Gettin There: Voters In Several States Set To Roll Back Marijuana Prohibition This Year...

Big Pharma is behind the anti pot crowd

It is more than just them.

It is

1. police union leaders
2. prison guard union leaders
3. the American Bar Association - lawyers make tons of money off Prohibition
4. religious leaders - they hate everything except money going into coffers
Some sanity, finally. No Citizen should be shoved in a cage with brutal Murderers and Rapists for merely engaging in Marijuana use. Those barbaric times need to pass. Decriminalize Marijuana now. Then let's move on to consider decriminalizing most 'illegal' drugs. Prohibition doesn't work. Let adults decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It isn't a Government issue.

Polling suggests approval of state ballot measures in upcoming elections this year that would cause the number of states with legal medical marijuana to grow by three and with legal recreational marijuana to grow by one. Absent earlier legislative action in other states, recreational marijuana legalization approval in Michigan would make it the tenth state with such legalization, and medical marijuana legalization in Oklahoma and Utah, as well as Missouri where petition signatures for ballot measures have not yet been counted and verified, would bring the total number of states with legal medical marijuana up to 33.

The movement of states to roll back marijuana prohibition, via ballot measures as well as bills approved by state legislatures and signed into law by governors, is a very important development for advancing respect for liberty in America. First, it significantly limits the war on drugs in America. That war on drugs has been a basis for the expansion of government power at the expense of people’s liberty and safety...

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Voters in Several States Set to Roll Back Marijuana Prohibition This Year

Just read an article this morning (can't remember much of it now) but it tied marijuana prohibition to the same archaic law against sports betting and the 10th amendment. Going on to say the DEA should be abolished.
I don't want to stone drunks nor is it necessary to start a new thread.

Do you want to stone people addicted to alcohol? If not, why not? If so, how do you figure you're going to ping your own head?
I don't drink so whatabout drinking doesn't work with me. Drown them in their own vomit and I don't care. Stone them. Drown them, it doesn't matter.

And since you do not drink, nobody else should be allowed to.

What a great little fascist you make!

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Drink. Just experience the consequences of your actions without government help or protection. Druggies should llegally be used for target practice. Get government out of it.

Why just druggies? Why do you want the government to keep me from using you as target practice?

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You can try. Potheads are only one quarter alive so it's more like shooting tin cans.

I would not try. I have been well trained and can hit a target at 500 meters with no scope more than 90% of the time. You would never even hear the shot.

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I like laws that help keep Liberals from becoming more dependent of taxpayers. Unfortunately, Liberals must be saved from themselves via legislation, law and order. I like the DEA, I like a society full of unimpaired, productive, ambitious know, the type that isn’t stoned.

About 50% of your conservatives also thing it should be abolished and marijuana legal. So when both sides are in favor guess you'll have to form your own little party.
I like laws that help keep Liberals from becoming more dependent of taxpayers. Unfortunately, Liberals must be saved from themselves via legislation, law and order. I like the DEA, I like a society full of unimpaired, productive, ambitious know, the type that isn’t stoned.

Nah, err on the side of Freedom & Liberty. This isn't a Government issue. Adult Citizens should be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. End Prohibition, and then move to abolish the DEA.

Sounds good, sounds noble, looks good on paper...BUT
We write legislation to mitigate and control the collateral damage caused by irresponsible people making their own sucks that “Freedoms and Liberties” must be lost....BUT you should have no right to chose to be a stoned lowlife then demand a right to my checking account.

The marijuana legislation was against the 10th amendment. Guess you don't agree with SCOTUS decision on sports betting either.
I like laws that help keep Liberals from becoming more dependent of taxpayers. Unfortunately, Liberals must be saved from themselves via legislation, law and order. I like the DEA, I like a society full of unimpaired, productive, ambitious know, the type that isn’t stoned.

But um, most of society IS stoned. Still, you can choose not to hang out with stoners. It’s a free country.
Most Americans are on PILLS, not reefer.

Most Americans on PILLS would be BETTER OFF ditching the pills for reefer....
Some sanity, finally. No Citizen should be shoved in a cage with brutal Murderers and Rapists for merely engaging in Marijuana use. Those barbaric times need to pass. Decriminalize Marijuana now. Then let's move on to consider decriminalizing most 'illegal' drugs. Prohibition doesn't work. Let adults decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. It isn't a Government issue.

Polling suggests approval of state ballot measures in upcoming elections this year that would cause the number of states with legal medical marijuana to grow by three and with legal recreational marijuana to grow by one. Absent earlier legislative action in other states, recreational marijuana legalization approval in Michigan would make it the tenth state with such legalization, and medical marijuana legalization in Oklahoma and Utah, as well as Missouri where petition signatures for ballot measures have not yet been counted and verified, would bring the total number of states with legal medical marijuana up to 33.

