GDP +3.9%

I'm ignoring income because you never specify if you mean wages & salaries or total income, or individual or household or nominal or real.

Census on Obama's 1st Term: Real Median Income Down $2,627 ... people-poverty

Sep 17, 2013 ... During the four years that marked President Barack Obama's first term in office, the real median income of American households dropped by
Ok, that's real household income as of 2012. It went slightly up in 2013. 2014 data is obviously not available yet
I'm ignoring income because you never specify if you mean wages & salaries or total income, or individual or household or nominal or real.

Census on Obama's 1st Term: Real Median Income Down $2,627 ... people-poverty

Sep 17, 2013 ... During the four years that marked President Barack Obama's first term in office, the real median income of American households dropped by
Ok, that's real household income as of 2012. It went slightly up in 2013. 2014 data is obviously not available yet
dear, are you saying that Obama is the first libcomie to make libcommieism work? Did you notice that Red China switched to capitalism and instantly eliminated 40% of the world's poverty. What does that teach you?
I'm ignoring income because you never specify if you mean wages & salaries or total income, or individual or household or nominal or real.

Census on Obama's 1st Term: Real Median Income Down $2,627 ... people-poverty

Sep 17, 2013 ... During the four years that marked President Barack Obama's first term in office, the real median income of American households dropped by
Ok, that's real household income as of 2012. It went slightly up in 2013. 2014 data is obviously not available yet
dear, are you saying that Obama is the first libcomie to make libcommieism work?
No. I haven't made any comments on Obama or his policies.
Yup agreed.

The political leadership changes that happened in early November definitely caused the GDP increases from April to September.
Yup agreed.

The political leadership changes that happened in early November definitely caused the GDP increases from April to September.

most importantly the GOP is responsible for any gains since they support freedom and capitalism while Democrats don't. If Democrats support anything that helps the economy tell us what it is.
most importantly the GOP is responsible for any gains since they support freedom and capitalism while Democrats don't.
Democrats are responsible for my house getting termites last fall, while GOP is responsible for the rainbow I saw last Thursday.

If Democrats support anything that helps the economy tell us what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks
argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance
How hilarious is it that the loser who insults others' IQ in every post is suddenly indignant about ad hominem?

Face it dude, you are fail. Being a compulsive liar has left you a lonely bitter old man who has been banned from so many other forums and thinks IQ is measured in how many hundreds of times you can post the same shit.

We all laugh at you.
argumentum ad hominem from typical liberal without IQ for substance
How hilarious is it that the loser who insults others' IQ in every post is suddenly indignant about ad hominem?

Face it dude, you are fail. Being a compulsive liar has left you a lonely bitter old man who has been banned from so many other forums and thinks IQ is measured in how many hundreds of times you can post the same shit.

We all laugh at you.

If Democrats support anything that helps the economy tell us what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks
If Democrats support anything that helps the economy tell us what it is or admit you lack the IQ to be here. Thanks
I estimate your IQ to be about 80. That is probably why you failed so miserably at the author thing, and along with the compulsive lying issues the reason you live such a wretched lonely existence.

You're easy to google, it is hilarious.
population growth was about 20 million and full time job growth was about 4 million under Obama
Population here: US Population by Month

January 2009 = 305.52 million
Current US population = 319 million

Another day, another lie by EdwardBaiamonte. I don't think someone could say incorrect numbers as often as EdBaiamonte even if they tried, he is a compulsive liar and this is why he is a lonely divorced 61 year old bitter man.

Do you understand now?
You're using the wrong population. For labor force data we use the adult civilian non-institutional population, not total population Bureau of Labor Statistics Data
Sanity check SM and pinqy.

UE claims increasing while GDP growthrate increases isn't that the definition of Dutch Disease and isn't that what we are experiencing?
No. Unemployment insurance claims have been going down.
FRED Continued Claims Insured Unemployment

yes, but u6 is still 40% higher than before recession thanks to Obama's soviet mismanagement.
dear, are you saying u6 is not 12%, about 50% higher than before the recession??

yes, but u6 is still 40% higher than before recession thanks to Obama's soviet mismanagement.

And thus the compulsive liar in action... can easily and without even noticing he's doing it completely change the "facts" he is using to back up his argument.

yes, but u6 is still 40% higher than before recession thanks to Obama's soviet mismanagement, there are fewer full time jobs than when Obama came to office, and income is down, not up. Without Republican fracking and horizontal drilling this would be the worst recovery in American History!! Only FDR, the all time liberal hero, has a worse record than Obama.
yes, but u6 is still 40% higher than before recession thanks to Obama's soviet mismanagement
Strange, before you kept saying 50% higher despite U-6 not moving.

Someone has compulsive lying issues eh? Curious = do you even realize you're doing it or do have some mental issues where you don't even notice you're not telling the truth over and over despite others pointing it out to you?

Does that make it hard to hold a real job?

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