Fox settles admitting they provided fake news about Dominion

Its a win for the good guys...the same way a baseball team wining an inter-league game in May is a win for them. A year from now, FOX will still be trading in lies. Nothing will change.

The only long term benefit is that FOX and others may not go down the "voter fraud" road again in 2024. If they do, they won't go as hard and as heavy as they did in 2020. There will be other completely fabricated ridiculous nonsense made up by the network and the talking heads but they won't mention any specific company. Those who do so will be doing it at their peril. So that is a good thing.

Have you read the Email that Sydney Powell based her Dominion allegations on? The woman who wrote it details how she talks to ghosts and that the FBI tried to kill her.

It reads like the deranged ramblings of a mental patient. And *literally* has no evidence. Its a story.

And yet these silly Big Liars swallowed it hook, line and sinker. And Fox spread that lie to the tune of $787,000,000.
Hey dummass, all those people are the government-protected lying MSM who fill your head with oatmeal.

I suggest you go blow me, derp. Fox will be fine, Dominion has sealed their fate and you lost.
Typical Trump tactic; you lose and claim you win.
Your language shows what a pathetic loser you are.
Typical Trump tactic; you lose and claim you win.
Your language shows what a pathetic loser you are.

You can't fix stupid. These poor souls are frantically trying to explain why Fox paying out $787,000,000 is somehow something other than a complete disaster for Fox.

Its fun to watch them try!
Where did it say they "admitted" anything?

A settlement was made, and now the matter is settled. Better for Fox to pay a set amount now, than an unknown amount for future legal costs in defending this bullshit.

Better Fox News had not opened itself to wild liability to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars by lying flagrantly and spreading silly conspiracies they new were false.
Have you read the Email that Sydney Powell based her Dominion allegations on? The woman who wrote it details how she talks to ghosts and that the FBI tried to kill her.

It reads like the deranged ramblings of a mental patient. And *literally* has no evidence. Its a story.

And yet these silly Big Liars swallowed it hook, line and sinker. And Fox spread that lie to the tune of $787,000,000.
I did read it. Dominion had them dead to rights. Thats why they paid out 3/4 of a billion. But without a change in the group-think at FOX, they will simply change the way the specifics of reporting going forward. "Voting machine companies conspired with the Democrats....." vs. "Dominion conspired with the Democrats" or whatever.

If the apologies were part of the settlement, that would be more satisfying. Right now, it's great news going forward but it's a speeding ticket.
Better Fox News had not opened itself to wild liability to the tune of hundreds of millions of dollars by lying flagrantly and spreading silly conspiracies they new were false.
$788M made Fox News accountable. This puts others who did the same thing on notice.
Fox settled for 3/4 of a BILLION dollars for two reasons: 1) They were losing badly
So Dominion settled for only 49% of what they sought because their opponent Fox was losing badly???!!! :laughing0301:

2) Testimony in the trial would have done even more damage to their brand.
And maybe Dominion might have lost.

But don't let me interrupt your frantic turd polishing.
Why? Your head looks shiny to me.
I did read it. Dominion had them dead to rights. Thats why they paid out 3/4 of a billion. But without a change in the group-think at FOX, they will simply change the way the specifics of reporting going forward. "Voting machine companies conspired with the Democrats....." vs. "Dominion conspired with the Democrats" or whatever.

If the apologies were part of the settlement, that would be more satisfying. Right now, it's great news going forward but it's a speeding ticket.

Beyond dead to rights. Fox News was caught lying to the judge about discovery. Add to that the ex-FOX producer that could prove it with recordings that FOX said they'd turned over....but never did? And FOX was beyond fucked.

And yet despite overwhelming evidence demonstrating that FOX knew they were spreading lies, with the basis of Powell's claims against Dominion shown to be the gibbering idiocy of some random woman with an Email account backed by nothing.......

.....these poor simps continue to cling to their Big Lie, even making one pathetic excuse after another for why Fox caved.
Beyond dead to rights. Fox News was caught lying to the judge about discovery. Add to that the ex-FOX producer that could prove it with recordings that FOX said they'd turned over....but never did? And FOX was beyond fucked.

And yet despite overwhelming evidence demonstrating that FOX knew they were spreading lies, with the basis of Powell's claims against Dominion shown to be the gibbering idiocy of some random woman with an Email account backed by nothing.......

.....these poor simps continue to cling to their Big Lie, even making one pathetic excuse after another for why Fox caved.
And in 2024, they will be broadcasting the same lies about an election that it looks more and more like Biden will win.
So Dominion settled for only 49% of what they sought because their opponent Fox was losing badly???!!! :laughing0301: don't pay $787,000,000 because you're winning.

Especially with an ex-Fox producer proving that Fox lied in its discovery claims and withheld key evidence that further proved Fox was lying about your silly, stupid little conspiracy.

With the same ex-producer testifying that she'd been compelled to lie by Fox.

And the judge opening up his own investigation into Fox's clear breach of discovery.

Fox was utterly fucked by their own lies, both before and after the suit. And they knew it.

Dominion beat Fox's ass
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And in 2024, they will be broadcasting the same lies about an election that it looks more and more like Biden will win.

Of course they will. Their audience demands lies. If Fox won't feed conservatives the lies they need, then someone else will.

Fact checking is bad for business.

But then, so are lies. To the tune of $787,000,000.
I’m sure the issue here was not the merits of the case but the discovery process. Dominion voting systems was going to be given access to every text message and email sent between every executive and on-air talent at Fox News. I’m sure they felt the content of those messages were worth a settlement regardless of Dominions clear election fraud.
Dominion would not have had any right to make any of it public. Fox settled because they knew they would lose.
I guess I was right when I made the statement because you aren't denying it.

Not denying what? I'm sorry but you are not interesting enough to keep track of what crap you keep posting. You need to be clearer.

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