France outlaws burkas

An affront to France's democratic values leads them to do the undemocratic thing and write a law that forbids women from wearing a religious costume.

Ive got a question for you ravi. My understanding of islam does not require woman to cover their faces.

Obviously some sects are more moderate then others and not all require you to cover you entire face. The tenet i see is a head scarf. I am fine with head scarfs, mainly becasue both muslim men and women wear them.

I think France should back down on the head covering, so long as it does not cover the face and totally cover the body as well.





I wonder if the women in those burqas or najibs wear anything underneath. Maybe they're just walking around commando. :lol:

The only time I could see where wearing a burqa (the one with the mesh screen thing) should be illegal is when driving a car. That for sure is a danger to other people on the road and pedestrians and pets.

I think, at least in my state, you can't have anything hanging from your rear-view mirror that's larger than so-and-so. So like you couldn't have a big cross hanging from your mirror, because it can impede the driver's view.
I wonder if the women in those burqas or najibs wear anything underneath. Maybe they're just walking around commando. :lol:

The only time I could see where wearing a burqa (the one with the mesh screen thing) should be illegal is when driving a car. That for sure is a danger to other people on the road and pedestrians and pets.

I think, at least in my state, you can't have anything hanging from your rear-view mirror that's larger than so-and-so. So like you couldn't have a big cross hanging from your mirror, because it can impede the driver's view.
Burqas are forbidden in any lab under my control. Violates OSHA.
I wonder if the women in those burqas or najibs wear anything underneath. Maybe they're just walking around commando. :lol:

The only time I could see where wearing a burqa (the one with the mesh screen thing) should be illegal is when driving a car. That for sure is a danger to other people on the road and pedestrians and pets.

I think, at least in my state, you can't have anything hanging from your rear-view mirror that's larger than so-and-so. So like you couldn't have a big cross hanging from your mirror, because it can impede the driver's view.
Burqas are forbidden in any lab under my control. Violates OSHA.

And that makes sense too.

I just thought of another thing about driving. You can't have the driver's-side window tinted to more than a certain percent (I think it's 40, but not sure). It's so cops can identify the driver without having to pull the car over first.

So by that logic, I think outlawing najibs while driving would also make sense. The cops need to be able to see the driver's face. That's the precedent, so it seems only fair to apply it to all.
I wonder if the women in those burqas or najibs wear anything underneath. Maybe they're just walking around commando. :lol:

The only time I could see where wearing a burqa (the one with the mesh screen thing) should be illegal is when driving a car. That for sure is a danger to other people on the road and pedestrians and pets.

I think, at least in my state, you can't have anything hanging from your rear-view mirror that's larger than so-and-so. So like you couldn't have a big cross hanging from your mirror, because it can impede the driver's view.
Burqas are forbidden in any lab under my control. Violates OSHA.

And that makes sense too.

I just thought of another thing about driving. You can't have the driver's-side window tinted to more than a certain percent (I think it's 40, but not sure). It's so cops can identify the driver without having to pull the car over first.

So by that logic, I think outlawing najibs while driving would also make sense. The cops need to be able to see the driver's face. That's the precedent, so it seems only fair to apply it to all.
Good point.
I wonder if the women in those burqas or najibs wear anything underneath. Maybe they're just walking around commando. :lol:

The only time I could see where wearing a burqa (the one with the mesh screen thing) should be illegal is when driving a car. That for sure is a danger to other people on the road and pedestrians and pets.

I think, at least in my state, you can't have anything hanging from your rear-view mirror that's larger than so-and-so. So like you couldn't have a big cross hanging from your mirror, because it can impede the driver's view.
Burqas are forbidden in any lab under my control. Violates OSHA.

And that makes sense too.

I just thought of another thing about driving. You can't have the driver's-side window tinted to more than a certain percent (I think it's 40, but not sure). It's so cops can identify the driver without having to pull the car over first.

So by that logic, I think outlawing najibs while driving would also make sense. The cops need to be able to see the driver's face. That's the precedent, so it seems only fair to apply it to all.
Yep...but unless you get pulled over a cop wouldn't need to see your face. So make it then.
Sometimes a picture says the most.


I like this one too.


Both of these were from googling "women dubai".
here's what I think. Just as that asshiole from Mexico shouldn't have been commenting on our laws, we shouldn't be telling France what they should do.
I just went to Staples and back and on the way passed a landscape crew wearing bandanas and hats that covered everything but their eyes.

I wonder what landscape crews in France will be able to wear?

From the article I posted earlier:

The legislation adopted Tuesday by the Senate, the upper house of the French Parliament, forbids people from concealing their faces in public. It makes no reference to Islam, and includes exceptions for people who need to cover up for work reasons, such as riot police and surgeons.
They don't need to cover up though, they just want to...

I don't need to walk around dressed like Winnie the pooh, I just want to. I'm sure if enough people did that on a regular basis, that too would be banned.
From the article I posted earlier:

The legislation adopted Tuesday by the Senate, the upper house of the French Parliament, forbids people from concealing their faces in public. It makes no reference to Islam, and includes exceptions for people who need to cover up for work reasons, such as riot police and surgeons.
They don't need to cover up though, they just want to...

I don't need to walk around dressed like Winnie the pooh, I just want to. I'm sure if enough people did that on a regular basis, that too would be banned.
Noooooooo. Dammit, now I'm going to have to do some shopping for a new wardrobe.
Most strict muslims are not going to allow a women to drive a car.
Not true at all.

Only one country doesn't allow women to drive.

I have many friends from many countries that are what you would call "strict".

And they let their wives drive.

Heck, I even let my wife drive and I am very conservative in my religion. :eusa_angel:
Burqas are forbidden in any lab under my control. Violates OSHA.

And that makes sense too.

I just thought of another thing about driving. You can't have the driver's-side window tinted to more than a certain percent (I think it's 40, but not sure). It's so cops can identify the driver without having to pull the car over first.

So by that logic, I think outlawing najibs while driving would also make sense. The cops need to be able to see the driver's face. That's the precedent, so it seems only fair to apply it to all.
Yep...but unless you get pulled over a cop wouldn't need to see your face. So make it then.

I'm saying that there's already laws on the books that are based on the cops' need to identify a driver without having to pull the car over first. That rationale makes sense to me, but maybe we disagree on that. If there's precedent then it should be applied equally. The only exception with the tinted windows is if you have a documented medical condition where your sight and driving ability would be impaired without darkened windows. The cops can still pull you over at anytime; you just wouldn't get fined after you show them your medical-exemption papers.

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