free the people free the herb

I have, and have had to deal with them. They are both dangerous. Druggies often more so because they are paranoid the cops are going to bust them. But underage drunks are horror shows. they do REAL stupid shit.

Most cops I know lump the drunks and the stoners together into one group - 'the stupid'. And they are right. Fucking drunks and fucking stoners are a drain on our resources. I see no reason why I should fund their stupidity.

Show proof please.

Get your own proof, idiot. I don't spoon feed people. Research the subject, form an opinion. At least, that's what those who practice critical thinking do. I guess you prefer using the 'read the HuffPuff', regurgitate' method of 'opinion' forming.
If you are drink coffee or tea, have a beer and take smoke breaks, you are a drug user.

Should they suffer the same fate as the marijuana user and be imprisoned?

Marijuana is well understood. It is relatively benign with almost no toxicity. It's detrimental effects include short term memory loss during intoxication, it can induce anxiety and paranoia with some users. and it inhibits REM sleep. It is far less toxic than nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine.

Ending prohibition, even if its just marijuana, will drastically reduce violent crime associated with the underground drug trade. It would create new jobs and boost the economy in terms of tax revenue and a new cash crop. People would also have access to good quality marijuana as legalization would remove the risks of poor quality control that comes from acquiring MJ on the black market. Marijuana has a number of medicinal uses as well. No human being has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.

Drug prohibition was imposed upon this country through propaganda, prior to its prohibition one could purchase it in a store, the founding fathers of this country grew and used MJ recreationally. Ending prohibition would remove the taboo associated with the drug and curb its abuse.

Caffeine doesn't impair judgment or cause any major illnesses. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs do. This bullshit about marijuana not being harmful is used by those who smoke it to justify their stupidity. Every major study across the world links MJ to mental illness. Which is fine, you want to risk that kind of damage, that's ok by me. It is not ok when I have to pick up the tab. And drug users, smokers and alcoholics are bleeding the rest of us dry with their asinine choices.

Legalize it. But.... ensure that they pay for their stupid behavior. That's fair. My medical insurance should not be affected because of their illnesses. I choice a healthy lifestyle. I should reap the financial benefit of that. So, no welfare, no assistance of any kind for anyone who chooses stupid over smart. Simple.

Caffeine most certainly can impair judgement, it can cause people to become irritable and overreact to minor stressors as it can facilitate a temporary manic state. Physiologically, it can produce irregular heart rythyms, cause dehydration, Disrupt or even inhibit sleep, and can inhibit nutrient absorption as well as deplete calcium in the body. It is physically addictive and leads to physical withdrawal during cessation.

MJ's links to mental illness show weak correlations. MJ can exasperate latent symptoms but mostly for those who's family history is composed of mental illness. MJ does not cause schizophrenia nor can any causal relationship be demonstrated between MJ and mental illness. MJ can be psychologically addictive but anything used in excess is going to cause problems.

If people commit crimes while intoxicated on any drug he or she should be punished to the full extent of the law regardless of the legal status of the substance.
So the dangers of Marijuana are minor while Caffeine is major???

Nope. No bias here! :rolleyes:
One, since you've toked up this morning and have not quite figured out what I said. Not surprised, but am a little disappointed I have to explain the joke...

In this statement I am not saying it SHOULD be done. I am saying it WILL be done by the narco-fascists (see liberals and totalitarian whackjobs) who believe in 'feel good big government control) will use this methodology to own every druggies ass to make themselves into the new nobility and reduce you potheads into nothing more than mellow slaves. It is the DANGER I'm warning against that will come from legalizing drugs and taxing the crap out of it.

Should be the case now. Recidivism would drop dramatically. If you can be charged with Murder One (which can result in the death penalty) for drinking and driving, I fail to see why this should not be the basis for dealing with those who steal, endanger or harm others while on, or for the fund to support their habit. Addicts will resort to any means to keep their habit, even if they run out of monies to feed it and become total trainwrecks. Nor should any working citizen who is behaving responsibly be obligated directly or indirectly through taxes to support this selfish act of nihilism.

