Freedom of Speech vs. Political Correctness

Those on the political left are ignoring this important fact
They'll continue to. They don't want to give this tactic up. Too effective, still.

By making people scared to voice their opinion if it goes against the progressive mantra using bully tactics and such, they have found a way to silence people without even getting the government involved. So they can yammer on about it "not being censorship" while they get the same end result of government censorship.
what bully tactics?
The right is the undesputed champion of supression.

30-40 years ago. Your side has now taken up the mantle. Congrats.
In denial much.
Nothing you've or other conservatives have presented even comes close to your fictional depiction of events.

Go to any college campus where a conservative is about to speak, and you will see attempts to disrupt said speeches and to deny the speaker a forum.
Not approval, just the ability to say what one thinks without fear of personal ruin.

Call me an asshole, thats fine. but when you try to ruin what I have, that's a problem.

That you can't see it is sad.

how does calling an asshole an asshole ruin said asshole?

how does calling a bigot a bigot ruin said bigot?

who has been ruined by being held accountable for themselves in the public sphere?

and HOW does private language have anything to do with being POLITICALLY anything?

your side continually fails when it comes to facts and specifics.

that's why you need to start a new thread on the same topic over and over again.

If your side stopped at calling the person an asshole, that would be fine. but your side tries to prevent that asshole from speaking again. As I said above, visit any college campus where a conservative is about to speak, and witness the attempted denial of expression by your side in all its glory and splendor.
That's the way freedom of speech works. How long have you been against that right?

That's never how freedom of speech works, and the fact that you are pretending that it is the case just goes to show how much of a biased tool you are.

That is exactly how freedom of speech has always worked. Your confusion is from the fact that your point of view has always been the majority until recently. The country has changed and you are finally getting a view from the other side. So sad for you. Get used to it.

So its about revenge then? Right? Figures.

Any my views have always been about freedom of expression, so you don't know what you are talking about.

I know exactly what I'm talking about. You are free to disagree.
He seems to need to put words in other posters mouths and heads

I call it as I see it, and here I see a bunch of people defending the attempted silencing of those who disagree with them.
That's never how freedom of speech works, and the fact that you are pretending that it is the case just goes to show how much of a biased tool you are.

That is exactly how freedom of speech has always worked. Your confusion is from the fact that your point of view has always been the majority until recently. The country has changed and you are finally getting a view from the other side. So sad for you. Get used to it.

So its about revenge then? Right? Figures.

Any my views have always been about freedom of expression, so you don't know what you are talking about.

I know exactly what I'm talking about. You are free to disagree.
He seems to need to put words in other posters mouths and heads

I think it's the first time he has had a realistic view of the way things have always been.

Well ain't this just a dandy progressive circle hug. Are you creating a safe space for yourself?
They either really don't get it, or they do get it and have decided to ignore their own inherent thuggery.
Talk it up, boys. Doesn't mean it won't cost you. Free speech can be very expensive...

And here is the thuggery, right on time.
How is that fact thuggery?

If you can't or refuse to see it, or see it and agree with it but pretend not to, then I can't help you.
Dodge. if real thuggery was occurring there would be ample evidence to prove it.
Lazy much.

I can link plenty of actual cases of people trying to suppress conservative speakers on college campuses.
You keep trying to whitewash what is happening by using sterile words like "consequences". Its similar to other sterile words used to cover up something you know deep down is wrong, but since it helps your side you try to rationalize it.

haven't you noticed how even the Republican party knows deep down how wrong trump's rhetoric is?

if and when the GOP nominates trump anyway, they will be guilty of doing that very thing. ^

How is this about Trump now?

Stay on topic, i suggest some 5 hour energy to sharpen you up a bit.
I believe that freedom of speech is our most important Constitutional right and that political correctness is its greatest adversary. The question is, who among our Presidential candidates will be its greatest defender?

The answer, obviously, is Donald Trump. You may not like his speech, but he is the embodiment of exercising that right. Ted Cruz makes good legal arguments, and the rest of the GOP candidates espouse conservative Constitutional principles, but Trump is the only one who puts his money where his mouth is.

Of course this "offends" those who want to control your speech, your thoughts and your money. Isn't it time we finally tell these people to "fuck off?"

PC has nothing to do with Freedom of Speech

Freedom of speech allows you to be criticized for the things you say. Trump also uses his freedom to criticize others

Since when does trying to ruin someone equal criticizing them back?

Words have consequences...if what you say ends up ruining you then that is the price you pay

Who gets to decide that? The most easily offended person out there? Because that seems to be the standard now.

