Former FBI boss warns prosecutor might see Trump search warrant tossed out entirely

At the time he said it (Social Media Post) it was after he left office. The burden of proof will be on the DOJ to show the documents were classified. The the affirmative defense will be that during his term of office and prior to noon on January 20, 2021 he declassified them. If he claims, we it's true because I said with was true, then that open up the DOJ to then bring in evidence that the FPOTUS was known to - ah, put it kindly - make factually untrue statements to undermine his credibility. Then they will be able to bring testimony from his administration over the years about how he handled classified information (John Bolton, General Miley, John Kelly, etc., etc. - the list is quite long).

So with that said...

..... ..... ..... ..... ..... ..... Please, PLEASE base your case on you secretly and mentally declassifying the information without documentation, notes, or even telling your staff. Please!

All that assumes the fantasy world in which Trump gets indicted for something becomes reality. Grand Juries are famous for being willing to indict a ham sandwich if the prosecutor tells them to. If they were going to indict Trump for something, they would have done it. They got what they wanted: Trump no longer has the Crossfire Hurricane binder, and they had their staged photo op.

If Trump takes the stand and says, "I declassified all documents leaving the Oval Office for me to work on," the DOJ can ask him questions about that statement. Testifying on his own behalf would not make him into a prosecution witness that they could anything they want. They would have to restrict their cross examination to what he said in direct examination. He wouldn't say "it's true because I say it's true," that is also a fantasy.
If Trump takes the stand and says, "I declassified all documents leaving the Oval Office for me to work on," the DOJ can ask him questions about that statement. Testifying on his own behalf would not make him into a prosecution witness that they could anything they want. They would have to restrict their cross examination to what he said in direct examination. He wouldn't say "it's true because I say it's true," that is also a fantasy.

They must restrict their cross-examination to what he said true. But that alone with be brutal. And if he opens that door then the prosecution will be allowed to introduce rebuttal evidence and witness testimony to impeach that position. You don't think that Trump** saying "I declassified everything" means that - oh well the DOJ and the Judge will just throw up their hands and say "Oh, well that is the end of it then. Case dismissed."

If indicted (which I highly doubt he will be), there is no chance in hell that he will take the stand. He will exercise his 5th Amendment right to not testify. However **IF** he did, and **IF** he claims on the stand that he secretly and mentally declassified the documents, then that will open him up to impeachment of the witness under cross-examination. Something his defense team would very likely opposes from a tactical sense because they know that when challenged by real lawyers that know what they are doing the FPOTUS can't keep his mouth shut.

So the other side of the coin is for the legal team to make the argument that he secretly and mentally declassified the documents with no document and without instructing subordinates in his administration so they could follow procedures. Then the DOJ starts laying out the list of documents and their subjects (without revealing content) to the Jury, shows their classification levels, shows how the FPOTUS continued to treat them as classified documents even after noon on January 20, 2021. The only "evidence" that the defense will have is after the fact posts by the FPOTUS on social media that he said he "declassified everything". So if the defense goes down that path is open a path for response by the DOJ, witness testifying they were never told to declassify, lack of documentation, and impeachment of the FPOTUS statements as being untrue.

So please, please, @FPOTUS if you are listening. Please open the door.

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Yes, there is a reason: nobody asked him to.
“Nobody asked” is the weakest of all excuses. Especially as he’s being investigated by a grand jury for criminal violations relating to these documents.

Even now, he’s still playing games with it. It’s very telling.
“Nobody asked” is the weakest of all excuses. Especially as he’s being investigated by a grand jury for criminal violations relating to these documents.

Even now, he’s still playing games with it. It’s very telling.
haha yeah exercising his rights is “playing games” —-to demafasict
We don't know whether he did or didn't. We don't even know what the documents are yet. What we do know is that the DOJ is scared shitless of an impartial judge.
Cannon is anything but impartial. Trump is trying everything in his power to put his lawsuits in front of her for just this reason.

Given the government is treating them as classified, it’s clear there’s no record that they’ve been declassified.