Okay so you weren't serious with the narco-fascism thing but you sure as shit are advocating for the expansion of the ultimate big gov't authoritarian program: the death penalty.

Tell me, Fitz what types of crimes are you talking about?

Are you saying that you support the death penalty for someone who steals a pack of gum on weed?

Just looking to see how far you are willing to take your big gov't authoritarian policy.


Perhaps Fitz is reconsidering his stance on this issue?

Now whoever would have thought YOU were a pot head.

I'm willing to concede this point if I have it codified into law that it is permitted to discriminate against druggies, and bar them from ALL public assistance, financial or material.

You wanna wreck your life, you don't get to do it at my expense OR in my proximity. I want the right to bar you from my property, access to my children, tax money, neigborhood, driving, workplace and government. You can avoid this by choosing to NOT be a dope....head.

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

Do that and it fucks over all the right people. Drug growers, traffickers and foreign powers while protecting our rights and culls these assholes out of society.

Works for me. End welfare for anyone who tests positive, no assistance at all, whatsoever.

DP for crimes? A tad harsh. I'd say 25 years no parole.

I think the drug users are like Jews and ya'll statist are looking more and more like Nazis.

They already can take away accused growers private property without due processof law . Shit, might as well get the ovens ready huh Fitz?
If you are drink coffee or tea, have a beer and take smoke breaks, you are a drug user.

Should they suffer the same fate as the marijuana user and be imprisoned?

Marijuana is well understood. It is relatively benign with almost no toxicity. It's detrimental effects include short term memory loss during intoxication, it can induce anxiety and paranoia with some users. and it inhibits REM sleep. It is far less toxic than nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine.

Ending prohibition, even if its just marijuana, will drastically reduce violent crime associated with the underground drug trade. It would create new jobs and boost the economy in terms of tax revenue and a new cash crop. People would also have access to good quality marijuana as legalization would remove the risks of poor quality control that comes from acquiring MJ on the black market. Marijuana has a number of medicinal uses as well. No human being has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.

Drug prohibition was imposed upon this country through propaganda, prior to its prohibition one could purchase it in a store, the founding fathers of this country grew and used MJ recreationally. Ending prohibition would remove the taboo associated with the drug and curb its abuse.

Caffeine doesn't impair judgment or cause any major illnesses. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs do. This bullshit about marijuana not being harmful is used by those who smoke it to justify their stupidity. Every major study across the world links MJ to mental illness. Which is fine, you want to risk that kind of damage, that's ok by me. It is not ok when I have to pick up the tab. And drug users, smokers and alcoholics are bleeding the rest of us dry with their asinine choices.

Legalize it. But.... ensure that they pay for their stupid behavior. That's fair. My medical insurance should not be affected because of their illnesses. I choice a healthy lifestyle. I should reap the financial benefit of that. So, no welfare, no assistance of any kind for anyone who chooses stupid over smart. Simple.

people who need fincial assitance can not be held to a different standard than the rest of the public.

That is pretty unconstitutional thinking.

If it is legal than its legal for everyone and poor people need not be punished it make you feel better.

I had to pass a drug screening to get my current job and every job I have had since I got out of the Navy.

And I got tested 2-6 times a year while in the Navy.

It is not unconstitutional to deny welfare.
Caffeine doesn't impair judgment or cause any major illnesses. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs do. This bullshit about marijuana not being harmful is used by those who smoke it to justify their stupidity. Every major study across the world links MJ to mental illness. Which is fine, you want to risk that kind of damage, that's ok by me. It is not ok when I have to pick up the tab. And drug users, smokers and alcoholics are bleeding the rest of us dry with their asinine choices.

Legalize it. But.... ensure that they pay for their stupid behavior. That's fair. My medical insurance should not be affected because of their illnesses. I choice a healthy lifestyle. I should reap the financial benefit of that. So, no welfare, no assistance of any kind for anyone who chooses stupid over smart. Simple.

