free the people free the herb

Okay so you weren't serious with the narco-fascism thing but you sure as shit are advocating for the expansion of the ultimate big gov't authoritarian program: the death penalty.

Tell me, Fitz what types of crimes are you talking about?

Are you saying that you support the death penalty for someone who steals a pack of gum on weed?

Just looking to see how far you are willing to take your big gov't authoritarian policy.


Perhaps Fitz is reconsidering his stance on this issue?

Or ignoring you.

Yeah ignoring you seems to be the case.
Funny how support for drug use tends to end up on the left side of the political spectrum. The Big Apple, the symbol of liberal thought, just made it illegal to smoke a cigarette on the street and left wingers want to legalize marijuana? Isn't there any common sense left in liberalism?

Not all Libertarians are liberal democrats.
Perhaps Fitz is reconsidering his stance on this issue?

Or ignoring you.

Yeah ignoring you seems to be the case.

Well that much is obvious.

What's the matter too ashamed to admit you would kill someone for stealing gum while high or did you just realize how un-fuckin-believably retarded and against your ideology your views are?
I also recognize red herring bait too.

Funny how support for drug use tends to end up on the left side of the political spectrum. The Big Apple, the symbol of liberal thought, just made it illegal to smoke a cigarette on the street and left wingers want to legalize marijuana? Isn't there any common sense left in liberalism?

Not all Libertarians are liberal democrats.

Favoring more social liberties is often labeled as a liberal POV, but the reduced government spending and pulling back of govenrment is often labeled as a conservative POV, plus the fact that it flat out hasn't worked should unite everyone of all point of views in being against it.

Only fringe authoritarians should favor the drug war with all the conservative and liberal principles it goes against.
I'm willing to concede this point if I have it codified into law that it is permitted to discriminate against druggies, and bar them from ALL public assistance, financial or material.

You wanna wreck your life, you don't get to do it at my expense OR in my proximity. I want the right to bar you from my property, access to my children, tax money, neigborhood, driving, workplace and government. You can avoid this by choosing to NOT be a dope....head.

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

Do that and it fucks over all the right people. Drug growers, traffickers and foreign powers while protecting our rights and culls these assholes out of society.

Works for me. End welfare for anyone who tests positive, no assistance at all, whatsoever.

DP for crimes? A tad harsh. I'd say 25 years no parole.

I think the drug users are like Jews and ya'll statist are looking more and more like Nazis.

They already can take away accused growers private property without due processof law . Shit, might as well get the ovens ready huh Fitz?
Well, I understand the 'blind' part of your name.

Now, is the part where I'm supposed to scream "Godwin!", and claim victory because you used a nazi reference? I forget how leftwing debate tactics work again. I'm trying to broaden my horizons and think outside my comfort zone.
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Show me how I'm advocating big government. I'd like to see your magnificent logic at work.


Then again, potheads shouldn't attempt thinking. They can hurt themselves.

Police State = Big Governement. You are an advocate for both.

Anti-Libertarian. Statist. You.
We're under 100 posts... go back, read, catch up with the conversation.


I don't have to, I'm not willing to conceed your "if". You support the draconian drug war and the big fascist governement that goes with it.
Works for me. End welfare for anyone who tests positive, no assistance at all, whatsoever.

DP for crimes? A tad harsh. I'd say 25 years no parole.

I think the drug users are like Jews and ya'll statist are looking more and more like Nazis.

They already can take away accused growers private property without due processof law . Shit, might as well get the ovens ready huh Fitz?
Well, I understand the 'blind' part of your name.

Really... and borderline illiterate as well?
Or ignoring you.

Yeah ignoring you seems to be the case.

Well that much is obvious.

What's the matter too ashamed to admit you would kill someone for stealing gum while high or did you just realize how un-fuckin-believably retarded and against your ideology your views are?
I also recognize red herring bait too.


Here are your words:

Oh, and automatic death penalty for crimes committed for or while on drugs.

So that would include stealing a pack of gum on weed, correct?

A yes or no is all that is required.
Pot should be legal. Legal but regulated like alcohol. It will take some of the burden off the war on drugs but it's only a minor component in the big picture.