If Trump declassified them, why won’t he say it unequivocally before the judge?
They must restrict their cross-examination to what he said true. But that alone with be brutal. And if he opens that door then the prosecution will be allowed to introduce rebuttal evidence and witness testimony to impeach that position. You don't think that Trump** saying "I declassified everything" means that - oh well the DOJ and the Judge will just throw up their hands and say "Oh, well that is the end of it then. Case dismissed."
Yes, they can introduce as many rebuttal witnesses as they want. What would they say? "Nuh-uh, he didn't?" How would anyone know that Trump never declassified documents? There is a principle of logic that you cannot prove a negative. That's what they prosecution would need to do in order to rebut Trump saying that he did declassify them.
If indicted (which I highly doubt he will be), there is no chance in hell that he will take the stand. He will exercise his 5th Amendment right to not testify. However **IF** he did, and **IF** he claims on the stand that he secretly and mentally declassified the documents, then that will open him up to impeachment of the witness under cross-examination. Something his defense team would very likely opposes from a tactical sense because they know that when challenged by real lawyers that know what they are doing the FPOTUS can't keep his mouth shut.
This idea that Trump "secretly and mentally" declassified the documents doesn't come from anything that Trump or any Trump supporter has said. That is the other-worldly interpretation that the TDS folks have put on his statements. You're right that he won't be indicted, because this is a show, not an investigation. We can only have show trials in the congress as of now. Real trials have rules and you know how Dems hate rules.

If they thought that a trial would result in anything but them being exposed for what they are the DNC/DOJ/FBI would be pushing for one.

So the other side of the coin is for the legal team to make the argument that he secretly and mentally declassified the documents with no document and without instructing subordinates in his administration so they could follow procedures. Then the DOJ starts laying out the list of documents and their subjects (without revealing content) to the Jury, shows their classification levels, shows how the FPOTUS continued to treat them as classified documents even after noon on January 20, 2021. The only "evidence" that the defense will have is after the fact posts by the FPOTUS on social media that he said he "declassified everything". So if the defense goes down that path is open a path for response by the DOJ, witness testifying they were never told to declassify, lack of documentation, and impeachment of the FPOTUS statements as being untrue.

So please, please, @FPOTUS if you are listening. Please open the door.

Actually, we have already seen one person, Kash Patel, come forward to say that Trump did declassify the documents, and he heard it. If the GSA ever gets on the stand in the trial that will never happen, they can either say that Trump declassified the documents, and they heard it, or that they illegally transported classified documents to Mar-a-Lago.

I just hope Kash Patel doesn't get killed in a "robbery," in which no money is taken, or blow his own head off with a shotgun.
Then why is the Crossfire Hurricane binder not public right now?

That's absurd. There are many kind of documents that are prohibited form dissemination, even though they are not classified. My list of students has legal prohibitions from being disseminated that have to do with privacy, not classification. The same for medical documents, like the ones the FBI stole.

Not at all. I switched school one year, and I took forms that I had created to input student information in to the next school, so I could re-use the forms with new names. I never heard of a law that required me to wipe or bleachbit all the forms and start over. Maybe I should have smashed my flashdrives with a hammer?

I have confidential student information on my home computer because Special Education has a lot of paperwork and I prefer to do it at home rather than stay at school until seven when they shut off the AC at five. When I retire, I'm not going to hire Hillary's destruction crew to go after my hard drive.

If they documents are unclassified, what will Trump go on trial for, exactly?

"disreputable media" meaning it ain't MSNBC or that any media that reports what the GSA did is automatically disreputable?

Anyway, the "reputable media" always cites "sources," so I'll do the same. I learned it from sources. They asked not be named because reasons.
Taking confidential student records after you’ve left the school is a violation of their privacy.
Cannon is anything but impartial. Trump is trying everything in his power to put his lawsuits in front of her for just this reason.

Given the government is treating them as classified, it’s clear there’s no record that they’ve been declassified.

If Trump declassified them, why won’t he say it unequivocally before the judge?
Mainly because the DOJ will never bring a case against him before a judge. Congress can have one-sided show trials, but so far the courts have not been willing to be that accommodating to the DNC. So they will avoid indicting Trump.

Marener, I'll ask you: If there is so much evidence against Trump, of such heinous crimes, why have they not indicted him?
Cannon is anything but impartial. Trump is trying everything in his power to put his lawsuits in front of her for just this reason.

Given the government is treating them as classified, it’s clear there’s no record that they’ve been declassified.

If Trump declassified them, why won’t he say it unequivocally before the judge?
why? he has no case to be called to testify to…the demafacist don’t have an indictment and never will

i find it funny how little you know about the law.

i also find it comical how whenever a fair jurist gets involved you brownshirts get all bent out of shape, an attack them
Taking confidential student records after you’ve left the school is a violation of their privacy.
I don't see how. The only information on those records, is information that I myself entered by hand. I can learn nothing from them that I don't already know, I can only refresh my memory.

