Free At Last!

It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.

Not if he gets prayed off the bench he won't. I believe God will remove him over this. I am praying for it and asking the LORD to bring judgment in this matter and avenge this Christian woman of her enemies. He needs to know that his authority and power is not greater than God's. He made the mistake of implying that in a recent news report. I'm believing God to set him straight (no pun intended). It is a righteous thing with God to send tribulation on those who trouble his children. See 2 Thessalonians 1:6.
God didn't do anything. The judge put her jail and he's the one who let her out on the condition that she not do as she did before. if she does, back into jail she goes. What will you say about your God then?

God is in the Eternal perspective the only true sovereign. He allowed Kim to gain greater glory in Heaven and for that she should feel grateful.

I hope some day I have the privilege of dying for my faith, but only if God so wills it. Talk about a superior investment strategy, you cant beat Heaven! lol
Greater glory? For ignoring the teachings of Jesus (Matthew 6:24)? How is working an entity that allows, even promotes gay marriage serving God? Going to jail because she refuses to do what she gets paid by the taxpayers is not serving God, nor does it give her or God any glory.

Your faith is from Sunday School, your cognition is less than that...

Lol, you lie and lie and lie.

Kim upheld the teachings of God by refusing to put her name on a diabolical piece of shyte legal lie.

God granted her victory and more respect than you will ever see in you sad little live.
She was, and still is, trying to serve two masters, and one of them is going to put her ass back in jail in a few days when she tries, and fails, again.

And God plays favorites? Have not heard that the first shall be last and the last first? Like Kim, you lack all humility. Just another Ticket to Heaven Christian, and entirely unworthy of respect...
God didn't do anything. The judge put her jail and he's the one who let her out on the condition that she not do as she did before. if she does, back into jail she goes. What will you say about your God then?

That He is going to avenge Kim Davis of her enemies - including this wicked judge. God is faithful and the prayers of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much. My God hears my prayers and answers them. My God is faithful and He is the One who delivered Kim Davis out of this situation. He gets the credit.
Dude, your God had nothing at all to do with it. Her office started to do their job and the judge let her out. If your God had anything to do with it they wouldn't be handing out marriage licenses to gays now would they? Your God is a lie, pure and simple.

The judge released her and this isn't over yet. God has everything to do with it. His people are praying about this matter. He's involved.
He gave her enough rope to hang herself, that's all. And when she does, and she's a self-righteous bitch so she will, he'll have her arrested again. He's showing what a good guy he is, giving her every possible chance, but it won't work. She's being played and taking you little morons along for the ride. That's politics, not God.

And this part, "The judge released her...", that's correct. The Judge, not God...

God is the decider of all things, PMH. Satan can do nothing without God's permission first. This judge is a wicked man and while he may think he backed down because of human reason - he backed down because God decided it was time for this woman to be released. God is in full control. Not man. God. The reason you do not believe that is because you do not believe in God.
so satan askes god if he can kill a bunch of little kids around the world and he says yea go ahead but this marriage thing he is pissed off about? dont sound to smart jeri....and you are not making god sound like a god one would want to follow...
That He is going to avenge Kim Davis of her enemies - including this wicked judge. God is faithful and the prayers of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much. My God hears my prayers and answers them. My God is faithful and He is the One who delivered Kim Davis out of this situation. He gets the credit.
Dude, your God had nothing at all to do with it. Her office started to do their job and the judge let her out. If your God had anything to do with it they wouldn't be handing out marriage licenses to gays now would they? Your God is a lie, pure and simple.

The judge released her and this isn't over yet. God has everything to do with it. His people are praying about this matter. He's involved.
He gave her enough rope to hang herself, that's all. And when she does, and she's a self-righteous bitch so she will, he'll have her arrested again. He's showing what a good guy he is, giving her every possible chance, but it won't work. She's being played and taking you little morons along for the ride. That's politics, not God.

And this part, "The judge released her...", that's correct. The Judge, not God...

God is the decider of all things, PMH. Satan can do nothing without God's permission first. This judge is a wicked man and while he may think he backed down because of human reason - he backed down because God decided it was time for this woman to be released. God is in full control. Not man. God. The reason you do not believe that is because you do not believe in God.
so satan askes god if he can kill a bunch of little kids around the world and he says yea go ahead but this marriage thing he is pissed off about? dont sound to smart jeri....and you are not making god sound like a god one would want to follow...
That's the question alright. His God stands by, even approves of, evil. Now that is a being entirely unworthy of praying to. You might as well drop off a bowl of fruit, and a virgin...
God didn't do anything. The judge put her jail and he's the one who let her out on the condition that she not do as she did before. if she does, back into jail she goes. What will you say about your God then?

