Gay Grooming in the public schools

Stilllying after all these years.

No one in any school is presenting "sexually graphic" materials to any 4 yo.

What am I lying about?

The Groomer party is preying on kindergarteners?

Tell me Nazi - are you claiming the video I posted is fake?

The pedocrat party is busted - there are HUNDREDS of videos of pedocrats bragging about grooming young children. Pedocrats are actually proud of what they're doing - which is WHY your filthy Reich is going to be extinct - VERY soon.
You are a liar.
Your heroes have been grooming and abusing kids in the scouts for a hundred years while blocking gays from joining.
The perversions and grooming is yours.
Of course gay men have always joined organizations where they would have access to children. Before the scouts were forced to go gay, those perves were identified and thrown out. Now they win awards.
I wish there was more context to this story. It sounds absolutely horrible. But by the same token it also sounds like complete and utter batsh*t insanity. It almost sounds as if your step great granddaughter is just going along happy as a clam as a girl and the school has arbitrarily started trying to force her to be a boy.

That, of course, sounds like bs.

I understand that there may be some evil people out there who want to do bad things for no reason, but I also know that a LOT of older Americans have been spoonfed a diet of unhinged unrealistic fears and now they see transgender threats around every corner.

I wish we had more context to this strange tale.
No they didn't arbitrarily decide Emma should be a boy. She went around shooting her mouth off about being a bad ass marine. She was identified as struggling with gender dysphoria. Step mother is a bad ass marine. The dog is a bad ass marine. Emma was diagnosed as gender confused. She's not. She just doesn't have a good handle on how to deal with all the people who are trying to help her.
Of course gay men have always joined organizations where they would have access to children.

"In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents." (SOURCE)

No they didn't arbitrarily decide Emma should be a boy. She went around shooting her mouth off about being a bad ass marine. She was identified as struggling with gender dysphoria. Step mother is a bad ass marine. The dog is a bad ass marine. Emma was diagnosed as gender confused. She's not. She just doesn't have a good handle on how to deal with all the people who are trying to help her.

Thanks for the context. I still doubt very highly that it is a simple and nefarious as you make it out to be. But, hey, it's your story. I would be far more likely to believe it if it were phrased more like "the school psychologist asked the parents if they felt this was a sign of gender dysphoria...". The fact of the matter is the school isn't going to be in ANY position to force anyone to undergo any sort of medical procedure. That's just silly. And they don't have time to individually "create transgender people" like some Frankenstein lab.

But, again, it's your story. So whatever is going on, I wish you luck in navigating it.
"In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents." (SOURCE)

The great Laurence Tureaud has compassion for those like you who believe “surveys” that tell you that what you can more directly observe as obvious truth, is wrong.

Little boys are sexually abused almost as often as little girls, and nearly all pedophiles are men.

So, who is molesting little boys?

By definition, a heterosexual man is only sexually interested in females. If a heterosexual man is also a pedophile, then he'd be interested in molesting little girls, and not little boys.

By definition, anyone who is sexually interested in the same sex is a homosexual, or at least bisexual.

And homosexuals/bisexuals make up a very tiny portion of the population. Homosexuals are less than 4%, and bisexuals probably not much more than that. Yet, the fact that boys are molested almost as often as girls proves that while making up such a tiny portion of the population, homosexuals and bisexuals make up nearly half of all child molesters.

The math doesn't lie; and it proves that homosexuals/bisexuals are disproportionately much more likely to be child molesters than heterosexuals.
The great Laurence Tureaud has compassion for those like you who believe “surveys” that tell you that what you can more directly observe as obvious truth, is wrong.

So you can't actually address the science. Got it.

The math doesn't lie; and it proves that homosexuals/bisexuals are disproportionately much more likely to be child molesters than heterosexuals.

Then you can provide an actual study which confirms your "math".
So you can't actually address the science. Got it.

Your “science” is the same that asserts the Bruce Jenner is a woman. Nothing at all to do with what sane people recognize as genuine science.

If someone cites “science” to tell me that grass is orange in color, and I can look at grass with my own eyes and see that it is green, I know what to think of the “science”, and of the cretin who is trying to cite it.
"In summary, each of these studies failed to support the hypothesis that homosexual males are more likely than heterosexual men to molest children or to be sexually attracted to children or adolescents." (SOURCE)

Thanks for the context. I still doubt very highly that it is a simple and nefarious as you make it out to be. But, hey, it's your story. I would be far more likely to believe it if it were phrased more like "the school psychologist asked the parents if they felt this was a sign of gender dysphoria...". The fact of the matter is the school isn't going to be in ANY position to force anyone to undergo any sort of medical procedure. That's just silly. And they don't have time to individually "create transgender people" like some Frankenstein lab.

But, again, it's your story. So whatever is going on, I wish you luck in navigating it.
No one ever said that any child was going to be forced into a medical procedure. Although a double mastectomy has been suggested to help Emma feel better about her body. The response, get Emma a hugely padded bra. Is it the child who is refusing to transition or parents enforcing conversion therapy?
Your “science” is the same that asserts the Bruce Jenner is a woman.

Not even close. But if you can't read, maybe you can have someone nearby help you with it.

Nothing at all to do with what sane people recognize as genuine science.

How would YOU know what "genuine science" is?

If someone cites “science” to tell me that grass is orange in color, and I can look at grass with my own eyes and see that it is green, I know what to think of the “science”, and of the cretin who is trying to cite it.

So you don't actually understand the science of colorimetry either?


What you are relying on is "common sense" which is usually not that common and usually not that true. But I can give you a pass since you apparently can't read.
The great Laurence Tureaud has compassion for those like you who believe “surveys” that tell you that what you can more directly observe as obvious truth, is wrong.

