Gas prices at 3 year high .......THANKS TRUMP!

Maybe if Obama hadn't actually admitted that his policies were actually designed to cause energy costs to "necessarily sky-rocket"...we probably wouldn't have jumped on him about it.

Obama drilled like crazy - gas prices kept coming down ... Catch up

The irony is that President Obama - who is not viewed as a friend of the oil and gas industry - has presided over rising oil production in each of the seven years he has been in office. (On a separate note, expect that streak to be broken in 2016). From that low point in 2008, U.S. oil production has grown each year to reach 9.4 million bpd in 2015 -- a gain of 88% during Obama's presidency. This is in fact the largest domestic oil production increase during any presidency in U.S. history.​

The Irony Of President Obama's Oil Legacy

Obama didn't drill shit. And production isn't only tied to drilling. Most of the new production was from Fracking.
Oil companies had to do most of it on other than federal lands.

Thanks to Fracking, U.S. Will Pass Saudi Arabia In Oil Production

The International Energy Agency has issued projections that the United States will displace Saudi Arabia as the world’s largest oil producer by 2015. By 2020, notes a report in Investing Daily, the United States will produce 11.6 million barrels a day. During the same period, Saudi Arabia’s output is expected to fall from 11.7 million bpd to 10.6 million bpd.

U.S. Oil Production Up, But On Whose Lands? - IER

Thanks to Fracking, U.S. Will Pass Saudi Arabia In Oil Production

Which is kind of the entire point of this thread Muddy. Presidents don't control oil prices.

But thanks for the confirmation that no matter WHAT -- You wouldn't give Obama credit even for flipping on a light switch :)
Presidents have some effect, but they aren't the only effect. However, I remember prices spiking when Obama shut down off-shore drilling. Only a liar refused to admit it.

I'll bet you were a Newt supporter in the 2012 primary when he promised 2.50 gas and it ended up under 2 bucks. :D

Remember when high gas prices were "Obama's fault?" : National Interest : WHYY
the only reason liberals can afford a phychiatrist is because the economy's so good!
Since gas is going back down, I guess the op is going to give Trump credit?
Do you always get excited over two cents?
was $2.59, now it's $2.35 and still dropping.
Not here my dear.
Sucks for you, lol. Anyway there is only a couple things a president can do to adjust pricing. president Obama didn't want lower gas prices. That's what I blamed him for high prices for a part of his presidency.
Three year high? I guess that's the extent of the left's historical perspective. Gas prices were around $3.55 in 2011. Who do we blame for that?
cause as we all learned from the cons during the Obama years , the prez is to blame for gas prices ! Am I right ?

Gas prices are near a three-year high. Here's how to save at the pump

Taking odds on how many "it's Obama's fault" posts there will be here. Or Hillary's fault. Or Bill's. Or Carter, or FDR. They have their 'fault list' always at the ready and for some reason it never has the name of any Republican currently in office. Odd that yes.
I didn't blame Obama for high gas prices, but I blamed him for not doing anything to lower them. He said himself we needed $5.00 or higher gas prices. The price lowered under him, because of fracking.
I didn't blame Obama for high gas prices, but I blamed him for not doing anything to lower them.
Totally different!
So him admitting he wanted us to pay more is different? How so?
I don't think you're following.
Okay you blame Trump for higher gas prices, but give Obama credit for them going down, when it was the private sector that made it possible. What am I'm missing?

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