Girls falsely accuse classmate of rape because they don't like him.

"In their suit, the boy’s parents claim his life was ruined as a result of the false sex assault allegations, which were made against him in July 2017 and March 2018 by two different girls — and then falsely corroborated by three others.

“[The teen] was forced to endure multiple court appearances, detention in a juvenile facility, detention at home, the loss of his liberty, and other damages until several of the girls reluctantly admitted that their accusations were false,” the suit says, identifying the boy as “T.F.”

His family’s lawyer, Craig Fishman, told the Tribune-Review that he also suffered from severe bullying and “gender bias.”

“(T.F.) was basically being tortured in school by the other students and investigators, but the administration was only focused on protecting the girls who were lying,” Fishman said. “Once the allegations were proven false, they really didn’t care one bit about T.F. and there has been absolutely no repercussions against the girls.” "

Libs support this. THey act as though it does not happen. THey ridicule us for even speaking out about it.

They are vile scum.

I haven't seen anyone support false accusations of rape. I haven't even seen anyone who claimed it does not happen.

But if you think it happens more than actual rapes, you are delusional.

If you have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, there is a lot of noise that the boy is in danger. But he has less than a 0.001% chance of being accused of rape. Your daughter has a 25% chance of being sexually assaulted.

I've heard a lot of people refuse to address how we tell true accusations from false ones, while vilifying anyone who wants to do so.

I've seen a lot of people argue that Kavanaugh is guilty by citing their own stories of sexual assault, as though the fact that they were assaulted and/or that sexual assault is terrible is a reason to believe that that one particular accusation is true.

Hint: That is not the way that logic nor evidence works.

I've seen a number of people openly state that they believe women, or that women should be believed.

YOu are seriously underplaying the level of hysteria here.
"In their suit, the boy’s parents claim his life was ruined as a result of the false sex assault allegations, which were made against him in July 2017 and March 2018 by two different girls — and then falsely corroborated by three others.

“[The teen] was forced to endure multiple court appearances, detention in a juvenile facility, detention at home, the loss of his liberty, and other damages until several of the girls reluctantly admitted that their accusations were false,” the suit says, identifying the boy as “T.F.”

His family’s lawyer, Craig Fishman, told the Tribune-Review that he also suffered from severe bullying and “gender bias.”

“(T.F.) was basically being tortured in school by the other students and investigators, but the administration was only focused on protecting the girls who were lying,” Fishman said. “Once the allegations were proven false, they really didn’t care one bit about T.F. and there has been absolutely no repercussions against the girls.” "

Libs support this. THey act as though it does not happen. THey ridicule us for even speaking out about it.

They are vile scum.

I haven't seen anyone support false accusations of rape. I haven't even seen anyone who claimed it does not happen.

But if you think it happens more than actual rapes, you are delusional.

If you have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, there is a lot of noise that the boy is in danger. But he has less than a 0.001% chance of being accused of rape. Your daughter has a 25% chance of being sexually assaulted.

I've heard a lot of people refuse to address how we tell true accusations from false ones, while vilifying anyone who wants to do so.

I've seen a lot of people argue that Kavanaugh is guilty by citing their own stories of sexual assault, as though the fact that they were assaulted and/or that sexual assault is terrible is a reason to believe that that one particular accusation is true.

Hint: That is not the way that logic nor evidence works.

I've seen a number of people openly state that they believe women, or that women should be believed.

YOu are seriously underplaying the level of hysteria here.

I was not addressing the Kavanaugh circus at all. I was addressing the idea that most women are lying when they claim to have been raped.
"In their suit, the boy’s parents claim his life was ruined as a result of the false sex assault allegations, which were made against him in July 2017 and March 2018 by two different girls — and then falsely corroborated by three others.

“[The teen] was forced to endure multiple court appearances, detention in a juvenile facility, detention at home, the loss of his liberty, and other damages until several of the girls reluctantly admitted that their accusations were false,” the suit says, identifying the boy as “T.F.”

His family’s lawyer, Craig Fishman, told the Tribune-Review that he also suffered from severe bullying and “gender bias.”

“(T.F.) was basically being tortured in school by the other students and investigators, but the administration was only focused on protecting the girls who were lying,” Fishman said. “Once the allegations were proven false, they really didn’t care one bit about T.F. and there has been absolutely no repercussions against the girls.” "

Libs support this. THey act as though it does not happen. THey ridicule us for even speaking out about it.

They are vile scum.

I haven't seen anyone support false accusations of rape. I haven't even seen anyone who claimed it does not happen.

But if you think it happens more than actual rapes, you are delusional.

If you have 2 kids, a boy and a girl, there is a lot of noise that the boy is in danger. But he has less than a 0.001% chance of being accused of rape. Your daughter has a 25% chance of being sexually assaulted.

I've heard a lot of people refuse to address how we tell true accusations from false ones, while vilifying anyone who wants to do so.

I've seen a lot of people argue that Kavanaugh is guilty by citing their own stories of sexual assault, as though the fact that they were assaulted and/or that sexual assault is terrible is a reason to believe that that one particular accusation is true.

Hint: That is not the way that logic nor evidence works.

I've seen a number of people openly state that they believe women, or that women should be believed.

YOu are seriously underplaying the level of hysteria here.

I was not addressing the Kavanaugh circus at all. I was addressing the idea that most women are lying when they claim to have been raped.
No one has an expressed an idea that most women are lying.

What has been expressed is that we do not know how many accusations are true or false. Furthermore although we may be seeing things change it is easy to make false accusations with little or no risk. This is what put any man at risk.
That’s exactly what has been said:
And you in your very response:
How is that not saying don’t make an accusation unless you know there will be enough evidence for a conviction?
So you are saying people and their families should have their lives destroyed when there’s no evidence whatsoever you ever did what you’re accused of?
No. I am saying that you can’t know all the evidence until after an investigation, which can’t take place without reporting the crime. I am saying that the burden on the accuser being suggested here would make people even more reluctant to report. And I don’t particularly care if someone who is guilty of sexual assault or rape has his life destroyed.

I also am saying that anyone who does make a false claim should be severely punished. But onlly if there is actual proof. Just because someone can’t prove a crime does not mean they are lying.
Yes, but you understand proof is required, right.
For a conviction, not in order to make a report, not even for an indictment.

You are demanding that there be enough evidence to prove guilt before the police even investigate.

Ergo, you cannot destroy a person and their families lives with no proof, right?
Do you really think the victim of a sexual assault should be concerned about ruining the attackers life? You do realize that is s method sexual predators use on children: “You don’t want Daddy/Uncle/family friend to get in trouble, do you?” And also no one will believe you because you can’t prove anything.”

And what do you think we have criminal investigators for? It is the job of the police to investigate and find evidence, not the victim’s
WTF are you babbling on about? I WANT women to report to the police ASAP following sexual assault -
But only if they have evidence, only if they have proof. You’ve been quite clear about that: if she doesn’t have evidence, if she doesn’t have proof, she should not make an accusation.

Now quit attributing things to me I haven’t said and don’t believe, and quit insinuating I want children to keep quiet about being abused ,
You have been very clear that if a person does not have proof, then s/he should not make an accusation and destroy a man’s life and his family’s.
Why wouldn’t you apply that to children as well? That accusation is even more likely to ruin someone’s life.

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