If you want it legalized, make it so that I don't pick up the tab for it. So, no welfare, no medical assistance, no nothing. Then I'm not funding other peoples lifestyle choices. That's fair.

People on welfare can drinkand still recieve assitance.

If the herb were legal they could do it too and still get assitance.

I think you truely do not understand the herb.

When you smoke you feel a sense of calm and get thoughty.

People get introspective and feel a connection to the world arround them.

It in fact will help many people in the world become more thougthful unlike the effects of alcohol.

Alcohol blots out your senses and make you NOT think.

Alcohols effects last for many hours and usually requires a nights sleep to end most of its effects.

The Herb can be inbibed in many ways and its effects last a couple of hours.

Then you are good to go and back to your normal senses.

I truely think its legalization will HELP the addiction problems we have in this country.

people can use it instead of many of the other much more harmful substances people use to date.

Been hitting the bong already have you?

Works for me. End welfare for anyone who tests positive, no assistance at all, whatsoever.

DP for crimes? A tad harsh. I'd say 25 years no parole.

I think the drug users are like Jews and ya'll statist are looking more and more like Nazis.

They already can take away accused growers private property without due processof law . Shit, might as well get the ovens ready huh Fitz?
Well, I understand the 'blind' part of your name.

Now, is the part where I'm supposed to scream "Godwin!", and claim victory because you used a nazi reference? I forget how leftwing debate tactics work again. I'm trying to broaden my horizons and think outside my comfort zone.

Every Fascist society need a scapegoat. The Druggies are Americas'.
If you are drink coffee or tea, have a beer and take smoke breaks, you are a drug user.

Should they suffer the same fate as the marijuana user and be imprisoned?

Marijuana is well understood. It is relatively benign with almost no toxicity. It's detrimental effects include short term memory loss during intoxication, it can induce anxiety and paranoia with some users. and it inhibits REM sleep. It is far less toxic than nicotine, alcohol, and caffeine.

Ending prohibition, even if its just marijuana, will drastically reduce violent crime associated with the underground drug trade. It would create new jobs and boost the economy in terms of tax revenue and a new cash crop. People would also have access to good quality marijuana as legalization would remove the risks of poor quality control that comes from acquiring MJ on the black market. Marijuana has a number of medicinal uses as well. No human being has ever died from a Marijuana overdose.

Drug prohibition was imposed upon this country through propaganda, prior to its prohibition one could purchase it in a store, the founding fathers of this country grew and used MJ recreationally. Ending prohibition would remove the taboo associated with the drug and curb its abuse.

Caffeine doesn't impair judgment or cause any major illnesses. Alcohol, nicotine and drugs do. This bullshit about marijuana not being harmful is used by those who smoke it to justify their stupidity. Every major study across the world links MJ to mental illness. Which is fine, you want to risk that kind of damage, that's ok by me. It is not ok when I have to pick up the tab. And drug users, smokers and alcoholics are bleeding the rest of us dry with their asinine choices.

Legalize it. But.... ensure that they pay for their stupid behavior. That's fair. My medical insurance should not be affected because of their illnesses. I choice a healthy lifestyle. I should reap the financial benefit of that. So, no welfare, no assistance of any kind for anyone who chooses stupid over smart. Simple.

people who need fincial assitance can not be held to a different standard than the rest of the public.

That is pretty unconstitutional thinking.

If it is legal than its legal for everyone and poor people need not be punished it make you feel better.


You dont have to pick up that free check if you dont want to. But to pick up that free check EVERYONE should have to pass a drug and alcohol test. If you are getting government assistance and can afford drugs and alcohol (and cigarettes) DON'T NEED assistance as far as i am concerned. All the government check is doing is enabling you to be a lazy ass fucking bum.
I'm ok with legalizing Marijuana. We have so many people in our Prisons who are there for simply smoking a little Herb. Do these people really belong in Prison along side brutal Rapists & Murderers? Pot-Heads are no threat to Society. It really is appalling we have locked so many of these people away on ridiculously long sentences. But that gets into the whole Prison-Nation thing. There is big money in the Police/Prison State. They just seem so Gung-Ho to lock everyone up for even minor offenses these days. I guess they need to keep feeding the Police/Prison Beast though. I'm flexible and compassionate on issues like this. I support legalizing Marijuana but i'm not so quick to support legalizing all Drugs. We just have way too many people in our Prisons who don't belong there though. Smoking a little Herb does not = A Menace to Society.
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Police State = Big Governement. You are an advocate for both.

