Free? That Is A Laugh.


So you are counting on the racist suburban women who wouldn't vote for Obama to be liberal enough to vote for Hillary? lmao

I don't think it's a liberal or conservative thing.

I think if people were actually smart enough to analyze policy, we'd have more gun restrictions and more liberalism.

I do think that there's that chunk of about 10% in the middle who vote for who they feel more comfortable with. And Hllary does better witht hat group than Barry does.

"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." seems pretty simple to me too. The right of the people.

well, yeah, but collectively, not individually when the individuals are Cho and Loughner and Lanza and Holmes...

because letting them have guns is absolutely crazy.

Thats fine. Figure out a way to determine they are that crazy and put that data into the NICS.

But the Bill of Rights is not a set of collective rights. They are all rights of individuals. The fact that these freedoms mean less safety is true. But safety is lowest in a free society.

So you are counting on the racist suburban women who wouldn't vote for Obama to be liberal enough to vote for Hillary? lmao

I don't think it's a liberal or conservative thing.

I think if people were actually smart enough to analyze policy, we'd have more gun restrictions and more liberalism.

I do think that there's that chunk of about 10% in the middle who vote for who they feel more comfortable with. And Hllary does better witht hat group than Barry does.

I disagree. Many liberal policies come from an emotional reaction. Using intelligent analysis will turn them away from liberalism in many case.

And I find it amusing that you think there are a lot of women who were too racist to vote for Obama, but will be liberal enough to vote for Hillary. Seems to me that anyone liberal enough to want Hillary would be able to vote for Obama over any republican.

"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." seems pretty simple to me too. The right of the people.

well, yeah, but collectively, not individually when the individuals are Cho and Loughner and Lanza and Holmes...

because letting them have guns is absolutely crazy.

Thats fine. Figure out a way to determine they are that crazy and put that data into the NICS.

But the Bill of Rights is not a set of collective rights. They are all rights of individuals. The fact that these freedoms mean less safety is true. But safety is lowest in a free society.

No, not really.

We don't let people do human sacrfices under the First Amendment, and accusing people of being pedophiles is still libel despite what the first Amendment says.

It's too bad they didn't include an "Apply a lick of common fucking sense" Amendment.

I disagree. Many liberal policies come from an emotional reaction. Using intelligent analysis will turn them away from liberalism in many case.

And I find it amusing that you think there are a lot of women who were too racist to vote for Obama, but will be liberal enough to vote for Hillary. Seems to me that anyone liberal enough to want Hillary would be able to vote for Obama over any republican.

Where you dropped on your head as a child?

I know a lot of Democrats who are pretty racist. I grew up in Chicago, where the only time a Republican got close to getting elected mayor is when White People lost their collective shit because a black guy won the democrat nomination.

Frankly, you have to be some kind of bible thumping retard to vote for a party that wants you to work harder so rich people can enjoy themselves more. But that's conservatives.

"I gots my gun and my bible, Cleetus!!!!"

"...the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed." seems pretty simple to me too. The right of the people.

well, yeah, but collectively, not individually when the individuals are Cho and Loughner and Lanza and Holmes...

because letting them have guns is absolutely crazy.

Thats fine. Figure out a way to determine they are that crazy and put that data into the NICS.

But the Bill of Rights is not a set of collective rights. They are all rights of individuals. The fact that these freedoms mean less safety is true. But safety is lowest in a free society.

No, not really.

We don't let people do human sacrfices under the First Amendment, and accusing people of being pedophiles is still libel despite what the first Amendment says.

It's too bad they didn't include an "Apply a lick of common fucking sense" Amendment.

Indeed it would have helped. Perhaps that would stop people from wanting to remove the guns from 65,000,000 people because of the actions of 10,000 or less. And yes, restrictions can be placed on rights, especially for those convicted of crimes.

Also, the 1st, 4th and 9th amendments use the same phrase of "the people". Are those collective rights?
Little JoeyB, the simple fact is that around a third of the households in this country have guns. Compare that to the number of gun deaths and injuries and you have an overwhelming majority of gun owners never harming another human being.

Also, unless you can get every single person who doesn't own a gun to vote the way you want, the 2nd amendment will not be removed. And while you claim you are stacking the courts, the facts are that the SCOTUS has consistently ruled that it is an individual right. Most of the time they refuse to hear 2nd amendment cases. Even the one in the 1930s did not remove the idea that it was an individual right. It was simply a way to generate income and track the full automatic weapons.

And note: the only reason it went the way it did was because there was no defense council!

I disagree. Many liberal policies come from an emotional reaction. Using intelligent analysis will turn them away from liberalism in many case.

And I find it amusing that you think there are a lot of women who were too racist to vote for Obama, but will be liberal enough to vote for Hillary. Seems to me that anyone liberal enough to want Hillary would be able to vote for Obama over any republican.

Where you dropped on your head as a child?

I know a lot of Democrats who are pretty racist. I grew up in Chicago, where the only time a Republican got close to getting elected mayor is when White People lost their collective shit because a black guy won the democrat nomination.

Frankly, you have to be some kind of bible thumping retard to vote for a party that wants you to work harder so rich people can enjoy themselves more. But that's conservatives.

"I gots my gun and my bible, Cleetus!!!!"

