From each according to his ability, to each according to his ability

Why not go into the definition of taxes and the definition of wealth redistribution....

again... rendering unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's does not imply forced wealth redistribution and does not imply socialist ideals

no, it specifically states that WEALTH and MONEY are of this physical realm and such are not the point of your fucking faith artard. Wanna start dueling scriptures, ya fucking pharisee?
Why not go into the definition of taxes and the definition of wealth redistribution....

again... rendering unto Ceasar what is Ceasar's does not imply forced wealth redistribution and does not imply socialist ideals

oh bulloney dave....

The passage regarding giving unto Caesar is MOST CERTAINLY redistribution of wealth....and the jews were trying to claim such with Christ, trying to get out of paying their taxes to the Roman government....which had many programs involved with taking care of their societal needs....
Giving is of the individual, and the choice of the individual... not the mandate of a government...

Funny... never saw Christ giving a sermon on forced redistribution

Government is the combined choices of individuals.

You were alive at the time of Christ? Maybe you off doing charity work when he overturned the tables of the money changers.
Funny... I believe in equality....

You have a kid, you do whatever it takes to provide... it is not someone else's responsibility

You want my money to raise your kid, that kid best have my last name and live by my rules as my kids do

I guess you home school then. It would be wrong to use other people's tax money to educate your children.
no, he pretty much specifically said that the wealth of this world is not the point of your faith. The MONEYCHANGERS IN THE TEMPLE should have clued you in on that one.. talk about the ultimate regulation, eh?

jebus was awfully socialistic when feeding 5 thousand, eh?

Funny... did not see him forcing others to feed them.. he chose to do it and created it....

Christianity was/is not a religion of force, but rather of choice... we individually choose to follow the teaching of our own free will, as individuals

Do I believe in giving? Yes.. and I do it voluntarily to various charities and organizations where I believe in their mission or cause... but that does not mean that I believe in forced redistribution
Government is the combined choices of individuals.

You were alive at the time of Christ? Maybe you off doing charity work when he overturned the tables of the money changers.

Maybe you should do some research into the message behind Jesus's outlash against the money changers... it certainly was not about redistribution... rather it was about the corruption of the sacred temple
oh bulloney dave....

The passage regarding giving unto Caesar is MOST CERTAINLY redistribution of wealth....and the jews were trying to claim such with Christ, trying to get out of paying their taxes to the Roman government....which had many programs involved with taking care of their societal needs....

Jesus was not promoting redistribution of wealth. He was telling the Pharisees that coins stamped with the image of Caesar could go to Caesar..while men, who are stamped in God's image, should be devoted to God.

At least that's what I've always thought.
Jesus was not promoting redistribution of wealth. He was telling the Pharisees that coins stamped with the image of Caesar could go to Caesar..while men, who are stamped in God's image, should be devoted to God.

At least that's what I've always thought.

yes, you are correct allie....and our money has our government's seal on if you take it as Christ put it, there would or should be no problems with Christians doing the same, giving unto caesar what is his, (our gvt) and paying closer attention to our spiritual progress with God.

Maybe you should do some research into the message behind Jesus's outlash against the money changers... it certainly was not about redistribution... rather it was about the corruption of the sacred temple

Yes, the corruption of the sacred temple by turning it into a place for ordinary profiteering instead of propheteering.
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Funny... did not see him forcing others to feed them.. he chose to do it and created it....

Christianity was/is not a religion of force, but rather of choice... we individually choose to follow the teaching of our own free will, as individuals

Do I believe in giving? Yes.. and I do it voluntarily to various charities and organizations where I believe in their mission or cause... but that does not mean that I believe in forced redistribution

yea, created it with the COLLECTED food that was available FROM that which was around. Say, if he could just snap a finger why didn't he just magially whip up some caviar instead of ASKING to see what could be collected? And FORCE? well, I guess that depends on if you think he is FORCING you to abide by his fucking rules in order to live by his standards.