Actually to clarify its the most easily offended person in a protected class. I forget, you can offend anyone else without fear.

My mistake.
PC is freedom of speech. You people are a hoot.

why are you folks always so backwards

cold is hot

left is right

now pc is free speech


PC is free speech

You say something that I find offensive, my freedom of speech says I get to say something about it

The problem is the metric is passing from saying something about it into doing something about it.

Our constitution allows us not just to voice opposition to what we oppose but also to do something about it

"do something about it" Why do you guys have to speak in code all the time? Just come out and say your goal is to silence those who disagree with you by any means necessary.
you want to be an asshole AND have peer approval, tough shit...

Not approval, just the ability to say what one thinks without fear of personal ruin.

Call me an asshole, thats fine. but when you try to ruin what I have, that's a problem.

That you can't see it is sad.
What do you want to say that you fear will ruin you? You have your own business, no? So you can't be fired for what you say.

Remember political persuasions are not a protected class. One can easily be fired for ones political speech.
you want to be an asshole AND have peer approval, tough shit...

Not approval, just the ability to say what one thinks without fear of personal ruin.

Call me an asshole, thats fine. but when you try to ruin what I have, that's a problem.

That you can't see it is sad.
What do you want to say that you fear will ruin you? You have your own business, no? So you can't be fired for what you say.

Remember political persuasions are not a protected class. One can easily be fired for ones political speech.
How about you answer the question?
It's not defending the bigotry, it's defending their right to be bigots as long as their actions are legal and don't cause any harm. That's the distinction your side never seems to grasp.

bigots have a right to be bigots and then free speech kicks them in the ass.

let's see an example of what you are referring to in the bolded ^ is it the cake bakers again?

if so, you're the one who is off topic as that has nothing to do with PC

same goes for the geneva conventions which the leading republican candidate conflates with PC
you want to be an asshole AND have peer approval, tough shit...

Not approval, just the ability to say what one thinks without fear of personal ruin.

Call me an asshole, thats fine. but when you try to ruin what I have, that's a problem.

That you can't see it is sad.
What do you want to say that you fear will ruin you? You have your own business, no? So you can't be fired for what you say.

Remember political persuasions are not a protected class. One can easily be fired for ones political speech.
How about you answer the question?

You know my positions on various issues on this board. Some of them are not popular in some of my work social circles, so I feel the need to keep my mouth shut.

So you are saying political affiliation is now a protected class?
I see no coercion, a business that does business with the public can not and should not refuse Service to anyone due a philosophy.
Safety and health are a different issue.

You do see coercion, you just don't call it that because in these cases you agree with it.

At least stop lying to yourself and call a spade a spade.
False ! pretentious asshole.
Don't make more of an asshole of yourself .

I call it as a see it, and in you I see an insecure jackass who can't handle other people's opinions at a basic level.
False you call it as you wish it.
Insecurity is not a problem for me.
Keep tossing that shit around to see what sticks.

It's sticking to you.
Only in your wettest dreams.
you'd like to make ape gestures at nigerian athletes in an olympic stadium, is that it?
It's not defending the bigotry, it's defending their right to be bigots as long as their actions are legal and don't cause any harm. That's the distinction your side never seems to grasp.

bigots have a right to be bigots and then free speech kicks them in the ass.

let's see an example of what you are referring to in the bolded ^ is it the cake bakers again?

if so, you're the one who is off topic as that has nothing to do with PC

same goes for the geneva conventions which the leading republican candidate conflates with PC

The other issue is you clowns have defined down the word bigot to mean just about any position short of worship of a particular protected class and the demands of their advocates.

And yes, the cake bakers thing is relevant, because even if the mechanism of punishment is through their actions, the desire is to punish their beliefs, or force them to hide their beliefs.

And again you go off on a tangent with the Geneva conventions. Focus.
They'll continue to. They don't want to give this tactic up. Too effective, still.

By making people scared to voice their opinion if it goes against the progressive mantra using bully tactics and such, they have found a way to silence people without even getting the government involved. So they can yammer on about it "not being censorship" while they get the same end result of government censorship.
what bully tactics?
The right is the undesputed champion of supression.

30-40 years ago. Your side has now taken up the mantle. Congrats.
In denial much.
Nothing you've or other conservatives have presented even comes close to your fictional depiction of events.

Go to any college campus where a conservative is about to speak, and you will see attempts to disrupt said speeches and to deny the speaker a forum.
They have that right.
Anymore nonsense?

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