That He is going to avenge Kim Davis of her enemies - including this wicked judge. God is faithful and the prayers of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much. My God hears my prayers and answers them. My God is faithful and He is the One who delivered Kim Davis out of this situation. He gets the credit.
Dude, your God had nothing at all to do with it. Her office started to do their job and the judge let her out. If your God had anything to do with it they wouldn't be handing out marriage licenses to gays now would they? Your God is a lie, pure and simple.

The judge released her and this isn't over yet. God has everything to do with it. His people are praying about this matter. He's involved.
jeri why would god get involved in this bullshit but yet ignores little kids around the world starving and being killed?.....lives matter more than 2 guys wanting to marry i would think.....did not Jesus say..." “Let the little children come to me and do not hinder them, for to such belongs the kingdom of heaven.”....and yet?...
And how do you know that Jeremiah hasn't done much already to help starving people around the world?

You libtards are so full of shyte it is amusing.
you guys are pathetic.....there are countless numbers of kids suffering around the world right fucking now,but god says "wait a minute....screw those kids,i have to go and free this lady who is not doing the job she signed up to do"....and oh i guess this week im back to being a week some lib who i disagree with will make me a righty are another pathetic individual bowie someone disagrees with your shit and they must be what you are not...what else can they be?....go see your good buddy dean ask him if im a liberal.....i am sure he will laugh in your fucking face....jerk...
Such arrogance ... I bet you're an atheist who knows nothing about true Christians.
He likely knows nothing other than what he read on some antichristian hate site.

But this is a very encouraging victory. That heathen judge would not have reversed himself had he not been told by some authority group to pull back. The Fagot Mafia saw what an utter PR disaster the whole thing had become.
True. The optics of throwing a lovely Christian lady in jail because she follows her Christian beliefs. Yeah, somebody got to that homo-rooting judge.
He's far smarter than you guys are. He baited the trap, she's about to fall into, again.

BTW, she's a fat pig...
I bet you're no great looker. Besides, every sister in Christ is a beautiful woman. What trap? To put her in jail? Won't make that mistake again will he?
It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.
Judge has no authority for what he did. The Public accommodation law says accommodation for religious convictions must be allowed for private and PUBLIC workers. That includes Kim Davis. Her religious convictions must be accommodated by the law. The governor wasn't accommodating her needs or that of 57 other County Clerks who wanted the State to do something before the Court ruled on gay marriage.

But that matters not to your ilk. Persecuting Christians is all you're after.
It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.

Not if he gets prayed off the bench he won't. I believe God will remove him over this. I am praying for it and asking the LORD to bring judgment in this matter and avenge this Christian woman of her enemies. He needs to know that his authority and power is not greater than God's. He made the mistake of implying that in a recent news report. I'm believing God to set him straight (no pun intended). It is a righteous thing with God to send tribulation on those who trouble his children. See 2 Thessalonians 1:6.
God didn't do anything. The judge put her jail and he's the one who let her out on the condition that she not do as she did before. if she does, back into jail she goes. What will you say about your God then?

That He is going to avenge Kim Davis of her enemies - including this wicked judge. God is faithful and the prayers of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much. My God hears my prayers and answers them. My God is faithful and He is the One who delivered Kim Davis out of this situation. He gets the credit.
Dude, your God had nothing at all to do with it. Her office started to do their job and the judge let her out. If your God had anything to do with it they wouldn't be handing out marriage licenses to gays now would they? Your God is a lie, pure and simple.

The judge released her and this isn't over yet. God has everything to do with it. His people are praying about this matter. He's involved.
There are prayer warriors all over this Country. This injustice will not stand.
Judge orders release of Kentucky clerk who had thwarted same-sex marriages

We won,butt fucker mafia lost! She is still the elected official and STILL controls that office until either the voters or the legislature says so. Time to get that activist tyrannical judge OFF the bench.ANYONE that attacks religious freedom has absolutely no business being a judge.