Christiany IS a religion of force if you consider the standard which was detailed in order to achieve heaven. the CHOICE you DONT have is to pretend that your yearly salary and wealth is more important than the CHARITY that jebus stood for.

Your whole fucking schema of the faith you claim to uphold is comedy gold. Jesus would not have rationalized your stance on wealth redistributuion. HE would have told you that your wealth is, again, of the physical world and is not worthy of using his name to defend your greed.

but hey, wrap your dogma around what you need to. You clearly haven't the slightest grasp on what the message of jebus actually was.
The money changers were making the average Jew PAY them to practice their faith...they were profiting from religion....

This is why Christ was so upset and why they defiled the temple according to Christ.
Maybe you should do some research into the message behind Jesus's outlash against the money changers... it certainly was not about redistribution... rather it was about the corruption of the sacred temple


yea.. USING HIS NAME IN VANE. you know, exactly like what you are doing in order to rationalize your political hardon for wealth redistribution. Like I said, wanna start some deuling scriptures here, buddy?
Ok, here's what I've heard about the money changers incident.
It isn't because the money changers were making money, it was accepted practice for them to sell unblemished animals to worshippers, to be used for sacrifice.

When Jews came to Jerusalem to pay their Temple tax, they could only pay it with the half-shekel. This was a half-ounce of silver, about the size of a quarter and the only coin which was pure silver, of assured weight, and without the image of a pagan emperor. Therefore to the Jews it was the only coin acceptable to God.

These coins were not plentiful and the money changers had cornered the market on they raised the price of them to whatever the market could bear. They used their monopoly they had on these coins to make exorbitant profits, forcing the Jews to pay whatever these money changers demanded.

Jesus threw the money changers out as their monopoly on these coins totally violated the sanctity of God's house. These money changers called for his death days later.

I pulled that from this site, but I looked until I found something that concurred with my understanding.The History of the “Money Changers”

I've actually heard more about this episode, but can't quite remember what it was.
John 2
6And said unto them that sold doves, Take these things hence; make not my Father's house an house of merchandise.

yea.. USING HIS NAME IN VANE. you know, exactly like what you are doing in order to rationalize your political hardon for wealth redistribution. Like I said, wanna start some deuling scriptures here, buddy?

Oh yeah.... :rolleyes:

Your wealth of insight ranks right up there with all the great biblical scholars :rolleyes:

All you have succeeded in doing is giving your thoughts on it as well...

Oooohhh... money and wealth are part of the 'physical realm'... I have not heard such great religious insight since the drunk at the bar telling me "enjoy it, you can't take it with you"... or "in heaven there is no beer, and that's why we drink it here"

I have seen no credible religious study that has ever put Christ's teaching into the sphere of force... all I have seen are on the individual and the choice to follow his teachings to gain the rewards of heaven

As in the Christian charity aspect though... not every citizen of this country is Christian, and not everyone believes the same way... so I would never try and use Christian charity as a basis for governmental forced wealth redistribution... .do I respect others that donate? Yep... Do I try and ask others to voluntarily support some of the great causes I support? Yep... but I do not want them forced to forfeit of their earnings....

IMHO there is a huge difference in giving of one's self and the power grab of wealth redistribution by a ruling elite
like I said, pussy.. wanna exchange scripture? Im ready when you are.

pssst....Jesus didn't write the constitution. Why is he even involved in this argument?

thats pretty much the key point. Jebus's message wasn't a matter of the physical world. I can post half a dozen quotes from the man letting us know how far up the hierarchy was accumulated wealth versus charity. AND, given that it's HIS WORD, and not the free will to trade criteria for salvation according to what one thinks is more important, i'd say that ole Dave misses the mark by a WIDE margin.

come on, Dave... put your lil spiritual armor on and show this rabid atheist that he can't bludgeon you about the head and neck with your own holy book.

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