Anti-Libertarian. Statist. You.
We're under 100 posts... go back, read, catch up with the conversation.


I don't have to, I'm not willing to conceed your "if". You support the draconian drug war and the big fascist governement that goes with it.
:::pinches nose::: IQs HAVE dropped sharply while I've been sitting here. maybe you should cut back a little in the morning?

Because I am speaking to the druggie advocates I'll make an enumerated list that is hopefully clarifies your understanding.

1. IF you want legalized drugs, I want the legal right to discriminate AGAINST drug Users and their behavior.

1a: This means I can refuse service, resources and association to you without repercussion.
1b: Your rights should be limited because you ARE a danger to society.
1c: You should not be able to drive, vote or receive aid from any taxpayer source in any form. Private charities with no tax support is another matter. I can avoid them

2. If you commit a crime in which you are stealing to support your addiction or under the influence of a drug, the punishment should be incredibly severe, to fatal.

3. Since I believe that life in prison without parole is cruel and unusual punishment, those sentences should be commuted to death.

4. I am very leery of legalizing drugs because of the following reasons.

4a: Government growth due to heavy taxation and new bureaucracies to administer the regulations.
4b: Government promotion of drug use BECAUSE they will earn gobs of money.
4c: The increase in power of the central government over drug users because they can threaten their addiction and therefore buy votes corruptly.
4d: Unless you make it a state's rights issue, and allow individual states to decide their own drug policy (thereby ending the national war on drugs) you will consolidate power all the more.
4e: The increase in crime due to intoxication increases similar to that spawned by alcohol.

5. Legalizing drug use is only a short distance away from obligating responsible citizenry to support drug users and thereby creating a net drain on the government for sociologically toxic and destructive behavior.

6. We are currently a morally weak nation that will not have the cojones to provide for wise, and firm regulation of this danger, which had been a real blight on society in the Victorian/Guilded age and we will revert back to those same problems.


I have low hopes you druggies and their advocates and apologists actually GET these statements, but hope springs eternal.
If you want it legalized, make it so that I don't pick up the tab for it. So, no welfare, no medical assistance, no nothing. Then I'm not funding other peoples lifestyle choices. That's fair.

People on welfare can drinkand still recieve assitance.

If the herb were legal they could do it too and still get assitance.

I think you truely do not understand the herb.

When you smoke you feel a sense of calm and get thoughty.

People get introspective and feel a connection to the world arround them.

It in fact will help many people in the world become more thougthful unlike the effects of alcohol.

Alcohol blots out your senses and make you NOT think.

Alcohols effects last for many hours and usually requires a nights sleep to end most of its effects.

The Herb can be inbibed in many ways and its effects last a couple of hours.

Then you are good to go and back to your normal senses.

I truely think its legalization will HELP the addiction problems we have in this country.

people can use it instead of many of the other much more harmful substances people use to date.

Been hitting the bong already have you?

Wake and bake is apparently the order of the day.
We're under 100 posts... go back, read, catch up with the conversation.


I don't have to, I'm not willing to conceed your "if". You support the draconian drug war and the big fascist governement that goes with it.
:::pinches nose::: IQs HAVE dropped sharply while I've been sitting here. maybe you should cut back a little in the morning?

Because I am speaking to the druggie advocates I'll make an enumerated list that is hopefully clarifies your understanding.

1. IF you want legalized drugs, I want the legal right to discriminate AGAINST drug Users and their behavior.

1a: This means I can refuse service, resources and association to you without repercussion.
1b: Your rights should be limited because you ARE a danger to society.
1c: You should not be able to drive, vote or receive aid from any taxpayer source in any form. Private charities with no tax support is another matter. I can avoid them

2. If you commit a crime in which you are stealing to support your addiction or under the influence of a drug, the punishment should be incredibly severe, to fatal.

