France fuel protestors are chanting . We want Trump!!

President Macron is an economic Globalist. President Trump is an economic Nationalist. France is BURNING. America is THRIVING. It is quite obvious.
Wages grew by 3.1% in October and November – the fastest in nearly a decade. By comparison, wages grew by just 2% or less during six of Obama’s eight years in office.
Dear yellow vests in France. We know why you're protesting, & conservatives agree with you 100%. In fact, we are willing to bring you to the U.S. & trade you for the Democrats & illegals here. You're trying to work hard & make a good life for yourselves, but the govt keeps u down
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
Yes, all that vacation time. That's why they are so industrious.

Nobody is dying from not having government healthcare. And remember, Europe doesn't need a huge military because they have the USA to back them up on any level. Without our military strength, they would have been overtaken years ago. But their foes (and ours) won't even try thanks to our military strength. We don't have a strong military to get into wars, we have a large military to ward off potential aggressors of the US and our ungrateful allies.

The funny part about your response is you claim government healthcare is the utopia, and in the same breath, criticize the government healthcare of our veterans. You also praise Europe, but moved here instead of Europe. If we have it so bad here, move TF out of here and go to Europe where it's so great! Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out either.
Just because I have moved here, did well, have healthcare that I pay from my pocket, doesnt mean health care system is wonderful. I'm more experienced about the world due to my traveling, me living here, and have knowledge about both Europe and the US than you, so your arguments lack facts and knowledge.
The US has a strong army and overspends while millions of Americans cant get health coverage, the military expansion is what brought down past world powers ( I know the poor education system didnt teach you that)
Check the happiest countries list : mostly european.
Best cars: European.
Best clothing brand names: european.
Best health system: European countries.
Better education system.
Better life expectancy
Safer in general...facts are facts , if my brother is alcoholic I'll say he is but ill still love him.

But i guess you are happy with contractors making billions out of the military industry and also ok with Americans have shorter life expectancy than their counterpart, and on top of that tons of them go bankrupt because of medical Bills, and millions are in debt because they decided to go college.

Most of the bankruptcies in regards to medical costs are not because of medical costs itself. When a person becomes ill, they usually can't work. Loss of income is what causes bankruptcies over medical bills.

Our life expectancy is not directly related to our medical care. In the US, we have the most vehicle fatalities than most any other country in the world; often young people. Our women work very late into pregnancy, often skipping prenatal care; not because of medical insurance, but to not disrupt family income or career. And that goes hand in hand with later age births. By the time a woman goes to college, gets her career in line, and finally decides to start a family, she's in her 30's and perhaps in her 40's. The later age a woman has a pregnancy, the more likely birth defects or miscarriages.

Speaking of which, many American households depend on fast food since the woman is working and not able to prepare nutritious meals. When I was a child, going to McDonald's or Burger King was a twice a year treat. Today, it's a weekly staple if not multiple times a week. We are the fattest people on the planet.

Another major factor is our diversity that no other countries have. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black person than a white. Yet you leftists always try to compare our country with other nearly all white countries. Like vehicle fatalities, many of those murdered are of younger age. If you compare our white only population in the US to European or other white countries, you'd probably find little difference in murder rates.

So your claim is bogus when you factor all the different elements of our country compared to others.

As far as safety, London had more knife murders than NYC gun murders last year. And you failed to answer my question, so one more time: If European life is so superior to ours, WTF did you move here, and why are you still here today? Move to Europe if you think it's so great.
I love you keep spinning to prove mothing.
Americans go bankrupt because of medical Bill's, you spin it to the loss of income lol....dude overseas you get covered in all ways.
And you blame being the fattest nationa on earth because both the wife and husband are working LOL....overseas is the same thing, they just eat healthier, they walk more and exercise more, and their food is not tampered with to the level we have here.
You blame crime on diversity ? Have you been to france ? Europe? Dubai ? The latter has 80% of the population are indeed foreigners....America has always being bloody, thanks to guns and the aggressive culture (movies, games. WWE, mafia, gangs. Wars, etc...).
Stop spinning you making me dizzy.

Well there's one thing we can agree on, you're dizzy.

Nobody gives a crap about Dubai, but France is 85% French or other white people.

