Freedom Isn’t a Zero-Sum Game - If Gays Have More Rights, Christians Don't Have Fewer

Please explain how the Court can prevent Congress from passing legislation.
We'll wait. This will be good to see you try to wriggle out of it and backtrack, obfuscate and move goal posts. Because you're stupid and getting your ass spanked for it.
Hey numbskull -- Congress passes a bill.

What happens next?

Are you so loony tunes you think just Congress enacts laws now?
Irrelevant. You seem to think Congress cannot pass bills without prior permission from the Supreme Court.
^ everybody watching Stuck on Stupid?

What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?
So you cannot show how the Supreme Court could prevent Congress from passing a bill. You aee a loser and a time waster and an ignoramus.
The fact you can't answer my question tells everybody everything.

Your premise is false.



What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?

Answer it.
Being voted on by Congress makes it a law. Quit trying to be clever. It isnt working and you arent.
Hey numbskull -- Congress passes a bill.

What happens next?

Are you so loony tunes you think just Congress enacts laws now?
Irrelevant. You seem to think Congress cannot pass bills without prior permission from the Supreme Court.
^ everybody watching Stuck on Stupid?

What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?
So you cannot show how the Supreme Court could prevent Congress from passing a bill. You aee a loser and a time waster and an ignoramus.
The fact you can't answer my question tells everybody everything.

Your premise is false.



What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?

Answer it.
Being voted on by Congress makes it a law. Quit trying to be clever. It isnt working and you arent.
Holy shit. You really are this stupid.

Every body read that?

"Being voted on by Congress makes it a law"

Maybe some 5th grade school children could chime in and provide Rabbi with a Civics lesson.
Irrelevant. You seem to think Congress cannot pass bills without prior permission from the Supreme Court.
^ everybody watching Stuck on Stupid?

What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?
So you cannot show how the Supreme Court could prevent Congress from passing a bill. You aee a loser and a time waster and an ignoramus.
The fact you can't answer my question tells everybody everything.

Your premise is false.



What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?

Answer it.
Being voted on by Congress makes it a law. Quit trying to be clever. It isnt working and you arent.
Holy shit. You really are this stupid.

Every body read that?

"Being voted on by Congress makes it a law"

Maybe some school children could chime in and provide Rabbi with a Civics lesson.
Why dont you tell me what's wrong wit it? This way I can kick your ass all over again and make you look stupid.
^ everybody watching Stuck on Stupid?

What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?
So you cannot show how the Supreme Court could prevent Congress from passing a bill. You aee a loser and a time waster and an ignoramus.
The fact you can't answer my question tells everybody everything.

Your premise is false.



What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?

Answer it.
Being voted on by Congress makes it a law. Quit trying to be clever. It isnt working and you arent.
Holy shit. You really are this stupid.

Every body read that?

"Being voted on by Congress makes it a law"

Maybe some school children could chime in and provide Rabbi with a Civics lesson.
Why dont you tell me what's wrong wit it? This way I can kick your ass all over again and make you look stupid.

RaBBIT: Thinks only Congress enacts laws.


Is there a step you're missing, slow one?
So you cannot show how the Supreme Court could prevent Congress from passing a bill. You aee a loser and a time waster and an ignoramus.
The fact you can't answer my question tells everybody everything.

Your premise is false.



What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?

Answer it.
Being voted on by Congress makes it a law. Quit trying to be clever. It isnt working and you arent.
Holy shit. You really are this stupid.

Every body read that?

"Being voted on by Congress makes it a law"

Maybe some school children could chime in and provide Rabbi with a Civics lesson.
Why dont you tell me what's wrong wit it? This way I can kick your ass all over again and make you look stupid.

RaBBIT: Thinks only Congress enacts laws.


Is there a step you're missing slow one?
Again, please explain where I am wrong. I'd love to kick your ass down yet one more time. You wont. Because you're scared if you do I'll show everyone what a moron you are.
how funny, they asked we stay out of their lives and bedrooms

but it's just fine and dandy they intrude on ours. And now not just OUR lives but now the STATES you live in

This won't stop with them being to get married folks.