Little boys are sexually abused almost as often as little girls, and nearly all pedophiles are men.

So, who is molesting little boys?

By definition, a heterosexual man is only sexually interested in females. If a heterosexual man is also a pedophile, then he'd be interested in molesting little girls, and not little boys.

By definition, anyone who is sexually interested in the same sex is a homosexual, or at least bisexual.

And homosexuals/bisexuals make up a very tiny portion of the population. Homosexuals are less than 4%, and bisexuals probably not much more than that. Yet, the fact that boys are molested almost as often as girls proves that while making up such a tiny portion of the population, homosexuals and bisexuals make up nearly half of all child molesters.

The math doesn't lie; and it proves that homosexuals/bisexuals are disproportionately much more likely to be child molesters than heterosexuals.
I don't think that homosexuals are predisposed to child molestation. What they are is disposed to think of child molesting as just another sexual orientation and as deserving of protections as homosexuality is.
How would YOU know what "genuine science" is?

I know that any “science” that contradicts what I can see and prove from direct observation, is not genuine science.

And I know that those of you on the left wrong persist in putting forth claims that are objectively, provably false, and claiming that “science” supports these claims.

I know bullshit when I see it.
I don't think that homosexuals are predisposed to child molestation. What they are is disposed to think of child molesting as just another sexual orientation and as deserving of protections as homosexuality is.

When 4% of the population makes up nearly half of all child molesters, I think you have to admit that this shows a decided proclivity on the part of that 4%.
I don't think that homosexuals are predisposed to child molestation. What they are is disposed to think of child molesting as just another sexual orientation and as deserving of protections as homosexuality is.

Here's a simple way to differentiate between sexual orientations like homosexuality and pedophilia:

ONE involves two consenting ADULTS who are fully capable of accepting or rejecting the relationship with full understanding of all its complexities and sexual nature.

The other is not.

It's actually QUITE EASY to differentiate and form a reasonable backstop to turning our society into a pedophilia free-for-all.
I know that any “science” that contradicts what I can see and prove from direct observation, is not genuine science.

You have never heard of Quantum Mechanics? Fair enough.

I know bullshit when I see it.

Funny thing is YOU DON'T. You just think you do. Most of the time your "common sense" is actually wrong.

Your "observations" are anecdotal data which provides almost no value. And you are more likely to be mistaken by your "observations" than if we had hundreds of people observing and reporting.

Which is why you don't understand what actual science is.
What am I lying about?

The Groomer party is preying on kindergarteners?

Tell me Nazi - are you claiming the video I posted is fake?

The pedocrat party is busted - there are HUNDREDS of videos of pedocrats bragging about grooming young children. Pedocrats are actually proud of what they're doing - which is WHY your filthy Reich is going to be extinct - VERY soon.
When you speak, LIAR, you are lying LIAR.
You're incapable of telling the truth LIAR

If you've proof, present it.
The vast majority of the actual factual evidence points to people who call themselves "conservative." You know, just like you, the people you hang with, the people you vote for.
Which, is why you lie, LIAR
Of course gay men have always joined organizations where they would have access to children. Before the scouts were forced to go gay, those perves were identified and thrown out. Now they win awards.

No they didn't arbitrarily decide Emma should be a boy. She went around shooting her mouth off about being a bad ass marine. She was identified as struggling with gender dysphoria. Step mother is a bad ass marine. The dog is a bad ass marine. Emma was diagnosed as gender confused. She's not. She just doesn't have a good handle on how to deal with all the people who are trying to help her.
You are a liar.
The organizations were formed by your fellow perverts to give your fellow perverts access to children.
They corrupted law enforcement and had people just like you protecting them from their crimes.

Given the history of people calling themselves "conservative" controlling these organizations and their membership why do you suppose people who call themselves "conservative" are desperately denying information that children could use to protect themselves?

An ignorant child is a perfect target, right?
You are a liar.
The organizations were formed by your fellow perverts to give your fellow perverts access to children.
They corrupted law enforcement and had people just like you protecting them from their crimes.

Given the history of people calling themselves "conservative" controlling these organizations and their membership why do you suppose people who call themselves "conservative" are desperately denying information that children could use to protect themselves?

An ignorant child is a perfect target, right?
An ignorant child is the perfect target for gay groomers who want education in fisting techniques for kindergarteners.

Right now parents are just complaining to school boards. Start hanging bodies on barbed wire and there will be change.
The great Laurence Tureaud has compassion for those like you who believe “surveys” that tell you that what you can more directly observe as obvious truth, is wrong.

Little boys are sexually abused almost as often as little girls, and nearly all pedophiles are men.

So, who is molesting little boys?

By definition, a heterosexual man is only sexually interested in females. If a heterosexual man is also a pedophile, then he'd be interested in molesting little girls, and not little boys.

By definition, anyone who is sexually interested in the same sex is a homosexual, or at least bisexual.

And homosexuals/bisexuals make up a very tiny portion of the population. Homosexuals are less than 4%, and bisexuals probably not much more than that. Yet, the fact that boys are molested almost as often as girls proves that while making up such a tiny portion of the population, homosexuals and bisexuals make up nearly half of all child molesters.

The math doesn't lie; and it proves that homosexuals/bisexuals are disproportionately much more likely to be child molesters than heterosexuals.

Yep, the great lie that men molesting boys are HETEROSEXUAL is one of the more insidious lies foisted on society.

Virtually ALL sexual molestation of prepubescent boys is done by homosexual men.

Women are in fact FAR more likely to molest little girls if they molest children.


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