G7 leaders agree to phase out fossil fuel use

Only a nutbag would be against this initiative. We are progressing toward a cleaner, healthier existence.

Celebrate, nutbags. Before long, you'll be taking credit. You'll convince yourselves that it was all your idea.

asshole....I don't care what fuels I use...it just has to work as good or better than coal, oil, and natural gas...you are the assholes,with a religious commitment to a fuel source....enjoy the winters.....say good buy to the poor and the elderly......and screw the 3rd world right? You guys don't really like brown or black people so why would you care if they never achieve our level of societal,advancement.....right?


Whatchya talkin' 'bout Cleetus?

Giant solar power projects now hitting developing world - ABB Conversations

11 Ingenious Solar Projects Impacting the Developing World


Yeah....bullshit.....sell it to your co-religionists.........

You are so smart and cool!

Wow....you have some intelligence in you...try to apply it to the rest of your life and you will be okay....
Only a nutbag would be against this initiative. We are progressing toward a cleaner, healthier existence.

Celebrate, nutbags. Before long, you'll be taking credit. You'll convince yourselves that it was all your idea.

asshole....I don't care what fuels I use...it just has to work as good or better than coal, oil, and natural gas...you are the assholes,with a religious commitment to a fuel source....enjoy the winters.....say good buy to the poor and the elderly......and screw the 3rd world right? You guys don't really like brown or black people so why would you care if they never achieve our level of societal,advancement.....right?


Whatchya talkin' 'bout Cleetus?

Giant solar power projects now hitting developing world - ABB Conversations

11 Ingenious Solar Projects Impacting the Developing World


Yeah....bullshit.....sell it to your co-religionists.........

You are so smart and cool!

Wow....you have some intelligence in you...try to apply it to the rest of your life and you will be okay....

Thanks. You are awesome.
Liberals have an irrational fear of fossil fuels, yet they freely use like everyone else.

Leave it up to them, coal would be banned, hydro would be banned, nuclear would be banned.
If it isn't solar or wind, they're afraid of it.
I wonder how they plan to feed 7 billion people without fossil fuels.

Talk about mass starvation! Even Hitler wasn't this ambitious.
Well Harper can promise to commit to phasing out fossil fuel usage all he wants but he can't force it on key energy producing provinces.

What a ridiculous "we promise to make earth a perfect planet by 2100 honest!

Just vote for us again".

Let's see. Think of all the incredible scientific advances man has made in the past 85 friggin' years, and then consider what's coming in the next 85. Fossil fuels likely a distant memory by then, so this is just more lefty feel good b.s.
Let's see. Think of all the incredible scientific advances man has made in the past 85 friggin' years, and then consider what's coming in the next 85. Fossil fuels likely a distant memory by then, so this is just more lefty feel good b.s.

At what price ?
If it actually happens much of the world will starve to death in the process.
For nothing but a political scam.
Starve from lack of fossil fuels?
If not for fossil fuels, agriculture could not exist in it's present form. What will the population of the planet be by the end of the century?

Use your noggin'. :slap:
An end poverty and hunger and what else? An end to crime and war and disease? Not one G-7 member will live to the end of the century when the promises come due but everyone feels so much better and that's all that counts.
If it actually happens much of the world will starve to death in the process.
For nothing but a political scam.
Starve from lack of fossil fuels?
If not for fossil fuels, agriculture could not exist in it's present form. What will the population of the planet be by the end of the century?

Use your noggin'. :slap:
I trust the G7 judgement far more than yours.
You poor lad. :itsok:

Typical Liberal without a clue...
If it actually happens much of the world will starve to death in the process.
For nothing but a political scam.
Starve from lack of fossil fuels?
If not for fossil fuels, agriculture could not exist in it's present form. What will the population of the planet be by the end of the century?

Use your noggin'. :slap:
I trust the G7 judgement far more than yours.
Then move to Europe.
No more fossil fuels so you want so you want to get rid of "fossil fuels" so you want to rid the world of coal, fuel oil and natural gas.
What do you suggest as alternatives? Just a liberals pipe dream.

We can always go back to living in caves and traveling on horseback.

I have a horse so I'm one up already. LOL
If it actually happens much of the world will starve to death in the process.
For nothing but a political scam.
Starve from lack of fossil fuels?
The contrived forcing of prematurely abandoning available energy sources in the name of searching for alternatives creates unnecessary financial burdens and bankrupts countries and people. That leads to starvation.

