Gary Johnson FINALLY included in polls

Well the hard work paid off and he is now included in the polls..
Well, isn't that nice of the media to include him. I wonder how well he would have done if been given equal time as everyone in the blue donkey red elephant camps.
The Looney Tune Libertarians are comfortable throwing away their vote--more power to em. Alex Jones has them convinced Romney and Obama are the same anyway, and there has never been an election that so distinctly highlights the differences both in ideology and policy than this one.
I will watch NONE of the debates.

I judge by what someone does not by what they say.
Remember there is no rule about lying.
Oh well it could go down but I bet once Willard and Barack are on the stage together and the world can see how similar they are I am sure its going to go up.

You are a fool, the is a Massive Difference between Romney and Obama. You need to stop listening to those trying to tell you they are the same. Nothing could be further from the truth.

Sure they are do I really need to post the same picture I have posted twice. I mean they both support so many of the same thing its hard to remember it all.

By the way, WTF is an Anarcho Capitalist anyways?


Google is your friend. :cool:

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