Freedom of Speech vs. Political Correctness

I believe that freedom of speech is our most important Constitutional right and that political correctness is its greatest adversary. The question is, who among our Presidential candidates will be its greatest defender?

The answer, obviously, is Donald Trump. You may not like his speech, but he is the embodiment of exercising that right. Ted Cruz makes good legal arguments, and the rest of the GOP candidates espouse conservative Constitutional principles, but Trump is the only one who puts his money where his mouth is.

Of course this "offends" those who want to control your speech, your thoughts and your money. Isn't it time we finally tell these people to "fuck off?"

One thing that I have always found fascinating about a Trump Supporter. Donald Trump knows how important the Latino vote is for the Republican nominee to winning the White House, but apparently his supporters don't. Trump blasted Republicans in 2012 for losing, citing it was because they were too mean spirited toward illegals. He's right!The debate platform in 2012 was loaded with anti-immigration talk and deportation also.
2012 FLASHBACK: Donald Trump Said GOP Was Too ‘Mean-Spirited’ Towards Illegal Immigrants
Trump supported path to citizenship, said Romney was "mean-spirited" on immigration | RedState

The last Republican to win was G.W. Bush, he captured 44% of this block, Romney lost by only getting 27%.

This year the Republican nominee needs 46% of this block to win the White House. Trump is polling at an historic 80 % with Latino's. Even Republican Latino voters stated months ago they wouldn't support a Trump nominee. Latino voters represent 17% of the population or 23 million voters are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's column.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
Latino conservatives: If Donald Trump is the nominee, we will not work to elect him
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump

So a question for you Trump supporters: What candidate goes into a race to win an election, and does the exact opposite of what he said went wrong with an election just 3-1/2 years prior? Is this a candidate that is trying to win an election, or rather a candidate that is trying to drive it into someone else's lap?

Maybe a lot of you should consider what that phone call was about between Donald Trump & Bill Clinton, just prior to Trump announcing his candidacy.

No comments on Post 351?

Do you think Obama is a liar?

as i've posted to you a zillion times in response to your list...

your list is proof positive how the meaning of the term PC has been conflated.

PC has been conveniently conflated to provide cover for vile things you choose to ignore.
No comments on Post 351?

Do you think Obama is a liar?

as i've posted to you a zillion times in response to your list...

your list is proof positive how the meaning of the term PC has been conflated.

PC has been conveniently conflated to provide cover for vile things you choose to ignore.

Trump is the master of it. To Trump, politically incorrect means don't criticize him for ANYTHING he says.
It's a fact. You never post about conservative PC.

78-year-old patriot punches out filthy America-hating asshole.

Post 26:

This use of the term "patriot" in the OP is interesting.

Is the point that sucker-punching an American protesting at a political rally is patriotic? That saying "next time we may have to kill him" is patriotic?

As counter-productive and closed-minded and anti-freedom of expression as the PC Police are, I don't see them doing that.

Too many crazies being further crazed by too many division pimps out there right now.

I have a nice, long list of honest liberals, including President Obama, who agrees with me about PC.

Your opinion is worthless.
It's a fact. You never post about conservative PC.

78-year-old patriot punches out filthy America-hating asshole.

Post 26:

This use of the term "patriot" in the OP is interesting.

Is the point that sucker-punching an American protesting at a political rally is patriotic? That saying "next time we may have to kill him" is patriotic?

As counter-productive and closed-minded and anti-freedom of expression as the PC Police are, I don't see them doing that.

Too many crazies being further crazed by too many division pimps out there right now.

I have a nice, long list of honest liberals, including President Obama, who agrees with me about PC.

Your opinion is worthless.

Who's been punched out by the liberal PC?

You disparagingly call it liberal PC when college students peacefully protest, or circulate a petition, or choose not to attend a comedian's show.
It's a fact. You never post about conservative PC.

78-year-old patriot punches out filthy America-hating asshole.

Post 26:

This use of the term "patriot" in the OP is interesting.

Is the point that sucker-punching an American protesting at a political rally is patriotic? That saying "next time we may have to kill him" is patriotic?

As counter-productive and closed-minded and anti-freedom of expression as the PC Police are, I don't see them doing that.

Too many crazies being further crazed by too many division pimps out there right now.

I have a nice, long list of honest liberals, including President Obama, who agrees with me about PC.

Your opinion is worthless.

Who's been punched out by the liberal PC?

You disparagingly call it liberal PC when college students peacefully protest, or circulate a petition, or choose not to attend a comedian's show.
I agree with Obama.

Too bad.
PC is freedom of speech. You people are a hoot.
"he said ******!"
"lets socially assassinate him and make him bankrupt!"
Who said that? Oh, no one. You are just so afraid of saying something un-PC you need to make a strawman to protect you. :thup:

Saying something un-PC can destroy your career, as Mike Ditka recently learned.

And it always has.

Melvin Barnet, 83, Times Editor Fired After Charge of Communism

''Since February or March of 1942, sir, I have not been a Communist. At the time prior to that I assert my privilege under the Fifth Amendment.''
your disdain of your fellow citizens is noted. Your side created the issue, and now you are whining about it.

I don't like Trump at all, but what he does to throw your side into fits is worth the horrible chance that he might get elected.

"your side" blah blah is that disdain you're expressing?

my disdain is for cowards who defend bigotry and endorse reckless rhetoric because..the boogeyman!

It's not defending the bigotry, it's defending their right to be bigots as long as their actions are legal and don't cause any harm. That's the distinction your side never seems to grasp.
By making people scared to voice their opinion if it goes against the progressive mantra using bully tactics and such, they have found a way to silence people without even getting the government involved. So they can yammer on about it "not being censorship" while they get the same end result of government censorship.

That's the way freedom of speech works. How long have you been against that right?

That's never how freedom of speech works, and the fact that you are pretending that it is the case just goes to show how much of a biased tool you are.

That is exactly how freedom of speech has always worked. Your confusion is from the fact that your point of view has always been the majority until recently. The country has changed and you are finally getting a view from the other side. So sad for you. Get used to it.

So its about revenge then? Right? Figures.

Any my views have always been about freedom of expression, so you don't know what you are talking about.

I know exactly what I'm talking about. You are free to disagree.

You are free to continue being wrong and a thug.
Seawytch is trying to get me into a trap about my concerns over businesses being forced to "bake or die".
This is actually two separate issues, one being government coercion and the other being coercion by the people.
I see no coercion, a business that does business with the public can not and should not refuse Service to anyone due a philosophy.
Safety and health are a different issue.

You do see coercion, you just don't call it that because in these cases you agree with it.

At least stop lying to yourself and call a spade a spade.
False ! pretentious asshole.
Don't make more of an asshole of yourself .

I call it as a see it, and in you I see an insecure jackass who can't handle other people's opinions at a basic level.
False you call it as you wish it.
Insecurity is not a problem for me.
Keep tossing that shit around to see what sticks.

It's sticking to you.

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