Do you know why we don't have their healthcare system? So we don't end up like this.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

We've had guns, video games, gangs all along, but it's liberalism that caused our society to be so violent.
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.
U get hurt there they rush you to the hospital take care of you and send you on your way with no bill...I live here and I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.
The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

Useless shit?

That useless shit defends Europe slime ball .
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.
Just because I have moved here, did well, have healthcare that I pay from my pocket, doesnt mean health care system is wonderful. I'm more experienced about the world due to my traveling, me living here, and have knowledge about both Europe and the US than you, so your arguments lack facts and knowledge.
The US has a strong army and overspends while millions of Americans cant get health coverage, the military expansion is what brought down past world powers ( I know the poor education system didnt teach you that)
Check the happiest countries list : mostly european.
Best cars: European.
Best clothing brand names: european.
Best health system: European countries.
Better education system.
Better life expectancy
Safer in general...facts are facts , if my brother is alcoholic I'll say he is but ill still love him.

But i guess you are happy with contractors making billions out of the military industry and also ok with Americans have shorter life expectancy than their counterpart, and on top of that tons of them go bankrupt because of medical Bills, and millions are in debt because they decided to go college.

Most of the bankruptcies in regards to medical costs are not because of medical costs itself. When a person becomes ill, they usually can't work. Loss of income is what causes bankruptcies over medical bills.

Our life expectancy is not directly related to our medical care. In the US, we have the most vehicle fatalities than most any other country in the world; often young people. Our women work very late into pregnancy, often skipping prenatal care; not because of medical insurance, but to not disrupt family income or career. And that goes hand in hand with later age births. By the time a woman goes to college, gets her career in line, and finally decides to start a family, she's in her 30's and perhaps in her 40's. The later age a woman has a pregnancy, the more likely birth defects or miscarriages.

Speaking of which, many American households depend on fast food since the woman is working and not able to prepare nutritious meals. When I was a child, going to McDonald's or Burger King was a twice a year treat. Today, it's a weekly staple if not multiple times a week. We are the fattest people on the planet.

Another major factor is our diversity that no other countries have. In the US, you are eight times more likely to be murdered by a black person than a white. Yet you leftists always try to compare our country with other nearly all white countries. Like vehicle fatalities, many of those murdered are of younger age. If you compare our white only population in the US to European or other white countries, you'd probably find little difference in murder rates.

So your claim is bogus when you factor all the different elements of our country compared to others.

As far as safety, London had more knife murders than NYC gun murders last year. And you failed to answer my question, so one more time: If European life is so superior to ours, WTF did you move here, and why are you still here today? Move to Europe if you think it's so great.
I love you keep spinning to prove mothing.
Americans go bankrupt because of medical Bill's, you spin it to the loss of income lol....dude overseas you get covered in all ways.
And you blame being the fattest nationa on earth because both the wife and husband are working LOL....overseas is the same thing, they just eat healthier, they walk more and exercise more, and their food is not tampered with to the level we have here.
You blame crime on diversity ? Have you been to france ? Europe? Dubai ? The latter has 80% of the population are indeed foreigners....America has always being bloody, thanks to guns and the aggressive culture (movies, games. WWE, mafia, gangs. Wars, etc...).
Stop spinning you making me dizzy.

Well there's one thing we can agree on, you're dizzy.

Nobody gives a crap about Dubai, but France is 85% French or other white people.

Do you know why we don't have their healthcare system? So we don't end up like this.

Obese patients and smokers banned from routine surgery in 'most severe ever' rationing in the NHS

We've had guns, video games, gangs all along, but it's liberalism that caused our society to be so violent.
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.
U get hurt there they rush you to the hospital take care of you and send you on your way with no bill...I live here and I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.
The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

Useless shit?

That useless shit defends Europe slime ball .
What happened to america first ?
"The idea of a European Military didn’t work out too well in W.W. I or 2. But the U.S. was there for you, and always will be. All we ask is that you pay your fair share of NATO. Germany is paying 1% while the U.S. pays 4.3% of a much larger GDP - to protect Europe. Fairness!

The Paris Agreement isn’t working out so well for Paris. Protests and riots all over France. People do not want to pay large sums of money, much to third world countries (that are questionably run), in order to maybe protect the environment. Chanting “We Want Trump!” Love France.

Very sad day & night in Paris. Maybe it’s time to end the ridiculous and extremely expensive Paris Agreement and return money back to the people in the form of lower taxes? The U.S. was way ahead of the curve on that and the only major country where emissions went down last year!" - President Trump
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.

