G20 Summit: Will Trump Confront Putin On Russian Hacking?

G20 Summit: Will Trump Confront Putin On Russian Hacking?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 13.3%
  • No

    Votes: 13 86.7%

  • Total voters
I see why victim's family of the 9/11 attack cannot sue the Saudis for their involvement...
Report: Saudi Arabia Major Donor To Clinton Campaign

You're a few months too late for that to matter.

What matters now is trump's bizarre sword dance and gazing into that creepy orb. And that he gave them a pass on the 9/11 terrorists. You may remember the Rs and Bush let bin Laden go but President Obama killed. Remember?

But hey, keep trying.


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Oh I see, that the Dems are above the law..
It doesn't sound promising so far. So, we'll see what happens when they come face to face - however, there may not be any audio or video records of that meeting and both Trump and Putin will be free to spin it as they wish.
I thought we were supposed to let the investigations finish before wildly accusing a foreign leader of a powerful country of such things. You know, the very thing you would hysterically rant about should Trump do it?
Why would he confront Putin? There is no evidence to prove the Russian government hacked the election OR the DNC.
Haven't we been hearing that the investigations are just starting? Why would the usual suspects want Trump to run around like a crazed bull, accusing Putin of all sorts of stuff when they're just getting off the ground? I thought that was bad.
Personally, I think Trump is a yellow coward down to his spine, so I remain convinced that he'll do nothing but kiss Putin's ass.

You would prefer he go off half cocked and accuse Putin of stuff without evidence? I thought you guys didn't want him doing that sort of thing.

You got that wrong too. The cheeto is much more orange than that and the Bushes kissed the Saudis on the lips.

And their money came from the bin Laden family.

Yeah, I know you want it to be President Obama but, for the very reasons I listed, he is despised by the Saudis.

Don't get discouraged though. You're dumb as a wet cardboard box but RWNJ traitors love that.

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It doesn't sound promising so far. So, we'll see what happens when they come face to face - however, there may not be any audio or video records of that meeting and both Trump and Putin will be free to spin it as they wish.

Why? The Russian collusion myth is dead. Every enemy we have in the world tries to hack any and all of our systems. Duhhhh.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned of this in August BEFORE the election. If he did nothing then, what should be done now? It's over, it's history.

We move on to real issues, not the fake ones made up by the Progressives.
It sounds to me like Trump is selling out America while on foreign soil. Unbelievable! I've never heard anything like it during my 70 years on the planet.
It doesn't sound promising so far. So, we'll see what happens when they come face to face - however, there may not be any audio or video records of that meeting and both Trump and Putin will be free to spin it as they wish.
--------------------------------------------------------------------------Trump sure isn't going to do what you lefties want . Trump will do whatever he thinks is best for the USA Lakhota .
Personally, I think Trump is a yellow coward down to his spine, so I remain convinced that he'll do nothing but kiss Putin's ass.

You would prefer he go off half cocked and accuse Putin of stuff without evidence? I thought you guys didn't want him doing that sort of thing.

It's a proven fact that Putin ordered the hacking of the election. The only thing that is yet unproven is the "collusion" part - which is still under investigation.
No, trump will be his usual cowardly self. He has already weakened America's hand by suggesting maybe it was someone else besides Russia who hacked, suggesting that US intelligence agencies were not reliable on the topic.

No, trump will be his usual cowardly self. He has already weakened America's hand by suggesting maybe it was someone else besides Russia who hacked, suggesting that US intelligence agencies were not reliable on the topic.


President Obama told Putin face-to-face to cut it out. President Obama also ordered more sanctions against Russia - and he also ordered two Russian compounds in Maryland be closed and ordered 35 Russian diplomats (spies) out of the U.S. Comrade Trump doesn't have the balls to do that.

It's a proven fact that Putin ordered the hacking of the election. The only thing that is yet unproven is the "collusion" part - which is still under investigation.

It's a dead issue, give it up. EVEN the far left news media has left that behind. Now they're wringing their hands about a GIF. The question now is whether or not CNN can even recover to say nothing of the utter embarrassment the other stations have chosen to heap upon themselves.

Fox News is loving this self-destruction by the other media. Trump has stood back and watched these stations pummel each other.
It's a proven fact that Putin ordered the hacking of the election. The only thing that is yet unproven is the "collusion" part - which is still under investigation.

It's a dead issue, give it up. EVEN the far left news media has left that behind. Now they're wringing their hands about a GIF. The question now is whether or not CNN can even recover to say nothing of the utter embarrassment the other stations have chosen to heap upon themselves.

Fox News is loving this self-destruction by the other media. Trump has stood back and watched these stations pummel each other.

When you say it's a "dead issue" - you lose all credibility. After all, it's Republicans who are running all the investigations on possible collusion. Bye...
President Obama told Putin face-to-face to cut it out. President Obama also ordered more sanctions against Russia - and he also ordered two Russian compounds in Maryland be closed and ordered 35 Russian diplomats (spies) out of the U.S. Comrade Trump doesn't have the balls to do that.

What a joke!

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama learned about the intervention and hacking attempts in AUGUST. He did NOTHING. He kept quiet.

Petulant former President Barack Hussein Obama ordered more sanctions, ordered two Russian compounds closed and ordered out 35 Russian diplomats. ALL AFTER THE ELECTION ACCOMPLISHING NOTHING, ZERO, ZIP, NADA.

Yeah boy, President Obama, a real MAN!

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No. Nor should he. Though the POTUS might suggest the DNC get a copy of Norton for their server.

AND suggest that their participants, such as John Podesta use a better password than "password" for his account. Perhaps invest in Dashlane or the like.
Reportedly, there will only be four people in the room when Trump and Putin meet: Trump, Putin, Tillerson, and Lavrov. However, my guess is that Russia will be photographing and recording.

Did you figure that out all by yourself?

Reportedly, the Trump-Putin meeting will take place at 9:30 am ET.
The important question is:

If Trump really did 'confront' Putin on the Russian hacking, who would be more upset?

Putin himself? Or the Trumpbot Putin lovers on USMB?

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