General Flynn Wasn’t The Only One

Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
It's days like this that I ask myself why bother engaging with these people? Their heads are so full of bullshit it's impossible to have a fact based discussion with them.
The essence of this thread is that the Left/Democrats endeavor is to destroy anyone and anything that affronts them or stands in their way to power.

The example is the comparison between General Flynn and a relative unknown, Trevor Fitzgibbon.

9. “Smith: So often in these cases, I think what we're faced with is it's a “He Said, She Said” thing. There's not a lot of witnesses, if any, ever present. So to say that you're just always going to believe the woman really doesn't get us anywhere.

It may also open the possibility that accusations can be weaponized to smear a target for hidden motives. FitzGibbon began to suspect he was the target of a smear right after it was announced he wouldn’t be charged yet he was attacked in a national press release.

FitzGibbon: And that press release was a letter signed by 72 national organizations pledging to never hire me or work with me again.

Sharyl: What did you think of when you saw that?

FitzGibbon: It was one of the first times that I realized that something else is at play.

He’d sold his house, was split from his wife and children, including infant twins and was too discredited to find work.
FitzGibbon now thinks powerful people may have come after him because of his PR work for enemies of the mainstream Democratic party and the stateincluding WikiLeaks. In 2016, WikiLeaks published embarrassing insider emails of Hillary Clinton officials and the Democratic National Committee, and WikiLeaks was accused of working with Russia and being pro-Trump. There’s little doubt there are powerful efforts to smear WikiLeaks and its supporters. Government contractors circulated this dossier in 2010, a wide-ranging strategy to combat “The WikiLeaks Threat,” to “sabotage or discredit” WikiLeaks supporters using “social media exploitation” and “disinformation.” Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson

The same modus operandi in so many cases.

Big problem here is the guy suffered these accusations in 2015, so how could these accusations be some kind of retribution fro Wikileaks publishing embarrassing emails in 2016?

The evidence to support this guy's accusation is completely absent.

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Did you want to comment on this?

No lie, plot, ploy, scheme is too indecent for these savages. Ruin an American hero, bankrupt him, threaten his family…..all for the cause. But this sort of evil is not reserved for Flynn, or Trump. It is for anyone who opposes them or their interests. I bet few know of the same sort of attack on Trevor FitzGibbon.
The following cautionary tale is how certain Democrats destroyed Fitzgibbon, and who perpetrated it……and listen for the echo of what is happening to Biden.
My comment is the same as above. Where is the evidence connecting these two? You're story is extremely flimsy. You're now saying that he was attacked in 2015 for something Wikileaks published in 2011?

Besides, he already admitted to inappropriate behavior, and the accusations came from numerous women, not just the one who later recanted as part of a settlement.

This is really weaksauce. There's no facts here, just loose associations.

Both dates are evident: 2015

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Like I said, loose associations. No facts.

"As I said," not 'like I said.'

So you problem isn't limited to is a second one.

Get lost.
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
The essence of this thread is that the Left/Democrats endeavor is to destroy anyone and anything that affronts them or stands in their way to power.

The example is the comparison between General Flynn and a relative unknown, Trevor Fitzgibbon.

9. “Smith: So often in these cases, I think what we're faced with is it's a “He Said, She Said” thing. There's not a lot of witnesses, if any, ever present. So to say that you're just always going to believe the woman really doesn't get us anywhere.

It may also open the possibility that accusations can be weaponized to smear a target for hidden motives. FitzGibbon began to suspect he was the target of a smear right after it was announced he wouldn’t be charged yet he was attacked in a national press release.

FitzGibbon: And that press release was a letter signed by 72 national organizations pledging to never hire me or work with me again.

Sharyl: What did you think of when you saw that?

FitzGibbon: It was one of the first times that I realized that something else is at play.

He’d sold his house, was split from his wife and children, including infant twins and was too discredited to find work.
FitzGibbon now thinks powerful people may have come after him because of his PR work for enemies of the mainstream Democratic party and the stateincluding WikiLeaks. In 2016, WikiLeaks published embarrassing insider emails of Hillary Clinton officials and the Democratic National Committee, and WikiLeaks was accused of working with Russia and being pro-Trump. There’s little doubt there are powerful efforts to smear WikiLeaks and its supporters. Government contractors circulated this dossier in 2010, a wide-ranging strategy to combat “The WikiLeaks Threat,” to “sabotage or discredit” WikiLeaks supporters using “social media exploitation” and “disinformation.” Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson

The same modus operandi in so many cases.

Big problem here is the guy suffered these accusations in 2015, so how could these accusations be some kind of retribution fro Wikileaks publishing embarrassing emails in 2016?

