From each according to his ability, to each according to his ability

Yeah, which people are those?

The imaginatary cardboard cutouts of liberals that you think are hiding under everybody's beds or something?

Honestly creating strawmen to complain about is pretty lame, amigo.

You think? Are you claiming that there are tons of wannabe middle classers who are being prevented for being one ? What's stoppnig them? The shitty educatino they received in public schools or the fact that they jsut don't wanna work that hard.
I'm talking about your delusions regarding what liberals want, not about the middle class.

Do try to stay on subject.
Yes, people who work hard and create SHOULD get rich.

Not just the people who make other people work hard for them by berating them as lazy and cheating them with paychecks that don't reenumerate them for their fair share of the profit. Ever notice that people who point a finger at others for not working hard are sometimes just trying to deter attention from the fact that they are not working very hard themselves at anything other than making sure that the lion's share of the profits go to themselves.

We're eating our children, folks.

Only Republicans work for a living....the other 60% of our country does not work and are lazy....

MORE WELFARE (our taxes paid) goes to red states....taken from Blue state's federal taxes....

wonder how that fits in to this con theory of only republicans know how to work hard and not mooch from others?

just a bunch of bitter looney tunes on the right sputtering this crap of hot air with NO facts behind them....
Fuck the moral standpoint, what about the argument of taking care of the poor so that they don't commit violent crimes against the upper classes? When one's survival depends on it, those in need will take from those that have something.
Fuck the moral standpoint, what about the argument of taking care of the poor so that they don't commit violent crimes against the upper classes? When one's survival depends on it, those in need will take from those that have something.

It just makes sense, whether you care only about yourself or you care about others as well, to keep things fair and equal for all so we don't waste our lives trying to fend off our neighbors.
Fuck the moral standpoint, what about the argument of taking care of the poor so that they don't commit violent crimes against the upper classes? When one's survival depends on it, those in need will take from those that have something.

right, or providing quality preventive health care so you don't end up getting tuberculosis from taking the subway to work.
Fuck the moral standpoint, what about the argument of taking care of the poor so that they don't commit violent crimes against the upper classes? When one's survival depends on it, those in need will take from those that have something.

Ahh... so you are in to paying 'protection money'


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is owed anything... you want it, earn it

You commit crimes to gain what you want, be prepared to pay the piper....
Anyone who can't see the problem with extreme income inequality is extremely short-sighted, and has no understanding of history. In fact, one of the very things that allowed the United States to emerge as it did was BECAUSE it was at least a relatively more equal society than most others at the time of it's beginnings, and that's true for several societies that have become relatively "successful" in the modern world, and the reasons for that are incredibly obvious. Look at what has happened in the societies where income is most skewed, just look at the history of Latin America and it's extremely easy to see- a small minority owned nearly all the land, all the resources and all the capital. Such a ridiculously wealthy minority has no need to utilize all the resources in their optimal way, and the inequality has been very hard to eliminate. The national economy begins to stagnate, because the domestic market begins to shrink. Political freedom diminishes, because anyone can face the reality, that the richer you are, the more influence you will have. That small percentage of the population with vast resources can easily monopolize information, and thus monopolize power. They begin to be above the law, even. Government spending begins to slant strongly towards the interests that are controlling the information (and political power).

Sure, "Never in America!". Well, obvously it's not entirely like that now, but the thing with income inequality is that it can very easily spread. It takes two homeless people to produce several homeless children, and considering the fact that if the major interests that fund government campaigns have no need for public education, then education goes down. The underclass grows. In any relatively serious economic situation more join the underclass and not as many come out, all the while it becomes increasingly easier for the already very wealthy to keep expanding their wealth. All of it happening over the course of the years, obviously, not a sudden impact. But it's quite dangerous, and it could very well happen.

Well you have to actually have desparately poor people in large numbers for that kind of scenario to ever play out. there are no poor in the United States. Even the poorest of the poor have shelter, clothing and food. Most of what people call the poor working class are quite wealth by global standards. they have a house or apartment, a car, a microwave, cell phones, internet, computer, cable tv and many have a hi-dev TV.... Not going to get much of a "rebellion" with that. Add to that the sheer numbers of "wealthy" litter millions, can pretty much dominate and squash any social unrest. That has never before happened in human history either
Ahh... so you are in to paying 'protection money'


Nobody, and I mean NOBODY, is owed anything... you want it, earn it

You commit crimes to gain what you want, be prepared to pay the piper....

