Georgia law to remove Fami

There it is. The self-hatred of the white supremacist. The most inferior excuse for a human being who ever lived. Hating on anyone who doesn't look just like him. Especially women. How dare she!!!!!

Democracy is not freedom, but there is no freedom whatsoever, without democracy.
Not true. People voting for payouts does not last long. Go purchase your foreign made/designed superior Asian car. Go to wal mart as a receptacle for foreign made products. Democracy caused this and so much more.
It's the republic that maintain the constitutional process. It's leftists trying to erase that process.
What does that even mean? 😄 A Republic is simply any country who's power ultimately resides with "the people" as opposed to a monarchy or dictatorship. Who's trying to turn us into a dictatorship other than the group of people who think Donald Trump and people Donald Trump appoints should be allowed to single handedly decide who won the election?
Georgia Republicans are enacting a law to remove duly elected district attorneys. This is specifically designed to remove Fami Lewis from the Trump prosecution case. How low can you go?

I agree, SHE has stooped pretty damn low.
Funny thing about political tactics... you love them when they work for you - scream and pull your hair out when it is against you.
Hypocrisy - thine is your name.
I agree, SHE has stooped pretty damn low.
Funny thing about political tactics... you love them when they work for you - scream and pull your hair out when it is against you.
Hypocrisy - thine is your name.
So are you saying that the attempt to remove Fani Willis has nothing to do with abuse of office?
She's an elected county prosecutor, not a federal prosecutor. She has oversight over elections in her county.

And you're right, the executive branch does have law enforcement powers (through the FBI and DOJ) the executive Office does not which is what I meant.

Holding Trump to account became Fani Willis job when he committed crimes in her district which she has oversight of. Apparently you think Trump is above the law because the executive branch includes law enforcement agencies?
I didn't say she was a federal prosecutor...not sure where you got that idea from....State's have executive and legislative branches of Govt too. What the F are you talking about?

hahah yes the Executive Branch IS the law enforcment branch of Govt....that's the entire point of the Executive Branch you idiot. all don't grasp basic wonder you easily fall in line with the cult.

She has law enforcement power, because she's in the executive branch, not oversight power, the legislature does, and the legislature of GA, has it over here. This isn't rocket science. They have the ability to see if she is abusing her power and if so make law to fix the problem

I didn't say anything about not sure what the f you are talking about. This is thread is about a State legislature, and a State executive official.
I didn't say she was a federal prosecutor...not sure where you got that idea from....State's have executive and legislative branches of Govt too. What the F are you talking about?

hahah yes the Executive Branch IS the law enforcment branch of Govt....that's the entire point of the Executive Branch you idiot. all don't grasp basic wonder you easily fall in line with the cult.

She has law enforcement power, because she's in the executive branch, not oversight power, the legislature does, and the legislature of GA, has it over here. This isn't rocket science. They have the ability to see if she is abusing her power and if so make law to fix the problem

I didn't say anything about not sure what the f you are talking about. This is thread is about a State legislature, and a State executive official.
The law gives unelected bureaucrats the authority to remove elected officials.

That should be reason enough to oppose it.
So are you saying that the attempt to remove Fani Willis has nothing to do with abuse of office?
No, I am saying thet Billy Boy is a hypocrite for being a Karen over supposed political ploy and LOVING a REAL political ploy.
Of course she needs to be removed from office, and the State atty should do it themselves.
I didn't say she was a federal prosecutor...not sure where you got that idea from....State's have executive and legislative branches of Govt too. What the F are you talking about?

hahah yes the Executive Branch IS the law enforcment branch of Govt....that's the entire point of the Executive Branch you idiot. all don't grasp basic wonder you easily fall in line with the cult.

She has law enforcement power, because she's in the executive branch, not oversight power, the legislature does, and the legislature of GA, has it over here. This isn't rocket science. They have the ability to see if she is abusing her power and if so make law to fix the problem
Trying to politically influence a criminal investigation isn't oversight, its obstruction of justice. In fact I hope Fani considers the possibility of investigating and charging these assclowns under the same Rico indictment for obstruction of justice. 😄
I didn't say anything about not sure what the f you are talking about. This is thread is about a State legislature, and a State executive official.
We all know what this is about. We all don't have to play stupid because you want to. These political moves aren't going to stop the criminal prosecutions of Finals Trump and his cohorts.
No, I am saying thet Billy Boy is a hypocrite for being a Karen over supposed political ploy and LOVING a REAL political ploy.
Of course she needs to be removed from office, and the State atty should do it themselves.
Maybe because we don't see prosecuting Trump as a political ploy.

I don't see how anyone can defend Trump's actions after the 2020 election. These are exactly the kinds of actions that should be prosecuted, or else they are going to keep happening. Trying to overturn elections you've lost isn't okay. It should never be okay.
Maybe because we don't see prosecuting Trump as a political ploy.

I don't see how anyone can defend Trump's actions after the 2020 election. These are exactly the kinds of actions that should be prosecuted, or else they are going to keep happening. Trying to overturn elections you've lost isn't okay. It should never be okay.
Maybe we see things as they are, rather than what someone tells us.
A small county prosecutor indicting a past President, who is known as a fervent/active supporter of the opposing party - on an election year - on accusations that occurred two and a half years ago.... yeah.
Sure - nothing corrupt there. :rolleyes:
Progressives are and have always been BRAINWASHED MARXIST IDIOTS!!!!!
Trying to politically influence a criminal investigation isn't oversight, its obstruction of justice. In fact I hope Fani considers the possibility of investigating and charging these assclowns under the same Rico indictment for obstruction of justice. 😄

We all know what this is about. We all don't have to play stupid because you want to. These political moves aren't going to stop the criminal prosecutions of Finals Trump and his cohorts.
1) abusing your office to indict your party rival isn't a criminal investigation, it's an abuse of power, and election interfere
2) yes, we know what these political prosecutions are about.

The fact that so many are up and arms, and threatening charges against legislators that dare to question the probes, further proves that
1) abusing your office to indict your party rival isn't a criminal investigation, it's an abuse of power, and election interfere
2) yes, we know what these political prosecutions are about.

The fact that so many are up and arms, and threatening charges against legislators that dare to question the probes, further proves that
Trump isn’t her political rival.
1) abusing your office to indict your party rival isn't a criminal investigation, it's an abuse of power, and election interfere
That's hilarious. 😄 Abuse of office to interrupt a criminal prosecution of your Party's leader is exactly what you're calling for.

You know how we know that the assessment of Fani's work is objective rather than political? When a court dismisses her case. Republicans using political moves to remove her from the case is obviously political.
2) yes, we know what these political prosecutions are about.
How could you? You know nothing about Fani's case other than she got a grand jury to indict.
The fact that so many are up and arms, and threatening charges against legislators that dare to question the probes, further proves that
As they should. Question all they like but they better not obstruct or they might fuck around and find out like Trump has. 😄
That's hilarious. 😄 Abuse of office to interrupt a criminal prosecution of your Party's leader is exactly what you're calling for.

You know how we know that the assessment of Fani's work is objective rather than political? When a court dismisses her case. Republicans using political moves to remove her from the case is obviously political.

How could you? You know nothing about Fani's case other than she got a grand jury to indict.

As they should. Question all they like but they better not obstruct or they might fuck around and find out like Trump has. 😄
you literally just learned the Executive Branch of Govt enforces law....and you expect any of us to take any of your comments seriously? Or believe you have any grasp of what's going on?

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