They are too racist to vote for Obama, so they supported a republican? And now they will jump at the chance to support a more liberal Hillary?? lol nah, Hillary won't get elected.

First you have got to get Hillary elected. She is carrying a lot of baggage.

Then you have to get a case to be heard by the SCOTUS. Something that, on this topic, is exceedingly rare.

Hillary will win by a landslide. Nobody who voted for Obama in 2012 is going to vote for one of your crazies next time, and a lot of White Suburban women who wouldn't vote for Obama just can't wait to vote for Hillary.

Yeah, I guess Hillary has the illegal-alien vote, the graveyard vote, and the bogus vote sewn up!

I disagree. Many liberal policies come from an emotional reaction. Using intelligent analysis will turn them away from liberalism in many case.

And I find it amusing that you think there are a lot of women who were too racist to vote for Obama, but will be liberal enough to vote for Hillary. Seems to me that anyone liberal enough to want Hillary would be able to vote for Obama over any republican.

Where you dropped on your head as a child?

I know a lot of Democrats who are pretty racist. I grew up in Chicago, where the only time a Republican got close to getting elected mayor is when White People lost their collective shit because a black guy won the democrat nomination.

Frankly, you have to be some kind of bible thumping retard to vote for a party that wants you to work harder so rich people can enjoy themselves more. But that's conservatives.

"I gots my gun and my bible, Cleetus!!!!"

They are too racist to vote for Obama, so they supported a republican? And now they will jump at the chance to support a more liberal Hillary?? lol nah, Hillary won't get elected.

Uh, a lot of people don't like either party, and they just vote for the person they like better.

Man, are you fucking stupid, or what?

I disagree. Many liberal policies come from an emotional reaction. Using intelligent analysis will turn them away from liberalism in many case.

And I find it amusing that you think there are a lot of women who were too racist to vote for Obama, but will be liberal enough to vote for Hillary. Seems to me that anyone liberal enough to want Hillary would be able to vote for Obama over any republican.

Where you dropped on your head as a child?

I know a lot of Democrats who are pretty racist. I grew up in Chicago, where the only time a Republican got close to getting elected mayor is when White People lost their collective shit because a black guy won the democrat nomination.

Frankly, you have to be some kind of bible thumping retard to vote for a party that wants you to work harder so rich people can enjoy themselves more. But that's conservatives.

"I gots my gun and my bible, Cleetus!!!!"

They are too racist to vote for Obama, so they supported a republican? And now they will jump at the chance to support a more liberal Hillary?? lol nah, Hillary won't get elected.

Uh, a lot of people don't like either party, and they just vote for the person they like better.

Man, are you fucking stupid, or what?

Considering the ignorant posts you have thrown out, and the blatant generalizations you have used (gun nuts ruined the middle class?), you are one to talk. But I understand why you resorted to insults. You were losing the debate badly.

And Hillary is very liberal, so anyone voting for her would never have voted republican.

Considering the ignorant posts you have thrown out, and the blatant generalizations you have used (gun nuts ruined the middle class?), you are one to talk. But I understand why you resorted to insults. You were losing the debate badly.

And Hillary is very liberal, so anyone voting for her would never have voted republican.

Like I said, I am talking about independents, not Republicans.

Hillary is going to mop up Jeb Bush or any other idiot you put out there. And these guys will be falling all overthemselves to appeal to the "Let him Die" crowd they'll be radioactive by NOvember.
without getting into another tiresome discussion with Whinerborn about his altered reality, all society can be considered a balance between individual freedoms vs. collective good.

So this city has a regulation that everyone has to be hooked into the electrical and water grids. Are these good laws? Maybe. Should we respect the right of eccentrics to live off the grid? Maybe. Maybe not.

Were her methods to create her own electric and water annoying to her neighbors? Maybe. was she burying her poop in the backyard?

Me, I kind of like living in a city where we have purified water, consistent electric delivery, and effective sewage.

Without treating JoeB with less than the respect he so richly does not deserve, fuck off asshole.

Considering the ignorant posts you have thrown out, and the blatant generalizations you have used (gun nuts ruined the middle class?), you are one to talk. But I understand why you resorted to insults. You were losing the debate badly.

And Hillary is very liberal, so anyone voting for her would never have voted republican.

Like I said, I am talking about independents, not Republicans.

Hillary is going to mop up Jeb Bush or any other idiot you put out there. And these guys will be falling all overthemselves to appeal to the "Let him Die" crowd they'll be radioactive by NOvember.

They said Hillary was going to mop up in '08 too. How did that work out for her?
I dont have a problem with people living off grid,in fact I'm considering it myself,but not in urban areas where there is a problem with disposing of waste.
You want to move to the boonies and put in a septic system and a well and run it all off renewable resources? Good on ya...

Apparently, her septic system was up to code, which is why she was found not guilty.

Want to try again?
I dont have a problem with people living off grid,in fact I'm considering it myself,but not in urban areas where there is a problem with disposing of waste.
You want to move to the boonies and put in a septic system and a well and run it all off renewable resources? Good on ya...

Apparently, her septic system was up to code, which is why she was found not guilty.

Want to try again?

She didnt have a septic system,she was hooked up to city sewer lines.

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