Get rid of the Department of Education altogether...

Created in 1978...and the minute it was created was the minute our schools started to go downhill. It is used to create a nationalized school system, for the purpose of pushing federal *programs* that have nothing to do with education and everything to do with brainwashing, and which supplant actual education.

Trump administration proposes $7.1 billion funding cut to Education Department
How about if we just do that in red states. Because the rest of the world considers the schools in blue states to be the best in the world.

No they don't. Not even close. The USA is one of two first world countries which spends more to educate rich children than poor. The other one is Turkey. The quality of your education depends entirely on where you grow up. If you grow up in a poor neighbourhood, you will have to share textbooks, have no classroom access to computers, and have crumbling facilities and the poorest paid teachers available. There will be fewer extra-curricular activities, thereby reducing your scholarship chances if you manage to qualify for a scholarship.

The US barely makes the top 15 of public school education, and that's despite parents paying more out of pocket for their childrens education that any other first world country.

World education rankings: which country does best at reading, maths and science?
Of course, the Department of Education isn’t going to be ‘gotten rid of’ – making the right’s advocacy of doing so that much more ridiculous and reprehensible.

If given the chance, they would get rid of it

But they have nothing to take its place
Created in 1978...and the minute it was created was the minute our schools started to go downhill. It is used to create a nationalized school system, for the purpose of pushing federal *programs* that have nothing to do with education and everything to do with brainwashing, and which supplant actual education.

Trump administration proposes $7.1 billion funding cut to Education Department
How about if we just do that in red states. Because the rest of the world considers the schools in blue states to be the best in the world.

No they don't. Not even close. The USA is one of two first world countries which spends more to educate rich children than poor. The other one is Turkey. The quality of your education depends entirely on where you grow up. If you grow up in a poor neighbourhood, you will have to share textbooks, have no classroom access to computers, and have crumbling facilities and the poorest paid teachers available. There will be fewer extra-curricular activities, thereby reducing your scholarship chances if you manage to qualify for a scholarship.

The US barely makes the top 20 of public school education, and that's despite parents paying more out of pocket for their childrens education that any other first world country.

None of the other education systems in the top 20 rely on local funding of their schools
Created in 1978...and the minute it was created was the minute our schools started to go downhill. It is used to create a nationalized school system, for the purpose of pushing federal *programs* that have nothing to do with education and everything to do with brainwashing, and which supplant actual education.

Trump administration proposes $7.1 billion funding cut to Education Department


No value added and our education system has gotten far worse since it was created.

Education should be handled on the lowest level possible, district, city, county, state. No reason for the Feds to be involved.
Take those Federal dollars away and the schools are fucked...of course that is the goal...destroying the Public Education system
The red states know which restroom to use.
Those schools have outhouses
Yeah, you leftists are really smart, huh. You don't even understand basic biology.
You mean creationism.
No, I mean gender and life. When does an embryo become a human?

Day 153 at 2:43 PM
Thanks for proving my point.
More and more over time our government gets farther and farther away from us. It is much easier to hold local government accountable because you can show up at their office. Less so at the State level, and forget the Feds who are so far away and insulated they never can be held accountable.
Created in 1978...and the minute it was created was the minute our schools started to go downhill. It is used to create a nationalized school system, for the purpose of pushing federal *programs* that have nothing to do with education and everything to do with brainwashing, and which supplant actual education.

Trump administration proposes $7.1 billion funding cut to Education Department


No value added and our education system has gotten far worse since it was created.

Education should be handled on the lowest level possible, district, city, county, state. No reason for the Feds to be involved.
Take those Federal dollars away and the schools are fucked...of course that is the goal...destroying the Public Education system

States are sending money to the Feds so the Feds can take a cut and then send back the rest.

No value gained
More and more over time our government gets farther and farther away from us. It is much easier to hold local government accountable because you can show up at their office. Less so at the State level, and forget the Feds who are so far away and insulated they never can be held accountable.
Problem is you get a hodgepodge of services. Some communities will support educational spending, others want to get by on the cheap

The children suffer
Education is a State function according to the division and separation of powers.
We don't need a mega-bureaucracy in DC, we need more teachers in classrooms.