I designed the spreadsheet/database the information is entered into. I have a need to know that information in case my successor, or an educator at the students' next school has questions about them.

Ex-Presidents, and I mean every single one of them, have always kept some of their White House documents for similar reasons. Once Trump takes the stand and says that he declassified the documents, told Patel and others that he declassified them, and gives a list of reasons for keeping them, case over.

Which is why the DNC/DOJ/FBI will never let it go to trial. Besides the fact that they were covering up for Hillary and trying to invent crimes for Trump, the other big difference is that they were impatient for the Hillary investigation to end, but want Operation Get Trump to last until he dies and they salt the ground over his grave. They were so eager to conclude Operation Protect Hillary that they ended it prematurely and Comey had to look like a clown by re-opening it.
Mainly because the DOJ will never bring a case against him before a judge. Congress can have one-sided show trials, but so far the courts have not been willing to be that accommodating to the DNC. So they will avoid indicting Trump.

Marener, I'll ask you: If there is so much evidence against Trump, of such heinous crimes, why have they not indicted him?
I haven’t said anything about so much evidence against Trump. This episode clearly shows how irresponsible he is. Whether he’s able to be indicted depends a lot on information I don’t know and a lot on what people around him are willing to disclose.

As has happened before, Trump keeps his illegality at arms length and is willing to sacrifice foot soldiers who have gone to jail on his behalf.
he claims on the stand that he secretly and mentally declassified the documents, then that will open him up to impeachment of the witness under cross-examination.
You guys aren't grasping the essentials here. There are steps, possibly even written policies concerning how declassification is "usually" handled. That does not mean that a bureaucrat OR a Congress member can disallow his claim that he declassified, because some clerk hadn't gotten around to changing the folder cover.

I believe they WILL indict, probably for "obstruction" and unless he gets a change of venue they'll get that conviction they've wanted for 6 years. An den? An what? Big whoop... he pays a fine and his campaign fund raising spikes. He then RUNS for the office and the Left and its media 5th column stoke the rage machine.
I haven’t said anything about so much evidence against Trump. This episode clearly shows how irresponsible he is. Whether he’s able to be indicted depends a lot on information I don’t know and a lot on what people around him are willing to disclose.

As has happened before, Trump keeps his illegality at arms length and is willing to sacrifice foot soldiers who have gone to jail on his behalf.
if they can’t get an indictment they don’t have any evidence

just further highlighting this was a political hit job by the demafasict
I don't see how. The only information on those records, is information that I myself entered by hand. I can learn nothing from them that I don't already know, I can only refresh my memory.

I designed the spreadsheet/database the information is entered into. I have a need to know that information in case my successor, or an educator at the students' next school has questions about them.

Ex-Presidents, and I mean every single one of them, have always kept some of their White House documents for similar reasons. Once Trump takes the stand and says that he declassified the documents, told Patel and others that he declassified them, and gives a list of reasons for keeping them, case over.

Which is why the DNC/DOJ/FBI will never let it go to trial. Besides the fact that they were covering up for Hillary and trying to invent crimes for Trump, the other big difference is that they were impatient for the Hillary investigation to end, but want Operation Get Trump to last until he dies and they salt the ground over his grave. They were so eager to conclude Operation Protect Hillary that they ended it prematurely and Comey had to look like a clown by re-opening it.
You’re all over the map on your analogy with school records. If you have confidential papers which can’t be disclosed by law, then it would likewise be illegal for you to retain those records after you’ve left the school employment because that would mean those records are disclosed.

If Trump ever gets around to saying he declassified these documents, he’s going to then have to answer why he was so careless with our national security. It’s clear based on his actions he never wanted them disclosed to the public which would be necessary.

Furthermore he has to answer why he obstructed justice by refusing to comply with a subpoena and concealing the records from the government.

Your claim that former presidents do the same thing is fabricated without substance.
if they can’t get an indictment they don’t have any evidence

just further highlighting this was a political hit job by the demafasict
The FBI walked out of Trump’s house with hundreds of classified documents.

Otherwise known as evidence.
I believe they WILL indict, probably for "obstruction" and unless he gets a change of venue they'll get that conviction they've wanted for 6 years. An den? An what? Big whoop... he pays a fine and his campaign fund raising spikes.
I could be mistaken but the obstruction charge is a felony with up to 20 years jail time.

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