Caffeine most certainly can impair judgement, it can cause people to become irritable and overreact to minor stressors as it can facilitate a temporary manic state. Physiologically, it can produce irregular heart rythyms, cause dehydration, Disrupt or even inhibit sleep, and can inhibit nutrient absorption as well as deplete calcium in the body. It is physically addictive and leads to physical withdrawal during cessation.

MJ's links to mental illness show weak correlations. MJ can exasperate latent symptoms but mostly for those who's family history is composed of mental illness. MJ does not cause schizophrenia nor can any causal relationship be demonstrated between MJ and mental illness. MJ can be psychologically addictive but anything used in excess is going to cause problems.

If people commit crimes while intoxicated on any drug he or she should be punished to the full extent of the law regardless of the legal status of the substance.
So the dangers of Marijuana are minor while Caffeine is major???

Nope. No bias here! :rolleyes:

What I got from that is they're both viewed as minor dangers, with one marginally worse being caffeine, which I would agree.

Include the fact that most caffeine drinks are extremely unhealthy and that adds to the negative health affects.
Most cops I know lump the drunks and the stoners together into one group - 'the stupid'. And they are right. Fucking drunks and fucking stoners are a drain on our resources. I see no reason why I should fund their stupidity.

Show proof please.
Watch "Cops" or "America's funniest Police Chases" or whatever they call themselves.

1% of 1% of the population? That is your proof?

According to the National Survey on Drug Use and Health, in 2009, 16.7 million Americans aged 12 or older used marijuana at least once in the month prior to being surveyed, an increase over the rates reported in all years between 2002 and 2008. There was also a significant increase among youth aged 12-17, with current use up from 6.7 percent in 2008 to 7.3 percent in 2009, although this rate is lower than what was reported in 2002 (8.2 percent). Past-month use also increased among those 18-25, from 16.5 percent in 2008 to 18.1 percent in 2009.

I say again. The vast majority of users do not cause problems.
Now whoever would have thought YOU were a pot head.

I'm willing to concede this point if I have it codified into law that it is permitted to discriminate against druggies, and bar them from ALL public assistance, financial or material.

You wanna wreck your life, you don't get to do it at my expense OR in my proximity. I want the right to bar you from my property, access to my children, tax money, neigborhood, driving, workplace and government. You can avoid this by choosing to NOT be a dope....head.

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

Do that and it fucks over all the right people. Drug growers, traffickers and foreign powers while protecting our rights and culls these assholes out of society.

Now who's going over the top by comparing pot to a deadly dangerous drug? I guess that line of reasoning only works for you, but not for others?!?!
I'm willing to concede this point if I have it codified into law that it is permitted to discriminate against druggies, and bar them from ALL public assistance, financial or material.

You wanna wreck your life, you don't get to do it at my expense OR in my proximity. I want the right to bar you from my property, access to my children, tax money, neigborhood, driving, workplace and government. You can avoid this by choosing to NOT be a dope....head.

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

Do that and it fucks over all the right people. Drug growers, traffickers and foreign powers while protecting our rights and culls these assholes out of society.

If it was made legal, it would be regualted like smoking and alcohol.

Pols love to make laws and tax shit. It would be like Xmas and the Ramadan feast happening all at the same time.
Oh they sure would make money taxing the shit out of drugs. It won't stop at pot, and will generate a whole industry for drug counseling and recovery the likes of which we've only hinted at. Put more people on the federal dole than you can beat with a stick. It's suuuuuch a good idea for statists. Fuck the 'opiate of the masses' when you just go right to the opiate itself. Wanna control them, threaten their drug supply. They'll do whatever you tell them. Nothing like a short leash on an addicted and very controllable populace! Let's hear it for narco-fascism!

Hurrah! Perfect example of "slavery is freedom". No wonder Truthiepoo loves the idea of 'free the herb, enslave the free". that WAS what she meant, wasn't it?

