
If you want to learn something watch the show. If you don't, then don't.
My buddy today convinced m no to care any more about anything other than myself. Global warming? Not in my lifetime. College cost? Already graduated and have no kids. Wages? I make more than enough. And I have more than enough. Only only want to work 11 more years because it’s easy, I make good money and I’ll get social security in 11 years.

So I care abou cuts to social security and Medicare. And I know republicans are notorious for trying to cut these programs.

And I don’t believe the stock market was that much better under trump. Maybe it was for rich people. For stocks. Probably. Anyways, whatever happens no sweat off my balls.
I said some time ago you guys get educated by fox and now we find they have been telling you lies.
That must make you feel good.
Please show us on the doll, where Fox News violated you...

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Colin norris Turn Fox on right now. There is a very educational documentary by Lara Logan called "Sacrificing Afghanistan". I doubt You will because you don't seem interested in learning anything.

That's what I have on at the moment. Which is odd, because I don't usually pay attention to the tv.

Something about her that I like, though. Conversation isn't so shallow as it is with so many other folks on the mainstream networks. She's not like the rest of the 'faces', so to speak. She carries herself well. And she's clearly intelligent. Very geopolitically aware as well.

Darned shame about what happened to her in Egypt.
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If you read the OP it explains that but if it doesn't torture your brain excessively, check in yourself.
Was there an OP link to this thing about FOX paying out billion$? I missed it.

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