Fox News admits Red Wave turned into "Absolute Disaster"

1) You have no idea how stroke recovery works.

2) And you have no evidence for this whatsoever. You guys already pre decided any democrat win would be fraudulent and went full stupid by not even waiting for the count to be over with before making the claim. At the very least you could have fabricated a specific event to reference.

3) Why would the corporate media want more socialism?

4) Nah, I feel good being in deep blue Colorado.

5) Right Florida has the best reputation socially lol
1. yes I do
2. there is plenty of evidence and more to come
4. great, but its not as blue after tuesday
5. yes it does. that's why all the NE liberals are moving there and changing parties to GOP
Are you really that fucking stupid? What does a stake mean to you? Land owners would be one, clearly someone who owns property has a stake in how they are governed. I would be willing to add those who have worked consecutively for the past 50 weeks and have a tax return to prove it as well as retired persons. No more welfare leeches and other useless nonproductive scum having a say in something they do not contribute to.
No taxation, without representation!

We fought a revolutionary war over it!

Today, unlike yesteryear, property owners are not the only citizens taxed!
The fact that all the jobs lost during the pandemic/Trump recession have been recovered and unemployment is at historic lows likely contributed to Republicans’ poor performance this Tuesday.
Well, not all the jobs Trump created have been reached since opening back up from the ridiculous Dimmer shutdowns, and the employment participation is still lower since Dim ilk is too lazy to take the jobs. So yes, those facts probably contributed to the Dims losing control of Congress on Tuesday
1. yes I do
2. there is plenty of evidence and more to come
4. great, but its not as blue after tuesday
5. yes it does. that's why all the NE liberals are moving there and changing parties to GOP
Oh really? Plenty of evidence but more to come? Why haven’t you said what it is and more importantly how could there be clear cut evidence if the count isn’t even over yet? How could you possibly know more evidence is to come? I also want to point out how stupid it is that you say this while also asserting CO has become less blue. If a Republican wins its of course not fraud! Why would it be? Your side won! Could you be more juvenile?

Also how does more $$$ to a private corporation equate to socialism?
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This only proves the Founders were right, only land owners and people with a stake should be able to vote.
The Founders did not make this claim. Those who signed the Constitution's first words were: "We the People".

The Preamble was the Vision and Mission Statement left to their progeny, sadly the radical right wing in this third decade has never accepted equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for all.
Well, not all the jobs Trump created have been reached since opening back up from the ridiculous Dimmer shutdowns, and the employment participation is still lower since Dim ilk is too lazy to take the jobs. So yes, those facts probably contributed to the Dims losing control of Congress on Tuesday
"Dims"? Is this childish language? Please define "Dim(s)".

Now the repubs could still narrowly take the Senate and House, but the Red Wave did not happen. Even with inflation at a 40 year high, the repubs have not seen the expected congressional wins.
Horse shit.

The red wave fizzled. That’s certainly true.
But a “disaster?” Get the fuck outta here.

We reclaimed the House in all likelihood. We apparently fell short of reclaiming the Senate. But, we had an overall success despite the disappointment about the size of the wins.

And one of the best bits of news (aside from kicking Pelousy out of the Speakership) is that we will be the ones now with subpoena power. 😎
Well, not all the jobs Trump created have been reached since opening back up from the ridiculous Dimmer shutdowns, and the employment participation is still lower since Dim ilk is too lazy to take the jobs. So yes, those facts probably contributed to the Dims losing control of Congress on Tuesday

Dimmer shutdowns


"Therefore, my administration is recommending that all Americans, including the young and healthy, work to engage in schooling from home when possible, avoid gathering in groups of more than 10 people, avoid discretionary travel and avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts." ~ Donald Trump, 3.16.2020
The Founders did not make this claim. Those who signed the Constitution's first words were: "We the People".

The Preamble was the Vision and Mission Statement left to their progeny, sadly the radical right wing in this third decade has never accepted equal rights, equal opportunities and equal justice for all.
What were the voting laws then? Be specific.

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