Your Orwellian logic is astounding. The fascist drug laws are a product of the statist. The laws are kept in place by statist. You support the drug war, you are a statist.
'Global war on drugs has failed,' key panel says - US news - Crime & courts -

NEW YORK — The global war on drugs has failed and governments should explore legalizing marijuana and other controlled substances, according to a commission that includes former heads of state, a former U.N. secretary-general and a business mogul.

A new report by the Global Commission on Drug Policy argues that the decades-old worldwide "war on drugs has failed, with devastating consequences for individuals and societies around the world." The 24-page paper was released Thursday.

Ann Coulter had the best response to the decriminalization of drugs, and that is allow it only if they aren't going to be receiving government assistance.

Decriminalize it, but institute Florida's newly passed law requiring welfare recipients to undergo drug screening. (Florida To Drug Test Welfare Recipients Under New Law Signed by Rick Scott)

I think if you are a independent adult and choose to use drugs, fine just don't expect the government to foot the bill.

I am a libertarian Ron Paul supporter, and I do believe the War on Drugs is unconstitutional and a complete failure, but I do not support the decriminalization of drugs without substantive entitlement reform.
Pot should be legal. Legal but regulated like alcohol. It will take some of the burden off the war on drugs but it's only a minor component in the big picture.

If you want it legalized, make it so that I don't pick up the tab for it. So, no welfare, no medical assistance, no nothing. Then I'm not funding other peoples lifestyle choices. That's fair.

Deja vu. Do you realize that you (society) picks up the tab now? If it were legal and taxed, the burden on society would be much less.
Most cops I know lump the drunks and the stoners together into one group - 'the stupid'. And they are right. Fucking drunks and fucking stoners are a drain on our resources. I see no reason why I should fund their stupidity.

Show proof please.

Get your own proof, idiot. I don't spoon feed people. Research the subject, form an opinion. At least, that's what those who practice critical thinking do. I guess you prefer using the 'read the HuffPuff', regurgitate' method of 'opinion' forming.

God I love people that make assumptions.
I have researched. Did so starting over 30 years ago.
The reason you won't even try to show proof is because it doesn't exist.
If it was made legal, it would be regualted like smoking and alcohol.

Pols love to make laws and tax shit. It would be like Xmas and the Ramadan feast happening all at the same time.
Oh they sure would make money taxing the shit out of drugs. It won't stop at pot, and will generate a whole industry for drug counseling and recovery the likes of which we've only hinted at. Put more people on the federal dole than you can beat with a stick. It's suuuuuch a good idea for statists. Fuck the 'opiate of the masses' when you just go right to the opiate itself. Wanna control them, threaten their drug supply. They'll do whatever you tell them. Nothing like a short leash on an addicted and very controllable populace! Let's hear it for narco-fascism!

Hurrah! Perfect example of "slavery is freedom". No wonder Truthiepoo loves the idea of 'free the herb, enslave the free". that WAS what she meant, wasn't it?

Your Orwellian logic is astounding. The fascist drug laws are a product of the statist. The laws are kept in place by statist. You support the drug war, you are a statist.

No, no, no ... he supports legalization and killing anyone who commits a crime while on drugs, whatever that is called. I call it insanity but whatev just get it straight :evil:
Caffeine doesn't impair judgment or cause any major illnesses. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs do. This bullshit about marijuana not being harmful is used by those who smoke it to justify their stupidity. Every major study across the world links MJ to mental illness. Which is fine, you want to risk that kind of damage, that's ok by me. It is not ok when I have to pick up the tab. And drug users, smokers and alcoholics are bleeding the rest of us dry with their asinine choices.

Legalize it. But.... ensure that they pay for their stupid behavior. That's fair. My medical insurance should not be affected because of their illnesses. I choice a healthy lifestyle. I should reap the financial benefit of that. So, no welfare, no assistance of any kind for anyone who chooses stupid over smart. Simple.

