Freedom of Speech vs. Political Correctness

Not biased at all, no nope#
just another simpleton with an agenda to make money off a dog whistle
just like trump, she's successful at taking advantage of people's emotions...
you want to be an asshole AND have peer approval, tough shit...

Not approval, just the ability to say what one thinks without fear of personal ruin.

Call me an asshole, thats fine. but when you try to ruin what I have, that's a problem.

That you can't see it is sad.
What do you want to say that you fear will ruin you? You have your own business, no? So you can't be fired for what you say.
And who's that guy on the top of my awesome list of honest liberals?

Hmmm, name sounds familiar...

Must be one o' them mean conservatives!


PC is freedom of speech. You people are a hoot.

why are you folks always so backwards

cold is hot

left is right

now pc is free speech


PC is free speech

You say something that I find offensive, my freedom of speech says I get to say something about it

The problem is the metric is passing from saying something about it into doing something about it.
They won't engage on the difference between "saying something" and "doing something" about it.

And, they'll conflate the two. They'll play the victim, as if you're trying to stop their speech.

Transparent, dishonest.
Why are you quoting me when you've put me on ignore in an effort to silence me?
i'm getting mac notifications as well...

maybe he's just afraid to talk to women who disagree with him.

Odd....she was allowed to publish a book about it

Doesn't seem her free speech was killed
Does that make what she said wrong, or a lie, anything like that?

Just as she is free to publish a book criticizing the left.......the left is free to criticize others for what they say
Here we go again.

Please show me (1) time that I have ever said that criticism is bad thing.

One time.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

You may also want to review the following posts of mine on this thread that make my actual point.
  1. 2
  2. 14
  3. 21
  4. 37
  5. 113
  6. 121
  7. 126
  8. 128
  9. 138
  10. 144
  11. 147
Please stop being so dishonest. You're better than this.

Odd....she was allowed to publish a book about it

Doesn't seem her free speech was killed
Does that make what she said wrong, or a lie, anything like that?

Just as she is free to publish a book criticizing the left.......the left is free to criticize others for what they say
Here we go again.

Please show me (1) time that I have ever said that criticism is bad thing.

One time.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

You may also want to review the following posts of mine on this thread that make my actual point.
  1. 2
  2. 14
  3. 21
  4. 37
  5. 113
  6. 121
  7. 126
  8. 128
  9. 138
  10. 144
  11. 147
Please stop being so dishonest. You're better than this.

So, you really DON'T have a point

Odd....she was allowed to publish a book about it

Doesn't seem her free speech was killed
Does that make what she said wrong, or a lie, anything like that?

Just as she is free to publish a book criticizing the left.......the left is free to criticize others for what they say
Here we go again.

Please show me (1) time that I have ever said that criticism is bad thing.

One time.

Go ahead. I'll wait.

You may also want to review the following posts of mine on this thread that make my actual point.
  1. 2
  2. 14
  3. 21
  4. 37
  5. 113
  6. 121
  7. 126
  8. 128
  9. 138
  10. 144
  11. 147
Please stop being so dishonest. You're better than this.

So, you really DON'T have a point
Ah, that's a shame.

You really are better than this.

Oh well.

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