The evidence to support this guy's accusation is completely absent.

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Did you want to comment on this?

No lie, plot, ploy, scheme is too indecent for these savages. Ruin an American hero, bankrupt him, threaten his family…..all for the cause. But this sort of evil is not reserved for Flynn, or Trump. It is for anyone who opposes them or their interests. I bet few know of the same sort of attack on Trevor FitzGibbon.
The following cautionary tale is how certain Democrats destroyed Fitzgibbon, and who perpetrated it……and listen for the echo of what is happening to Biden.
My comment is the same as above. Where is the evidence connecting these two? You're story is extremely flimsy. You're now saying that he was attacked in 2015 for something Wikileaks published in 2011?

Besides, he already admitted to inappropriate behavior, and the accusations came from numerous women, not just the one who later recanted as part of a settlement.

This is really weaksauce. There's no facts here, just loose associations.

Both dates are evident: 2015

Actually, you are completely wrong......again.
Clinton Email Is Released After Security Concern Is Dismissed ... › 2015/12/01 › politics › a-hillary-cl...

Dec 1, 2015 - A trove of messages made public by the State Department also touches on technology difficulties and a concussion.
You visited this page on 5/3/20.

FitzGibbon Media sexual assault claims: alleged victims ... › media › dec › fitzgibbon-medi...

Dec 19, 2015 - Two women who say the founder of progressive PR firm FitzGibbon Media sexually harassed them tell the Guardian they were afraid to report ...

Like I said, loose associations. No facts.

"As I said," not 'like I said.'

So you problem isn't limited to is a second one.

Get lost.

Are you going to ever address the complete lack of substance to this allegation?
10. “Several targets were FitzGibbons’ clients. Two were discredited by sex claims alleged in the media but never prosecuted just like FitzGibbon. WikiLeaks’ Assange and a key associate Jacob Appelbaum. With Assange, two women told a journalist that consensual sex with him when he was in Sweden for a speech, turned into rape.

A rape investigation hung over his head for seven years—before it was dropped last year. Anonymous accusers started a website to publicly accuse Appelbaum of groping and rape. He was forced out of his job, but also never charged. In the end, a smear campaign can often take advantage of the uncertainty surrounding a case of 'he said she said.' And that’s the problem. FitzGibbon asked a lawyers’ disciplinary body to punish Radack for alleged false allegations. They declined, saying the “question was close” but “The truth about what occurred in private is sometimes hard to prove.” Even if someone isn't ultimately prosecuted, they may find they’re tainted just because this aura of inappropriateness or criminality lingers over them regardless of what the outcome is in the court of law.”
Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson


Since April 2018, I have been involved in litigation with Trevor Fitzgibbon. We have amicably resolved our differences. As part of the settlement, I retract and withdraw every allegation and statement I have ever made against Trevor Fitzgibbon.


1:54 AM - May 3, 2019
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
11. The long and short of it is that the Left’s revenge knows no bounds.

“Handwritten notes of their conversation bearing Priestap’s initials indicate FBI officials hoped to get Flynn “to admit to breaking the Logan Act” in talking with Kislyak during the transition period between the presidential election Nov. 8, 2016, and Trump’s inauguration Jan. 20, 1917.

The Logan Act is a 1799 law, never used in a prosecution, intended to prevent individuals from falsely claiming to represent the federal government when interacting with foreign officials.

…documents released Thursday show that on Jan. 4, 2017, the FBI’s Washington Field Office determined in a memo it was closing the investigation on Flynn because a review “did not yield any information” to justify continuing to probe whether Flynn was working with the Russian government.

However, then-FBI agent Peter Strzok texted an FBI colleague to say: “Hey if you haven’t closed RAZOR don’t do so yet.” 5 Keys to Understanding the Tangled Michael Flynn Case

This was their ‘insurance policy’ against Trump: destroy anyone who stands in their this case, an American hero.
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
There is nothing surprising nor illegal about what Flynn did...if there was everyone in DC would be in your point is mute.....
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
There is nothing surprising nor illegal about what Flynn did...if there was everyone in DC would be in your point is mute.....
I don't know. Not everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of dictators without filing the proper paperwork.

So what are you rambling about Kerry and Obama? How much was Iran paying them?
The essence of this thread is that the Left/Democrats endeavor is to destroy anyone and anything that affronts them or stands in their way to power.

The example is the comparison between General Flynn and a relative unknown, Trevor Fitzgibbon.

9. “Smith: So often in these cases, I think what we're faced with is it's a “He Said, She Said” thing. There's not a lot of witnesses, if any, ever present. So to say that you're just always going to believe the woman really doesn't get us anywhere.