Pretty typical talk with all of the current social programs already in place. Let's take all of the "Faith Based programs" away and see how much more safer you will feel.
Pretty typical talk with all of the current social programs already in place. Let's take all of the "Faith Based programs" away and see how much more safer you will feel.

eliminate all entitlements, corporate and private... start taking responsibility for yourselves... it's a liberating experience

and funny... faith based programs are not government mandated.. not forced upon the people of a free society... not force funded by a socialist agenda driven style of government that is the goal of the libs

As for safe... I can protect myself, and I can take care of myself.... you see... I was raised conservative... I don't need someone to do things for me... and I certainly will not sell my vote for a welfare check
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Fuck the moral standpoint, what about the argument of taking care of the poor so that they don't commit violent crimes against the upper classes? When one's survival depends on it, those in need will take from those that have something.

If youre excluded from society then you are no longer bound by its laws...
eliminate all entitlements, corporate and private... start taking responsibility for yourselves... it's a liberating experience

and funny... faith based programs are not government mandated.. not forced upon the people of a free society... not force funded by a socialist agenda driven style of government that is the goal of the libs

As for safe... I can protect myself, and I can take care of myself.... you see... I was raised conservative... I don't need someone to do things for me... and I certainly will not sell my vote for a welfare check

Which private school did you go to....

Sorry to post and run but was out of town for the weekend and my OP was just a bit of late night reading and rambling.

Glad to read the responses and to see this place can be pretty lively. Glad to see a lot of different views expressed too but, sorry so few of the left leaning ones had any supporting links.

I notice no one argued, directly, against the justice of the proposition that "rom each according to his ability, to each according to his ability" is a fair philosophy.

Lot's of bad economic theory was thrown about in a pretty casual way. (and sans supporting links, lol) I too was a Public School victim, however I got over it. :D Just to bring back the point of all this, the justice of income inequality rest on the necessity of a free country and only works within one. The socialism verses capitalism debate has been over for some time. (Communism does not look good, even on paper!) One need only observe North and South Korea and have a half a brain. Europe is moving to the right and the more they do, the better off they become. (see: East Europe and Ireland)

Last of all, economics is not as weak a "theory" as it used to be...

Economics Does Not Lie
Guy Sorman
Economics Does Not Lie by Guy Sorman, City Journal Summer 2008

No wonder bad economic policies ravaged entire nations during the twentieth century, producing more victims than any epidemic did. The collectivization of land in Russia during the twenties, in China during the fifties, and in Tanzania during the sixties starved hundreds of millions of peasants. The uncontrolled printing of currency destabilized Weimar Germany, facilitating the rise of Nazism. The nationalization of enterprises and the expulsion of entrepreneurs ruined Argentina during the forties and Egypt a decade later. India’s License Raj—requiring businesses to obtain a host of permits before opening their doors—froze the country’s economic development for decades, keeping millions impoverished.

On an even larger scale, the century witnessed a war between two economic systems: state socialism and market capitalism. In the socialist system, property was public, competition forbidden, and production planned. In the market system, property was private, competition encouraged, and production determined by entrepreneurs. Faced with the choice of which system was superior, nations hesitated and economists remained divided.

The state of affairs today is entirely different. When the Soviet Union crumbled, the socialist model that it embodied imploded, too—or, more precisely, the Soviet Union fell because the socialist economic system proved unworkable.
And we're supposed to think those are good numbers?

I wonder how many numbers I can spin into a godsend if I don't adjust them with inflation.

Great wealth inequality is not a natural occurrence. It is based on the 1.) ownership of land without compensation for what naturally exists and 2.) benefits of having a liberal democracy whilst rich: you fund the politicians, and they provide all the little loopholes and crevices you could ever want. For example, the income tax targets workers, whereas capitalists make most of their wealth from investments. Furthermore, the idea behind incorporation is plainly wrong, whether it's used on a middle or large company. Private entities should never have the right to socialize risk. The personhood attribution is even worse.

Naturally, as Marx pointed out, people rush to defend the top, vampiric class. We see such an example here. It occurred for kings, aristocrats, and slave owners. It will continue to happen.

Wealth equates to social and economic power, the latter of which is also social - in case anyone forgot, the accumulation of property is determined through the enforcement of rights. What separates justification for owning a business and an ocean is law. The attack on Marxists as being envious is quite hilarious when the author upholds greed as being superior.

I have a hard time believing the top 1%, which owns 40% of the country's wealth, contributes that much in labor. We're excluding teachers, mechanics, miners, most artisans, nurses, vendors, most small business owners, most doctors, and a whole grocery list of careers. For what? Bankers? Investors? I'll take the former category. The latter is frivelous labor that doesn't require a top class.
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