3. Since I believe that life in prison without parole is cruel and unusual punishment, those sentences should be commuted to death.

4. I am very leery of legalizing drugs because of the following reasons.

4a: Government growth due to heavy taxation and new bureaucracies to administer the regulations.
4b: Government promotion of drug use BECAUSE they will earn gobs of money.
4c: The increase in power of the central government over drug users because they can threaten their addiction and therefore buy votes corruptly.
4d: Unless you make it a state's rights issue, and allow individual states to decide their own drug policy (thereby ending the national war on drugs) you will consolidate power all the more.
4e: The increase in crime due to intoxication increases similar to that spawned by alcohol.

5. Legalizing drug use is only a short distance away from obligating responsible citizenry to support drug users and thereby creating a net drain on the government for sociologically toxic and destructive behavior.

6. We are currently a morally weak nation that will not have the cojones to provide for wise, and firm regulation of this danger, which had been a real blight on society in the Victorian/Guilded age and we will revert back to those same problems.


I have low hopes you druggies and their advocates and apologists actually GET these statements, but hope springs eternal.

So yeah, you're a big government authoritarian whack job.
I'm ok with legalizing Marijuana. We have so many people in our Prisons who are there for simply smoking a little Herb. Do these people really belong in Prison along side brutal Rapists & Murderers? Pot-Heads are no threat to Society. It really is appalling we have locked so many of these people away on ridiculously long sentences. But that gets into the whole Prison-Nation thing. There is big money in the Police/Prison State. They just seem so Gung-Ho to lock everyone up for even minor offenses these days. I guess they need to keep feeding the Police/Prison Beast though. I'm flexible and compassionate on issues like this. I support legalizing Marijuana but i'm not so quick to support legalizing all Drugs. We just have way too many people in our Prisons who don't belong there though. Smoking a little Herb does not = A Menace to Society.

Good post, heavy drugs are worthy of rational debate, marijuana shouldn't even be a debate it should be legalized yesterday.

We keep throwing non-violent mj users into prisons full of violent thugs and expect them not to come out violent themselves, utter insanity.
I don't have to, I'm not willing to conceed your "if". You support the draconian drug war and the big fascist governement that goes with it.
:::pinches nose::: IQs HAVE dropped sharply while I've been sitting here. maybe you should cut back a little in the morning?

Because I am speaking to the druggie advocates I'll make an enumerated list that is hopefully clarifies your understanding.

1. IF you want legalized drugs, I want the legal right to discriminate AGAINST drug Users and their behavior.

1a: This means I can refuse service, resources and association to you without repercussion.
1b: Your rights should be limited because you ARE a danger to society.
1c: You should not be able to drive, vote or receive aid from any taxpayer source in any form. Private charities with no tax support is another matter. I can avoid them

2. If you commit a crime in which you are stealing to support your addiction or under the influence of a drug, the punishment should be incredibly severe, to fatal.

3. Since I believe that life in prison without parole is cruel and unusual punishment, those sentences should be commuted to death.

4. I am very leery of legalizing drugs because of the following reasons.

4a: Government growth due to heavy taxation and new bureaucracies to administer the regulations.
4b: Government promotion of drug use BECAUSE they will earn gobs of money.
4c: The increase in power of the central government over drug users because they can threaten their addiction and therefore buy votes corruptly.
4d: Unless you make it a state's rights issue, and allow individual states to decide their own drug policy (thereby ending the national war on drugs) you will consolidate power all the more.
4e: The increase in crime due to intoxication increases similar to that spawned by alcohol.

5. Legalizing drug use is only a short distance away from obligating responsible citizenry to support drug users and thereby creating a net drain on the government for sociologically toxic and destructive behavior.

6. We are currently a morally weak nation that will not have the cojones to provide for wise, and firm regulation of this danger, which had been a real blight on society in the Victorian/Guilded age and we will revert back to those same problems.


I have low hopes you druggies and their advocates and apologists actually GET these statements, but hope springs eternal.

So yeah, you're a big government authoritarian whack job.
LOL... I expected no less out of you than such fuckwittery.

I'm not the one who supports killing someone who steals a pack of gum on weed....

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