FOX News is talking about how government needs to plan the reopening of the economy...

If you think it’s ok to have the economy shut down just because ORANGE MAN BAD, you really need to rethink your life.

Ears didn’t shut it down in 2009.

Obama didn't have 2000 people dying every day, nurses and doctors working in garbage bags, and mass graves in New York, either.

No Obama didn’t. People should be allowed to self police. Martial law is bullshit. Move to Cuba or Venezuela or NOKO. It is unconstitutional.

Covid19 is NOT H1N1. It is far more contagious and 10 times more deadly. But if Obama had been President when this happened. I'm willing to be real money that the USA would have been prepared with PPE's and ventilators when this thing hit, and Obama would have had a national strategy, and he would not be going on TV every day lamenting the damage being done to his beloved economy. He would be calming and re-assuring the American people that you'll get through this together.

What he would not be doing is slamming the governors for not doing enough, or whining about a lack of appreciation for all he's done.
If you think it’s ok to have the economy shut down just because ORANGE MAN BAD, you really need to rethink your life.

Ears didn’t shut it down in 2009.

Obama didn't have 2000 people dying every day, nurses and doctors working in garbage bags, and mass graves in New York, either.

No Obama didn’t. People should be allowed to self police. Martial law is bullshit. Move to Cuba or Venezuela or NOKO. It is unconstitutional.

Covid19 is NOT H1N1. It is far more contagious and 10 times more deadly. But if Obama had been President when this happened. I'm willing to be real money that the USA would have been prepared with PPE's and ventilators when this thing hit, and Obama would have had a national strategy, and he would not be going on TV every day lamenting the damage being done to his beloved economy. He would be calming and re-assuring the American people that you'll get through this together.

What he would not be doing is slamming the governors for not doing enough, or whining about a lack of appreciation for all he's done.
Obama couldn't even get a website to run for his "crowning achievement", Obamacare, so please don't expect us to believe that a rookie senator who never ran so much as lemonade stand would be better than Trump at running the Federal government. Your guy may be in deep doodoo if Barr and Durham start indicting the Crossfire Hurricane criminals and they start rolling over on their bosses....

And Ears knew about the illegal spying and approved of it.


William Barr has produced no evidence of spying nor has John Durham, even though both disputed the IG's report. The IG subsequently reported that there were errors in every FISA Warrant application they looked at That did NOTHING to strengthen the notion that the FBI was so anxious to nail Trump that they cut corners and spied on his campaign. If there are errors found in every FISA Warrant application, it weakens the idea that the errors found in the Page application occured for nefarious reasons.

The only person claiming Trump was spied on is Donald Trump. The biggest liar who ever lived. You may wish to take his word for it but my name's Tucker not Sucker.
My advice for those that can't handle FOX News or are excessively perturbed by the MSM but can't seem to resist it is to follow this advice from the 1970's,,,,

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