Fox News admits Red Wave turned into "Absolute Disaster"

A pity you're a troll.

But yeah, lots of finger pointing now as the Republicans refuse to accept that abortion was the issue that turned their expected wave into a trickle.

Which has nothing to do with the imaginary fraud you cry about.
last Tuesday produced several winners

1. china
2. the DC deep state
3. the lying media
4. mental incompetents international
5. Soros
6. Russia

1. The USA
2. Republicans and democrats
3. freedom
4. the constitution

what bothers me is that many Americans seem to be happy about this.
last Tuesday produced several winners

1. china
2. the DC deep state
3. the lying media
4. mental incompetents international
5. Soros
6. Russia

1. The USA
2. Republicans and democrats
3. freedom
4. the constitution

what bothers me is that many Americans seem to be happy about this.
We took the house sent Nancy packing and slow the damage Biden and democrats could have done.
Have you tried NOT trolling, or is the addiction too great?

But yeah, massive fraud, always; feature, not bug.

That you still can't prove after 2 years.

You can't prove it because it never happened.
You did? Last I saw, you had only 211. You need 218.
Spurned Mo Brooks unleashes vicious attack on Donald Trump in Alabama interview

Rep. Mo Brooks, a prime speaker at Donald Trump’s January 6 insurrection rally, has put an exclamation point on his disdain for the man who endorsed -- and then unendorsed -- his failed U.S. Senate bid.

With Trump apparently set to announce his 2024 candidacy for president, Brooks tore into his former hero in a blistering interview with
“It would be a bad mistake for the Republicans to have Donald Trump as their nominee in 2024,” Brooks told “Donald Trump has proven himself to be dishonest, disloyal, incompetent, crude and a lot of other things that alienate so many independents and Republicans. Even a candidate who campaigns from his basement can beat him.”

Brooks was a six-term Republican congressman from Alabama before vacating his seat to run for the Senate in the current midterm cycle. But, as noted, that didn’t work out so well:
“It’s a Republican relationship that began imploding more than a year ago when Brooks – the outgoing congressman from Huntsville – said at a Trump rally in August 2021 that voters should take the Trump-objected 2020 presidential election and “put that behind you.”
“The deterioration continued when, Brooks said, Trump repeatedly asked him to forge a path in Congress for President Joe Biden to be removed from office and be replaced by Trump. And it culminated in March when Trump retracted his endorsement of Brooks’ Senate campaign.”
Brooks was the first member of Congress to object to the results of the 2020 election, but now has this spin on what had been a longtime alliance with Trump:
“I did not fight for Donald Trump after the 2020 election,” Brooks told “I fought for election integrity. Donald Trump just happened to be the beneficiary of it.”
And there was this:
“No question, I am displeased with Donald Trump,” Brooks said. “But that does not change the truthfulness of what I say. I challenge anybody to make the argument that you can trust the word of Donald Trump.”
The interview was not the first time Brooks gave Trump some payback for torching his primary candidacy against Senator-elect Katie Britt. Shortly after Trump pull his endorsement of Brooks, he dropped a public bombshell that got the attention of the House select committee on January 6, according to Politico reporting at the time.
“The committee seemed close to concluding that compelling Republican lawmakers to testify wasn’t worth the inevitable ugly fight. Then Rep. Mo Brooks dropped a bomb,” Politico reported March 29.
“The Alabama Republican revealed in a public statement last week that former President Donald Trump had repeatedly, and recently, raised the idea of attempting to rescind the 2020 election results and reinstall him as president. It was a stunning allegation that would show Trump not only attempted to subvert the 2020 election while in office, but that he is extracting promises from allies to try again if they take power in 2023.”
If Trump supported America, he would not have attempted a coup.

If Trump supported our values, he would not grab pussies, sleep with porno whores, would not cheat on all three wives, and would not bear false witness against everyone who doesn't kiss his ginormous ass.

If Trump supported our laws, he would not have broken so many of them.

Wake up, fool!
So your values are lying about everything, taking bribes, snookering people with college loans, spending the country into oblivion, allowing foreign invasions, sexual perversions, swindling elections and using the justice system to persecute your pollical opponents.
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