Not to mention that commercial fertilizers are largely made from petroleum refinery byproducts.

The planet would literally starve due to poor food harvests. But then again the libtard fascists want to reduce the globes population to about 500 million anyway, so for them it's a twofer.
Liberals have an irrational fear of fossil fuels, yet they freely use like everyone else.

Leave it up to them, coal would be banned, hydro would be banned, nuclear would be banned.
If it isn't solar or wind, they're afraid of it.

But windmills kill endangered birds and solar only works in the day time.

Libtards will be libtards.
Let's see. Think of all the incredible scientific advances man has made in the past 85 friggin' years, and then consider what's coming in the next 85. Fossil fuels likely a distant memory by then, so this is just more lefty feel good b.s.

A study was done looking at the effective changes in technology over ten year periods since 1900. It seems that, measured by the number of functions granted to users, technology has been increasing functionality at the rate of an order of magnitude every ten years.

So look at the increase in tech we have seen in the last ten years. Smart phones, tablets, computer assisted cars, internet based business becoming the dominant market, medical organ tissue growth, 3D printing, etc.

Then think that in the next ten years we will see TEN TIMES that much increase in usefulness. We will see the equivalent of the past century in tech advancement. The next ten years after that, it will be a hundred times more, and the decade after that a thousand times more. By 2085 we willsee advancements a million time greater than what we have seen over the past decade.

Think I am being overly optimistic? Some are even more so.

Estimating the Speed of Exponential Technological Advancement The emerging Future
About time. Thanks, G7.

G7 leaders agree to phase out fossil fuel use by end of century World news The Guardian

The G7 leading industrial nations have agreed to cut greenhouse gases by phasing out the use of fossil fuels by the end of the century, the German chancellor,Angela Merkel, has announced, in a move hailed as historic by some environmental campaigners.

On the final day of talks in a Bavarian castle, Merkel said the leaders had committed themselves to the need to “decarbonise the global economy in the course of this century”. They also agreed on a global target for limiting the rise in average global temperatures to a maximum of 2C over pre-industrial levels.

Environmental lobbyists described the announcement as a hopeful sign that plans for complete decarbonisation could be decided on in Paris climate talks later this year. But they criticised the fact that leaders had baulked at Merkel’s proposal that they should agree to immediate binding emission targets.

and that laughing sound...China, Russia and India........
The Chinese don`t have the time to sit around laughing. They`re busy building wind turbines.
China s wind farms can now produce more energy than all of America s nuclear plants - Quartz
If it actually happens much of the world will starve to death in the process.
For nothing but a political scam.
Starve from lack of fossil fuels?
How do you propose getting food crops, which must be irrigated, which must use fossil fuels to manufacture and use the irrigation system, which then must be harvested by people/machines both which require fossil fuels, one to be transported to the crops, the other to collect/sort/transport the food crops to places which need fossil fuels to warehouse and protect the food crops from spoilage which then must be distributed across thousands of miles to tens of thousands of stores?
Would you use fucking 'Magic Carpets'?
Even Merkle couldn't get any of the G7 to immediately start reducing emissions. LOL
Like BOBO the fuck-witt who claimed he had talked China into some fantasy pollution reduction plan. They told him they'd "think about it in about 30 years".
You're stupid pal.
About time. Thanks, G7.

G7 leaders agree to phase out fossil fuel use by end of century World news The Guardian

The G7 leading industrial nations have agreed to cut greenhouse gases by phasing out the use of fossil fuels by the end of the century, the German chancellor,Angela Merkel, has announced, in a move hailed as historic by some environmental campaigners.

On the final day of talks in a Bavarian castle, Merkel said the leaders had committed themselves to the need to “decarbonise the global economy in the course of this century”. They also agreed on a global target for limiting the rise in average global temperatures to a maximum of 2C over pre-industrial levels.

Environmental lobbyists described the announcement as a hopeful sign that plans for complete decarbonisation could be decided on in Paris climate talks later this year. But they criticised the fact that leaders had baulked at Merkel’s proposal that they should agree to immediate binding emission targets.

Phase-out fossil fuel use...

Me: What in 50 years? 100?

Did I call it or what? :)

Useless proclamation.

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