but wall street is not part of our Government. Their Job is to make money, not look out for us. It's the Governments job to over see them. It was government that Encouraged the Practices that Lead to the Housing Crisis. It's always Been Government. Cooperation's have always been Greedy fucks, It's Government that has allowed the Income Gap to Grow. With poor Policies, Corruption, and Ineptitude.

See here's where you, Oddball and those like you are well, basically full of sh1t. What have I, a full fledged Occupier, posted about the Tea Party in this very thread? Instead of being a coward like you or Oddball - instead of projecting what you claim I project and doing the "No, No! Although I'm not a member, I speak for the members of the group I'm obviously clueless about! And that's not what they want!"
Nah. I'm not weak or afraid of the issues, or even afriad to acknowledge valid points like you and Oddball are. I have said this about the Tea Party: They have a lot of valid points. Although there are whackjobs who give the organization a bad name, that doesn't mean all of them are like that. I agree with many of their views.
Whereas weak little pusses avoid the issues brought up by me, an Occupier in the flesh. Instead they simply parrot the bullsh1t their Mind Masters have told them to believe. It's okay. Weakness of character is everywhere. Obviously this weakness is more evident in posters like oddball and yourself, who are simply scared to death to even address issues brought up. So be it.
Another poster said "So what about the three points that were actually made in the OP?" Cowards will never address those.
So Avoid the issues. Run away. It's all you have. Because if you ever had the balls to even try to address the actual issues discussed, you might find you agree with many of them. See signature for your easily predible next steps...

Give me an example of the TEA Party being whack jobs???

I do affiliate myself with the TEA Party and have been to many rallys..

I have never seen anything but good hard working American Men and Woman who are concerned for the direction of their country and the welfare of their children and the disgust of our government and how they're manipulating er dictating our economy..

Now I have seen the anti-TEA Party fucks that would throw stuff at us and talk vial shit and would claim to kill us.. It seems when the TEA party was blaming government for our problems (and rightly so) they were opposed and now its worse its the banks fault and not the governments???

Of course the OWS crowd proves absolutely everything I have asserted they'er violent progressives that want government to save them...

Oh and remember when the progressive activist opposition bit the old man TEA Party protesters finger off???

So please tell me why you deserve any respect at all given the notion you support such a violent party and the fact you're trying to label mine "just as bad"
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Hey........dont be so quick to write this movement off. There are reports of the OWSers reorganizing uptown and planning a new strategy so they will be taken EVEN MORE SERIOUSLY. In fact, somebody got some spy shots of these reorganization efforts yesterday..................

The one thing I would disagree with you on, is who has the power. You claim it's the politicians. We believe it's those who get them elected. Money buys elections in this country. it's that simple.

Corruption is a two way street and if the pols weren't willing to take the money then the corps/unions wouldn't have a leg to stand on. You can't buy something that isn't for sale. POLS are a majority of the problem.

btw you never answered my question . . . if the OWS crowd is against unions as well as corps then why is the SEIU organizing and marching with the OWS crowd? Why don't I see signs saying 'End Union Greed' or 'End Union Corruption'? ALL I see is 'Corporation this and that'. I have a hard time buying that they are against the union/government corruption connection.

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