Caffeine most certainly can impair judgement, it can cause people to become irritable and overreact to minor stressors as it can facilitate a temporary manic state. Physiologically, it can produce irregular heart rythyms, cause dehydration, Disrupt or even inhibit sleep, and can inhibit nutrient absorption as well as deplete calcium in the body. It is physically addictive and leads to physical withdrawal during cessation.

MJ's links to mental illness show weak correlations. MJ can exasperate latent symptoms but mostly for those who's family history is composed of mental illness. MJ does not cause schizophrenia nor can any causal relationship be demonstrated between MJ and mental illness. MJ can be psychologically addictive but anything used in excess is going to cause problems.

If people commit crimes while intoxicated on any drug he or she should be punished to the full extent of the law regardless of the legal status of the substance.
So the dangers of Marijuana are minor while Caffeine is major???

Nope. No bias here! :rolleyes:

No bias,

Caffeine has greater toxicity than Marijuana and is more addictive.

But Caffeine is legal, Marijuana is not.
Oh they sure would make money taxing the shit out of drugs. It won't stop at pot, and will generate a whole industry for drug counseling and recovery the likes of which we've only hinted at. Put more people on the federal dole than you can beat with a stick. It's suuuuuch a good idea for statists. Fuck the 'opiate of the masses' when you just go right to the opiate itself. Wanna control them, threaten their drug supply. They'll do whatever you tell them. Nothing like a short leash on an addicted and very controllable populace! Let's hear it for narco-fascism!

Hurrah! Perfect example of "slavery is freedom". No wonder Truthiepoo loves the idea of 'free the herb, enslave the free". that WAS what she meant, wasn't it?

^----Check out the big gov't authoritarians in action. These are the folks this country should be afraid of.


Not you Two Thumbs ... Fitz and the chick who needs some dick :cool:
Show me how I'm advocating big government. I'd like to see your magnificent logic at work.


Then again, potheads shouldn't attempt thinking. They can hurt themselves.

Police State = Big Governement. You are an advocate for both.

Anti-Libertarian. Statist. You.
Prove that more than a small percentage of drug users cause problems.
In my own experience more people got into trouble because of alchohol.
Your problem is you only see those that do get into trouble not the vast majority that don't.
Oh I've had my fair share of problems with drunks as well. The only reason it happened more often is that it IS legal. Intoxication is intoxication regardless of source. Now if you want drug use as rampant as alcohol or smoking, legalize it. And when you start seeing societal hellholes cropping up, get back to me on how awesome it is. Even China in the 1600's knew the dangers of Opium and tried to stop it and the English knew it as well, and used it to try to undermine Asian empires while working to keep it away from their shores.

We didn't have the serious problems with drugs until we made them illegal.
The same argument was made with alchohol. So where is the destruction ending prohibition was supposed to cause?
Bull fucking shit. Do some historical research on the Temperance movement and what they fought against.
Pot should be legal. Legal but regulated like alcohol. It will take some of the burden off the war on drugs but it's only a minor component in the big picture.

If you want it legalized, make it so that I don't pick up the tab for it. So, no welfare, no medical assistance, no nothing. Then I'm not funding other peoples lifestyle choices. That's fair.

Deja vu. Do you realize that you (society) picks up the tab now? If it were legal and taxed, the burden on society would be much less.

Society is doing double duty now by picking up the tab for that and all of the expenses in enforcing drug laws.
If you want to regulate the plants people grow on their property and what people do in their own home to themselves, you need to realize you aren't a small government conservative.
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Nixon funded one such study in the late 60's or early 70's.

Not much different advice.

Nixon denounced it of course.
^----Check out the big gov't authoritarians in action. These are the folks this country should be afraid of.


Not you Two Thumbs ... Fitz and the chick who needs some dick :cool:
Show me how I'm advocating big government. I'd like to see your magnificent logic at work.


Then again, potheads shouldn't attempt thinking. They can hurt themselves.

Police State = Big Governement. You are an advocate for both.

Anti-Libertarian. Statist. You.
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