France fuel protestors are chanting . We want Trump!!

Loooooool I'm half the time in france, speak french, half of my family are french....they think we are idiots for having a clown In the white house. Dont let a video fool you :p

Confucius say: When the French think you're an idiot , You must be doing something right.
You have to know that the DEMOCRAT PROPAGANDA WING isn't TELLING you ALL of the story... the GAS TAX is for GLOBAL WARMING... and the GOOD people of France have had ENOUGH of this LEFTIST BULL SHIT.

Make up your you guys hate french people or love them?


It’s always been about 70/30.
France fuel protestors are chanting they want Trump.

They can take him.

So you are poor and walk?

Well good for you, live long and will never get the girls


View attachment 233664

^ on a personal note I had a girl like that . She looked like her , acted like her, her a 89 mustang convertible in Floridia

And we made out..

Sweet memories..


No Wonder Flat-Chested Keira Knightley Is a Snowflake

Like Trump, I prefer tatas that are more bodacious.
France fuel protestors are chanting they want Trump.

They can take him.

And I'm sure they'd love to.


Yes, well they have a history of choosing good leaders, don't they? That's why gasoline in France is over $7.00 a gallon and ours is about $2.30.
We pay less for gas not because we have better leaders, but because we bomb the shit out countries like Iraq install puppet government and get oil in preferred prices killing thousands in the process.
We also spend trillions of dollars protecting other oil producing countries.
American Big Oil Created OPEC in Order to Piggyback Off Its Price-Gouging

You're Right Wing in the sense that you refuse to admit the existence of transnationalist market manipulation. Saddam, by first violating OPEC quotas under George I, then by violating sanctions quotas under Junior, was lowering the price of oil. But your snobbish hatred of working-class GIs overrides your dislike of monopolists and has led you to believe that the petrocratic WASPs' wars were to lower oil prices. By GreedHead design, the opposite happened, but it created both Bushian economic downturns, not that the hereditary plutocracy ever has to suffer along with real Americans. Was DubDud's Grandpa selling apples during the Depression?
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The problem with our government running anything is that it always becomes political which probably doesn't happen as much in other countries.

As an example, let's take Commie Care for instance:

I signed up for Commie Care, but the prices are unaffordable and the plans are virtually worthless. Why is that? Because I'm a middle-income working guy. So who are the plans affordable to? Lowlifes.

Why was it designed that way? Because people who work and make a livable income generally vote Republican. People who sweep floors, make french fries, wash cars for a living generally vote Democrat. So the plan was created to give likely Democrat voters affordable healthcare at the expense of likely Republican voters.

See what I mean? The good parts for middle-income workers never materialized: prices dropping $2,500 a year, get to keep your doctor, get to keep your insurance company, affordable for everybody........... It was pure politics.

Let's try another one: credit card reform:

What happened is that banks used to use fines and fees they received from high risk borrowers and use that money to cater to good customers. In other words, people like myself always got 0% interest rates and no balance transfer fees. So what happened after DumBama got through with them?

Credit card companies lost those late fees and higher interest rates for people who were abusing their cards. They had to recoup that lost money somewhere, so for a period of time, they quit offering 0% interest rates for their good customers. After a while, they brought those back, but now every institution has to charge balance transfer fees.

So what's political about that? Irresponsible and poorer people vote Democrat. Responsible and upper income people vote Republican. So what DumBama did was give his voters breaks at the cost to Republican voters.

Name me something Democrats ever did that benefitted everybody. Name me something they ever did that wasn't politically motivated.

'Commie care' is a republican health care plan that came out of a koch brother think tank. Romney care some call it, and romney was a republican. It keeps the big health care companies in the game, which is why it's unaffordable. The only reason it's called commie care is because Obama adopted it. Obama is at best a corporate democrat. Same as the clintons. The whole world was behind Obama after the bush jr. disaster. What did he do? Bailed out wall street and gave us that crapcare obamacare without a public option. Nope, obamie ain't no commie. Not even a liberal by old time standards.

As far as what democrats ever did for you? Surprised you're asking the government to do something for you. How un republican.

The only thing I ever asked the government to do is stay the hell out of my life.

No, Commie Care is not a Republican idea. It was discussed many years ago, and after it's complete failure and lies exposed, the left dug out some article by the Heritage Foundation to try and shift some of the blame to Republicans. Trust me, if Commie Care was successful, you never would have heard about the article.

The Heritage Foundation has no more power in our government than Mother Jones. The Heritage Foundation doesn't create bills, they don't pass bills, they don't send bills to the President to sign.

As far as our idea, if that was so, why didn't we implement "our idea" during the Bush years when we had control over the entire federal government? It wasn't even mentioned or hinted at.

So don't try to pin this on Republicans. Every single one voted against it. As far as Romney is concerned, he's hardly a Republican at all, and he was a Governor of one of the most liberal states in the union. It is up to a representative to give their constituents what they want.
You live in a bubble blown by fox and rush...I'm sorry by you are a typical ignorant fake cry about health care but you are fine with 54% allocated to useless war toys and hundreds of bases overseas, and trillions going to the pockets of billionaires.