We already see it with this BS over frikken cake, flowers and PIZZA
" But the state's recognition of that marriage is a privilege." Most foolish comment of the day so far.
"Providing a cake isn't the problem, when the store owner has to put two plastic men together or women, and decorate it with two men's names and deliver it to the wedding, that is participating in the ceremony."

Does he provide the same service to all other hetero customers?

If so, yes, he has to provide the same service to same sex marriages.

Sucks to be you.
"but when you set out to take down an American business owner because they do not agree with your chosen path" is a moral act if such business owner does the same service for others in public.
Hey numbskull -- Congress passes a bill.

What happens next?

Are you so loony tunes you think just Congress enacts laws now?
Please explain how the Court can prevent Congress from passing legislation.
We'll wait. This will be good to see you try to wriggle out of it and backtrack, obfuscate and move goal posts. Because you're stupid and getting your ass spanked for it.
Hey numbskull -- Congress passes a bill.

What happens next?

Are you so loony tunes you think just Congress enacts laws now?
Irrelevant. You seem to think Congress cannot pass bills without prior permission from the Supreme Court.
^ everybody watching Stuck on Stupid?

What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?
So you cannot show how the Supreme Court could prevent Congress from passing a bill. You aee a loser and a time waster and an ignoramus.
And SCOTUS will always strike down such laws. And if such enacted legislation comes before the Court enough times and is struck enough times, the Court can issue an opinion that any such laws are null and void upon enactment and having no force.

One more time

Volume 9 Numbers 2-3

On June 25, 1997, in a 6-3 decision, Boerne v. Flores, No. 95-2074, the Supreme Court ruled that Congress' enactment of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act exceeded its power under section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment and found the Act uncons titutional.

The decision placed important limitations on the authority of Congress to use Section 5 of the 14th Amendment ("The Congress shall have power to enforce [the Amendment] by appropriate legislation...") to expand the definition of personal righ ts. Its exercise of such authority in the voting rights arena had been upheld by the Supreme Court in the 1960's.


On November 16, 1993, President Clinton signed into law the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to overturn the Supreme Court's decision in Employment Division of Oregon v. Smith in which the Court held that the state of Oregon was free "to i nclude religiously inspired peyote use within the reach of its general criminal prohibition on use of that drug, and thus permitted the State to deny unemployment benefits to persons dismissed from their jobs because of such religiously inspired use." ;


As to the question of whether the Smith decision was properly decided: six Justices respond in the affirmative (Rehnquist, Stevens, Scalia, Kennedy, Thomas, and Ginsburg). Justice O'Connor says no, and Justices Breyer and Souter wanted to hear further argument.

On the issue whether Congress had the authority under section 5 of the Fourteenth Amendment to overturn Smith, all justices who addressed the issue (5) answered in the negative.

The Constitution Subcommittee of the House Judiciary Committee has held hearings on whether to push for legislation or a constitutional amendment to counter the Court decision striking down the RFRA. Religious leaders who testified at a hearing before the Subcommittee generally called for caution in pushing for a constitutional amendment and suggested that a more narrowly written law tied to Congress' authority to regulate interstate commerce and to control Federal spending could protect religious fre edom and pass constitutional muster. Some legal authorities, however, do not believe that the court has left much room for a legislative fix.

The fact you can't answer my question tells everybody everything.

Your premise is false.



What is a bill?

It ain't law baby, now is it?

What makes it a law?

Answer it.
Being voted on by Congress makes it a law. Quit trying to be clever. It isnt working and you arent.
Holy shit. You really are this stupid.

Every body read that?

"Being voted on by Congress makes it a law"

Maybe some school children could chime in and provide Rabbi with a Civics lesson.
Why dont you tell me what's wrong wit it? This way I can kick your ass all over again and make you look stupid.

RaBBIT: Thinks only Congress enacts laws.


Is there a step you're missing slow one?
Again, please explain where I am wrong. I'd love to kick your ass down yet one more time. You wont. Because you're scared if you do I'll show everyone what a moron you are.
"Being voted on by Congress makes it a law"
Man, you are one dense mother humpa.

You really do think ONLY congress enacts laws.

This is so funny.


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