The movement of states to roll back marijuana prohibition, via ballot measures as well as bills approved by state legislatures and signed into law by governors, is a very important development for advancing respect for liberty in America. First, it significantly limits the war on drugs in America. That war on drugs has been a basis for the expansion of government power at the expense of people’s liberty and safety...

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Voters in Several States Set to Roll Back Marijuana Prohibition This Year
Until it is legal federally do not be duped and put your name on lists or have your name associated with it. The feds can still come get you! If it is not changed federally the feds will come get you eventially!
Long overdue

Those who have legalized marijuana have done just fine
The feds can still come get you! I

uber BIGOTS Obama and Holder did just that. Obama campaigned in 2008 that those in compliance with state reefer law would not be prosecuted....

then bigot Holder noticed most were WHITE, and off to prison they went, hundreds. Trump needs to pardon all of them, and Obama and Holder need to be outed for doing that solely to pack federal prisons with WHITES...

Dickinson: Obama's War on Pot
I like laws that help keep Liberals from becoming more dependent of taxpayers. Unfortunately, Liberals must be saved from themselves via legislation, law and order. I like the DEA, I like a society full of unimpaired, productive, ambitious know, the type that isn’t stoned.

There's a shorter way to say that. You like Authoritarians in jackboots.

I suspect you're all about licking them, but that might be going out on a limb.

You understood it perfectly...your feelings are hurt because you know I’m on point. Most laws exist solely to stop you piece of shits from imposing on us good, productive types. You know this. Should we be a nation of no law and order?
(Probably a dumb question to ask bottom feeding filth seeking an anything goes, no boundaries, free for all...huh?)

You think criminalizing marijuana is for your benefit? You're an idiot.

He is a fucking idiot, I'm not responding to him. He's apparently mr do gooder for white american's.
I like laws that help keep Liberals from becoming more dependent of taxpayers. Unfortunately, Liberals must be saved from themselves via legislation, law and order. I like the DEA, I like a society full of unimpaired, productive, ambitious know, the type that isn’t stoned.

There's a shorter way to say that. You like Authoritarians in jackboots.

I suspect you're all about licking them, but that might be going out on a limb.

You understood it perfectly...your feelings are hurt because you know I’m on point. Most laws exist solely to stop you piece of shits from imposing on us good, productive types. You know this. Should we be a nation of no law and order?
(Probably a dumb question to ask bottom feeding filth seeking an anything goes, no boundaries, free for all...huh?)

You think criminalizing marijuana is for your benefit? You're an idiot.
well he does call himself a broke loser....

There was someone with that user id a few years back on an insurance forum from southern california whining why he couldn't get clients, I wonder if same?
Golfing Gator = the Jew Army Ranger who murdered Pat Tillman....

You guys have to bring the anti-antisemitism into a thread about pot legalization too? How about taking your stupid shit someplace else.
There's nothing wrong with harassing drug addicts. They are like zombies. They don't even know. They can be stoned and the ones who can walk just stumble along.

Why not just worry about your self and not go around harassing people? What kind of sick fuck spends their time harassing people that have done nothing to them?

You really should have been born in the late 20s Germany, you would have fit in very well

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Druggies aren't really people. They used to be people but now they are just walking around husks of what they used to be.

I live in Los Angeles. There are pot shops on every corner.
My step grandson is an addict. He would be better off dead.

Your step grandson is not addicted to pot. He's addicted to hard drugs and if he hung around you very much I can see why.
I like laws that help keep Liberals from becoming more dependent of taxpayers. Unfortunately, Liberals must be saved from themselves via legislation, law and order. I like the DEA, I like a society full of unimpaired, productive, ambitious know, the type that isn’t stoned.

Nah, err on the side of Freedom & Liberty. This isn't a Government issue. Adult Citizens should be free to decide whether or not they wanna get high or drunk. End Prohibition, and then move to abolish the DEA.

Sounds good, sounds noble, looks good on paper...BUT
We write legislation to mitigate and control the collateral damage caused by irresponsible people making their own sucks that “Freedoms and Liberties” must be lost....BUT you should have no right to chose to be a stoned lowlife then demand a right to my checking account.

Nah, you have every right to be a 'stoned lowlife.' It's not a Government issue. Prohibition doesn't work.
Prohibition against murder doesn't work or against shoplifting either.

Really? Very poor analogy. Consume all the drugs & alcohol you want, just don't break the law. Don't harm others.

Spot on really...
You’re being unrealistic...that’s Libtardia like bullshit.
More on drugs leads to more on the welfare tit, more criminality....more lowlife filth. This isn’t even debatable.
More on drugs leads to more on the welfare tit, more criminality....more lowlife filth. This isn’t even debatable.


Which is why you loved it when "conservative" W and the GOP Congress socialized senior drugs.... by deliberately lying about the estimated cost....

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