General on Benghazi : The point is we should have tried.


Diamond Member
Jan 6, 2012
Prague, Czech Republic
But nothing came from the State Department. The violence was just a big fuss over a video after all:

A retired U.S. Air Force brigadier general who was on duty in Germany during the deadly Benghazi terrorist attack told Congress today that commanders discussed “what we should do” as they waited for orders from the State Department to help the beleaguered Americans.
But the request for help never came from the State Department, Ret. USAF Brigadier Gen. Robert Lovell testified before the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee.
“There are accounts of time, space and capability, discussions of the question, ‘could we have gotten there in time to make a difference?’” Lovell testified. “The discussion is not could or could not of time, space and capability. The point is we should have tried.”
Lovell was on duty at AFRICOM headquarters in Germany during the Sept. 11, 2012 attack that killed U.S. Ambassador Christopher Stevens and three other Americans. The AFRICOM command was responsible for region that included Libya. The Pentagon take steps to move assets as the attack proceeded, but they were aimed for Tripoli, not Benghazi.
“We didn’t know how long this would last when we became aware of the distress, nor did we completely understand what we had in front of us, be it a kidnapping, rescue, recovery, protracted hostile engagement, or any or all of the above,” he added.
As the attack unfolded, Lovell, who was not in the chain of operational command, said command held discussions “that churned on about what we should do.”
“The predisposition to interagency influence had the military structure in the spirit of expeditionary government support waiting for a request for assistance from the State Department,” he said.

U.S. General Tells Congress: ?We Should Have Tried? In Benghazi - ABC News

"What difference does it make?", asked Secretary of State Hillary Clinton.
The General is right and the blame falls on the State Dept. The State Dept. should have responded immediately. They did respond with a decision by not acting. That decision was to refuse help. This isn't anything new for them. The reason we turned the Jews back to Hitler and refused them refuge was the State Department insisted the president listen to them and not save the Jews. It isn't the first time lives have been lost because of them.

Thank G-d for honest men such as the General. He's right. We should have tried.
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that's nice

someone who wasn't there has an opinion.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

what did the general think of baby bush's 13 benghazzis?
I know when I read the scribbling of assholes. Fortunately, the weather's warm and the windows are open.

Are you one of USMB's hags?

Jillian is a nice woman, Meathead. She sees things differently from you politically but her reply to your thread was free of any insults or PA's. I noticed that. Did you?
The State Department should have approved his TWO requests for extra security. After all, it was only the anniversary of 9/11 and there were riots all through the area. Guess Hillary believed if we would be nice to the terrorists they would go away.

Bloodrock, I believe there is a rotten element within the State Dept. that has corrupted it for decades now. One of the more recent obvious corruptions came out after 9/11. There were people inside the State Dept. who acted very out of character during 9/11. The greatest concern appeared to be for US - Saudi relationship - not American lives.
that's nice

someone who wasn't there has an opinion.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

what did the general think of baby bush's 13 benghazzis?
I know when I read the scribbling of assholes. Fortunately, the weather's warm and the windows are open.

Are you one of USMB's hags?

Jillian is a nice woman, Meathead. She sees things differently from you politically but her reply to your thread was free of any insults or PA's. I noticed that. Did you?
I have no idea what kind of woman Jillian is, but I found her response patently ignorant. What should someone make of somone dismissing of the opinion of the general stationed in Germany and responsible for any rescue mission because 'he wasn't there'?

Anyway, is she one of the local hags I hear of? I didn't coin that btw.
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The Benghazi scandal is about editing talking points during the presidential campaign silly season. It should be about why the Secretary of Defense & US military failed to carry out a direct order given within minutes in the Oval Office the afternoon of Sept. 11 from President Obama.

Testifying to the Senate Armed Services Committee, Mr. Panetta said the president told them to “do whatever you need to do to be able to protect our people there,” the specifics the president “left it up to us.”

With Gen. Dempsey beside him at the witness table, Mr. Panetta asserted that the U.S. military “spared no effort to save” the lives of Stevens, Smith, Woods & Doherty. He argued that the manner in which the violence unfolded in Benghazi rendered an effective counterstrike or rescue attempt impossible.

