France fuel protestors are chanting . We want Trump!!

Few are....the government cancelled the tax hikes :)....unlike the slaves here....fucked to the limit nobody moves a finge.

We do protest wasteful taxation. It's called voting. Vote Democrats out if you don't want new or increased taxes.
So how come we are giving 54% of the budget to military contractors and millions are uninsured again ?

Because defending this nation is in a document we Americans call the US Constitution. Healthcare insurance is not.
Idiotic...defending it , doesnt require 54% of budget and people are dying from not having health care including veterans. I dont think you know how bad most Americans have it compared to other developed nations. U need to travel a bit ( if u can afford it and have enough vacation time, which mostEuropeans, canadians, Australians have),

Yes, all that vacation time. That's why they are so industrious.

Nobody is dying from not having government healthcare. And remember, Europe doesn't need a huge military because they have the USA to back them up on any level. Without our military strength, they would have been overtaken years ago. But their foes (and ours) won't even try thanks to our military strength. We don't have a strong military to get into wars, we have a large military to ward off potential aggressors of the US and our ungrateful allies.

The funny part about your response is you claim government healthcare is the utopia, and in the same breath, criticize the government healthcare of our veterans. You also praise Europe, but moved here instead of Europe. If we have it so bad here, move TF out of here and go to Europe where it's so great! Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out either.
We have a general welfare clause not a general warfare clause.

Only lousy capitalists lose money on public policies.
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.

The problem with our government running anything is that it always becomes political which probably doesn't happen as much in other countries.

As an example, let's take Commie Care for instance:

I signed up for Commie Care, but the prices are unaffordable and the plans are virtually worthless. Why is that? Because I'm a middle-income working guy. So who are the plans affordable to? Lowlifes.

Why was it designed that way? Because people who work and make a livable income generally vote Republican. People who sweep floors, make french fries, wash cars for a living generally vote Democrat. So the plan was created to give likely Democrat voters affordable healthcare at the expense of likely Republican voters.

See what I mean? The good parts for middle-income workers never materialized: prices dropping $2,500 a year, get to keep your doctor, get to keep your insurance company, affordable for everybody........... It was pure politics.

Let's try another one: credit card reform:

What happened is that banks used to use fines and fees they received from high risk borrowers and use that money to cater to good customers. In other words, people like myself always got 0% interest rates and no balance transfer fees. So what happened after DumBama got through with them?

Credit card companies lost those late fees and higher interest rates for people who were abusing their cards. They had to recoup that lost money somewhere, so for a period of time, they quit offering 0% interest rates for their good customers. After a while, they brought those back, but now every institution has to charge balance transfer fees.

So what's political about that? Irresponsible and poorer people vote Democrat. Responsible and upper income people vote Republican. So what DumBama did was give his voters breaks at the cost to Republican voters.

Name me something Democrats ever did that benefitted everybody. Name me something they ever did that wasn't politically motivated.
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Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

We don't have uninsured people anymore. Obama and his government healthcare program took care of all that.........remember?
I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.

They leash off us , can't you figure it out?
So why trump csnt stop that ? They take care of their citizens why canr he do the same?

A president is not a dictator.. you came to America didn't you have to take a Citizenship test?

So they dont want these high taxes on gas and they want borders like Trump wants ..

Lol you clowns will take anything you can get. Too bad his overall international approval ratings blow and are much inferior to what Obama’s were.
The alt-right loves Trump. They are like a cult.

A cult that hates Lefty's like you.

Yes a cult as you have demonstrated.
No we're individuals to fight the common enemy against America..hell we even allied ourselves with Russia to fight you..

The alt-right loves Trump. They are like a cult.

A cult that hates Lefty's like you.

Yes a cult as you have demonstrated.

No it's not conservative come from all points of the country we only come together when we hear stupid ass shit for Lefty's..

Like no wall ? When we already have a wall with mexico, what does that even mean?

Like men in little girls bathrooms at Walmart?

Like Hillary rigging a nomination yet blaming Russia for saying it?

Like telling us Russia memes are way worse then your memes on meme gram, what does that mean?

The alt-right loves Trump. They are like a cult.

A cult that hates Lefty's like you.

Yes a cult as you have demonstrated.

No it's not conservative come from all points of the country we only come together when we hear stupid ass shit for Lefty's..

Like no wall ? When we already have a wall with mexico, what does that even mean?

Like men in little girls bathrooms at Walmart?

Like Hillary rigging a nomination yet blaming Russia for saying it?

Like telling us Russia memes are way worse then your memes on meme gram, what does that mean?

I'm a fiscal conservative, that eliminates the Republican party.
France fuel protestors are chanting they want Trump.

They can take him.

So you are poor and walk?

Well good for you, live long and will never get the girls


View attachment 233664

^ on a personal note I had a girl like that . She looked like her , acted like her, her a 89 mustang convertible in Floridia

And we made out..

Sweet memories..


Took her to Las Vegas and two of her and three girls in a hotel room..)

And screw you I was a gentleman doing a huge bunch of cocaine..

I used to travel and had a huge bunch of frequent milage..

This is why I think its ok I did everything..

What else am I supposed to accomplish has a blue collar guy?


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