It may also open the possibility that accusations can be weaponized to smear a target for hidden motives. FitzGibbon began to suspect he was the target of a smear right after it was announced he wouldn’t be charged yet he was attacked in a national press release.

FitzGibbon: And that press release was a letter signed by 72 national organizations pledging to never hire me or work with me again.

Sharyl: What did you think of when you saw that?

FitzGibbon: It was one of the first times that I realized that something else is at play.

He’d sold his house, was split from his wife and children, including infant twins and was too discredited to find work.
FitzGibbon now thinks powerful people may have come after him because of his PR work for enemies of the mainstream Democratic party and the stateincluding WikiLeaks. In 2016, WikiLeaks published embarrassing insider emails of Hillary Clinton officials and the Democratic National Committee, and WikiLeaks was accused of working with Russia and being pro-Trump. There’s little doubt there are powerful efforts to smear WikiLeaks and its supporters. Government contractors circulated this dossier in 2010, a wide-ranging strategy to combat “The WikiLeaks Threat,” to “sabotage or discredit” WikiLeaks supporters using “social media exploitation” and “disinformation.” Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson

The same modus operandi in so many cases.
Here's a case, oops it's not by the Left: Valerie Plame
The essence of this thread is that the Left/Democrats endeavor is to destroy anyone and anything that affronts them or stands in their way to power.

The example is the comparison between General Flynn and a relative unknown, Trevor Fitzgibbon.

9. “Smith: So often in these cases, I think what we're faced with is it's a “He Said, She Said” thing. There's not a lot of witnesses, if any, ever present. So to say that you're just always going to believe the woman really doesn't get us anywhere.

It may also open the possibility that accusations can be weaponized to smear a target for hidden motives. FitzGibbon began to suspect he was the target of a smear right after it was announced he wouldn’t be charged yet he was attacked in a national press release.

FitzGibbon: And that press release was a letter signed by 72 national organizations pledging to never hire me or work with me again.

Sharyl: What did you think of when you saw that?

FitzGibbon: It was one of the first times that I realized that something else is at play.

He’d sold his house, was split from his wife and children, including infant twins and was too discredited to find work.
FitzGibbon now thinks powerful people may have come after him because of his PR work for enemies of the mainstream Democratic party and the stateincluding WikiLeaks. In 2016, WikiLeaks published embarrassing insider emails of Hillary Clinton officials and the Democratic National Committee, and WikiLeaks was accused of working with Russia and being pro-Trump. There’s little doubt there are powerful efforts to smear WikiLeaks and its supporters. Government contractors circulated this dossier in 2010, a wide-ranging strategy to combat “The WikiLeaks Threat,” to “sabotage or discredit” WikiLeaks supporters using “social media exploitation” and “disinformation.” Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson

The same modus operandi in so many cases.
Here's a case, oops it's not by the Left: Valerie Plame

You just proved my Rule #1:
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
That's pretty much a description of you, huh?

The Valerie Plame (anti-Semite) case was a series of lies by the Left that destroyed the life of Republican Scooter Libby....even thought, like Flynn, and Fitzgibbon, they knew he was innocent from the start.

You should stop trying to use cases about which you are clueless.
The agents said he didn't lie.
Really? Got a link? So far as I can see the agents knew he had talked to the Russians based on our phone intercepts. When he denied it to them they knew he as lying.

Curious that he'd admit to any wrongdoing if he knew he didn't lie.
Yup....I do have a link.
"The agents said he didn't lie."

Is this the link: No, the FBI did not say Michael Flynn did not lie

A partially redacted FBI memo — known as a 302 — states that the FBI agents said Flynn "did not give any indicators of deception." Being a good liar is not the same as telling the truth. Just so you know.
"What is our goal? Truth/admission or to get him to lie, so we can prosecute," the notes reveal.” Unsealed Notes Reveal FBI Planned Perjury Trap For Flynn
Of course he could have avoided the trap by telling the TRUTH. What an absurd idea.
He did tell the truth.

So said the original FBI investigators, you dope.
So he told the truth and was then prosecuted for perjury, which he then admitted to? I understand your association with truth is rare but how is that possible?
He was told if he fights his son will be called to answer questions too....Flynn was protecting his family from these unelected Obama thugs.....
Flynn shouldn't have drug his son into his dodgy lobbying group.