“These were actually two short-duration attacks that occurred some six hours apart,” Mr. Panetta said. “We were not dealing with a prolonged assault that could have been brought to an end by a U.S. military response.”

The assertion drew a harsh criticism from Mr. Graham, who asked: “Did you know how long the attack was going to last, Secretary Panetta?”

“No idea,” the defense secretary responded.

“Was any airplane launched anywhere in the world to help these people?” pressed Mr. Graham as the tension filled the hearing room.

Mr. Panetta said C-130 aircraft were ultimately flown in to evacuate American survivors, but Mr. Dempsey responded that if Mr. Graham was “talking about a strike aircraft,” the answer was no.
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The General is right and the blame falls on the State Dept. The State Dept. should have responded immediately. They did respond with a decision by not acting. That decision was to refuse help. This isn't anything new for them. The reason we turned the Jews back to Hitler and refused them refuge was the State Department insisted the president listen to them and not save the Jews. It isn't the first time lives have been lost because of them.
The Jewish National Congress didn't want the Juden rescued and brought to America.

They wanted a large number of jews to stay in europe and be sacrificed to the Nazi's war machine.

So that when the war ended many people would feel sympathy for the jews and award them Palestine in order to make up for their suffering. . :doubt:

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I know when I read the scribbling of assholes. Fortunately, the weather's warm and the windows are open.

Are you one of USMB's hags?

Jillian is a nice woman, Meathead. She sees things differently from you politically but her reply to your thread was free of any insults or PA's. I noticed that. Did you?
I have no idea what kind of woman Jillian is, but I found her response patently ignorant. What should someone make of somone dismissing of the opinion of the general stationed in Germany and responsible for any rescue mission because 'he wasn't there'?

Anyway, is she one of the local hags I hear of? I didn't coin that btw.

No one on USMB is a hag. Defend the General's pov and carry on.
Jillian is a nice woman, Meathead. She sees things differently from you politically but her reply to your thread was free of any insults or PA's. I noticed that. Did you?
I have no idea what kind of woman Jillian is, but I found her response patently ignorant. What should someone make of somone dismissing of the opinion of the general stationed in Germany and responsible for any rescue mission because 'he wasn't there'?

Anyway, is she one of the local hags I hear of? I didn't coin that btw.

No one on USMB is a hag. Defend the General's pov and carry on.
What reason would I have for defending the general's POV? Because he wasn't in the compound with Stevens and the three others that died? Seriously?!
Nutters need to decide what they want the scandal to be.

Do they want it to be one of a failed response to the attack ( Hillary's fault).....or one of a political cover up to prevent an election loss ( Obama's fault)?

Neither is supported by the facts.....but you all are harming your chances of making something stick by trying to kill two politicians with one stone. Focus, nutters. Focus.
I have no idea what kind of woman Jillian is, but I found her response patently ignorant. What should someone make of somone dismissing of the opinion of the general stationed in Germany and responsible for any rescue mission because 'he wasn't there'?

Anyway, is she one of the local hags I hear of? I didn't coin that btw.

No one on USMB is a hag. Defend the General's pov and carry on.
What reason would I have for defending the general's POV? Because he wasn't in the compound with Stevens and the three others that died? Seriously?!

The General said, The point is we should have tried. Are you suggesting we shouldn't have? If you are then you are right. You can't defend the General's pov.
that's nice

someone who wasn't there has an opinion.

you know what they say about opinions, right?

what did the general think of baby bush's 13 benghazzis?

So Issa comes up with a one star General who Monday morning QBs Benghazi

Imagine if we ran 9-11 through all of these "what ifs" ?
Since we are playing "what if" with Benghazi...

"What if" we sent in an unsupported, poorly planned rescue mission into Benghazi and ended up with 30 dead SEALs?

Would Issa still be conducting his Witch Hunt?
30 Navy Seals would have prevailed and saved their lives most likely. The problem is there was never any order given. The State Department failed miserably.

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