George Zimmerman

Why did he call the police? Racism. I refuse to believe anything else. There were many documented examples of Zimmerman calling the police whenever a black person was in the neighborhood committing acts of blatant walking while not being recognized by George Zimmerman, self-appointed hero.

Convincing. GZ called the police when he saw blacks in his neighborhood, which by the way is full of minorities. Not to mention had been burglarized repeatedly by BLACKS.

God you're such a narrow minded fool.

Being repeatedly burglarized by blacks is not a good enough reason to call the cops on Trayvon for walking down the road.
Would somebody put a cork in Al's mouth, better yet shove it down his tax cheating anti semitic throat.
BREAKING NEWS: A white jogger in Senatobia, Mississippi was brutally beaten by three black assailants on Sunday evening. They claim it was in retaliation for the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, on the night of February 26, 2012.

Man Claims Attack Was Trayvon Retaliation |

Now I wonder if any liberal will speak out against this?
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Why did he call the police? Racism. I refuse to believe anything else. There were many documented examples of Zimmerman calling the police whenever a black person was in the neighborhood committing acts of blatant walking while not being recognized by George Zimmerman, self-appointed hero.

There ya go. That says it all.

If it wasn't racism, then what was the reason for the call to the police? There certainly was no legitimate reason for it. Zimmerman witnessed Trayvon committing all of zero crimes while he was on the phone.
Why did he call the police? Racism. I refuse to believe anything else. There were many documented examples of Zimmerman calling the police whenever a black person was in the neighborhood committing acts of blatant walking while not being recognized by George Zimmerman, self-appointed hero.

Convincing. GZ called the police when he saw blacks in his neighborhood, which by the way is full of minorities. Not to mention had been burglarized repeatedly by BLACKS.

God you're such a narrow minded fool.

Being repeatedly burglarized by blacks is not a good enough reason to call the cops on Trayvon for walking down the road.

Calling the police is now a racial event?
If this is all true, then, somehow, I'm not surprised...

Both Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson Sr are refugees from the 1960s...

Back in the heyday of the legitimate Civil Rights Movement, and the years just beyond...

Neither have been terribly relevant for many years now...

Both of them have been bad-jokes and laughing-stocks for many years now...

It's not terribly difficult to Rabble Rouse...

And both of them are rated as Expert Class in such bull$hit tactics...

It is because of them that the country found itself facing a nasty racial divide once again...

Because THEY inflamed the passions of Blacks, which, in turn, triggered a backlash of passion by Whites, Hispanics, etc...

Hopefully, someday soon, their own Black Folk will start throwing eggs at them on the podium...

Once they come to realize how they've been played by Al and Jesse, that is...

But, hey... keep whipping-up the Folk and you keep yourself relevant and in-the-money and fat and happy...

One consolation is that Father Time is catching-up with both of them... quickly... they'll be off-the-scope soon enough, now...
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If the black community doesn't have a clue as to why they are stuck where they are maybe its time to they reevaluate their leadership.

Only thing that matters s0ns.........

And let me say this.......when it was announced that the first thing that happened is Zman got his gun back, tens of millions of Americans laughed their balls off!!!!:2up:
You're gonna be waiting a LOOOOOOOOOOONG time for the black Sarass, the black JoeB, and the black Ratti to respond to this.

Only thing that matters s0ns.........

And let me say this.......when it was announced that the first thing that happened is Zman got his gun back, tens of millions of Americans laughed their balls off!!!!:2up:

Zimmerman will be lucky to live out the year. I don't consider that winning.
tit for tat.

no justice, no peace.

Yes, I knew liberals don't have the balls to reject this kind of violence.

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This will go away soon enough when people in the Hispanic community start getting hyper alert to this stuff......because as we all know, just a bit tough to blend into the crowd when you're black. Actually......think about how easy it is to identify a chocolate sprinkle on a vanilla cone.:2up::eusa_dance::eusa_dance: And when the worm turns, it wont be pretty.

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