They leash off us , can't you figure it out?
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.

And what the hell the US has like 43 of the top 50 hospital's in the world..
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?

Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.

And what the hell the US has like 43 of the top 50 hospital's in the world..

Everything the government gets involved in, becomes MORE expensive, period, stop, over!

THINK, THINK! What 2 parts of our supposed private sector is basically run by government?

ANSWER------------> Education, and healthcare. Has been forever, has it not. Oh sure, Obamacare just changed things on who/whom could qualify, but the truth is...…...because of medicare, Medicaid, and since Bush drugs, the price has skyrocketed.

Why is that?

Because government does NOT care about the cost as YOU do. All the government does is shuffle money that is NOT theirs. Same goes for education. We spend either number 1 or 2 in the world, and get terrible results. AND, the government refuses to give you options to where you send the kids, so why should schools get any better? They have a captive audience.

And what happens EVERY time the free market is put in direct competition with the government? Prices DROP dramatically, and the government entity loses to the private sector!

Sooooooooooooo, we know the LEFTISTS think Obama was the greatest President ever; or at least close. So they need to tell us----------> what does a community organizer or his cabinet know about healthcare and education? NOTHING! And yet, you wanted them to run everything, lol. In fact, if you had your choice, you would put him in charge again, but this time of EVERYTHING, including how many swipes you can use a piece of toilet paper.

All Issa is talking about is---------->European Socialism, nothing more, nothing less. The government knows better than you what is best for you, and so does Issa. And how will his way fund it? With YOUR MONEY, and lower your choices on virtually EVERYTHING just like the government has done with public education, AND Obamacare. Not to mention, it will cost you MORE because now not only does the working class have to pay their way, they have to pay those on the dole's way too.

Is that America? And then, Issa and friends are STILL NOT satisfied, they want basically open borders, and you can pay all the illegals way too. Brilliant man this Issa. Wonder how long he studied the best way to bring America to her knees!
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.

They leash off us , can't you figure it out?
So why trump csnt stop that ? They take care of their citizens why canr he do the same?
Lol dumb dont know ja k shit about france or Europe.

I don't have to in order to look up their demographics. Google is your friend.

I see people still paying their medical Bill's, cant go to the doctor because they dont have inssurance. I'm part of a children's cancer group...tons of families are broke because their kids ilness....members of my family in Europe they dont all kinda of procedures for FREE.

Nothing is free, you just pay for it in different ways. However in the US, we have the best physicians and surgeons from around the world. Why is that? Because they get paid the best over here. Quality care costs money.

However when people with money from around the world are in need of serious or life risking procedures, they don't head to Europe, they head right here to the United States of America. Trust me, I'm a patient at the world renown Cleveland Clinic. People are there from all over the world to get our high quality care.

The minute you land in Europe you see healthy looking people dressed neatly, when I fly back to the US the first thing you notice is the amount of obesity and poorly dressed people. Americans do work hard but get fucked, their money gets handed to military contractors., big pharma, and other useless shit.

So what does the military have to do with fat people or those badly dressed? We live the way we want to live our lives. What's wrong with that?
More than 44 million americans are uninsured here in the US, having the best doctors or not.
I know both worlds, you dont....people are fucked here big time....and I'm talking those who work 2 jobs and still cant afford health care, and in some cases decent housing.
They brainwashed you about socialism, but they still take a bing chunk of your money and handy to military contractors.
And dont get me started on homelessness here in the US vs Europe.

They are uninsured by choice .

Get it through your brain they don't want to pay.

Lol so other countries manage to cover their citizens medically and the US cant ? Fuck the citizens that contribute to making military suppliers billions of dollars I guess.

And what the hell the US has like 43 of the top 50 hospital's in the world..
For those who can afford it. Millions canr go to them.
Europes more logical men are now going for trump and will do as america men and stop the harm women voters are causing

Modern America and Europe will now have a logical thinking ability test for voters and bring the destruction of liberalism

No more harmful wide democracies
Loooooool I'm half the time in france, speak french, half of my family are french....they think we are idiots for having a clown In the white house. Dont let a video fool you :p
Only the women don't want trump

The men more and more supporting trump and stopping low logical people from voting by making a logic ability test for voting

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