It goes back to our Constitution which outlines what our federal government is to provide--healthcare isn't in there.
Promoting the general welfare is in the Preamble.
"We Are the Lawyers for the 1%. Ignore That "We the People" Stuff; What We Wrote Is Not What We Meant"

The Preamble Is the only paragraph that matters. The rest established an American House of Lords.
One of the more amusing phantasies of the Trumpanzes.

I'd be like the German right calling for Obama.
So they dont want these high taxes on gas and they want borders like Trump wants ..

Cool. Let's let Trump resign, and the French Trumpanzees can get a fund set up to provide Trump with a $50 Million Dollar Condominium and a staff of 20 somethings, all female and all sexually available - he's sure to come, they.

Penis-Envy Piranhas

Just because you Snowflakes can only bed frigid and flat-chested Femininnies is no reason to be jealous of The Donald. Man up and you won't be stuck with self-obsessed nagologists.
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Yes, well they have a history of choosing good leaders, don't they? That's why gasoline in France is over $7.00 a gallon and ours is about $2.30.
We pay less for gas not because we have better leaders, but because we bomb the shit out countries like Iraq install puppet government and get oil in preferred prices killing thousands in the process.
We also spend trillions of dollars protecting other oil producing countries.

Actually it's because we flooded the market with our own oil which thanks to fracking made that possible.
I guess America doesnt go after middle eastern oil, by invading, and intervening in those countries ( says no one).

Sure we deal with the middle-east for oil, however oil is not domestic, it's worldwide.

Now we are there because of 911 and terrorism in general. We're trying to avoid another one.

pohhahaha he said The US is in the middle east for terrorism :p. Troops were in Saudi Arabia did that prevent the 9/11 attack? NO.....Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11? NO....did Iraq harbor any terrorist groups? NO....does Iraq now have terrorist groups after the invasion? YES. Biggest base is Qatar, does QATAR have any terrorist groups ? NO.
You are clueless about world affairs my friend.
On-Air AirHeads

The original ISIS was in Iraq before 9/11 and was protected from American bombing by the Saudis, who funded it in order to overthrow Saddam and Assad. Thank God for the present anti-jihadist Crown Prince, whom Trump protects. For MBS to be besties with Jared Kushner, a Jew, is one of those history-changing facts that the Diploma Dumbos on both "sides" of the media are too stupid to consider important.
Yes, well they have a history of choosing good leaders, don't they? That's why gasoline in France is over $7.00 a gallon and ours is about $2.30.
We pay less for gas not because we have better leaders, but because we bomb the shit out countries like Iraq install puppet government and get oil in preferred prices killing thousands in the process.
We also spend trillions of dollars protecting other oil producing countries.

Actually it's because we flooded the market with our own oil which thanks to fracking made that possible.
Keep fracking....people are moving away from oil, most cars will be electric. But I guess you like to go back in history.

We are a long way from the electric car being popular yet. It's too expensive and too unreliable. Yes, people buy them, but only because of the government subsidy. And what are we going to use to make the electricity for all these cars if they ever do become a huge demand?
W are not long way from electric cars....I don't know where you live. But where i live (mostly hard working liberals, foreigners, productive people) can afford electric cars....All I see is lot of Teslas, BMW's I3, Chevy and other electric guys regressive that have low wages that can't afford it, and still cheer for fracking and mining.
Drunk on a Jug of Smug

The egos of Snowflakes are so swollen with lighter-than-air laughing gas that I'm surprised they don't flurry upward into the stratosphere instead of piling up in drifts.
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Actually it's because we flooded the market with our own oil which thanks to fracking made that possible.
I guess America doesnt go after middle eastern oil, by invading, and intervening in those countries ( says no one).

Sure we deal with the middle-east for oil, however oil is not domestic, it's worldwide.

Now we are there because of 911 and terrorism in general. We're trying to avoid another one.

pohhahaha he said The US is in the middle east for terrorism :p. Troops were in Saudi Arabia did that prevent the 9/11 attack? NO.....Did Iraq have anything to do with 9/11? NO....did Iraq harbor any terrorist groups? NO....does Iraq now have terrorist groups after the invasion? YES. Biggest base is Qatar, does QATAR have any terrorist groups ? NO.
You are clueless about world affairs my friend.

We have troops all over the world, not just the middle-east. We have troops in Europe for crying out loud. But there is a difference between being stationed somewhere and fighting.
We invaded countries to have access 5o 5heir natural resources. We committed crimes and the whole world and agrees attest to are in denial.
The Third World Is the Enemy of Our Species

How is accelerating the Survival of the Fittest a crime? Darwin's Law supersedes the counter-evolutionary laws imposed on us by our powerful enemies within, who are spoiled pukes whose lifelong motto is "The Survival of the Fatherest."
The left is for raising tax revenue by increasing the minimum wage.

What good citizen of the Republic, can complain when they can afford it.

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