And in about one week, she will prolly be right back in jail... lol...
Probably. She has already proven she will stand for her beliefs and the first amendment before she bows before that tyrannical bastard.
He likely knows nothing other than what he read on some antichristian hate site.

But this is a very encouraging victory. That heathen judge would not have reversed himself had he not been told by some authority group to pull back. The Fagot Mafia saw what an utter PR disaster the whole thing had become.
True. The optics of throwing a lovely Christian lady in jail because she follows her Christian beliefs. Yeah, somebody got to that homo-rooting judge.
He's far smarter than you guys are. He baited the trap, she's about to fall into, again.

BTW, she's a fat pig...
I bet you're no great looker. Besides, every sister in Christ is a beautiful woman. What trap? To put her in jail? Won't make that mistake again will he?
It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.
Judge has no authority for what he did. The Public accommodation law says accommodation for religious convictions must be allowed for private and PUBLIC workers. That includes Kim Davis. Her religious convictions must be accommodated by the law. The governor wasn't accommodating her needs or that of 57 other County Clerks who wanted the State to do something before the Court ruled on gay marriage.

But that matters not to your ilk. Persecuting Christians is all you're after.
that law has to do with the people coming to use the service being discriminated against.....i delivered mail,if i knew 2 gay people lived at a certain address and refused to deliver their mail i would have been told my beliefs dont mean shit,i was hired to deliver the mail,if i kept on refusing i would have been released from the job or made a clerk who doesnt come into contact with the long as she was in no danger by those seeking a license to marry than she should have done her job or transfer to another dept not involved with the public...
He likely knows nothing other than what he read on some antichristian hate site.

But this is a very encouraging victory. That heathen judge would not have reversed himself had he not been told by some authority group to pull back. The Fagot Mafia saw what an utter PR disaster the whole thing had become.
True. The optics of throwing a lovely Christian lady in jail because she follows her Christian beliefs. Yeah, somebody got to that homo-rooting judge.
He's far smarter than you guys are. He baited the trap, she's about to fall into, again.

BTW, she's a fat pig...
I bet you're no great looker. Besides, every sister in Christ is a beautiful woman. What trap? To put her in jail? Won't make that mistake again will he?
It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.
Judge has no authority for what he did. The Public accommodation law says accommodation for religious convictions must be allowed for private and PUBLIC workers. That includes Kim Davis. Her religious convictions must be accommodated by the law. The governor wasn't accommodating her needs or that of 57 other County Clerks who wanted the State to do something before the Court ruled on gay marriage.

But that matters not to your ilk. Persecuting Christians is all you're after.

Yes, they DID provide accommodation. They offered to have the deputy clerks issue the licenses.

What Kim Davis wants is for her religious beliefs to over-rule the US Supreme Court. That is not accommodation.
in most states they would give a shit if you are at home smoking pot....
Not if he was reported to be giving his reefers to minor school children to smoke. Getting reefers smokers in jail is a personal priority of mine.

See how preventing others from practicing their personal beliefs by any means necessary, hurts?
And how do you know that Jeremiah hasn't done much already to help starving people around the world?

You libtards are so full of shyte it is amusing.
Feed the Children is one of the largest Christian organizations doing precisely that: feeding starving people.

I'd like to know what is the name of their privately run atheist version of FTC. Hint: there isn't any.
Not if he gets prayed off the bench he won't. I believe God will remove him over this. I am praying for it and asking the LORD to bring judgment in this matter and avenge this Christian woman of her enemies. He needs to know that his authority and power is not greater than God's. He made the mistake of implying that in a recent news report. I'm believing God to set him straight (no pun intended). It is a righteous thing with God to send tribulation on those who trouble his children. See 2 Thessalonians 1:6.
God didn't do anything. The judge put her jail and he's the one who let her out on the condition that she not do as she did before. if she does, back into jail she goes. What will you say about your God then?

That He is going to avenge Kim Davis of her enemies - including this wicked judge. God is faithful and the prayers of a righteous man (and woman) availeth much. My God hears my prayers and answers them. My God is faithful and He is the One who delivered Kim Davis out of this situation. He gets the credit.
Dude, your God had nothing at all to do with it. Her office started to do their job and the judge let her out. If your God had anything to do with it they wouldn't be handing out marriage licenses to gays now would they? Your God is a lie, pure and simple.

