Francis Keys bridge hit by ship. Bridge collapses, mass casualty event.

They will probably want to demo really quick to get the port back opened. Checking the map I also see a Coast Guard yard there, so any ships in the yard are stuck, and any ships that need to get to the yard are out of luck.

Not sure if the navy has any berths or bases inside the harbor within the area blocked by the bridge collapse.
Reports are the ship sank (as so far it could sink there) so everything involved with all that will have to be attended to. Talk about a huge shit sandwich!
To me, it looked like the ship was steered right into the bridge. I don't know if it was intentional but personally, it looked like it was to me. The thought of Buttigieg being in charge of the investigation isn't something that gives me confidence either. I'm not necessarily saying he sucks at his job, maybe he just has the worst luck in the world. First, he was pregnant and couldn't show up for work, then we had a series of trains derailing, planes losing parts in flight, boats that crash into bridges, bridges collapsing in Philly and Baltimore. WTF man. This guy is jinxed. He should be shit canned based on that alone. MAGA

No, there is another video showing that the ship lost power twice right before hitting the bridge. You can clearly see it loses power, comes back briefly, then loses it again. By the time it came back on he was heading right for the bridge piling. You can see heavy black smoke as he likely tried throwing it into reverse but its just too heavy to stop.

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I used to use that bridge in 70 when I was playing ball down there. This is going to be a humungus disaster. To look on the bright side, it could have been much worse if it happened at rush hour. Pray for those unlucky people.
Actually, I used to use the tunnel that's right over there. I think the bridge was built later but regardless, it's a very heavily used and important road. So I guess the tunnel I used is going to be slammed now but an inadequate backup is better than no backup at all. MAGA

Damn, that bridge was actually pretty tough if it stopped a container ship that size and loaded dead. If it had been weak it would just plowed on through.

The fact is old construction is just inadequate for the modern transportation equipment. Those container ships can reach 440,000 tons loaded. that's not a misprint. For comparison, I think the largest aircraft carrier weighs far less than that, around 100,000 tons.
Bridges and ships are a huge part of our transportation infrastructure.

Clearly the fault here of Mayor Petey, who was hired mainly due to his sexual preferences instead of his capabilities.

Compare and contrast with transportation when President Trump named a sharp Chinese chick to head the department.

Didn't have bridges failing all over the place.
Track of ship....



Wind direction is consistent with the trajectory. If the ship lost power shortly before coming to the bridge, it would indeed follow the above path...

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Neither were those railroad tracks in East Palestine, Ohio built during Biden's time in office.

Do you have any idea what the loss of a major seaport is going to do to our economy?
Shit happens

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