Gimme! Gimme! Gimme!!!!

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

so when someone puts up a fence they are now bigots? wow, many bigots in the world, doesn't Nancy have a wall at her place?


Obamas new Washington DC home gets a wall installed
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

so when someone puts up a fence they are now bigots? wow, many bigots in the world, doesn't Nancy have a wall at her place?


Obamas new Washington DC home gets a wall installed
So in your mind, putting in several hundred feet of wall is the same as building a wall around a country
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

my bad, its a monument to vanity and bigotry.

Trump doesnt want to send them back, he wants to hold them indefinitely.
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

my bad, its a monument to vanity and bigotry.

Trump doesnt want to send them back, he wants to hold them indefinitely.
Well, I don't pretend to know Trump's intent. If true, that is not right.

I do know that we have an overwhelmed system. All these assholes are coming here from distant countries seeking asylum in bad faith. That has delayed the process for may being held.

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

so when someone puts up a fence they are now bigots? wow, many bigots in the world, doesn't Nancy have a wall at her place?


Obamas new Washington DC home gets a wall installed
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

so when someone puts up a fence they are now bigots? wow, many bigots in the world, doesn't Nancy have a wall at her place?


Obamas new Washington DC home gets a wall installed
This just in: There's been zero illegal immigrants in Obama's garden since the wall was built.

Ah, the ol' "If you wouldn't let an immigrant live in your bedroom and use your toothbrush, why are you okay with them in the country?" logic.

Brought to you by the party of “I’m not racist, but..”

"why isn't there a white history month?"

Neighbors say there isnt a wall there.
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people
That's a pretty poor bit of disingenuous race-baiting.

The commies have programmed you very well.

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

so when someone puts up a fence they are now bigots? wow, many bigots in the world, doesn't Nancy have a wall at her place?


Obamas new Washington DC home gets a wall installed
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.
Why is a wall bigoted? Are you suggesting that our immigration laws are bigoted? Take a look at the ENTIRE WORLD and the laws of every other nation and tell me the U.S. is bigoted.

Who wants indefinite detention of illegal law breakers at our expense?

Send them ALL back.

so when someone puts up a fence they are now bigots? wow, many bigots in the world, doesn't Nancy have a wall at her place?


Obamas new Washington DC home gets a wall installed
This just in: There's been zero illegal immigrants in Obama's garden since the wall was built.

Ah, the ol' "If you wouldn't let an immigrant live in your bedroom and use your toothbrush, why are you okay with them in the country?" logic.

Brought to you by the party of “I’m not racist, but..”

"why isn't there a white history month?"

Neighbors say there isnt a wall there.
So, it is your argument that the only way to be "not racist" is to allow illegals to overrun and overwhelm us?

You too have been well programmed by the commies.

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.

A little history here.....the Democrat plan was to replace Americans, and the usual immigrants who agreed with American values, with third world immigrants who need welfare and will vote Democrat for same.

Putting their interests before those of America and Americans is nothing new for Democrats.....

Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

" Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.

The proponents of the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. [Democrat] President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."[16] [Democrat] Secretary of StateDean Rusk and other politicians, including [Democrat] Senator Ted Kennedy, asserted that the bill would not affect US demographic mix.[17] However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law.[18][19] Specifically, the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Southern and Eastern Europe." Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

Democrats certainly must hate American culture, huh?

As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad said in a speech in 1997: "We do have the ultimate weapon. People are more mobile now. They can go anywhere. . . . If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America."
Half a Century of Barely Controlled Immigration

How would he vote, Democrat or Republican?
Tax cuts for billionaires because they are needy and don’t have enough money.
Can you provide any proof that tax cuts were provided only for billionaires? can simply admit that you are a low-life lying Liberal.
In fact, he can do neither but that won't stop him from spewing more angry, bitter silliness.

Astounding how indelible that government school indoctrination is.
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.

A little history here.....the Democrat plan was to replace Americans, and the usual immigrants who agreed with American values, with third world immigrants who need welfare and will vote Democrat for same.

Putting their interests before those of America and Americans is nothing new for Democrats.....

Democrats knew what they were doing when they passed the 1965 immigration law that altered the flow from European immigrants to the flood from third world nations.

" Prior to 1965, the demographics of immigration stood as mostly Europeans; 68 percent of legal immigrants in the 1950s came from Europe and Canada.

The proponents of the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act argued that it would not significantly influence United States culture. [Democrat] President Johnson called the bill "not a revolutionary bill. It does not affect the lives of millions."[16] [Democrat] Secretary of StateDean Rusk and other politicians, including [Democrat] Senator Ted Kennedy, asserted that the bill would not affect US demographic mix.[17] However, the ethnic composition of immigrants changed following the passage of the law.[18][19] Specifically, the [Democrat] Hart–Celler Act allowed increased numbers of people to migrate to the United States from Asia, Africa, the Middle East, and Southern and Eastern Europe." Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 - Wikipedia

Democrats certainly must hate American culture, huh?

As a result of the Democrat Immigration act of 1965, the nations that contribute the greatest number of immigrants are not the same ones responsible for the founding of the nation. Case in point, we take more immigrants from Nigeria than we do from Britain.

Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad said in a speech in 1997: "We do have the ultimate weapon. People are more mobile now. They can go anywhere. . . . If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America."
Half a Century of Barely Controlled Immigration

How would he vote, Democrat or Republican?
They knew what they were doing. They wanted to replace current American Culture with cultures more accepting of Socialism, and less likely to want to assimilate in to American Culture.
Former Malaysian prime minister Mahathir Bin Mohamad said in a speech in 1997: "We do have the ultimate weapon. People are more mobile now. They can go anywhere. . . . If we are not allowed a good life in our countries, if we are going to be global citizens, then we should migrate North. We should migrate North in our millions, legally or illegally. Masses of Asians and Africans should inundate Europe and America."
Spoken like a true commie.

That is the blue print for Cultural Marxism.

What is both funny and frightening is that the commies don't seem to understand their bedfellows here.

Does anyone truly believe global communists and global Sharia Islamists share the same vision of the future?

This is naivety at its most pathetic state.

In their quest to spread global communism, the commies will end up promoting a global caliphate.

How can we tolerate this shit?

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.
Mexicans used to be able to cross the border at will to pick crops and do menial jobs

That door was closed
Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.
Mexicans used to be able to cross the border at will to pick crops and do menial jobs

That door was closed
And, why was that door closed?

Because they started helping the complete breakdown of our constitutional form of government via the Cloward-Piven method.

Do you even know who these evil scumbags are that have been in large control of the Democrat party for decades?

Don't get me wrong, the Republicans are not much better. They are just doing the same thing slower.

Whatever was promised when America was born, it wasn’t a large screen TV, or a pair of Jordan 1 Retro Legends Of Summer….

It was ‘rights.’
And important distinction in understanding America is the difference between ‘rights’ vs ‘entitlements.’

1.“…consider the original rights expressed in the Declaration of Independence and enumerated in the U.S. Constitution, it should be clear that there are massive differences between those rights and these new ones. The original rights were rights to live by one’s personal efforts without the interference of others, and in particular, without interference by government. That is what the founders of the United States were declaring independence from, after all.”
Rights Versus Entitlements | Steven Yates

The word "rights" is being twisted to mean entitlements, and there is a big difference. ... Entitlements, however, are welfare measures entailing government handouts. Rights are not limited by budget constraints, but entitlements are. So, rights are universal but entitlements are not.” Let’s not confuse entitlements with rights

2. The meaning of the term rights, today, represents what the Founders promised, and what the Left claims in will provide. The most important word in the Declaration of Independence is found here:

“We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.--That to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed, …”

The word is ‘secure.

That means that the most important function of government is to maintain pre-existing rights, not to create them, nor to dispense them. They are known and self-evident prior to the founding of our nation, are inalienable, whether one chooses to use them or not.

These are the rights:

Men are created equal, and enjoy the rights to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.

3. Following the dictates of German philosopher, Hegel, the Left’s theory of government is at odds with that of America’s Founders. The original Americans memorialized in the Declaration of Independence, a specific set of rights that are immutable, inalienable and gifted to every America by, as the Founders put it, ‘Nature’s God, the Creator, the Supreme Judge, and divine Providence.

For the Left, Progressives, Liberals, Communists, Nazis, etc., there is no God, no universality of mankind, no God-given rights.

4. Pre-eminent Progressive, or should I say ‘Hegelian,’ Woodrow Wilson made clear his disdain for the beliefs of America’s founding: "If you want to understand the real Declaration, do not repeat the preface." –

Every totalitarian, Communist, Nazi, Socialist, Progressive, Liberal, Fascist, all promise every sort of material benefit…but you must give up those ‘inalienable rights’…

BTW….they never keep the promise….check out ‘the Worker’s Paradise.’
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.
Mexicans used to be able to cross the border at will to pick crops and do menial jobs

That door was closed

WTF, now all brown people are Mexicans?
Yet the bigots in our country think they are entitled to border wall and indefinite detention of immigrants at our expense.

By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.
Mexicans used to be able to cross the border at will to pick crops and do menial jobs

That door was closed
And, why was that door closed?

Because they started helping the complete breakdown of our constitutional form of government via the Cloward-Piven method.

Do you even know who these evil scumbags are that have been in large control of the Democrat party for decades?

Don't get me wrong, the Republicans are not much better. They are just doing the same thing slower.

While that door was open, Mexican migrant labor came and left with the seasons. Once the door was closed......they stayed
By the term 'immigrants,' you actually mean criminals who sneak into this country.

I'm an immigrant, and came in legally, you lying oaf.


Why can't Liberals ever .....EVER....tell the truth?????????
You left out the part where that door is closed to brown people

Only to the ILLEGAL ones...dumbass.
Mexicans used to be able to cross the border at will to pick crops and do menial jobs

That door was closed
And, why was that door closed?

Because they started helping the complete breakdown of our constitutional form of government via the Cloward-Piven method.

Do you even know who these evil scumbags are that have been in large control of the Democrat party for decades?

Don't get me wrong, the Republicans are not much better. They are just doing the same thing slower.

While that door was open, Mexican migrant labor came and left with the seasons. Once the door was closed......they stayed
What? They were granted amnesty by Reagan because there were so many who wouldn't get the fuck out.


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