But dolla dolla bill y'all.
His son joined willingly...there was and is nothing dodgy about the lobbying group that isn't just like all lobbying groups.....this was an FBI set argue that is foolish at this time with what we have learned....
Yeah, what could be considered dodgy about secretly lobbying on behalf of a dictator?
Do you mean like Obama and Kerry did for the dictator in Iran when they lobbied for Netanyahu's challenger?...
Nope. That's the dumbest comparison I've heard all day.
Oh come on someone must of called you by name today....
Flynn was paid more than half a million dollars to lobby for Turkey, which he did. No one has any idea what you're talking about with Obama and Kerry.
Half a million dollars all went to Flynn?.....prove that......and Obama sent Kerry to interfere in the Israeli elections to try and get Nettanyahu to lose so Iran's choice of candidate could win....we all watched it as it happened in living one did squat about it know the first black president and all....

These are based on government filings which people do when they're lobbying for foreign governments, or at least what they're supposed to do if they're not being all shady about it.

Still no idea what you're talking about with Kerry. What year was this?
There is nothing surprising nor illegal about what Flynn did...if there was everyone in DC would be in your point is mute.....
I don't know. Not everyone in DC is lobbying on behalf of dictators without filing the proper paperwork.

So what are you rambling about Kerry and Obama? How much was Iran paying them?
Iran was paying Obama a legacy because he had nothing but fucking up our healthcare system and your account of Flynn's actions are all lies.....if he did something illegal the FBI wouldn't have needed to set him up...
The essence of this thread is that the Left/Democrats endeavor is to destroy anyone and anything that affronts them or stands in their way to power.

The example is the comparison between General Flynn and a relative unknown, Trevor Fitzgibbon.

9. “Smith: So often in these cases, I think what we're faced with is it's a “He Said, She Said” thing. There's not a lot of witnesses, if any, ever present. So to say that you're just always going to believe the woman really doesn't get us anywhere.

It may also open the possibility that accusations can be weaponized to smear a target for hidden motives. FitzGibbon began to suspect he was the target of a smear right after it was announced he wouldn’t be charged yet he was attacked in a national press release.

FitzGibbon: And that press release was a letter signed by 72 national organizations pledging to never hire me or work with me again.

Sharyl: What did you think of when you saw that?

FitzGibbon: It was one of the first times that I realized that something else is at play.

He’d sold his house, was split from his wife and children, including infant twins and was too discredited to find work.
FitzGibbon now thinks powerful people may have come after him because of his PR work for enemies of the mainstream Democratic party and the stateincluding WikiLeaks. In 2016, WikiLeaks published embarrassing insider emails of Hillary Clinton officials and the Democratic National Committee, and WikiLeaks was accused of working with Russia and being pro-Trump. There’s little doubt there are powerful efforts to smear WikiLeaks and its supporters. Government contractors circulated this dossier in 2010, a wide-ranging strategy to combat “The WikiLeaks Threat,” to “sabotage or discredit” WikiLeaks supporters using “social media exploitation” and “disinformation.” Shades of Grey: A disturbing follow up to our story on allegedly false sex charges | Sharyl Attkisson

The same modus operandi in so many cases.
Here's a case, oops it's not by the Left: Valerie Plame

You just proved my Rule #1:
Every argument from Democrats and Liberals is a misrepresentation, a fabrication, or a bald-faced lie.
That's pretty much a description of you, huh?

The Valerie Plame (anti-Semite) case was a series of lies by the Left that destroyed the life of Republican Scooter Libby....even thought, like Flynn, and Fitzgibbon, they knew he was innocent from the start.

You should stop trying to use cases about which you are clueless.
It was the Right that ruined Libby:

There is a cloud over the vice president. He sent Libby off to [meet with former New York Times reporter] Judith Miller at the St. Regis Hotel. At that meeting, the two-hour meeting, the defendant talked about the wife [Plame]. We didn't put that cloud there. That cloud remains because the defendant obstructed justice and lied about what happened."​

Your interpretation is not what I've read. I guess you don't like our system of trial by jury but you seem to confused:

After the verdict was read to the court, Denis Collins, a member of the jury and a journalist who has written for The Washington Post and other newspapers, spoke to the press. According to Collins, some in the jury felt sympathy for Libby and believed he was only the "fall guy". Collins said that "a number of times" the jurors asked themselves, "what is [Libby] doing here? Where is Rove and all these other guys. I'm not saying we didn't think Mr. Libby was guilty of the things we found him guilty of. It seemed like he was, as Mr. Wells [Ted Wells, Libby's attorney] put it, he was the fall guy."​
Anti-semite? Maybe, maybe not. Or is this another misrepresentation, fabrication, or bald-faced lie?

Valerie Plame, the outed CIA agent at the center of a George W. Bush administration scandal, said she is now the member of a synagogue in Santa Fe, New Mexico.​

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