Free Abortion Clinics in Black and Latino Neighborhoods

The right LOVES knowing there are unwanted children going to bed hungry. They abso-fucking-lutely love it.

Yep every time I think about a child going hungry I start to laugh out loud and can't stop! That is why I think we should abort as many black and Hispanic babies as possible!
No, for the billionth time, it's CHEAPER THAN FREE, for all involved, dingbats.
What is cheaper than free? Ultra free, super free, omega free, supersonic free! Are those cheaper than free?

Oh I get it, we pay people to have abortions! That is cheaper than free. As long as the babies are Black or Hispanic I am good with that.
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So my premise to lower the black and Hispanic population by aborting as many Black and Hispanic babies as possible (which happened to be the rationale for the founder of Planned Parenthood), is something you agree with! Good to know!

As long as all races are welcome - of course.

I realize that the OP is racist scum calling for other racist scum -


but, IMO, we need to invest in our own country and that starts with making all birth control and abortion free and easily to get for all people.

Then we educate our own people instead of importing talent from other countries.

Yeah, I know - its the exact opposite of what the right wants for our country.
Why should it be free ?

In reality, they would not be free. Just like the food stamps, ADC (does that still exist?), welfare, its paid for by taxes.

Just like your taxes subsidize/pay for WalMart and other huge corporations cost of doing business.

But, you already know that, don't you. Its just that you prefer paying WalMart to screw over poor people to ending poverty in the US.

And THAT is what it all comes down to.

The right LOVES knowing there are unwanted children going to bed hungry. They abso-fucking-lutely love it. Even though most of them are only a couple of paychecks away from hunger themselves, it makes them feel superior to give their tax money to the utra-rich.

We, in the US, have a lot to be proud of. The right wing is not one of those things.

Ludely, obviously it's not free. Someone always has to pay, and I prefer the system where the user themselves pay. I realize that's a foreign concept to you and other libs.
No, for the billionth time, it's CHEAPER THAN FREE, for all involved, dingbats.
What is cheaper than free? Ultra free, super free, omega free, supersonic free! Are those cheaper than free?

Oh I get it, we pay people to have abortions! That is cheaper than free. As long as the babies are Black or Hispanic I am good with that.

Not surprised that you want force white wimmen to reproduce.

Yeah, I get it - You want a white world and an end to our constitution. But, look at what you'd get: ignorance and stupidity like $arah Palin and Duck Dynasty breeders.

No thanks.

Equal rights for all. Period.

Don't like it? Move to Russia, North Korea, China. You anti-America traitors won't be missed, that's for damn sure.

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