The judge released her and this isn't over yet. God has everything to do with it. His people are praying about this matter. He's involved.
There are prayer warriors all over this Country. This injustice will not stand.
True. The optics of throwing a lovely Christian lady in jail because she follows her Christian beliefs. Yeah, somebody got to that homo-rooting judge.
He's far smarter than you guys are. He baited the trap, she's about to fall into, again.

BTW, she's a fat pig...
I bet you're no great looker. Besides, every sister in Christ is a beautiful woman. What trap? To put her in jail? Won't make that mistake again will he?
It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.
Judge has no authority for what he did. The Public accommodation law says accommodation for religious convictions must be allowed for private and PUBLIC workers. That includes Kim Davis. Her religious convictions must be accommodated by the law. The governor wasn't accommodating her needs or that of 57 other County Clerks who wanted the State to do something before the Court ruled on gay marriage.

But that matters not to your ilk. Persecuting Christians is all you're after.
that law has to do with the people coming to use the service being discriminated against.....i delivered mail,if i knew 2 gay people lived at a certain address and refused to deliver their mail i would have been told my beliefs dont mean shit,i was hired to deliver the mail,if i kept on refusing i would have been released from the job or made a clerk who doesnt come into contact with the long as she was in no danger by those seeking a license to marry than she should have done her job or transfer to another dept not involved with the public...
Accommodating Kim's needs would have been a lot simpler don't you think? This country is dividing down the middle and I blame this Regime in our White House. Divide and conquer.
He's far smarter than you guys are. He baited the trap, she's about to fall into, again.

BTW, she's a fat pig...
I bet you're no great looker. Besides, every sister in Christ is a beautiful woman. What trap? To put her in jail? Won't make that mistake again will he?
It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.
Judge has no authority for what he did. The Public accommodation law says accommodation for religious convictions must be allowed for private and PUBLIC workers. That includes Kim Davis. Her religious convictions must be accommodated by the law. The governor wasn't accommodating her needs or that of 57 other County Clerks who wanted the State to do something before the Court ruled on gay marriage.

But that matters not to your ilk. Persecuting Christians is all you're after.
that law has to do with the people coming to use the service being discriminated against.....i delivered mail,if i knew 2 gay people lived at a certain address and refused to deliver their mail i would have been told my beliefs dont mean shit,i was hired to deliver the mail,if i kept on refusing i would have been released from the job or made a clerk who doesnt come into contact with the long as she was in no danger by those seeking a license to marry than she should have done her job or transfer to another dept not involved with the public...
Accommodating Kim's needs would have been a lot simpler don't you think? This country is dividing down the middle and I blame this Regime in our White House. Divide and conquer.
Kim has no needs. She wants everyone to follow her holy roller doctrince which is not a need. If you are talking about reasonable accomodations she was against even that and forbade her deputies to issue certificates. Thats why she was put in the pokey.
in most states they would give a shit if you are at home smoking pot....
Not if he was reported to be giving his reefers to minor school children to smoke. Getting reefers smokers in jail is a personal priority of mine.

See how preventing others from practicing their personal beliefs by any means necessary, hurts?
was he doing that?....
He's far smarter than you guys are. He baited the trap, she's about to fall into, again.

BTW, she's a fat pig...
I bet you're no great looker. Besides, every sister in Christ is a beautiful woman. What trap? To put her in jail? Won't make that mistake again will he?
It's not a mistake. And has already said he will hold in contempt again by his order.
Judge has no authority for what he did. The Public accommodation law says accommodation for religious convictions must be allowed for private and PUBLIC workers. That includes Kim Davis. Her religious convictions must be accommodated by the law. The governor wasn't accommodating her needs or that of 57 other County Clerks who wanted the State to do something before the Court ruled on gay marriage.

But that matters not to your ilk. Persecuting Christians is all you're after.
that law has to do with the people coming to use the service being discriminated against.....i delivered mail,if i knew 2 gay people lived at a certain address and refused to deliver their mail i would have been told my beliefs dont mean shit,i was hired to deliver the mail,if i kept on refusing i would have been released from the job or made a clerk who doesnt come into contact with the long as she was in no danger by those seeking a license to marry than she should have done her job or transfer to another dept not involved with the public...
Accommodating Kim's needs would have been a lot simpler don't you think? This country is dividing down the middle and I blame this Regime in our White House. Divide and conquer.
no i dont....her job was to issue marriage licenses...if she cant handle issuing it to gay people than maybe she should have asked for a transfer too another dept....

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