Not a darned thing wrong with it at the state level. Agreed. Just get the feds out of it. Everything the federal government gets involved with, the quality goes down and the cost goes up.

I agree. Let the States get together with the towns and cities in their State. They know what they need for education.

Keep the Federal Government out of it.
In many, many cases......they know they do not want to spend money on education

What a load of horse shit. A town I lived in, in NH spent all their tax money save 3% on education. I'm sure the same is true for many towns and cities.

Education is a bottomless pit that money pours into and the Towns and cities are right there. They know what they need to spend and manage in reference to education.

The Department of Education needs to go. Its a huge useless entity.
You do realize that if you get rid of the DOE, that 97 percent on education goes to 100 percent, local govt will have to fill the void

You seem to be highlighting that local govt is overwhelmed by education funding how can the answer be cutting federal funding?

You do realize that Fed money would fund education even without the DOE??

The Fed loves spending tax dollars and the Congress critter just love funding education.

Education looks good on all their resume's.

They don't the DOE to fund education in the States.
90 percent of education is funded at the state and local level

That ten percent helps at risk districts and those with large numbers of educationally challenged students.
Created in 1978...and the minute it was created was the minute our schools started to go downhill. It is used to create a nationalized school system, for the purpose of pushing federal *programs* that have nothing to do with education and everything to do with brainwashing, and which supplant actual education.

Trump administration proposes $7.1 billion funding cut to Education Department


No value added and our education system has gotten far worse since it was created.

Education should be handled on the lowest level possible, district, city, county, state. No reason for the Feds to be involved.
Take those Federal dollars away and the schools are fucked...of course that is the goal...destroying the Public Education system

I support public education but we do not need the DoE to do that. Despite the DoE people in Ohio have still had to file lawsuit after lawsuit to get their elected officials to obey their Constitution and equally fund the school systems. The courts have stood up for the people.

The DoE seems to me to be little more than a large overhead cost. The Federal government could still oversee a fair system without a bureaucracy of this size.
do away with education - keep the following generations dumb enough to vote for Republicans.

They never learned the difference between their and they're, why should anyone else.
Remove the DOE and you remove the Federal dollars
and then the states can stop Sending it to the Feds so that the Feds can just send back less
States don’t send money to the Feds

The American taxpayer does

Ok, in the end it is the same. We the people send tax dollars to fund The Ed, some of which they keep and some of which they send to the states.

The Ed adds no value to justify what they keep.
Remove the DOE and you remove the Federal dollars
and then the states can stop Sending it to the Feds so that the Feds can just send back less
States don’t send money to the Feds

The American taxpayer does

Ok, in the end it is the same. We the people send tax dollars to fund The Ed, some of which they keep and some of which they send to the states.

The Ed adds no value to justify what they keep.
Of course they add value
They set educational standards for the country. They facilitate the exchange of educational information between states. They provide spot funding to needy districts.

What they don’t pay for is $60 million Football Stadiums
State and local governments fund those

Remove the DOE and you remove the Federal dollars
and then the states can stop Sending it to the Feds so that the Feds can just send back less
States don’t send money to the Feds

The American taxpayer does

Ok, in the end it is the same. We the people send tax dollars to fund The Ed, some of which they keep and some of which they send to the states.

The Ed adds no value to justify what they keep.
Of course they add value
They set educational standards for the country. They facilitate the exchange of educational information between states. They provide spot funding to needy districts.

What they don’t pay for is $60 million Football Stadiums
State and local governments fund those

I do not need nor want the Fed Govt telling my school districts what standards they have to meet. The states are more than capable of exchanging educational information if they wish to do so without a middle man.

In 1982 the US students ranked number 1 in math and science. Now we are 38th and 24th.

Tell me how the Dept of Ed is helping a damn thing.

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